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Re: What is my Purpose of Life - Meaning of life
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 8:46 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
-Do you get it, that you've come here with purpose to understand that that purpose is expansion joyous expansion?
-Do you understand that you never get it done, and you cannot get it wrong,
-and the reason that you can't get it wrong is, because it's never done!?
So even though it may sound or feel out of balance, and maybe even wrong, that it really isn't wrong.
Because, in the feeling of wrongness, you're giving birth to your opinion of what would be better, and the source within you so trusts your opinion of what would be better for you, that the source within you embraces that idea completely. And becomes a vibrational equivalent to it! And holds steady there, until you find your way there.
Abraham Hicks,
from the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - Practice the feeling of Unconditional LOVE / No Ads during"
full segment:
(It only takes 30 days to come into true, unconditional love)
Well friends, we think you've got it! We think that you now understand, that you are Source Energy in physical bodies, yes?
-Do you get it, that you've come here with purpose to understand that that purpose is expansion joyous expansion?
-Do you understand that you never get it done, and you cannot get it wrong,
-and the reason that you can't get it wrong is, because it's never done!?
So even though it may sound or feel out of balance, and maybe even wrong, that it really isn't wrong.
Because, in the feeling of wrongness, you're giving birth to your opinion of what would be better, and the source within you so trusts your opinion of what would be better for you, that the source within you embraces that idea completely. And becomes a vibrational equivalent to it! And holds steady there, until you find your way there.
We've talked about the fun of croaking- you're still not there, are you?
We've talked about the deliciousness of releasing resistance, through what you call the death experience, and we've talked about releasing resistance through meditation- quieting the mind.
We've talked about releasing resistance through appreciation.
But you have to be somewhere in the vicinity of appreciation, to release resistance! But do you know, with every feeling of relief that you find, as you make your way up the emotional scale- with every feeling of relief there, is the releasing of resistance. And so every effort that you make to release a little resistance is really worth the effort! Because in time, because of the vastness of the variety of your life,
the subjects that are alive and active in your now, are enough for you to release all resistance that you've accumulated over a lifetime!
Do you know that you don't have to go back and make peace with some wrongdoing, that happened 20 years ago or 30 years ago- or yesterday?
You don't have to go back and fix all of those things. Because whatever is active in your vibration now is bringing you current, real life, active, poignant, meaningful-now matches!
You're attracting the vibrational evidence that shows you what you're doing:
Do you know that what you're living, and the way it is playing out, is your vibrational indicator?
Do you know, what's going on in your body is just an indicator of your vibration?
Do you know that what's happening in your life- in terms of relationship, is just a vibrational indicator?
Do you know the money in your bank account is a vibrational indicator?
Everything that is manifested, the car that you're driving, the house that you're living in, the clothes that you're wearing, the condition of your body- everything about your life, is a vibrational indicator.
And those indications of vibration are being shown to you all day, every day. In the form of the emotion that you feel! So, if you leave here with one decision within you, and it goes like this:
"I now understand the importance of recognizing how I feel.
And I do care about feeling as good as I can feel, about that and that and that."
So, somebody you love tells you a lie, and it hits you hard. And you think: "They shouldn't lie to me. They should trust me more! I wish they wouldn't lie." And then you try to wrestle them to the ground, and you try to figure out why they are lying, and you try to figure out where the lies started, and you try to understand the motive of the lie- and all you do is get yourself in a scramble. Because you can't begin to understand it! You couldn't sort it out, if you had a hundred lifetimes to do it. But you can recognize that your attention to this subject is causing you discomfort, right here and now! And you could choose a better feeling thought!
-So you find a thought that goes something like: "I don't understand where they're coming from!" -and that gives you a little relief.
-And then you think of the thoughts such as: "Well, I have told a lie before." And that might make you feel better, too!
-And then you think a thought such as "The only time I've ever lied was, because I didn't think the person would like, what I thought to be the truth. And I wanted them to feel as good as they could feel. So, maybe there is some compassion in lying somewhere?" -and you feel a little better.
-And then you think: "I don't know why I'm making such a big thing about this."
-And then you think "I can't even remember what the subject to hand was!"
-and then you think "I think I've been making a big deal out of nothing."
-and then you think "this is a person who I really love."
-and then you think "it really doesn't matter what they're doing! It really only matters how I feel about them!"
-and then you think "I should not ask them to behave in certain ways in order to love them! Because, I am one who offers unconditional love."
And as you work your way through issue after issue, with person after person, and subject after subject- before you know it, within one or two or three days, certainly four or five- and absolutely within 30!! -you will have had enough real-life experiences show you the vibrational evidence, of what's going on with your vibration: That you can clean it ALL up! Within 30 days, you can have cleaned up enough of your vibration- and
by "cleaning up", all we mean is: Find a better feeling thought!
Find a better feeling thought, find a better feeling thought, find a better feeling thought... that...
Do you know that you are 30 days or less from being a vibrational match to the source, that is really you?
To the reason that you were born, to the coming forth into this physical experience?
To the living the joyous life-experience, that you have come to live?
To the being a vibrational match to what's in your vibrational escrow?
To the getting inside everything, that you've ever asked for?
Do you know how close you are, in terms of time, having everything that life so far has caused you to ask for?
It's such a short distance!
It just requires some caring about how you feel. And a willingness, to move yourself deliberately up the emotional scale, and back into vibrational alignment with who you really are. As you do that every day, you'll see the world a little more through the eyes of source! And as you begin to view your magnificent world through the eyes of source, you will then revel in your beingness, and in that of others, and you will feel pride, and worth, beyond physical description. And you will begin to express to others:
I've come forth with great reason into this physical body and that reason is for joyous expansion and I wish that for all.
From the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - Practice the feeling of Unconditional LOVE / No Ads during"
Re: What is my Purpose of Life - Meaning of life
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:43 pm
by spiritualcookie
You really being to get down to your reason for being here,
which is making decisions, continuous decisions, about what you are wanting,
so that you may apply this knowledge that is well-established within you, toward a
continual motion forward to your ever-changing set of ideas of what you would like to have in that moment.
- AH
Re: What is my Purpose of Life - Meaning of life
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:27 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
You came to turn thoughts into things!
It's a different orientation when you begin to understand, that you create your own reality.
And that you are a attractor, you are an attractor, you are an attractor, you are an attractor, you are an attractor- by your attention.
You are an attractor by your attention.
Your life is created by the story you tell!
Your life is created by the memories, that you remember.
Your life is created by the conversations that you have.
Your life is created by how you feel about things- and you have the ability to feel differently, than you do, if you want to!
Just not all at once, because the Law of Attraction -while it is your very best friend, because of its consistency, and because of its power- it also will give you what you BELIEVE. And so, as you believe something, Law of Attraction gives it to you, and then you say: "see, I knew it was true!" and we say: but that didn't have to be true. It's only true, because you made it true for you!
"Well, I saw it happen to a lot of other people! So I began to suspect it might be true for me, too. See, there!"
-See how it works? So, we know it isn't easy to hold thoughts that are different in a world, or in an environment that is thinking things. But it's why you came to this Leading Edge!
You are brilliant creators here, in this new environment. New in every moment! This combination of being has never been before, and to all of the universe we are unique here, today! And so, as you find something that you can focus upon, and you feel your way to clearer and purer, and less resistant thought.
You're going to discover in that clarity of thought, which means: In that resistance-free thought, you're going to discover elation and joy and productivity beyond anything that you have ever experienced before!
It's only about you, personally, wanting enough to feel good, that you're willing to reach for better feeling thoughts. That you're willing to clear your mind, and start new again. That, after a good night sleep, that you focus a little more deliberately on things that feel better! And the most important thing that we would like to awaken and activate within you today, is your personal desire to feel good. Because, when that is active within you, your personal desire to feel good- when you haven't given up on that, when you still want to feel good, then you can guide yourself to those awarenesses and observations, that will help you to feel good.
And when you do, you clarify your vibration. Your point of Attraction becomes non-resistant.
And when that happens, oh so many wonderful things begin to flow into your experience! And the thing that is so wonderful about that is, you get to watch- you get to witness!- your clarity turning into experiences and things.
Thoughts turning to things, thoughts turning to things: That's what you came here for.
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks BELIEVE IT ~ IT WILL BE! Law of Attraction
Re: What is my Purpose of Life - Meaning of life
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:15 pm
by spiritualcookie
As you are here wanting to understand who you are,
why you are here, and how to do it better -
we say to you that you are here to experience the deliciousness of physicalness
for the purpose of refining thought beyond that which it has ever been refined.
You have chosen this physical dimension in order to feel the momentum of it.
It gives you a means of measurement which gives you a feeling of momentum.
It is easier for you to find your place because of the consistency of this life experience , you see, so that you're not floating nebulously.
You have purpose and function and the feeling of progress and momentum.
You choose it because it helps you to fine tune.
- Abraham
Re: What is my Purpose of Life - Meaning of life
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:21 pm
by spiritualcookie
Do not expect the direction from your Inner Being because that is not its place.
It is YOUR place.
You are the one that chewed upon the data of this physicalness.
You're the one who has immersed yourself in the ideas and beliefs of this time.
You are the one.
You have the conscious thinking mechanism, the tool through which you contour the Non-physical Energy into something meaningful to you.
- AH
It is not very much fun to have someone else dictating to you, or telling you what to do,
because you, from the inner perspective, know that YOU'RE the one.
And nobody else can take that place,
because nobody else can think for you.
Nobody else can feel for you.
Nobody else can invite or attract for you.
Nobody else is of value to you when they try to do for you that which you have intended to do for yourself.
- Abraham
Re: What is my Purpose of Life - Meaning of life
Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 2:36 pm
by spiritualcookie
HS: What do you do if you don't know what you want to do in life?
You are not alone in that.
It is the most common question we hear as we say to you, "You are powerful and you can have or be or do anything that you choose."
Sometimes it is exciting if there are things that you already know you want, but if you don't know what you want, then that sort of information is very discouraging because it feels like a waste of all this power and Energy.
The reason you are feeling that way is because you are a typical physical being,
believing that you must decide what to DO.
In other words, it is exactly what we were talking about earlier, as you believe that your decisions to do is what is dominant,
and you simply do not have enough data collected for the decision to be clear.
If you would start from the inside out, rather than creating backwards: Most physical beings create backwards.
They say: "I will do this, and then I will have this, and then I will be happy.
I will go do this work and then I will have money and lifestyle and feeling of purpose - and then I will be happy."
And sometimes it works that way, especially if they have pondered wanting joy, and that sort of thing, for a long time.
But usually those who are quick to jump into action find their lives - as you found yours - so jam-packed full of things that are not bringing you joy and things that are not even giving you the lifestyle that you are wanting, that you wonder, "Why am I doing it?"
And then you feel like you want to "clean house" and throw some of it, or as you said, all of it, out.
Instead, create through your thought and start at the core of your being.
Because you are eternally connected to your Inner Being, then as you understand that your Inner Being exists, and that it is joyful and growing and free, then it is not so difficult to understand that that is the place for you to begin to come back to.
In other words, if the doing is confusing, come back to the being.
You don't know what you want to do.
You know a lot of things you don't want to do.
And so, as you identify something you don't want to do, if you will stop and sa y to yourself, "Why don't I want to do this?"
It will lead you to what is being challenged within you, and usually it will be, "Because I don't feel that I am free as I do it", or "I don't feel that it has enough potential I feel like I'm stagnant. I'm not growing." Or "It doesn't make me happy". And sometimes it is a combination of all of those things.
You are in the very best position that you will ever be, of knowing what you do want when you are feeling strong emotion of what you don't want.
If somebody is rude or abusive to you, you know what you want. You want something different from that. You are wanting to be appreciated. You are wanting love to come rather than anger to come. And so, if you will stop for a moment in the moment of the awareness of the negativity and ponder, "What is at the root of this? What is happening to me? Well, I don't feel free." Don't ask yourself, "Well what can I do instead?" Because immediately as you try to decide what to DO, you put up all of these roadblocks. "Well I can't do that. If i could have done that I would have done that instead of this." And so, as you try to decide what to do, you miscreate in the moment.
Step back from the doing and say, "I want to be free."
And then ponder the feeling of freedom.
Go back to a time as Jerry was describing, lying on a beach, and remember the feeling of freedom and the feeling of joy. Ponder that for a little bit. And as you do, ideas will begin to come forth.
You will literally be inspired to what you want to have.
If you have a job or a home or a relationship that isn't as you want it to be, in the moment of the negative emotion, stop and say, "What is it that I AM wanting to have? What is missing here? What is this lack pointing out that I want?"
Every time you feel negatively because of the lack of something, you can always figure out what it is that you want.
And then turn your attention to that, until you feel better. That is what pivoting is.
You cannot figure out a happy thing to do when you are in a negative feeling place. (...)
It defies Law.
- Abraham
Re: What is my Purpose of Life - Meaning of life
Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 6:43 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
What you really want:
Because you are Creators, you want to accomplish the Mastery of Creation!
Esther hears herself, and we tease her about it incessantly. She hears herself explaining how "well, it's been that way. It's always been like that! That's just the way that is!" -and we often say when we sneak up on he,r when she's not broadcasting, that
it can be any way you want it to be.
-You don't have to keep regurgitating what is!
-Things do change.
-They just keep changing to the same thing, if you keep focusing on the same way!
-Things are always changing.
Do you want them to change to something different? Or you want them to keep changing into more of what they already are?
-Because they're changing constantly!
Because it's fresh and new: It's constantly changing!
It's constantly changing. Constantly changing.
Do you want it to change to the same thing?
You want it to change to something that's new and different?
You want it to change to something that's better?
Want it to change to more, that's like it's already been?
Different places different faces- same thing.
You want something different? -You got to think about it in a different way!
So that's what we're all about, here: Isn't it finding a way to look at life, through the lens of broader perspective? To look at life through the eyes of source, to begin catching glimpses of who you really are, and what you really want:
Because you are Creators, you want to accomplish the Mastery of Creation.
Which means, you want to know about Law of Attraction.
You want to understand that it's always consistent.
You want to know how it feels within you!
You want to know what your emotions are.
You want to know why your emotions are your guidance system!
You want to know why your guidance system feels, FEELS the way it does, under differing situations!
from the youtube clip Abraham Hicks
Law of Attraction
Re: What is my Purpose of Life - Meaning of life
Posted: Fri May 17, 2024 8:30 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Living In Heaven on Earth:
There is NO list of "what you ought to do"! It is all for the JOY of it!
Your contribution cannot be appreciated fully enough through words!
We just cannot tell you how valuable it is, that you're here, sifting and sorting and deciding.
All-that-is is expanding dramatically, as a result of that which you are doing!
But you know what every bit has, every bit of every bit of all of that exists-
for only one reason in all of the creation, of all of eternity.
And that is for the thrill you get, as you come into alignment with that which you've created!
There's not this long list of stuff written out there in the heaven somewhere, by who knows who that is, defining what needs to be done in this creation of life! Not one of you came forth, because it needs to be done. We're not here because you need to know how to do it!
In other words, this creative dance is only about the joy in the dance, you see!
It's time to stop worrying about what you're getting done. And what you're not getting done. And just to make an unequivocal determination set forth, your intention to get in that vortex, and live as you intended to live! Because when you get in there, and you experience the juicy delicious tactile sensual fragrant wonderful exposure to life, that you have from inside the vortex- then you'll start to get it.
You'll say: "I am good! Otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And I am valuable! Otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And I am a value, otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And people wouldn't be responding to me in this way! And, well-being does abound- otherwise I couldn't feel this way."
-And all of that stuff that's outside the vortex that has formerly worried you or annoyed you, becomes this blessed contrast that you knew it would be, when you made the decision to come forth!
-And then enemies become valued partners!
-And contradictions become reasons for expansion,
-and negative emotion becomes guidance and clarity.
And people- you love easily! You love more than you ever thought was possible. And then the world that you are creating- there will always be those who aren't ready to hear. But as more of you know it, and more of you live it, and more of you aren't bothered by those who don't hear it, and who aren't living it-
before long, you can have that Heaven on Earth that you've been talking about!
Where you can be physically focused, and in the vortex with contrast subsiding, being more refined.
Where your planet has less suffering, less sickness, less confusion, less poverty-
more abundance, more clarity, more well-being, and more understanding because it is right that you feel good, you see!
You are supposed to feel good. Life is supposed to be fun!
You didn't come to get it done! You came for the thrill of doing it.
You didn't come to get there- you came for the thrill of going there!
You didn't come to fix something that is broken.
You came for the new idea that was born out of the idea, that it could be better.
from the youtube-clip Heaven On Earth Abraham Hicks
Re: What is my Purpose of Life - Meaning of life
Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 11:23 am
by spiritualcookie
Friends, your work... what you are to do has nothing to do with DOING!
Your work is to bring yourself in whatever way you can figure out to do it,
to the point of feeling your strength,
feeling your perfection,
feeling your health,
feeling your talent,
feeling your wonderfulness,
feeling good about you.
- Abraham
You are not here climbing the rungs of a ladder.
This is not a testing ground of worthiness.
You are not here trying to prove yourself worthy of something.
You are here by the power of your wanting
and you have come forth into this dimension in order to go beyond that which has been before.
- AH
Re: What is my Purpose of Life - Meaning of life
Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 8:13 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
How to achieve Heaven on Earth
My question is this- I've been reading a book called "The Urantia Book" which has been described as The Fifth Epochal Revelation, and there is a question... because you've mentioned previously that heaven doesn't exist. And so I don't know whether you're familiar with the book or the teachings of it...
We can feel the vibration of it, as you talk about it!
Mmhmm yeah. And I guess it... I just wanted to ask what your perception that is. Because it really resonated with me. But yet, it also, you know... your teachings obviously also resonates. I'm left a little bit confused about where the existence of heaven... I guess I'm asking it.
Well the nice thing is, our opinion of your opinion is irrelevant! In other words, if you're reading something that feels uncomfortable, that discomfort that you feel is your indicator that the source within you is not in agreement. Not necessarily of what's written, but of your perception of what's written. There are a lot of realities that are being lived in this physical time-space reality. And
there are not two of you, who are perceiving identically!
So what humans are commonly doing with each other, is that you yearn so much- you do! You yearn for someone to understand your perspective! And we want you to cut that out. Because in your trying to explain yourself to each other in a way, to get agreement from others- very often you are training yourself away from your own guidance system. You're training yourself away from your own expansion. And the more life causes you to expand, and the more you train yourself away from that expansion, the more uncomfortable you feel. And so let us say this to you:
We have never seen any of you pick up anything that has been written, created, produced by any other human that was in every case a perfect vibrational match to you, and what's in your vortex!
That isn't the premise that you came forth, into this physical body!
You didn't say "I'll go forth and I'll find the right path, and I'll get with the right pack, and we'll travel in the right circles!" -and we'll say, "...and do the right things. THAT is what you said! You said: "I'll go forth and I'll mix it up. And I will come to my individual awarenesses, because you have become who you've become, before you came into this physical body! There was already plenty in your vortex that lets you know who you are:
You are a LOVER. You were, when you got here!
And the first day that you found a reason to hate someone, you felt the discord of that hate. Because the source within you, no matter how justified you think you are in the pushing against of that injustice, or that thing that you did not want to see- the source within you will not join you in that hatred, you see. And so, this is a conversation that could go on for hours and hours and hours, because there are so many facets to the environment in which you live and so many premises that people are presenting from, and there is a whole lot that people are saying about non-physical, that is so far from what it really is.
The basic premise of most religions could not be more off from the way that it is!
Most religion has you hear, you'r being tested. None of that is true.
Most religion has you hear, you'r inferior to that which is supreme. None of that is true!
Most religion has you isolated and separated from that which is source, and condemned and punished for actions and behaviors. Source isn't doing any of that!
That's why in fact guilt even exists at all: You couldn't feel so bad, if source didn't love you so much!
What about that:
If source wasn't constantly loving you, you wouldn't feel so awful when you find a reason not to feel loved?
And if source wasn't constantly loving everyone else, you wouldn't feel so awful when you're blaming them, either, you see!
So, once you show yourself actively your own guidance,
once you stand in any moment in time and you say "here I am! And source, I know you have an opinion about this child that I'm looking at." And you feel yourself welled up with appreciation, you can feel that your opinion, your approach, your perception right here right now, is so in sync with the source within you, that you are full of the completion of that which is source. That's what positive emotion is!
The better you feel, the more you are completing or allowing the extension of source, right here and now, in this moment in time.
And the worse you feel, the more your desire to be that, is- but the more you are disallowing it, you see.
So we would graze our way across the libraries of your world and across the data fields of your world, we would look for resonance. We would be constantly looking for resonance, but we would not be doing what most humans do- which is exploring the manifestations. Most humans are running around, not even aware that they are vibrational creators, looking at the results of the vibrations that people have been offering.
And then letting their whole life be based upon those manifestations, so then they sort the manifestations in piles: "These are good ones, these are not so good, these are terrible". And, "our religion judges those manifestations as completely inappropriate, and those manifestation is better, and then we conjure some fictitious "Heaven", that is someplace else-
...when your Heaven or your Hell that you are living is your resonance, or your lack of it!
It's your alignment, or you're not!
It's your allowing of the source within you, now. Or not, you see!
Source is never departing from you!
You didn't lose your connection with source, when you came into this physical experience. Source came right here with you. But you can choose thoughts to pinch you off pretty good from it. And you can choose thoughts, that align you with it, right away, you see.
You can live a life of alignment- and you will discover Heaven on Earth.
And from our perspective, what Heaven on Earth really is, is sifting through some contrast and recognizing some negative emotion: That's delicious guidance. "I have guidance within me! I know that I'm off the track of something. But I also know, I gave birth to something more! And the source within me resonated with the more, and became it immediately. And the only reason that I can feel negative emotion right now, is because I expanded, and didn't go! -That's Heaven on Earth. And now, I'm consciously aware of my guidance system- now I can find thoughts that feel a little better. I can give myself some ease in relief!"
-You call that forgiveness. We call it coming back into alignment.
"It's the releasing of the resistance, and the resonance with the source within me. And now I'm back in resonance! And now, my grid is filling in, and now wonderful things are happening everywhere I turn. Sweet people talking to me, intellectual conversations going on, physical stamina and vitality, and flexibility is mine! A feeling of well-being, everywhere I look at is beautiful. I'm zigging and zagging with the best of life. I'm on that vortex that all good things are mine. And there people may be clamoring around, saying "hey, life isn't good! Life isn't good, life is a good, life isn't good..." but I don't hear them: I'm not in the vibrational vicinity of them! -I'm living pure positive energy.
I'm living life in the way that I came forth to live, and standing this example of well-being to others. And when others come into my experience, maybe they were born into my family, maybe I was born to them- maybe I married one of them, maybe I go to school with one of them... some of these clamoring in a vibration that doesn't feel so good. They're saying "hey you, what have you got your head in the clouds? What are you so happy about? You should be down here with us: Living life in the reality that we all live! You should be sifting and sorting through the stuff of life. And- you should be perceiving life more as WE perceive it." And we say: You can't perceive other than you perceive.
And when you tune yourself to the frequencies of well-being, well-being is what will be revealed to you, everywhere you go.
If we were standing in your physical shoes,
we would no longer sift and sort the piles of manifestation!
We would spend ALL of our conscious awareness in looking for the best feeling thought that we could find.
We would tune ourselves constantly to the frequency that allows well-being!
And we would stand as an example of that: So, that when those who see us, see us, they would understand that we are living the well-being that we have been talking about! Teaching to the clarity of our example as best you can. And, you never get it done!
You never get it done, and you cannot get it wrong. And the reason that you cannot get it wrong, is because it is never done!
So, let's say you're standing in a place and you don't feel so good, and with good reason. Something happened, you looked at it, it hurt your feelings. You're out of whack.
The very fact that you can feel negative emotion means, there is a love right now that you are denying.
You couldn't feel pain, if love were not there!
Don't you like knowing that? If there were not love that is more right for you, and more available to you- you would never feel loneliness. Loneliness only exists because you're denying yourself the alignment with what you want! Are you getting this?
From the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks - 2014 Confused About The Existence Of Heaven