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Re: Quotes on Relationships

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:35 pm
by spiritualcookie
Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:19 pm Others can influence you,
and you let that happen far more than is good for you because you often care more about what others who are physical like you, running around looking real - you can see them and hear them and smell them and taste them and touch them (especially smell them) (Fun) - you can see them, they are vivid in your experience, and you care far too much what they think of you.

And the reason you do is because they're thinking about you because they're weak.
What we really mean by that is they care too much about what you think, and you care too much about what you think they think,

So you run around caring about what each other think,
and you make yourselves crazy because there's not one of them who can understand you even close to who You really are.

You don't have the basis, the capacity -
you do not have the ability to understand any other people.
You make mistakes,
you make misjudgments,
you misunderstand them,
you get your nose in their business
- we think Facebook should be called Nosebook (Fun) -
you give them so much attention,
and in the doing of it, you make miscalculations about what they think,
or even worse, you know what they think, and what they think is bogus.

They judge you,
they evaluate you,
they compare you,
they want to be like you,
they want to be nothing like you,
they need you to change in this way and this way and this way,

and every one you look at wants something different from you,
and they all make you nuts.
We'll say that better -
you all LET them make you nuts.
You let them make you nuts because (we love you so much - we do) you seek mutuality with them;
you want them to get you,
so when you're with them, you try to be the way they need you to be.
And oh, it is so hard on you
when there are two of them that want something different from you
and you're all in the same place. That's hard.

So you try to control who you hang with -
you try to control their compatibility because you are attempting to continue to perpetuate a belief within yourself that is never going to work out for you.

You want to please them, and you want to be pleased by them,
and so you stand on your head in all kinds of different ways,
and you try to affect all kinds of control over them,
and none of it really gets you anywhere. (...)

You're looking around to see what other humans think about it -
"How do you like me now? How do you like me now? How do you like me now? How do you like me now? How do you like me now?" (Fun)
"Not that much - can you change a little more for me? (Fun)
If you'd be different, you'd be perfect."
That's what you keep saying to each other -
"I just need the slightest little adjustment from you."

And as soon as you make it, then they need another slight little adjustment.
And then you make that, and then they need another slight little adjustment.

And before you know it, you don't feel like you have free will,
because you've given it away to what somebody who is never going to be pleased - not really, not if they're looking for love in that place.
If they're looking for their harmony with the changes that you're willing to make for them, good luck. (Fun)
That's never going to work out well.

~ Abraham-Hicks
Long Beach, CA 7/28/2018

Re: Quotes on Relationships

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 8:44 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

HS wonders whether he should marry his mate or not.

Abe: You are doing what almost everybody is doing! You are looking for somebody, who will makes you go ITV easily. Which means, most of you should marry your dog.

Re: Quotes on Relationships

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 8:45 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
If he's a good soulmate, he WILL give you grieve!


Re: Quotes on Relationships

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 11:45 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Not only does the power of your thought determine which people make their way into your life,
but the power of your thought determines how they behave, once they get there.

Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Relationships

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:15 pm
by spiritualcookie
Although we are uplifters, sometimes the path of least resistance is to Allow people to be where they are.

Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:24 pm
Esther stood in the lounge at the RV repair place yesterday for a little bit,
and there were several people around and they were all watching the television, where the subject was the hostages. (...)

And Esther looked at their faces as she watched them watching
and everyone was silent.

And when Esther walked into the room, she had her computer bag with her and her purse over one shoulder,
and she was so exhilarated about what was happening in her life and feeling invincible about how things were working out for her.
And her vibration was so different than the vibration that was in the room
that when she walked into the room, everyone looked at her as if she was a monster who had landed from outer space.
Her energy was so different.

And she is laughing, and then she could feel the somberness of the room.
And there was a woman sitting very close to Esther and watching the news
(Esther did not say anything to anyone),
and the woman said to Esther
“I can’t stand watching this!”
And Esther remained quiet and nodded as if she understood.
And then the woman said what Esther has heard Abraham say endlessly
“I can’t do a damn thing about it. All it does is screw up my life when I get involved.”

And someone across the room looked like those were fighting words.
He wanted to say “If we don’t get involved, then we can’t solve anything,”
And Esther just gathered up her things and off she went.

In other words, she realized that there are too many dynamics to try to solve.

If Esther had made a decision that she would devote the rest of her life to making that cluster of 30 people understand what she knows, it would have been a full time, lifetime job.

Instead, she just loved them and acknowledged that they will create their own reality, and that whatever they need, the next step will come to them, and that it’s not her job to save them,
and that they don’t need saved,
and that they are making their lives work in the way they’re making their lives work.
And she is making her life work in the way she is making her life work.

~ Abraham-Hicks
Cincinnati, OH 922/2004

Re: Quotes on Relationships

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 4:13 pm
by spiritualcookie
Your interaction one with another enhances your life experience.

- Abe



You will find that through the power of your thought
and through the power of your intentions
you will draw those beings to you who are harmonious in intent with you.
And you will repel those beings who are not in harmny with your intentions.

If your intentions are not clear, then you will attract confusion,
but as you are more specifically defining, in every day, what you want,
then you will mroe specifically draw those individuals to you who will enhance that.


Once you understand the power of thought
you will joyously experience your own freedom to express and be as you are -
while you will be willing to allow all others the same freedom.


To have a wonderful relationship with another physical being
must be wanted by both beings
or it will not be.

Since you cannot create in the life experience of another
each of you must want and therefore set forth
the creation of thsi fulfillling relationship.

Whether it is a personal relationship or a relationship of business
the intentions of each fo the beings involved enter into the satisfactory culmination of that relationship.

As with any creation, once a relationship has been established,
the desire for continuation must be there or the relationship will not continue.

All creations are the same.
Once you have created a thing, in order to maintain it or to continue it
you must continue to want it - or give attention to it -
otherwise it will drift out of your experience.

- Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Relationships

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 4:20 pm
by spiritualcookie

Most of you believe that before a negative emotion will go away
that you must fix what you believe has caused it.
You feel that you must think about the problem and stew over hte problem until you finally are able to remove the problem,
and then once the problem is removed, the negative emotion will go away.
But that is not the case.

As long as you remain focsed upon that which has brought forth negative emotion, you will create more of it.

- Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Relationships

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 4:29 pm
by spiritualcookie

As you sit together, intending to speak about that which you harmoniously want,
your attention will be drawn to that which you DO want
and away from that which you do not want..

You see, your disagreements come about as one or the other, or perhaps all,
are focusing upon that which you do not want.


The key to harmonious relationships is not that you find others who are exactly like you,
but that you focus your attention upon your points of harmony,
for the negative emotion comes forth only when you think of that which you do not want.

- Abe

Re: Quotes on Relationships

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 4:35 pm
by spiritualcookie
Your primary intentions are harmony and growth,
and the primary intentions of those who surround you are the same.

Allow other to be as they are
as you expect them to allow you to be as you are.

As more of you are reaching that state,
then upon your Planet Earth
there will be total harmony and peace,
satisfaction, contentment and joy.

- Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Relationships

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 4:39 pm
by spiritualcookie

You live in a society where much criticism abounds.

Through your television and radio and newspapers
there is much more searching for disharmony than there is searching for harmony.
There is much more criticism than praise.
But you need not participate within that attitude,
and in fact you must not.
Because you are seeking harmony.

The negative emotion that you feel as you listen to those broadcasts,
or even as you listen to the negativity of a friend,
is a very powerful signal to you from your Inner Being
letting you know that in that moment you are miscreating.

- Abraham