Meditation 30 day challenge

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Re: Meditation 30 day challenge

Post by abrahammer117 »

Updated Goals:
a) 3 x 15 minutes sound of silence meditations each day.
b) Cold shower first thing followed by meditation
c) No 'non work internet at all at work.
Day 14: Despite yesterday feeling like there wasn't another goal brewing - one has fully brewed - cold shower first thing every morning before meditation. The more I enjoy the benefits of sticking to the challenge the more I look forward to adding things that I feel ready for. I had a period in 2024, maybe a week or more where I cold showered then meditated first thing each day and I remember it being a very good week. From a Hicks perspective, it's a reliable significant mood boost first thing and the rest of the day definitely benefits.

2 weeks into the meditation challenge and I feel very grateful for it. I like that I never feel confused about my vibe or what to do etc.
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Re: Meditation 30 day challenge

Post by abrahammer117 »

Updated Goals:
a) 3 x 15 minutes sound of silence meditations each day.
b) Cold shower first thing followed by meditation
c) No superfluous internet of any kind until 6pm

Day15. Getting waves of confidence coming in now that feel great. I like noticing that the better I feel the more it seems common sense that taking care of how I feel is the best priority to have.
I've updated my goals again, and again only done this when something popped in that felt really right, no superfluous internet at all until 6pm.
I needlessly checked some football this morning and browsed some Youtube and the energy hangover was very apparent. Getting to 6pm each day without any superfluous internet would feel great
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Re: Meditation 30 day challenge

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 16:


It's interesting trying to use meditation when I'm having a low moment to see if it will uplift. I felt some relief in it : ) Some images / "video" clips came in during the meditation - I guess symbols of "where I am" vibrationally at this moment in time. (A television with static, a video clip of an exasperated woman)

In this 30 day challenge I'm noticing my mood is very up and down.. and up again :lol:
It would be nice if it would be just consistently getting better and better all the time πŸš€ :hearts:

Day 16 complete βœ…

30 day grid:
βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… β­• β­•
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β­• β­• β­• β­• β­• β­•
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Re: Meditation 30 day challenge

Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 16:
Updated Goals:
a) 3 x 15 minutes sound of silence meditations each day.
b) Cold shower first thing followed by meditation
c) No superfluous internet of any kind (no news, football, YouTube etc.) - Sunday cheat day
d) One meal a day - Sunday cheat day
e) Wim Hof breathing until I reach 3.30min breath hold - once a day

More improvements are flowing in. Something more has been brewing about internet use, the better I'm feeling the more obvious it is how harmful it is to my vibe. What feels great right now is to just avoid all random internet use but all cheat days on Sundays.
Similarly something has been brewing about losing weight and today the thoughts settled on sticking to one meal a day (I'm good at making this big!) and having Sunday a cheat day. Generally speaking the better I'm feeling the better I want to feel

Adding another thing again! Wim Hof breathing until I hit a breath hold of 3m.30s.
IT's really reliable that if I keep doing the rounds of breathing, when I get to 3m 30s I experience a short burst of euphoria and it's like for a few moments I really feel my soul and my power. This is a good thing for me to do each day. I'm guessing it works that the breath hold changes things in the brain where resistant thought is really wiped out for a moment
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Re: Meditation 30 day challenge

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 17:


Day 17 complete βœ…

30 day grid:
βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… β­•
β­• β­• β­• β­• β­• β­•
β­• β­• β­• β­• β­• β­•


Inspired by a podcast interview between Joe Dispenza and Emilio Ortiz, I was inspired to a new way of looking at the traditional passive no-thought meditation today:

Joe Dispenza mentioned that when you meditate and look at the nothingness / blackness - you're actually tuning into what he calls the Quantum Field, aka non-physical reality. It made me think: That means when you meditate you are literally tuning into the non-physical Vortex where all your desires are; and where all creation comes from. Without having any thoughts about it- you're just giving the Vortex Non-Physical Energy pure focus, without even knowing you're doing it. You can't see it or feel it or sense it - because it's non-physical - it literally isn't perceptible with the physical senses. That's why it looks and often also feels like nothingness. But it isn't nothingness. And by giving pure non-resistant focus to your Vortex, putting the full power of your Consciousness there, in theory, that has the power to bring the creation of the contents of your Vortex closer to you. This thought is helping me surrender to allowing myself to experience the nothingness more without trying to find things to interpret within it :) :hearts:
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Re: Meditation 30 day challenge

Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 16:
Updated Goals:
a) 3 x 15 minutes sound of silence meditations each day.
b) Cold shower first thing followed by meditation
c) No superfluous internet of any kind (no news, football, YouTube etc.) - Sunday cheat day
d) No food before 6pm - Sunday cheat day
e) Wim Hof breathing until I reach 3.30min breath hold - once a day

doing well!! really really feeling the benefits of staying off needless internet.
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Re: Meditation 30 day challenge

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 18:

INTENTION: I am intending to focus on my non-physical vortex during this meditation. As I relax, let go of all resistances and thoughts, and just focus purely on the non-physical (which is physically experienced as nothingness), creative forces gather towards my vortex by the power of my focus - to make my vortex desires denser and denser, to bring them closer and closer to manifesting into physical reality. :hearts:

Day 18 complete βœ…

30 day grid:
βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
β­• β­• β­• β­• β­• β­•
β­• β­• β­• β­• β­• β­•
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Re: Meditation 30 day challenge

Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 19:
Updated Goals:
a) 3 x 15 minutes sound of silence meditations each day.
b) Cold shower first thing after waking followed by meditation
c) No superfluous internet of any kind (no news, football, YouTube etc.) - Sunday cheat day
d) No food before 6pm - Sunday cheat day. Today's body fat 20.9%
e) Wim Hof breathing until I reach 3.30min breath hold - once a day if I have time

Lots of signs that I'm steadily going in a good direction, getting more excited by this now!
Once again, the better I feel on average the more it feels like common sense that taking care of how I feel is the best priority - even when it comes to money! I re-read the '7 day mental diet' pamphlet by Dr Emmet Fox where it puts it something like this - you don't have to change conditions, but if you change your mind the conditions HAVE to change'. It reminded me too that if I find myself dwelling on any thought that is non optimistic or kind or constructive, just change the subject!

I really enjoyed reading the 'getting into the vortex' meditation handbook in the coffee shop this morning. The better I feel on average, the more I enjoy reading it. I've read this book a thousand times but it never gets old for me.
I did a little bit of positive aspect game too - I can tell I'm close to doing more of this
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Re: Meditation 30 day challenge

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 19:

I was listening to another podcast with Joe Dispenza and Emilio Ortiz about meditation. Dispenza suggested that when we meditate, we go from the normal beta brain waves, to alpha brain waves (= a state of calm). At this point you may get images coming in - I've gotten there many times before during meditation.
And the goal is to then get to theta brain waves, which is where your body totally goes to sleep but your mind is still awake. I guess that must be what Esther Hicks describes when she says you can't tell your nose from your toes. And he said that the magical turning point in meditation is when you feel joy and ecstasy during meditation. He said that at this point, he's witnessed miracles happen as a result of meditation. I've never gotten to feeling joy and ecstasy during meditation - yet - but it's a good goal to aim for :) I remember when I read Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda he also mentioned this state of joy and ecstasy during meditation - and Suzanne Giesemann mentioned it too. Chopa mentions it too:
In India we call this Sat Chit Ananda or eternal bliss consciousness. In this state of being your body heals itself simply by knowning itself.

- Deepak Chopra
I asked chatgpt about tips for getting into theta brain wave states and it suggested you need a minimum of 20 minutes to get into that level. I guess that's why Joe Dispenza's meditations are much longer than the 15 minutes Abraham suggest. In Autobiography of a Yogi, they also meditated for hours. It would be nice to reach deep, effective levels of meditation in 15-20 minutes though :) It's about the quality of the meditation, not the quantity I believe.
Esther once wrote she got into ecstasy and joy almost straight away
we set the timer for another 15 minutes, and again I felt numbness overtake my entire body. But this time, something, or someone, began to β€œbreathe my body.” From my vantage point, it felt like rapturous love, moving from deep inside my body outward. What a glorious sensation! Jerry heard my soft sounds of pleasure and later said that, to him, I appeared to be writhing in ecstasy.

- Esther Hicks
Later, I read up on tips for how to reach a state of joy during meditation and discovered the Buddhist technique of reaching states of meditation called The Jhanas. The First Jhana is a state of joy, bliss, ecstasy. And there were very good guides online for how to practice to work towards the First Jhana - so I have a new desire now with my meditation work - to apply what I learned from Leigh Brasington to work towards experiencing the First Jhana! :D

The technique is very simple:

Jhana Meditation Technique
  • Focus on the breath until the breath becomes so subtle it's hard to notice, then
  • Focus on a positive pleasant-feeling tingle / sensation somewhere in the body, and focus all your concentration on it. If you can smile when you meditate, it works very well for generating a pleasant sensation to focus upon.
    Note: You're not focusing on the location of the feeling; you're focusing on the feeling itself, regardless of where it flows during the meditation - because it is likely to shift locations and change as you go. The aim is to immerse your awareness in the pleasant sensationβ€”its texture, warmth, or vibrancyβ€”rather than being attached to where it is happening in the body. Allow the Sensation to Flow Naturally. By staying with the quality of the sensation, you allow it to flow and transform naturally, fostering the development of joy (pΔ«ti) and ease (sukha).
    That's it! That's the whole meditation.
  • Continue doing this during meditations day after day, being patient, raising your vibration day by day, until one day a switch flips and you're in the First Jhana, experiencing joy and ecstasy brought on by the meditation. It may take a while of practice before anything happens. You can't hurry it along. You just have to be patient and continue doing the work. It'll happen when you're vibrationally ready.
:angelic-cyan: :romance-cloud9: :angelic-cyan: :romance-cloud9: :angelic-cyan: :romance-cloud9:

Don’t try to do the jhanas. You can’t. All you can do is generate the conditions out of which the jhanas can arise. Be patient, trust that they will come in time, however long it takes.
Recognize when you’ve established these conditions, then patiently wait for the jhana to come find you.

- Leigh Brasington
INTENTION: To work towards establishing the right conditions for the First Jhana


Day 19 of the Meditation Challenge βœ…
Day 1 of the Jhana Challenge βœ… 🎡 O Oh Jaane Jaana! 🎡

30 day grid:
βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
βœ… β­• β­• β­• β­• β­•
β­• β­• β­• β­• β­• β­•
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Re: Meditation 30 day challenge

Post by Tara »

Love your last post... I would also like to go deeper into meditative states this year. Thank you for reminding me of a Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda book. I used to read it in winter times always leaving the last pages unread somehow and restarting again next year. There are so many people devoted to spirituality... it is so inspiring.

And the quote of Deepak Chopra: "In this state of being your body heals itself simply by knowning itself." --> is ringing something within me :ta:
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