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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 2:12 am
by Jenny Lee
Love and being loved, adore and being adored...

I was thinking about this. So when I am loving, and when I am being loved in relationships?


I am loving: Easy, I am loving my little niece. I am teasing her. I am taking her out for fun. I make her feel comfortable...

I am being loved: My parents know my preferences about food, and they would deliberately cook certain dishes for me. When other dishes are not what I like--I don't like eating pork while most people here like pork, they would make me fried egg because this is what I always like.

Definitely some relatives care about me very much, though sometimes I felt uncomfortable about their care, but I know they care about me from the bottom of their hearts.


Actually I am not a very active person in terms of relationships. Other than family members, I rarely take the initiative to connect or communiate with other people. I like my solitude very much, but I am thinking, it's not a bad idea to be more active and to be the one who initiates the interactions. I am gonna explore this more and more.

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 1:17 am
by Jenny Lee
When I listen to Abe, there would be some statements I would not understand or I have not achieved yet. They would be quite obivous and actually they are wonderful guidance for me. They could let me know more clearly when I am misaligned.

The HS said he is so in love and naturally flowing love toward his girlfriend. And then he noticed that his girlfriend didn't flow love back. Abe said, when you are really in love and alignment, you wouldn't even notice that she is not flowing love back.

When you say that you are more aligned than other people, you are not aligned at the time.

When you see that others need your help, you are not in alignment.

In terms of co-creating with other people, when you are aligned/under the influence of Source, you trust them. When you are not under the influence of Source, you don't trust them.

As a leader in a company or group, you'd better train your positive expectation of your co-creators beyond their expectations of themselves, like what Jesus did about his patients.



Generally speaking, if I can make the appreciation/love pure, I am always the direct beneficiary of the love/appreciation I am flowing. But, in real life, balance is important. Continually purifying it is important. I may begin to compare and feel extra bad about subjects that I haven't been feel really good about. I would feel that these things waste my time which I can use to enjoy what I love otherwise. Or I may begin to act like the HS, wanting to get back the appreciation from certain people or things or..., and then taking score, and then feeling bad like feeling confused, unworthy, hesitant, insecure or fear of loss, so the pure appreciation is not pure anymore and started being replaced by other emotions.

So keeping my appreciation pure is always important in my life. And remembering that nothing is more important than that I feel good, and segment intending to keep me feel as good as I can throughout the day consisting of lots of segements is extremely important. Big or small, important or trivial, whether the subject/segment is, feeling bad is feeling bad, is what we don't want most.


Things are always working out for all of us.

I like knowing that we are all always strongly being called to be aligned, to be Who We Really Are, to be the pure lovers, to be good at what we like, to be guided and inspired on every life subject.

We are always being called to love each other, respect and love each other, speak nicely to each other, co-create wonderfully with each other and be happy together and all solution-oriented.

All things are possible. Compared to before, this family has so much more love now. We have so much more harmony. We genuninely appreciate more and more of the time. Complaint and blame become much less. We are support of each other more. It becomes easier and easier for me to believe that we are all called to be aligned in all kinds of ways. Positive expectation becomes easier.

Lots of non-physical beings, non-physical ancesters are focused upon us, showering love toward us all the time. I like knowing this. The momentum of the collective Vortex is huuuuuuge.

My brother is already an extremely loving father and still, he is calling to be more and more aligned as a father. More allowing, lighthearted and free flowing and trusting as a father. He is called to have better and more joyous relationships with his kids. I like imagining about this and cultivate further positive expectation...

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 9:05 am
by spiritualcookie
Jenny Lee wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 1:17 am When you see that others need your help, you are not in alignment.
Thank you for this - it was a very good reminder :hearts:
It seems there is a difference between being "loving" in learned human terms, and being in alignment.

If someone is suffering, and you offer some positive influence to help them find relief; this feels (to me) to be loving in human terms. (Although yes, it is mixed up with "resisting what is" , not fully trusting the person will be able to find their way to feeling better on their own, wanting to change conditions so that YOU feel better looking at them, and other human stuff - and all of that certainly doesn't feel like being in full alignment. Yet coming into a position of feeling more empowered and helpful vs seeing suffering and feeling helpless to do anything about it - it feels somehow like moving up the EGS from where you were previously, and feels something like "loving" - both to them and to myself - and feels like relief to myself, to allow the urge to try to bring positive influence to others).

If you were in a pure Source level of alignment, you would not even see they need help. As Jesus did not see the ill-health - he just saw the perfect version of the person. This is being loving in Source terms. Seeing someone in their most perfect form.

So, there are different levels of "being loving" it seems! I wonder if "being loving" could simply mean "moving up the EGS" rather than "being fully aligned with Love, like Source".

Rather than demanding of ourselves to either be loving like Source or being hard on yourself that you're not doing it right ( :) ) perhaps in our human world there is room for being loving in less perfect, human ways until you reach the Source-level. Finding loving ways to look at even the flawed human ways of doing things. :hearts:

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 9:45 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Jenny Lee wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 1:17 am When I listen to Abe, there would be some statements I would not understand or I have not achieved yet. They would be quite obivous and actually they are wonderful guidance for me. They could let me know more clearly when I am misaligned.

The HS said he is so in love and naturally flowing love toward his girlfriend. And then he noticed that his girlfriend didn't flow love back. Abe said, when you are really in love and alignment, you wouldn't even notice that she is not flowing love back.

When you say that you are more aligned than other people, you are not aligned at the time.

When you see that others need your help, you are not in alignment.

In terms of co-creating with other people, when you are aligned/under the influence of Source, you trust them. When you are not under the influence of Source, you don't trust them.
I think that those statements are a minefield where misunderstanding happens so easily!

Because, ITV you don't get blind. You still realize that others perceive lack, and you perceive their asking for help (even when they don't use words, or maybe even try to harass you away).
OF COURSE you notice when an other is not in vibrational vicinity to flowing love! OF COURSE you are very aware of what is happening vibrationally and physically, around you.

The difference to what most people- that are not deeply ITV- perceive is, that when you are yourself deeply rooted in love, clarity and knowing of your worthiness, you don't MISS when there doesn't flow love back. You don't NEED it, because you look for love in all the right places. And you don't judge those that are OOTV!

But that is something VERY different than trusting a crocodile not wanting to eat you, or someone in hate to not trying to hurt you. OF COURSE you see the truth(!!) -and also the true potentials, and the whole situation-
just as you would see that there is ice on the road, or that your house is burning. Otherwise you could not interact with them in physicality, in a helpful/meaningful way. You SEE the contrast, and you use it in a helpful, joyful way, or you move around it.

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 1:25 pm
by Jenny Lee
Thank you, spriritualcookie and PoE, I like more clarity on this subject. So I reply here and maybe I would edit it further. At frist, I may write the post not very orderly.

When something is urgent, I of course would take the PoLR. I might be even very strong about my opinions, and when I remembered an experience about my brother, I know that I would still prevent him from doing a surgery he thought would work, but I and even the physician didn't think so. Because I knew he was in a low state and urgent to jump into some reckless action. At that time, we both were not aligned and I tried my best to do what I thought as right.

I was not confused about whether I am loving and not. I see that in some cases, someone worring about other people as an obvious kind of love and care, though it might lead to different attitudes and actions. When I was in the hospital, my mom was definitely worried, but she chose to show her patience, encouragement and continual physical support, though she might not have strong belief in my recovery. She just did what a loving mom would do and I am so thankful for her love and persistent care because then it became much easier for me to go back to my deliberate alignment.

Jesus definitely noticed that the patient was dripping illness, he is just fully or maybe mainly (focused) upon his/her wellness. He is in alignment.

In my life, my parents would ask me to do something for them on their phones, like managing some apps for them. Are they in some sorta need?

Almost every time this happens, I am willing to do that for them, and clearly know that I am never the only to do these things for them. There are a lot of people in this world willing to support and help people in all kinds of ways. All kinds of cooperative people are in their Vortices. And it's not possible for people to be able to do all things. This makes the world a beautiful place of cooperation. Some people want this kind of services, and some people are so happy offering this kind of services. Great balance and co-creations. So I am in alignment.

But if I see that they can't do this by themselves, they need me to do this for them, then I am not aligned.

"They can do this by themselves" in my mental world is: they can find people who can willingly do these things for them, and I am never the only one. I have been deliberately cultivating this thought for some time, because I don't know maybe one day I will live in other places.

Actually related to my family life, with my parents, siblings, etc., I often don't perceive them in some negative need state, though some other people can see differently. They can see that my parents need me to deal with this thing or that thing, they don't know how to do them. But I don't think like this. I see that I am just easily available to them, I am willing and so I am an aligned cooperative component to them.

Now, there is a vlog I would focus upon at times, and almost every time, I click and watch the video, I would get into some sorta misalignment, I can hardly be solution oriented. I don't know how the family can get to a better place. Logically, I could think that there must be solutions in their Vortices. Source is strongly calling them to feel better and get better. But it's just difficult for me to think about better feeling thoughts about this situation. So now I rarely watch their videos because nothing good comes to both parts when I am in this state of being related to their situations.


Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 1:56 pm
by Jenny Lee
spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 9:05 am
Jenny Lee wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 1:17 am When you see that others need your help, you are not in alignment.
Thank you for this - it was a very good reminder :hearts:
It seems there is a difference between being "loving" in learned human terms, and being in alignment.

If someone is suffering, and you offer some positive influence to help them find relief; this feels (to me) to be loving in human terms. (Although yes, it is mixed up with "resisting what is" , not fully trusting the person will be able to find their way to feeling better on their own, wanting to change conditions so that YOU feel better looking at them, and other human stuff - and all of that certainly doesn't feel like being in full alignment. Yet coming into a position of feeling more empowered and helpful vs seeing suffering and feeling helpless to do anything about it - it feels somehow like moving up the EGS from where you were previously, and feels something like "loving" - both to them and to myself - and feels like relief to myself, to allow the urge to try to bring positive influence to others).

If you were in a pure Source level of alignment, you would not even see they need help. As Jesus did not see the ill-health - he just saw the perfect version of the person. This is being loving in Source terms. Seeing someone in their most perfect form.

So, there are different levels of "being loving" it seems! I wonder if "being loving" could simply mean "moving up the EGS" rather than "being fully aligned with Love, like Source".

Rather than demanding of ourselves to either be loving like Source or being hard on yourself that you're not doing it right ( :) ) perhaps in our human world there is room for being loving in less perfect, human ways until you reach the Source-level. Finding loving ways to look at even the flawed human ways of doing things. :hearts:
I have been doing like you say. It's just I want to know more clearly what purely alignment would be generally and specifically in certain situations and I would want to more toward that, while I would not blame that I take PoLR on the journey.

I was listening to Abe talk to the HS who had helped a person for many years. That person was already very dependent. As the conversation went, I was thinking that if I were her, I would take the PoLR of still going to visit her instead of cutting the relationship immediately. But I would begin to do a lot of pre-paving and seeing her through Source's eyes more and more. I know that as I do so, either this person gets more and more aligned, or naturally we just vibrate out of each other and under that condition, I would not feel bad, I would not feel guilty, it would be a smooth journey for me. Based upon what Abe say, if we really focus upon the positive aspects and the Vortex version of the person, in most cases, we would influence them into alignment.

Actually, when I am with people, as they begin to complain, often I would start pre-paving then and there, I draw my attention from their words and begin to think about the Vortex version of the togetherness, the possible harmony we could have next time. When the conversation is mild complaint, I could still stay in alignment.

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 2:03 pm
by Jenny Lee
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 9:45 am
Jenny Lee wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 1:17 am When I listen to Abe, there would be some statements I would not understand or I have not achieved yet. They would be quite obivous and actually they are wonderful guidance for me. They could let me know more clearly when I am misaligned.

The HS said he is so in love and naturally flowing love toward his girlfriend. And then he noticed that his girlfriend didn't flow love back. Abe said, when you are really in love and alignment, you wouldn't even notice that she is not flowing love back.

When you say that you are more aligned than other people, you are not aligned at the time.

When you see that others need your help, you are not in alignment.

In terms of co-creating with other people, when you are aligned/under the influence of Source, you trust them. When you are not under the influence of Source, you don't trust them.
I think that those statements are a minefield where misunderstanding happens so easily!

Because, ITV you don't get blind. You still realize that others perceive lack, and you perceive their asking for help (even when they don't use words, or maybe even try to harass you away).
OF COURSE you notice when an other is not in vibrational vicinity to flowing love! OF COURSE you are very aware of what is happening vibrationally and physically, around you.

The difference to what most people- that are not deeply ITV- perceive is, that when you are yourself deeply rooted in love, clarity and knowing of your worthiness, you don't MISS when there doesn't flow love back. You don't NEED it, because you look for love in all the right places. And you don't judge those that are OOTV!

But that is something VERY different than trusting a crocodile not wanting to eat you, or someone in hate to not trying to hurt you. OF COURSE you see the truth(!!) -and also the true potentials, and the whole situation-
just as you would see that there is ice on the road, or that your house is burning. Otherwise you could not interact with them in physicality, in a helpful/meaningful way. You SEE the contrast, and you use it in a helpful, joyful way, or you move around it.
I think the clarity I am pondering is:

Just be honest with my desires. I don't NEED it, but it would be nicer if I have it. And I could deliberately cultivating positive expectation of the adoring back. I could imagine about them. It's a bonus; not a need. It's co-creation at its best; it's a level up, I think.

And finally, it's up to me. I may continually appreciate and love someone or something and continually expect better co-creation. Or I can just shift my focus in a non-resistant way, already receiving the benefit of my flowing love out, to other people or things. I don't need to fixate upon a specific person or thing. Other than those very meaningful to me, like family members, etc.

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:10 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
:vortex: :hearts: :eusa-clap: :dance: :wave: