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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:50 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
2. attempt this day! :)

I AM really satisfied in sooo many ways! I am so blessed with nature!
The birds sing, still at almost 11AM! The bees hum, the tractors driving by hum a bit louder, and it all feels like such wonderful busy but also peaceful scenery of life.

I feel so satisfied that I don't "have" to work. I feel blessed that I may train a satisfied life without "working hard" to excuse my bliss.
I am deeply thankful to have so much much much time to explore life in all nooks and niches, and be UNCONDITIONALLY satisfied.
I have the inkling that humanity has some hard time with feeling so worthy regardless that not working would be a challenge for many!
I am satisfied how I allow this to be no big problem for me, anymore. I am proud about it! I am so very thankful for it.
I am so SO satisfied with the freedom I feel.
I am SO satisfied with the abundance I own.
I am so satisfied with the power I know.
I am so satisfied with the beauty that is all around me in my environments, and with the peace, the love and the JOY.

YES, I am in vacation mode! And YES, I want this to be a "challenge" for many following days: Live as in vacation mode, and see what happens!
I am so eager to see what will come from that. I am eager for VACATION MODE, to unfold.

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:17 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

Satisfied and eager for more-
in my daily Vacation-Mode!

Day 1

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 3:59 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

Satisfied and eager for more-
in my daily Vacation-Mode!

Day 1

I am SO satisfied with this memes, that I created yesterday- from the free fantastic beautiful paradisy photo I found on Pinterest, and my own, and the free program that I use. I am SO THANKFUL for all this ABUNDANT resources! We live in such an amazing, generous time!! Soooo much is possible and sooooo easily at our fingertips.

I am so satisfied to ponder that we will never be ready and finished. We will LIVE, forever! in new, and more new ways. While we can leave behind, what feels done. Both, together, is so incredibly satisfying! It feels as "perfect" for me.
:lol: while of course, you must embrace and love "imperfect" to feel it's perfection! This is hilarious and stunning and SO deep and good.

I feel the urge to post a translation of my so beloved poem "Steps" (Originally "Stufen", by German poet Hermann Hesse)


Like ev'ry flower wilts, like youth is fading
and turns to age, so also one's achieving:
Each virtue and each wisdom needs parading
in one's own time, and must not last forever.
The heart must be, at each new call for leaving,
prepared to part and start without the tragic,
without the grief - with courage to endeavor
a novel bond, a disparate connection:
for each beginning bears a special magic
that nurtures living and bestows protection.

We'll walk from space to space in glad progression
and should not cling to one as homestead for us.
The cosmic spirit will not bind nor bore us;
it lifts and widens us in ev'ry session:
for hardly set in one of life's expanses
we make it home, and apathy commences.
But only he, who travels and takes chances,
can break the habits' paralyzing stances.

It might be, even, that the last of hours
will make us once again a youthful lover:
The call of life to us forever flowers...
Anon, my heart: Say farewell and recover!

Becoming and leaving... my neighborhood

I feel so deeply, deeply happy.
I am so unspeakable thankful for my life. And, to understand life in so many ways that are so indescribably beautiful.
I feel so much love.
I feel deep awe with what-is.
I am beyond satisfied!!

And, I am so eager for more, more more... each day MORE.

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 4:43 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

Satisfied and eager for more-
in my daily Vacation-Mode!

Day 2
I love this new reminder (my header)! Looking at it, the picture and the quote, feel so calm and pleasant and lighthearted, and easy and paradisy. SO SATISFYING!
I am satisfied, that my living room has exactly that same colors!
I am satisfied to feel sunlight, again, on my face!
I feel deep satisfaction in (first time of my life) having bought a savory "onion-cake", a thin sourdough-flatbred covered with baked, sweet onions and crispy bits of bacon, this morning, for ME! I bought it thousands of times for my boys... but never for myself. It tastes so good!!

I am eager for my foot-reflexology- date I have in an hour!
I am eager to drive in this wonderful sunlight, there.
I am eager to think joyful vacation-thoughts.
I am eager to think JOYFUL thoughts on purpose!
I am eager to LIVE joyfully, on a whole new level. How would that feel...?

I am so eager to practice!
I am so eager to realllllly relax, and let Source have the reigns. I feel so satisfied in letting go and letting God.
I feel so peaceful, and trusting, and sweet and easy. I feel SO deeply, thoroughly, wonderfully good.

Thank you! Thank you, life!! :hearts: :vortex:

(sunrise on my property)

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:17 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

Satisfied and eager for more-
in my daily Vacation-Mode!

Day 3

I am so satisfied!! :hearts: My daughter came with our youngest grandson once again, to help me in the house. I SO LOVE our sessions! I SOO enjoy our fantastic talks. I am so satisfied to be able to see my grandsons grow and become! I am so very very thankful for our closeness.
I am so satisfied with our easy laughter, our unconditional love, our authentic openness... I am SO satisfied with her deep trust. She states that whenever she needs a hug or a stable shoulder or some advice- she comes to her Mutti... and, she does! AND THAT FEELS SO WONDERFUL! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: I feel so blessed!!

And I am eager for more! I am eager to travel with her and her family... I am so eager to show here and her people, that I love so much as well, what I love so much!! I am so eager to explore the world with her. I am so eager for more of her open fascination and appreciation and loving openness!!

I am so satisfied with ALL my family! We all are intense characters :lol: and sometimes there are fireworks :whistle: :roll: :lol: BUT we all care to come back into Alignment in perfect time! I am SO satisfied with our different approaches! I am SO satisfied with our unique ways of expressing ourselves! And I am satisfied to have WITNESSED yesterday, in the latest "firework", how much in the way "critical thinking" is, to HAPPINESS.

I am eager for Vacation-mode!
I am eager for dropping critical thinking.
I am eager to see it in others as well, but MOST OF ALL, *I* want to drop it!
I want to be HAPPY! Happy, happy happy... dance and enjoy and see the beauty, and taste the beauty, and hear the sweetness and taste the goodness, and relax into deep TRUST of good source!

I am sooo satisfied in creating this memes!!
I sooo love to take my own photos and combine them with Abe-quotes, and to take funny touching beautiful photos from Pinterest and combine them with nonsense... and in all of that, have fun, fun, fun, fun, FUN!!

I am so elated. I am so satisfied with HAVING THIS TIME. Having this freedom. Having this wonderful Abundance of money, time, freedom, and a wonderful beloved bunch of awesome people, with me. Can life get better!!??

(YES IT CAN!! AND I AM SO EAGER FOR IT!!!) :lol: :lol: :lol: :vortex: :grouphugs:

beloved daughter and me at the hairdresser, celebrating the fact that we look as if we would have escaped from the loony bin :lol:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:20 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

Satisfied and eager for more-
in my daily Vacation-Mode!

Day 4

I am so satisfied!! :hearts: I remember myself- and I remind DH to relax into the "Vacation mode", several times a day. He is a good reminder to begin with, as it is easy for me to observe his tension when he is, per example, in home-office.
I am VERY satisfied with the huge fun I had the last days, creating memes with Abe-quotes and my own pictures!
I am so satisfied with me and DH, allowing so many of our dreams and desires to become fully manifested!
I am so thankful. I have so much fun with it!
I so enjoy being physically focused!

And I enjoy the opportunity to execute trust and deliberate Alignment for the buying of a new environmentally heating system for our house. We almost had payed off the house, and now, there will be this big new debt. I know, I cling at the problems, instead of lining up with all the pros, and there are so many!

I so appreciate that it is heavily supported by Government. I feel such big, deep thankfulness for that!
I so appreciate that this is the nudge we both needed to care for ourselves, while getting older.
I so appreciate how it feels as self-love!
I so appreciate the sturdy, easy technique.
I so appreciate the nudge to execute TRUST.

I want this to feel cared for, by life.
I want this to feel like relief. Relief from hard work. Relief from freezing. Relief from being dependent.
I want this to take me upwards, into trusting God. Trusting my life and my dreams. Trusting the path, unfolding. Trusting the Goodness. Trusting ease. Trusting joyfully being pampered! Trusting the letting go of fear and hardship. Trusting. Trusting. Trusting. Trusting. Trusting! Relaxing into Gods arms and energy!
Relaxing into all things good. Relaxing, relaxing, relaxing, relaxing! :hearts:

YES. That feels better.

I am so eager to have this technology under my belt, and enjoy the wonderful easy heat in winter. I am so eager to enjoy EASE! I ams so eager to bask in this. Ease! Easy. worth it. Happy!! Happy. Easy. Feeling worthy. Feeing safe. Feeling helped. Feeling so, so, so good.

dreaming big a few years ago...

...and now, having big fun, because: We trusted the dream!

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:07 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

Satisfied and eager for more-
in my daily Vacation-Mode!

Day 5

"Vacation-mode", today... it is Saturday. :lol: It could be soooo nice and vacation-like! And we already blew it before we had breakfast! :roll: :crazy:
Maybe, "having time" makes us lazy with our energy? Maybe we have the bad habit to squander our time with "trying to solve problems" when we have more leisure?

I don't know. But, whatever happens there, I don't like to feel miserable.
And the fact that stuff happens, must not be an excuse to be miserable!
I want to be happy! I want to feel love! I want to roll myself out of the webs of treacherous topics: I DON'T WANT TO CARE!
I don't want to marry my dog!! :lol: I want my man. Even if he comes with bold contrast! dog! :lol:

I want us both to be ITV, and both to be joyful, but when he isn't- I don't want to care. I WANT TO LIVE IN SUNSHINE, and maybe it lifts him up!
I want to simply and boldly and unconditionally LOVE.
I want to live in vacation mode!
I want to be solidly feel the light, even it rains!
I want to be light and happy and laughing and loving, NO MATTER WHAT.

And now, I hear the bird sing... and the sun literally comes out and tints the rustling leaves light-green.
And I do! This is sooo satisfying. And, I also am eager for more! :hearts: husband! :D

True, unconditional LOVE- and true FREEDOM.

Source sees you, and feels only appreciation for that which you are- regardless of the condition that you're living!
Because source is so practiced in this knowing of well-being that the condition that you are currently living, does not dissuade it from its knowledge of well-being.

Unconditional love is:
Staying in the vibration of source, regardless of the condition.

Conditional love says:
"I want to feel good when I see this- I do, when I see that- I don't.
So, this condition has to change: so, that I can feel better!

Unconditional love says: I am source. and I am love,
regardless of the condition.

So, that's why man translates that to say: "God is love", or: "God loves all".
Unconditional love- that's what you're all reaching for.

You want to be tuned in, tapped in, turned on, to who you are. And living in this world it's the best of everything to be! In this world, where you're mixing it up, getting new ideas, and then coming into alignment with it.

The only freedom that you will ever find is the freedom from the bondage of resistance.
In other words, what resistance is is not allowing yourself to be who you really are!

All pain and suffering are about diverging from who you really are. All joy and alignment is about coming into vibrational frequency with who you really are! And that is the epitome it is most descriptive word for what love is.
Love is the absence of resistance.
Love is vibrational alignment with that which is source.
Love is tuned in, tapped in, turned on.
Love is vibrational alignment with source!
Unconditional love is vibrational alignment with source, even when there is something that I don't want happening.
You're a lot of trouble, you know!

So, can can you offer us some words that would de-socialize us, so that we get to the point... well, what are... what are some words we could practice, when we're by ourselves, that would shore up this notion of putting how we feel above, what others...

"I love you so much, I don't care what you think."

Saying that to the peanut gallery?

To anyone! "I love, I love you so much- I don't care what you think."

Now, think about what that's saying:
"I SO care about being in vibrational alignment with who I am! Because, if I am in vibrational alignment with who I am, then I have love to give. But if I am catering to what you want, rather than to my own guidance- then I've not tuned in, tapped in, turned on! I have nothing to give! I love you so much, I don't care what you think." or: "I love you so much, I must tune to the source within me, and I cannot tune to the source within me and tune to what you want, at the same time! Don't make me choose between alignment with source, and what you think you want, at this moment! If you will allow me, or whether you do, or not, to align with who I am -then I can shine the energy of source upon you. And you will thrive!

But if you convince me that I should cater to you, rather than align with Who I am, then I'll be out here on the raw and ragged edge with you. And we'll just fight it out, and blame each other, for how bad we feel. with you I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK."

When you get there, and can deliver that with a straight face, you'll have it.

Those do not understand: Well, what do you mean? If you'd love me, you'd care what I think!?" -well it goes like this: "I do love you! I love you so much, I don't care what you think." -"What do you mean?" -"Well, you think I'm wrong. But in order to love you, I must know that I'm source. And I can't know that I'm source, and know that I'm wrong at the same time! So,

in order to love you, I have to be in alignment with source.

And when I'm in alignment with source, I don't care what you think! In other words, it's solid." It's just hard to get them to hear it, because you know how irrational people are, when they're out on the raw and ragged edge... in other words, you you can't get sick enough to help sick people get well- and yet, you think that you can get disconnected enough to get disconnected people to be connected!

You can only help people align with source, from your vantage point of being aligned with source.

And you can't be aligned with source, and catering to what they think at the same time. You just can't do it! Maybe there are other words, that would be better:
-"I love you so much I don't care what you think." We like that. That's our first choice!

-"I see you as you really are. Not as you are being in this moment. I know the power of your being, and I know the reason that you are so upset right now, is because you are right now not allowing yourself to be the brilliant, beautiful, tuned in, tapped in, turned on person, that I fell in love with to begin with. And if you don't mind, I'm gonna go away, and I'm gonna hold the thought of who I know you really are, rather than wallow with you in this disconnected state." Getting better! (Audience cheering) How about this:

-"I've seen you in your alignment. And I've seen you not in your alignment. And I like you best, when you're in your alignment, but when I'm in my alignment- it doesn't matter." That's good, too!

-"When I'm tuned in, tapped in, turned on- you can be any way you want to me. Because my love for you is unconditional! I am no longer gonna hold you responsible for how I feel!" What freedom you give to anyone that you would say that to!

-"I no longer hold you responsible for how I feel. I'm in charge of how I feel! I'm in charge of how I feel, and I so know that, that I don't even have to ask the same back from you." That was good, too!

-"I'm so good at unconditional love that I don't need you to know how to do it!" ...think about what we're saying here:

"I'm tuned in, tapped in, turned on. I'm thriving, no matter what you do. You're not the boss of me: I am. I have the ability to align with source, regardless of the conditions that surround me. I get unconditional love."

From the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - Practice the feeling of Unconditional LOVE / No Ads during"

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:23 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

Satisfied and eager for more-
in my daily Vacation-Mode!

Day 6

"Vacation-mode", today:

First, I want to state that I REALLY took this Abe-advice seriously the last 2 days. After our huge quarrel, I was, first time of my life, NOT AT ALL willing any more to "discuss the problem". I had reached my boundaries. EVERYTHING was said and done, probably the 100. (or more) time, so this is not any longer about information. But from OOTV, we all are just ABLE to hear BS, understand BS, sense BS and think BS! IT MUST BE DISTORTED- because- duh- it's OOTV. Source isn't behind it any longer!

...DH felt devastated at first. He still was of the idea that people need to discuss, or the relationship ends... and here I was not discussing any longer? He felt heartbroken and still, I perseveired... and just relaxed and listened to good feeling things on youtube, and enjoyed the weather, and slept a lot... and, oh, ohhh, what a wonderful, satisfying time it had been so far! :hearts:

It was like a hard cut between different worlds. He drove out to take a hike, and when he came back, all was so well! He asked me out to drive around in our area for some more of scenery while the sun went down, and we stumbled across a huge solstice fire that just got lit on a small mountain in my neighborhood... I SO LOVE BIG FIRES!
The little children danced in front of the fire, and at first, the night sky was magically blue! The golden sparks, flying HIGH up into the sky and raining down again... and, all around, the privet-hedges in full bloom smelled like Heaven! We stayed cuddled up, laying on the lawn, until late in the night... just watching the fire. Basking, lazy, enjoying, SO SATISFIED TO SIMPLY BE.

midsummer-fire in my neighbor village

Our son stayed the night with his brothers in Munich, and so we felt like teenagers, having all house for ourselves :lol: we slept in, we slammed doors, just for the fun of slamming, we packed our picnic basket chock full with delicacies and enjoyed SUMMER... field flowers all around! Bees humming! Us, skipping along and taking hundreds of oics from flowers!! (...and a free-of-rain-day, as well!! :woohoo: ) Vacation-mood/mode is soooo satisfying!!!

in my garden...

Then I chose to do some mending on my garden-couch... framed by and surrounded with my plump, beautiful, fragrant English roses... and then we went out into a Garden Café for awesome fancy burgers and delicious desserts... ohh, LIFE IS SO GOOD in Vacation-mode!
I am so happy. I am so joyful. I am so without problems! :lol: :lol:

What is unconditional love, anyway?
Unconditional love is:
"I´m happy!
I´m happy- in this moment.

Unconditional love is:
I have the ability to focus in love on my happiness."

Abraham Hicks

Why not live like that every day! That is the Paradise I dream of. And, I can choose it, NOW.

one of the fields that surround my place

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 11:27 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

Satisfied and eager for more-
in my daily Vacation-Mode!

Day 7

"Vacation-mode", today: Monday, and there is blessed NOTHINGNESS in my planner!
I do not need to "work hard"!
Actually, I do so much all the time -it would be boring otherwise. And I am proud about what I do, I do it with love, and I do it good. AND; I want to learn even more to flat out be LAZY.
I want to RELAX.
I want to BE.

Beingness is the most Alignment I can fathom!
I so love to be!
And which better time to be could it be than now, surrounded by beautiful roses and sweet fragrances and rustling leaves!? That is so satisfying! So sweet. So right. So light. So wonderful!

Certain. Clear. Relaxed. Elating. Like a meditation- allowing to be uplifted. Allowing to be carried where I want to be.
Trusting. Trusting, trusting, trusting. Trusting deeply. Trusting freely. Trusting. Trusting and floating. Enjoying and trusting. Being in Gods Hand. Relaxing and allowing. Relaxing and joyfully allowing Gods chosen path.

THANK YOU LIFE. I am eager for even more!

Our first night at Lake Garda, Italy... not having booked anything, and theoretically, the season not yet being open. This place was heaven-sent, truly a "gift of God"!

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:03 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

Satisfied and eager for more-
in my daily Vacation-Mode!

Day 8

"Vacation-mode", today:
Summer!! Bees!!! :lol: :roll:
Free time. Apple-juice!! BOUGHT cake!! :lol:

I am so satisfied, I will go out in a moment and enjoy the sun and the bees! :crazy: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am satisfied. Things seem even lighter and easier than yesterday.
I am satisfied: My planning for W's birthday is taking off. It really comes together! :hearts:
I AM SO SATISFIED. I am so thankful. And I am so happy and glad to KNOW: Source has my back. I am never alone. I am guided.

I am eager to see even more of this! I am eager to feel even more safe, more, clear more CERTAIN! Oh yes, certainty. Certainty is so delicious. I am so satisfied, that I am soooo certain, already! What a wonderful stance to be in.

I am SATISFIED that I could do my shopping today without help!
I am satisfied I got my E-wheelchair, and I am sooo satisfied that the boys will be there in the weekend to put it all together! I am so satisfied and thankful that they will bring it into perfection, no matter what. I KNOW that.
I am satisfied, that I am surrounded and held and assured by so much physically focused people who LOVE me, and I love them. I am eager for so much more!

I am satisfied. Thank you, life! Thank you life!!

my beloved boys: Uncle and nephew