I agree about cooked veggies, carrots are the only raw veggie I eat. There's way too many fruits and veggies that disagree with me one way or another...I eat a lot of oatmeal and tofu, asparagus, green beans, lean chicken or turkey, this great lavash bread from Atoria, or a no salt premade taco shell for fun . I buy canned butternut squash by the dozen. I can eat honey. also cantaloupe and watermelon. It's so funny that when I first got this affliction I had to eat other foods that now don't agree with me....hahaha, but my basics had held fast. As long as I can eat something I'm happy.
The doctors would want to stick tubes and cameras into me I'm sure but that's not the answer for me so far.
I can see that stress affects us all in one way or another through our physical or mental health so as I try new ways of managing my symptoms I let myself off the hook of blame since not too many people escape it. Even Esther was envious of her friend who could eat so much so I don't ever judge myself or my ability to "allow" in my life. Even Jerry got sick, so it seems logical to do the best I can and learn to accept , continue to believe that there is a way for me and flow in ease some how.
My Mr. has had health problems since 2013 and poor soul it's one thing after another so that does affect me also; he still gets a lot done even in his pain. We work well together somehow. Again it's a matter of not blaming anything but accepting and loving and trusting . It appears as though most ppl have their contrast on this physical plane so I count my blessings that what we both have is manageable while we move through things.
That being said, I hope we all find relief for what ails us
I agree with what you say here
I'm glad you brought up the lettuce goals too, I also wondered what that was so thankyou to Poe for askingI guess flowing with inspiration, following our desires as best we can, following our inner guidance.. Not giving up on our desires. And of course addressing any resistances and limiting beliefs that may be there
I think you are both managing the twists and turns of your journey in such an awesome way
We are all taking the bounce so very well