The ABC-Game, about Countries and their Food!

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Re: The ABC-Game, about Countries and their Food!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Ohhh, I am satisfied!! :hearts:
My life is amazing! We started the day with breakfast-picnic on a hilltop, such a wonderful tradition, that I never again want to miss on a weekend! I am so satisfied when DH and I are shopping- in this case, for food. I was so happy when we got the "9 herbs" that are needed for the eggs in mustard-sauce, that I want to prepare soon!
I am so satisfied that we got an amazing piece of beef-roast from a whole-food farmer, and now we'll have prime biled beef in horseradish, with potato dumplings, tomorrow! I am EAGER for both :hearts:
And tonight, we were a tiny bit hungra, and instead of going to bed, we prepared a Zabaione. I AM HIGH AND HAPPY because of it! :lol: Well, not really high, and not really because of it- but man, was it delicious.

Our son helped DH to cut a tree that fell by the storm- into the chicken yard of the neighbor. It was incredibly tricky to just get to the tree, and then a hailstorm began. And we all just worked on, with fun, so much peaceful steadiness... I am so satisfied with the people and the relationships that are around me. LIFE IS SO GOOD!

Life is so good. And I am sooo eager for what is coming! I hear the channelers about the future, and I am SO SATISFIED!
I feel into what will be, and I feel elated. I am SO thankful that I may live in this time: THANK YOU, thank you, thank you life!

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Re: The ABC-Game, about Countries and their Food!

Post by Pollyanna »

Beautiful Paradise on Earth,

Wow! You and your loved ones have been busy today! I'm so glad you had such a satisfying day and even gladder you all were guided to and in safety by Source. 🙂

Your rampage is so lovely and heart-felt that I'm inspired to be as in the moment as you are! ✨️ I'm so thankful for finding you and this forum. You and everyone here have inspired me so much that I feel like a little kid, giddy at a surprise birthday party and loving every golden nugget posted.

Thank you again for helping me feel like "thick in the cream"! 🥰😍🤩 Good night!
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Re: The ABC-Game, about Countries and their Food!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Pollyanna wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 10:28 pm Beautiful Paradise on Earth,

Wow! You and your loved ones have been busy today! I'm so glad you had such a satisfying day and even gladder you all were guided to and in safety by Source. 🙂

Your rampage is so lovely and heart-felt that I'm inspired to be as in the moment as you are! ✨️ I'm so thankful for finding you and this forum. You and everyone here have inspired me so much that I feel like a little kid, giddy at a surprise birthday party and loving every golden nugget posted.

Thank you again for helping me feel like "thick in the cream"! 🥰😍🤩 Good night!
How sweet and lovely -and loving you are!! :hearts:
...Are you the one that is having their birthday today? In that case, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :clap: :occasion-cake: :occasion-birthdaymulticolor:

...and when the party is for another birthday-child, then have a wonderful celebration as well. Abe said, we should celebrate EVERY day that we are born and alive, and that the world is ours! :hearts:
Much, much love to you- and everybody! :vortex:
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Re: The ABC-Game, about Countries and their Food!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

:lol: maybe it was the Zabaione we ate yesterday night, that was the reason that I had "lost" my rampage-post here, on a "work" thread :crazy:
...I just now finished the rest of the Zabaione a minute ago and can't guarantee for nothing...! :D
I had FUN looking up all the pictures of when DH and I had been in Italy (=I!)... but now I just wanna live DOLCE VITA and not care for "work". :bath:

May you all have a blessed sunday (and lots of Zabaione, or whatever you crave in the moment!) :wave:
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Re: The ABC-Game, about Countries and their Food!

Post by Pollyanna »

Dearest Paradise on Earth,

Thank you for being a fountain of wisdom and blessing to me! 💓

It seems that you had a rough period earlier, and yet you still took time to write such wonderful messages to uplift us. I'm so grateful for witnessing your move up the emotional scale from your posts --- your authenticity, compassion and consistency are very inspiring to me.

Though I didn't have a little one's birthday, I do feel reborn everyday, learning from the forum and especially you! 😀 You are my shiny example on how to apply Abraham's teachings to my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ❤️🩷🧡

I hope you will have a wonderful morning and blessed week ahead!

With deep love and appreciation,
Your humble student and affectionate friend 🙂
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Re: The ABC-Game, about Countries and their Food!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Pollyanna wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 8:03 pm Dearest Paradise on Earth,

Thank you for being a fountain of wisdom and blessing to me! 💓

It seems that you had a rough period earlier, and yet you still took time to write such wonderful messages to uplift us. I'm so grateful for witnessing your move up the emotional scale from your posts --- your authenticity, compassion and consistency are very inspiring to me.

Though I didn't have a little one's birthday, I do feel reborn everyday, learning from the forum and especially you! 😀 You are my shiny example on how to apply Abraham's teachings to my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ❤️🩷🧡

I hope you will have a wonderful morning and blessed week ahead!

With deep love and appreciation,
Your humble student and affectionate friend 🙂
:in_love: :dancing: :ta:

I'm so glad that it serves you, when I selfishly ;) share in what gives me relief and what trains my vibration! :vortex-small::hearts:
I'm so glad you are happy, and find MORE to be happy about!
I'm so glad for your appreciation, it feels so good! :dance:
I'm so glad to feel you here "in the house", as you are such an uplifter and joy-keeper!

Thank you for being! :kiss: (don't be humble, you are a God in physical clothes!!)

spiritualcookie wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:40 pm
When you humble yourself
you diminish your connection with the resources,
with Source...

And it is not that far from a vibration of victimhood, really.

- Abraham Hicks

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Re: The ABC-Game, about Countries and their Food!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


ITALY. (and "I"!)

Passo dello Splugo in May... covered in ice

It is hard to believe that it was only 2017, in the year where DH and I shared Abe on the "French Riviera Cruise" and visited Rome and Naples (with Pompeji and Mt Vesuvius) as well as Venice, that I saw more of Italy than maybe 30 km apart from the Austrian border! When we had done little trips through the Alps before with our kids, in a time where money was so tight and we couldn't afford hotels for 6 people, we just had hopped over there, cheered "ITALY!!!" when we saw the street-sign, and hopped back, a few kilometers further. BUT WE HAD BEEN THERE! :lol:

I knew before that the cruise would change my life, it would be some kind of fulcrum in who I was. It marked us, shifting from a somewhat survival-mode into LIVING, as DH started to earn quite a lot more money AND my father had left me a remarkable inheritance. It marked us, as becoming empty-nesters. It marked us, becoming travelers. It marked us, focusing more ON OURSELVES, instead of all the time, 24/7, thinking about the kids FIRST. Sooo relaxing! Well, the thinking about them and for them didn't stop, but it got another weigh, and that was strange, and wonderful. We felt invited to EXPLORE- because the world called us! We felt like new borns that dared to unfold in an unknown before world. Slow, curious and somewhat insecure in the beginning, while fresh and eager. In this way, Italy indeed IS the land of "dolce vita", of sweet life, for me!

Carpaccio on a tiny campo in Venice, while children played around us

We traveled again 2019 into the "land where the lemon-trees bloom", as the German poet Goethe had said. We were eager, really HUNGRY for Italy! In March we packed up our tiny 2-seater Roadster-Convertible and decided to surround Lake Garda and visit these lemon-trees! We hadn't booked a thing, we had no plan, we drove open ALL the time, even on the small roads of the snow-capped Alps. It felt so FREE. And finally, the huge lake was before us... and it felt as seeing the promised land.

In March at night, on a Café-terrace of Lake Garda, in Limone-Sul-Garda

We drifted along in mild, glorious sun-filled days, and enjoyed eating al fresco day and night. It was a dream come true! The hotels for the night just offered themselves to us. SO early in the season, it was all available. We even got parking spots- as someone would have waved their magic wand!

Grilled seafood in a trattoria on the shore of Lake Garda- actually, the restaurant was just getting ready to open the next day! In Winter, most touristic things close (as restaurants and hotels) But what we got was so delicious!

We found a small fruit-stand besides the street, and we bought amazing grapes and the largest (and sweetest) oranges I had ever seen! We looked at Verona and stood on Juliettes balcony (you must touch Juliets breast in the court, to find- or keep true love!). We had heard of "the best pasticceria in northern Italy" and bought some treats there for a picnic, which we celebrated underneath blossoming almond trees in an orchard.

We where stunned by Mantua, ascending out of the veils of fog, and watched a magic sunset from Monte Baldo. And where hooked! So we came back 2 months later, certain that warm, gentle Italy would embrace us once more with nothing than amicability! We had borrowed the Jeep and the roof-tent of our son, and brought flying gear for my husband. We didn't find flying weather, but we got stuck in a snow-storm on ice-covered Splügen-Pass, froze our a** off while camping at Monte Cimone. We found traces of wolves in the snow, and read a few years later- it's not only wolves there, but bears as well, and the private rescue teams wouldn't go out anymore for service in the nights, because of them.

Pizza and Pizza Bianco in a rural trattoria somewhere in Trentino, just to get a little bit warm again

So we hurried south and drove through lovely spring in upper Tuscany. Modena (with a very swift look at Ferrari and Maserati), Bologna, Florence, Lucca, Pisa... an afternoon of exploring the mountains of Carrara. Taking time to visit the 5 villages of Cinque Terra and La Spezia. It was wild, it was steep, it was NOT handicap-accessible :?, it was dirty, it was awesome, it was... ITALY! :hearts:

Some snacks, bought in a mercado (typically colorful pastry and sandwiches filled with fish)

Milan: Visiting the beautiful Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II., where DH did a piroutte on his heel, on the "testicles of the bull" in the center-mosaic, as this brings luck and potency to the men that do it! ;) (Not that he would need it)

And then, back... via Milan. Finding a parking-house felt like an adventure with secret holes and luring terror... but in the end, we got back our car, and NOTHING had happened. Ohh, and we LOVED the view from the amazing roof of the cathedral!! What an unforgettable, epic experience to walk between all the gothic details, turrets and arches! And what pure bliss, to have afterwards (the sun got hot...) a cup of fresh pressed, sweet blood orange-juice, bought in a food stall besides the Dome.

Italian pastries "to go", bought by weight

And then came Corona... and it took us 2 years to get back to Italy: As we came back from our road-trip through Slowenia, we camped directly at the Mediterranean Sea and spent 2 days in Trieste. What an awesome, breathtakingly beautiful city, with such a nice energy- that everyone seems to just rush by on the highway. While it was once called the "Pearl of the Adriatic Sea"! We felt triumphant that we hadn't. We felt pure bliss, by enjoying the sunsets over the ocean, directly out of our roof-tent, and being able to take a swim in the sea, in the early morning!

Deep fried seafood (and the famous orange Aperol-Spritz) on the coastline of Trieste

Last year, where we strolled in June though the French- Swiss- and Italian High Alps on tiniest roads, where everything that can bloom, blossomed together. Rhododendron, willow, forget-me-not and pansy! We slept on 2800m altitude, free standing on mountain meadows, while the groundhog whistled besides our car. It all felt guided. It all felt as out of a fairytale. It felt charmed! ...We'll be back. :hearts:

A little snack besides a gushing mountain creek, from local honey, -cheese, -salami, fresh bread and fruit, that we bought minutes ago at a local market somewhere in the High Alps

I thought to, this time, just pull together the dishes and snacks that we had, while we have been in Italy. (There is no scientific accuracy in it, just the joy of memories!) But then, I really wanted to add also, the Italian "original" food that I , DH and my daughter have so much fun to prepare, sometimes. Here come crostini, self made with chicken liver, capers, anchovy or vegetables.

This is carpaccio from the citron-fruit, that has no juice but a lot of rind. This is supposed to be incredibly yummie... I and family had been disappointed! :lol:

This is self-made pesto, which gets served mixed into spaghetti

And, so I guess, everybody knows Tiramisu (which means "pull me up"). I have eaten it all over the place, in restaurants, at private places... I still like my own (incredibly simple) recipe the most. I even tried the one explained in Sophia Loren's cookbook (because I'm such fan of her)... much too complicated! :lol:

I like it easy, and also- not TOO easy! I like it lighthearted, but not shallow. I love it wild... in good boundaries. Like, Italy! :hearts:

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Re: The ABC-Game, about Countries and their Food!

Post by Pollyanna »

Wow! Purely magical!! This is like a rampage in poetry!!! So beautiful. So musical. I loved and enjoyed the post so much that I can't imagine anything more joyful. 🧡😄❤️

And I feel calm and happy just to be daydreaming along. Such bliss! Thank you for inspiring me to tell a new story about my life in such love, abundance and joy! ❤️

I also love the Abraham quote you shared with me! Though I haven't heard it before, I imagine it is why Abraham often uses the phrase 'unfolding of the "perfection" that's you '. I so appreciate knowing my past beliefs are contradictory to who I really am. Another thought to let go!

Dear Paradise on Earth, I love swimming in this warm and blissful ocean with you!!! ❤️🧡🩷 You are my angel and guide!!
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Re: The ABC-Game, about Countries and their Food!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Pollyanna wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 10:33 pm Wow! Purely magical!! This is like a rampage in poetry!!! So beautiful. So musical. I loved and enjoyed the post so much that I can't imagine anything more joyful. 🧡😄❤️

And I feel calm and happy just to be daydreaming along. Such bliss! Thank you for inspiring me to tell a new story about my life in such love, abundance and joy! ❤️

I also love the Abraham quote you shared with me! Though I haven't heard it before, I imagine it is why Abraham often uses the phrase 'unfolding of the "perfection" that's you '. I so appreciate knowing my past beliefs are contradictory to who I really am. Another thought to let go!

Dear Paradise on Earth, I love swimming in this warm and blissful ocean with you!!! ❤️🧡🩷 You are my angel and guide!!
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :wave: Thank you for the beautiful compliment! It is highly appreciated. :dance: May you have a beautiful day of unfolding the perfection that is you! :vortex:
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Re: The ABC-Game, about Countries and their Food!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"J" it is today, and even there are 51 European countries- none of them begins with "J".
I take this as a sign to be even more lazy today and do nothing! :lol: :in_love: :vortex-small:

Or would someone like to chime in with ANY J-Country? :hearts:
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