Quotes on Desire

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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by spiritualcookie »

On the Buddhist Teaching of Letting Go of Desire because "desire is the root of suffering"

'Some say "Release desire" - is what many teach.
And we know that's their way of tricking you into not having any more resistance.
Because it is not possible for you to release [desire].
You are here full of desire

Sometimes by releasing desire (or feeling like you are) you release resistance.
And when you release resistance, your cork floats back to the surface,
or you catch the current of your stream.'

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What do you REALLY give up?

Are you giving up the DESIRE? NO!!!
Are you giving up the struggle? Yes!

Are you giving up the DESIRE? NO!!!
Are you giving up the effort? Yes.

Are you giving up the DESIRE? NO!!!
Are you giving up the angst? Yes!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Enlightenment means literally: ALIGNING TO THE ENERGY OF MY SOURCE.
And genius is only about focusing! LoA takes care of everything else.

Physical humans often want to make "Enlightenment" about finding some process, and moving through the process,
that has been pre-described. But, true Enlightenment is:

Moving to the rhythm of internal inspiration- that is coming in response to the individual desire.

Enlightenment is about allowing your connection to the Source, that is you!, for the fulfillment of the things, that you have defined individually in this time/space reality! -That’s as good as it gets.

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

How do Desires and Enlightenment go together?

My first question is about enlightenment. I've been studying a lot of different teachers, and a lot of them talk about enlightenment. And some of them talk about how all the desires we have on the physical level- you know some of them say, it's fine to have them... but...

Good!! Because you can't help it! The entire universe is established, to provide them!! You are on the leading edge of thought! You better get in the flow of that!

Right. Some of them say, behind every physical desire is this deep longing for... they have different names for, but what many call enlightenment. And I want to understand this more, but...

Oh, we can tell you here!

but, the other part about it... some of them say, when you... when you get into this state, then you no longer need to incarnate. And wonder about that and I also wonder, IS enlightenment just alignment- what you speak of?

First of all, let us tell you, we have to say to you that
there is nothing that could be less accurate than the statement, that incarnation is for the less enlightened. Because: Incarnation is the leading edge!

Where do they get this stuff??

Well these are these are other channeled... a lot of others channel themes, too, and I wonder!

There is not a shred of evidence, anywhere in your universe, to support that! -Let's talk about what enlightenment is.

Enlightenment is the allowing of the light.
Enlightenment is the allowing of the energy, that is source!
Enlightenment is the raising of vibration.

Enlightenment is what we've been talking about here: It's moving up this vibrational meter, you see, and so- one day, we were visiting with someone
who proposed a similar situation. And they were talking about someone who had counseled them to release their desires, because their desires were heavy and bulky by by the perspective of this counselor. And they were encouraged to release their desires for these worldly things, and we said:

"And what what is the reason for you to do that? Why are they encouraging you to do that?" and they said: Because then, I will be more enlightened." and we said: "And then what?", and they said: "and then, I will feel more joy!" and we said: "Is not joy a desire?"

-Is not joy the ultimate desire, you see?

And so, you can't have it both ways. You can't say, well... it's well we acknowledge that there are a lot of physical humans that are trying to make it, uh, both ways, by making the list of appropriate desires here. And the list of inappropriate desires here! But desires are either appropriate or they are not.

And we have to say to you, desire is the first summoning of that which is source!

It is inherent in the eternalness that we all are. In fact, it is so significant that all of you said: "I want to go forth into this contrasting time-space reality, so that the desire can be inspired within me. And when it is born, whether I speak about it or not, there will be summoning power on my behalf, that occurs. In other words, the Universe is established this way, and the greatest grief that we see anywhere in the Universe is right here, in this leading edge, human-dom-physical experience, where people are trying to resist the desires that are naturally born!

from the youtube clip: True Enlightenment- Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

How it works, when a Desire gets born

As you're experiencing contrast, knowing what you don't want and therefore asking what you do want-
when you ask for what you do want, we are not kidding you- that requests springs forward in a rocket-light fashion! A vibrational rocket. And the larger part of you, who knows full well that no one would know better to ask for an improvement for you, than you... so, when that rocket emanates from you, your inner being and that which is source, gives undivided attention to that new found request! And the universe expands: Because Source Energy is on that request now! That's really a big thing to understand!!

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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

ALL desires are "right" and get answered!

The Universe is not discriminating about the rightness or the wrongness of your request. It is here to accommodate all requests. All you have to do is be a Vibrational Match to your request, and the Universe will yield it to you.

--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Sacramento, CA on Saturday, May 13th, 2000
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Your todays-life is the manifestation of what you had desired from Non-Physical!

You are living the manifestation of the perfect dream that you launched from your God Source perspective.

It's time for you to start feeling appreciation for the clarity and power with which you chose to be here, and to feel, through connecting with your Inner Being, the satisfaction of it now playing out.

You are the manifestation long dreamed of; bringing endless satisfaction to that which is your Source.

And now your Source is here, wanting to express to you ways to help you get back into the loop of joy that you began, even before you made the decision to come here.

Reach for thoughts that feel better; pay attention to the way you feel. And as you bless every emotion, whether it feels good or bad, because you know that it is the indicator of your connection to Source Energy, you regain the feeling with which you came forth into this experience to begin with. And as you regain your memory of why you came forth into this physical experience to begin with, you will be inundated with indescribable joy.

Abraham-Hicks Boulder, CO 6/2/01
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by spiritualcookie »

Where do our desires come from?
Desires relating to seeking wellbeing come from our unconscious knowing that this is what we truly are

You have a powerful desire to be well, to be secure, to be successful and to be strong, and it is, without exception, from attention to the lack of these desires that you negatively create.

The reason the desires exist so strongly within you is because, unconsciously, you recognize that from your broader perspective, you are well, you are secure, you are successful, and you are strong.

Contrary to what most of you believe, you do not need to prove your wellness or secureness or success or strength.

In fact, in most cases, your trying to prove it backfires and instead you diminish it.

From your broader inner perspective, you ARE well, you ARE secure, you ARE successful, you ARE strong - and anything less than that is illusionary: physical illusions created by your physical thought or belief.

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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by spiritualcookie »

Much of your wanting is very well in place.

You have spent much of this physical experience examining life, and identifying preferences.

But most of you are not yet good at now allowing those wonderful things that you have identified as good, to flow into your experience.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

When people use their partners desires to discourage themselves...

As we are interacting with humans, sometimes we meet someone- in fact almost all humans that we meet, your vibrational gap seems to be continually influenced by what other people are doing. Not because they have power in your experience, but because you've got your nose in their business! So, two people- let's say, two people who want... (stay with us: we're really answering your question! It just seems a bit off the way!) ...two people, who -let's say they're living together, who seem to want two different things.

If this one would focus upon what he wants, and become a vibrational match to it, the universe must deliver it to him, in the fullest sense of the word. And if the other wants what they want, -even though it's different from what the other wants!- and if this one focuses upon it completely, then the universe must deliver it!

And so, both
-even when they're living together,
-even when they're cooperating together,
-even when they're working together,
each of them can receive exactly what they want. Provided, each of them focuses upon exactly what they want!

But what happens with most humans is: This one wants what they want, but notices what that one wants. So, this one's vibration isn't in alignment with what they want! And this one knows what they want, but notices what that one wants- so this one's vibration isn't in alignment with what they want.

So, now neither one of them are a match to what they want.
Neither one of them are getting what they want- and they're both blaming each other for it.

Abraham Hicks
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