Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
You are more than you know.
But you've probably suspected that for a long time.
But I mean, no you are really really really really really really really different than you know yourself to be.
You're so much smarter
and so much wiser
and you have so much more that you deserve.
You have so much vibrational credentials
and stuff saved up for you.
There is so much good that you are entitled to.
There is so much well-being that you were born knowing was yours.
It's a legacy... it's gifts... it's a legacy of well-being that is huge.
If [we] were standing in your physical shoes I would let myself hope for outrageously wonderful things to come to me.
And I would test the Universe.
I would say:
"Universe if I'm so good show me.
If I'm so worthy show me.
Not: 'If I'm so bad make it better' -
That's the opposite! That doesn't work!
[Instead say:] If I'm so good show me!
If I am a blessed Being, then let the blessing start pouring into my experience!
If I'm wise let me be smart!
If I'm blessed then I want to be happy!"
-from youtube Clip: UNIVERSE, If I'm So GOOD Then Show Me. If I'm WORHTY, Show Me! ~ Abraham Hicks
You as you came into this experience were calibrated to your goodness.
You were calibrated to Source energy
You are calibrated to love.
You are calibrated to well-being.
That's your natural default position.
That's who you are.
That's what your calibrated to.
And this other stuff you've learned along your physical trail does not mean diddly squat in comparison with that [- with who you truly are].
It's easy to hook into that [-to who you truly are].
And it's easy to maintain it now that you know what you know.
- AH
-from youtube Clip: UNIVERSE, If I'm So GOOD Then Show Me. If I'm WORHTY, Show Me! ~ Abraham Hicks