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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:18 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

:lol: I thought, I was looking for adventure...! Now I've got it!

Ohhh my!
"adventures are problems, looked at from the right angle..." I so agree.
Small children, small problems, big children... :roll:
And, I AM SATISFIED that they fell into my lap! I am satisfied that we all see much clearer now. I am satisfied to see, how most who are involved react so very helpful. I am eager for ALL to chime in for solutions!

I am SATISFIED that we have clarity! I am satisfied that life now trains all of us to get skills that really help. I am satisfied how my beloveds have stance and unconditional love, besides all disappointment and disempowerment and all rage! I LOVE seeing this, and I love helping the unfolding. I love to hold it all in the light and look at what is wanted again and again and again and again!

I am eager for insight occuring. I am eager for true power and stance, evolving. I am eager to see true love, true fairness, true self-care, become from all of that! I am eager to see the eyes shine in joy, somewhen. I am eager for all of it to clear up in perfect time, and to heal, and be on a very new level! I feel blessed to see another family member do the perfect thing, even if it really takes guts. I am eager to see wonderful solutions come, from this!

I am eager to be part of joy and healing and renewing trust and renewing zest for life, and for unconditional love and true forgiveness.
I love to be in this place, right place right time to help others, to hold the vision, to hold the light, to hold the true hope for it all to work out.
I am so satisfied to KNOW, that in the bigger schema, things already work out! I am satisfied about KNOWING and feeling and oozing and living this for others to hold on, too. I am thankful how fast I found my footing. I feel blessed and deeply satisfied to be myself so very very stable!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU LIFE. I see this, working out! :hearts: :vortex:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 5:24 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

I am satisfied! :hearts:
I am soooo happy with my beloved mate. I adore how he yesterday saved "the cow from the ice" as we Germans say. I adore how calm and centered and open and vulnerable and authentic he was, and how he held the energy even in the face of idiotic people. And... I KNOW they are idiotic because of fear and overwhelm. And only love will heal them. I hold light for them. I see the light...
I feel it. And that feels so much better.

I am satisfied knowing this stuff.
I am satisfied that my Ego is small enough to step back in the face of true power.
I am satisfied that this is so easy for me.
I am satisfied that I feel my negative emotions without blaming myself! I am where I am!
But I don't need to run with the negativity. I allow wisdom to hold me. I LIKE THAT.

:lol: Exactly!

I AM SO SATISFIED with the clarity that I feel! I can witness the anger and the disappointment within me, I can witness me, being without a clue on how to go further, AND trusting source fully and wholly!
THAT FEELS SO WONDERFUL! I am so satisfied in that!

:lol: And I am eager to see what will come out of it! And I am wise enough to guess that it will probably different than what revenge within me thinks it would desire! :crazy: :D And I am in unconditional love enough that I REALLY, more than revenge and rage, WANT them all to be happy. And that really is the best!

I want them to be happy!!

And I am soo satisfied with my son, being so wise and in his power and wit, as well. I am so satisfied with my daughter and SIL. I am so satisfied how they all, in their unique ways, handle this masterfully! I am so proud to be with them, so close! I feel blessed to have so many extraordinarily good people with me and around me. And I know, those that are in BS-mode, just need more love and more alignment and more light and joy. That is WHAT WE ALL want.

I am so thankful. I am so satisfied! And I am so eager and curious for the solutions that will come, from this.


Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:08 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Why would we choose a difficult life- or a life of suffering or abuse?

Well, first off, you chose to come forth to Earth at this time, because

it's the best thing going on, anywhere,
as this is the time of the Great Awakening.

The greatest elevation of consciousness that has ever occurred in any lifetime!

And is happening at an expedited rate.
You are going to see your family, your friends, people you never imagined,
awaken to the truth of who they are.
Which is occurring because of the elevation of consciousness!

So you came forth, to first go through your own Awakening.
And then, to move into your own realization, to elevate your own Consciousness,
and positively contribute to the collective raising of Consciousness.

You didn't come here to re-write some terrible karmic wrong that you have done in the past.
You didn't come here, because you were forced to to learn lessons.
You came here as a sovereign, divine, empowered Master-Being,
who chose to come forth and be on Earth at this time,

to create your own experience of Heaven on Earth.
To have your own Grand Adventure-

knowing that all that you experienced, would contribute to the potentials and the possibility
for all of humankind to live in Pure Love, Freedom, Joy, Peace, Abundance, Well-being...
if it is each person's choosing.

from the youtube clip "The Council’s Mind Blowing CHANNELING! With @Saralandonlife"

I so feel this, both.
It is SUCH a source of satisfaction and eagerness, for me!

In the same time I feel terribly tired. I would want to crawl under my blankets and just give it all into Gods hands and SLEEP.
And, I am in the blessed situation to be able to do this.
And I have an inking, I should do this!
Give up all false responsibility.
Give up all pity for others.
Give up all pity for me! :lol:
GIVE UP the idea of carrying all of it. Give up. Give up. Give up.


I bless you all. I bless my beloveds. Especially N right now. I bless this family in B. I bless ALL OF YOU! I bless you. I bless you! I SO BLESS YOU. And I bless me. I am satisfied with it, now. I am thankful to live. I am satisfied with being in hands on in the unfolding. AND I AM EAGER for what happens, when I just sleep.

:D :vortex:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:58 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

I feel very very humble, this morning. And, I am satisfied in receiving and perceiving "where I am"!
I ponder where humanity has been, 100 years ago, in the youth of my beloved grandparents (it's NOT that far away!)
I ponder in what ABUNDANCE we live. Just look at my breakfast table: Coffee from Brazil, Oranges from Spain, sausages from Italy, cheese from France and Netherlands, butter from Ireland...

We have a plenty that was unthinkable a few decades ago. We live better than kinds and queens have lived in our fairytales (see quote from Emma, below!) Most of us live in utter Peace, many of us are really healthy.


I feel triggered to ask this question, here on the Satisfied- rampage-thread!
I am satisfied, that I realize this contrast!
I am satisfied to not see my huge abundance as something that simply would be a given:
It feels deeply satisfied to be so grateful.
It feels satisfying to see the abundance, to feel the blessing, to realize how well we all are!

I am eager for so much more.
I am eager for true pure Peace!
I am eager for deep ALIGNMENT, all over the place, for everyone, all around!
I am eager to see the great Awakening into Light, Love, Joy, Healing!
I am eager to see Abundance- and WellBeing for ALL OF US. ALIGNMENT, with who we are... beyond conditions.

What a Dream! What a Desire. I am so Satisfied with this!

Today I had a bizarre thought… Isn’t it incredible that if you take the cheapest cruise ever and stay the cheapest inside cabin… You’re experiencing more luxury than any king or queen who lived a hundred or more years ago. 😅👑

I went to the Tower of London today and that’s why I’ve been having this random thought. Great place to visit btw if you do come to England. 😂🇬🇧

Imagine going back in time 400 years and showing the king an inside cabin. The things in my medicine bag would be the stuff of magic, or my day light alarm clock, it’s blow his mind! 🤣💡

I am a big fan of history books/shows and I think it makes me more grateful. We are SO lucky to be born right now and to be able to travel, appreciate and enjoy it all!

Emma, Creator of the youtube-channel Emma Cruises

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:16 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

...almost home again, on my way from the train station

I feel ALIVE! I feel aware. I feel so much love. I feel SO MUCH. I am so satisfied!
The tragedy within my family is... and I pray for an easy, wonderful, transformative solution. I pray for it all working out for all of us, while I KNOW that it will, eventually. I am so satisfied that I truly feel it as golden truth, within me.
While plans must be altered, and while there is pain of betrayal and disappointment... I am satisfied that it blew up, and now, help can arise eventually, when more people become able and willing to do the right thing. I trust that deeply. This is a matter of when, not if! And I look forwards, I am eager for the manifold healing that then will become.

In the meantime, I try to balance myself and I don't club myself over the head for sometimes raging, because some people are idiots! They really are. And, I still focus on LOVE, regardless. And that is VERY satisfying, -whenever I touch it! :roll: I am satisfied that I CARE, where I have power! And I am satisfied that I let go where I have no power! Man this is challenging. And, it is ok that it is hard again and again. I am thankful for the great ease that I feel, no matter what! I am satisfied how well I manage it all, and how much I can be there for those that are even closer. Love. Love, unconditional, deep true love. Lightness. Touch lightly, step lightly, with care and gentleness and love, and bold as a rock in times. It is all good.

The "new" bike in the family...

I am so incredibly satisfied how close and tight and loving and wise my core-family is! I so enjoy our fun and joy and ease and tease and sharing and celebrating! My son H has fulfilled himself an awesome desire... this fascinating, 95 years old German motorbike. The day before, he passed the driving test: Now he is allowed to drive EVERYTHING from cars, bikes, up to agricultural machinery and big trucks with trailors! I am so proud of him! I feel so satisfied on his behalf. And, I am eager for more... mutual journeys on motorbikes, and traveling with offroader trucks... getting new (probably fascinatingly old) cars, with the truck... So much lies ahead in our future that is thrilling and fascinating, and awesome and it all feeeeels sooooo gooood!

I am so, SO thankful for my fascinating life. I am so... blessed. I am so joyful, and thankful, and satisfied, and so eager for more!

my barn, my village, my roses...

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:39 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

:lol: I am satisfied!
I am satisfied with the terribly lopsided crooked "police-car" that I had baked for my beloved little Grandson! It literally got ready 10 minutes before the guests arrived.
I am satisfied with having a huge garden where we can celebrate birthdays!
I am so satisfied to own a Jeep, that brings so much joy not only to me and DH, but to ALL our family as well!
I am so satisfied with the adventures and special experiences that driving through woods, creeks and "impossible" (or even non-existent-) paths brings!
I am so satisfied with the screams of joy of the children!
I am so satisfied myself with the fun we have with this car!

I am so thankful and joyful in experiencing true closeness between all of us.
I am so thankful for all the love and trust and joy, that is flowing. It means SO much to me.
I am so satisfied looking at the happy, loving, joyful faces!
I am so satisfied to trust all this beloved people.

And I am so eager for more:
I want to fully wholly trust my own power to create and change and mold my life.
I want to be free from resistance.
I want to be fully wholly in ALIGNMENT with source, with God, with who I really am.
I am eager to be HAPPY on a new, bold, so intense level!

I am satisfied in unspeakable ways- and eager, so eager for more. THANK YOU, LIFE!!!

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:32 pm
by spiritualcookie
aw what a beautiful day!

The sweet look of deep interest and eager anticipation on your grandson's face tells me he loved the cake! :lol:

wow! riding in your jeep looks as thrilling as a theme park ride! :D I didn't know they could handle water that deep!

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 3:12 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:32 pm aw what a beautiful day!

The sweet look of deep interest and eager anticipation on your grandson's face tells me he loved the cake! :lol:
:lol: :D :hearts: You are right! You and this picture soothe me :lol: :hugging: :ta:
wow! riding in your jeep looks as thrilling as a theme park ride! :D I didn't know they could handle water that deep!
They can, and it IS! :hearts: Each time they visit, the kids beg for "driving Jeep". My husband takes the segments out of the roof and all windows get rolled down, and then, he finds slow paths through our forests and up and down steep hills (while having an eye on not destroying flora or fauna). The kids scream in delight when the branches come in and "visit", and we are covered in foliage! But the greatest fun is driving through the ford. :lol:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:14 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

I WANT to be in vacation-mode!
I WANT to feel this detachedness from normal, and this eager anticipation of wonderful things.
I am eager for the joyful awareness of "this is new and wonderful"!
I am eager to let go of the problems. I am eager to drop melancholy.
I am eager for more, more, more, more GOOD STUFF, and so I should care for more satisfaction NO MATTER WHAT, to begin with! :lol:

I am satisfied to have found the youtube-channel of Nick Freitas. His words resonate SO MUCH within me, about good masculinity and good femininity, and how it is supposed to work! It feels like SUCH awesome, wonderful clarity!
I am satisfied to just embrace it, and SEE what I have missed and not known the words to it.
I am satisfied in a step5- way that NOW, I can change some things! We have to SEE the thorn in our foot to pull it out!
I am satisfied to have this clarity, that empowers me. I love understanding that clarity and empowerment walk hand in hand, you don't have the one without the other.

I am thankful I -obviously- am now in a much more empowered place!

I am so satisfied that I DEEPLY trust that source leads me to Newness in the moment I am ready.
I am so satisfied how easy it is now- after years of steady training, to drop resistances and to see things fresh and new, and to see the opportunities.
I am satisfied with my capability of being unconditionally happy.
And I am satisfied that I really WANT more!
I WANT my dreams to fulfill physically. I want to live from a higher stance, as a master, as a fulfilled person who is satisfied on an even higher level, and reaches for even more.

I am so satisfied that my "boys" have worked out some plans to build the house and property into more of our all plans.
I am satisfied that THEY did all the work!
I am satisfied that they both invite me to share their throughts, and I may take my time.
I am satisfied to think outside of my comfort zone, and to stretch my ability to trust Source and Life.
I expect even more joy than I find now, in my fear.
I am eager to allow myself this "vacation-mode" in the face of several big challenges.

I am eager to drop this resistances that hold me back, as I dropped so many already, in my life.
I am eager to be even nicer to myself!
I am eager to close some gaps.
I am eager to be even more happy and more satisfied.
I am eager for PARADISE.

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:22 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

:D I am so satisfied with the Vacation-mode I allowed yesterday into my life!
And I am eager to hold that vibe longer today, than yesterday.

I am satisfied with the beauty around me.
And I am eager to be happy again.
I am eager to REALLY look at the good stuff!