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Re: spiritualcookie's Forum Faves

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:25 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
:D :hearts: :hearts: :wave:

Re: spiritualcookie's Forum Faves

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:29 pm
by spiritualcookie
I'm going to write one of my own forum faves :lol:

My Desires:

I want to bring value to the world
I want to bring new things
I want to use my unique personality, creativity, to bring new things forth
I want to add something good to the world -

I want to expand
I want to learn new things
I want to feel motion forward
I want to play on the leading edge
I want to feel clarity for the next step
I want to feel a clear sense of direction
I want to discover new things
I want to explore and see new places and things.
I want to experience different sights, smells, sounds, sensations
I want to experience different beautiful creations of others
I want to play with innovative, leading-edge creations of others
I want to discover those things that are "the best thing ever!" in my eyes

I want to feel fun
I want to feel creative
I want to feel inspired & inspiration flowing through me
I want to feel the thrill of inspiration!
I want to feel the happy, eager excitement of it!
I want to feel ideas flowing through me
I want to feel inspired to create, and make, and do
I want to feel joy, happiness
I want to smile and laugh often
I want to enjoy a good sense of humour
I want to feel good
I want to feel ease
I want to feel relaxed
I want to feel energized
I want to feel enthusiasm
I want to feel excited and eager for more
I want to feel sure and certain and decisive
I want to feel optimistic
I want to feel playful
I want to feel satisfaction
I want to feel a heart full of love
I want to feel that everything's going smoothly and easily
I want to feel a sense of trust
I want to feel a sense of knowing of what I am wanting

I want to feel intuitive
I want to be tuned in, tapped in, turned on.
I want to be able to tune in to any answer I need myself, without having to depend on anyone else.
I want to tune so that I can experience fun, easy, love-filled psychic phenomena
I want to experience manifestations & synchronicities just because they're fun!
I want to feel and see the magic of deliberate creation often.
I want to get really good at it!

I want to feel that everything is working out for me
I want to feel like everything's going to be alright
I want to feel light and easy
I want to feel optimistic about the world
I want to feel optimistic about everything in my life

I want to feel a sense of wellbeing
I want to feel energetic aliveness, wellness and wellbeing coursing through my body
I want to feel a sense of perfect timing

I want to feel whole
I want to feel balanced
I want to feel full of appreciation & gratitude in my heart
I want to feel confident
I want to feel interested and fascinated
I want to feel alive
I want to feel invigorated
I want to feel passion

I want to wake up looking forward to the new day
I want to feel like I have loads to look forward to
I want to have lots of specific desires, goals & dreams
I want to have clear, interesting things to focus on - I love feeling focused!
I want to have projects I believe in that ring my bells
I want to have projects that fill my heart with joy
I want to have projects that call me to them
I want to have clarity for what I want always :heart:

I want to take photos of beautiful things
I want to make videos of beautiful places & interesting things
I want to write someting I believe in
I want to do something I believe in
I want to feel completely at peace with how I spend my time.

Re: spiritualcookie's Forum Faves

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 10:45 pm
by spiritualcookie
I am intending joyous creation :heart:
I am intending joyous inspiration!
I am intending joyous flow!
spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 6:26 pm When you don't know what you want, go general

We encourage all of you to say:
"I intend joyous creation.
I intend joyous creative survival.
I intend harmony.
I intend to eat well and be warm and be surrounded by those that I am harmonious with."

And as you set those intentions in motion
you will begin attracting the circumstances and other thoughts which will bring it about
and bring the detail of it into clearer focus for you.

As you try to deal with the details of that which is so vague and far away, like,
"What will I do for work?" or
"What will I do for money?"
those sorts of things,
it is too far away for you to think about that, you see.

But as you try to deal with the unknown details,
because you don't currently have enough information,
that is where your miscreating begins to occur.

- Abraham

Re: spiritualcookie's Forum Faves

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:45 pm
by spiritualcookie
A good reminder :heart:
spiritualcookie wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:33 pm How do you inactivate unwanted fearful thoughts from manifesting?

You invite through thought.

And every time you are inviting through thought, something that you do not want, your Inner Being offers you an emotional response to let you know. You don't feel good about it. And so, that is your indication that this thought is not in harmony with your greater wanting. So don't do that! So stop thinking it!

Not an easy thing, is it?
When we say, "Don't think about that!" what do you do?
You think about not thinking about that.
But you're still thinking about the thing we told you not to think about!

So what do you do?
You think about something else.
You cannot remove a thought, but you can think about another one.

Law of Attraction won't let you remove a thought.
You cannot concentrate upon not thinking about something hard enough to stop thinking it.
For the more you decide you will not think about it, the more you think about it.

But you can change the subject, can you not?
And that is truly what the art of pivoting is about.
That is truly the way you get focused upon what you are wanting.

- AH

Re: spiritualcookie's Forum Faves

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:09 pm
by spiritualcookie
I wanted to save this awesome explanation from Elke for easy reference :heart:

Subject: Because everything is malleable energy, it can morph into what we creator-beings - who create our own reality - powerfully, purely, intend & expect!

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:05 pm The patterns of the energy (the "Grids") make things hard or soft, of this or that material, this or that color, this or that density. And they are absolutely interchangeable. [...]

Energy is always in motion, it changes all the time. But it can change into same over and over and over again, IF WE EXPECT THAT. That, and the intention of the soul/oversoul of the physical thing, defines how long physical stuff lasts, and what it "normally" can endure. But when we change our expectation, the ability or parameters of physically shifts WITH THE EXPECTATION.

That is why Yogis can levitate, some "holy people" can manifest jewels, chocolates or "holy dust", shape-shift, walk through walls, occur on a different continent all of a sudden, and so on. The same with "miracle healings", where- per example- seemingly unhealable damaged human bodies heal over night.

So, in this case of the mother simply not caring for any doubt [of whether she had the strength to lift a car to save her child], only holding the 1 burning, PURE desire of saving her child, could shift what we "normally" expect of a female body. The energy morphed to what she EXPECTED. She didn't include doubt in the very moment into her pondering, there was no room for doubt. [...]

WE CAN HAVE IT ALL. Because, the basis of everything is ENERGY, aka VIBRATION. And we can translate and morph it into all we can think of.

(PS For anyone wanting to read about such miracles as described by Elke, I recommend the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Yogananda)

Re: spiritualcookie's Forum Faves

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 6:12 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
:hearts: :hearts: :wave:

Re: spiritualcookie's Forum Faves

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:27 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:50 am
Another recommendation to check out : )

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:38 pm I so enjoyed the channelings on the "GFL Station" on youtube that posts so many short, wonderful soothing and informative channels from extraterrestrials. I listened to them quite a time now and ALWAYS find them uplifting,
you are awesome, cookie! :hearts:

Re: spiritualcookie's Forum Faves

Posted: Sat May 11, 2024 8:18 am
by spiritualcookie
This is such a feel-good photo, I wanted to bookmark it here :hearts: :wave:
spiritualcookie wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 7:49 am
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 7:33 am
I am SO satisfied!
This photo is filled with such love, it makes my heart flutter with joy! :in_love: :angelic-whiteflying:
So beautiful! :hearts: :hearts:

Re: spiritualcookie's Forum Faves

Posted: Sat May 11, 2024 8:45 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Oh my! :vortex: :romance-wub: :ta:

Re: spiritualcookie's Forum Faves

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 12:08 am
by spiritualcookie
I really loved this Abe quote I just came across! So good to remember! :hearts:

How do you know what to do with your life?

Often you say, "I don't know what to do." (...)
And so, you sort of pace around, you don't know what to do.
Sometimes you don't even know what you want to have.
But you ALWAYS, you always, if you will stop and think about it,
you always know how you want to feel!

- Abraham