Easy Matches

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Post by Tara »

I am in my new place today.
While not all stuff has been set up, and many more things are required for coziness I so love being here:
- Maybe it’s because my partner and I have spent so many wonderful moments here. This room is filled with our beautiful memories and energy.
- Maybe it’s also because this room is pleasantly warm - Maybe because it is very spacious.
- Maybe because my partner when he was living here was doing meditation every day and filled this space with harmony.
- Maybe because I have this candle lightened up.
- Maybe because I finally put a picture my partner gifted me of a couple kissing and reminding me of us so much ❤️
- Maybe because this room has book shelves and I can now easily see my Abraham and other spiritual books.
- Maybe because it is peaceful here even if it’s central, the windows are facing a garden.
- Maybe it’s because I bought this new wardrobe and could fit many things.
- Maybe it’s because my manager (who is also my friend allowed me to half work and half do my things as she knew that I relocated)
- Maybe because when she called me I was in the car with my coat and scarf and she laughed as she did not expect me to work from the car and my brother, who was driving laughed from her delicious laugh (I did look funny, and she made a joke that I’m ready for a snow which she told me about earlier)
- Maybe because I like the neighbors here. Behind my walls there is a family and you can here happy kids
- Maybe because my brother helped me and my move was with a great ease.
- Maybe because numbers kept lining up for me.
- Maybe because I managed to put nicely majority of the stuff today and the room is clean and tidy and cozy.
- Maybe it’s because I put a few cute status of angels.
- Maybe because I put a yantra.
- I don’t know why it feels so good. Maybe because there is so many easy matches inside and around the area and my inner being kept this place in the vortex for me.

I love it here

Hello my new home

Hello new me

Hello new beginnings ❤️❤️❤️
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Post by Tara »

Easy matches of today:
- This room has a balcony (it’s not a balcony but has windows and when you open has balcony frame with little space). The squirrel used to come to my partner on a frame asking for some nuts, and yesterday I put aside some nuts in my room thinking that maybe a squirrel will come, and she did. It was joyful, easy existing match.
- The heating in the room works well. Easy existing match.
- There is a small Tesco round the corner. So during lunch I could go and grab some quick food. Easy existing match.
- My work is buying me a table I have chosen (it can go up and down) and is quite pricy. Easy existing match.

All is well
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Hi Tara :wave: :hearts:

I just wanted to say thank you for recommending the clip "This Is The Truth Of Today! ⚠️💜 Abraham Hicks 2024" on Elke's thread the other day. It was so full of good quotes! I've just had an enjoyable, satisfying time adding them all to our quote section thanks to your recommendation 🥰

PS Congratulations on your new place! I hope it will be a "good feeling place" for you! :D :hearts:
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 12:43 am Hi Tara :wave: :hearts:

I just wanted to say thank you for recommending the clip "This Is The Truth Of Today! ⚠️💜 Abraham Hicks 2024" on Elke's thread the other day. It was so full of good quotes! I've just had an enjoyable, satisfying time adding them all to our quote section thanks to your recommendation 🥰
I saw the immense wonderful work you did there! Thank YOU!! :hearts:
PS Congratulations on your new place! I hope it will be a "good feeling place" for you! :D :hearts:
exactly, from me as well!! :text-imnewhere: :flowers: Be blessed in that place, and may you have so much joy with all the good things, including squirrel! :animals-mouse: :romance-cloud9: :hearts: :vortex: :dance: :wave:
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Post by Tara »

Spiritualcookie and POE, I must say it was a cocreation ❤️

I loved that video and wanted to share somewhere the whole link secretly hoping someone would write down the quotes, but was unsure if I can share the whole link, and then POE asked for the title and you Cookie made the quotes - wonderful 😊🥰🥰🥰 thank you!

I listen to this video often this week. I like how Abraham said would you rather receive a compliment you look amazing or tired. Somehow it influenced me that I managed to receive 2 compliments this week 😄😄😄😄

Love LOA!
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Post by Tara »

Easy Matches:
I just found out that I can press on the microphone close my eyes and dictate these matches that I experienced today. Easy match.
Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and I meditated and it felt good and helped me to Center myself. Easy match.
It was nice to be on time.
It was nice. It was wonderful to feel reconnected at a very deep level with my partner.
I liked going for lunch with my partner and his friend that I liked place we went to eat. I liked the food. I liked the company. I felt good. It felt like it felt joyful and happy.
I like my partners friends humour.I like his optimistic nature I like being around people who are uplifting.
I like the event that I liked learning about Kamadeva. I like to realising the power of love even at the deeper level in my soul.
I loved hearing other people experience.
I love seeing couples and love.
Even when I was coming back home in the bus, there were too young girls sharing the love stories and that was beautiful.
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Post by Tara »

Easy Matches...
- I appreciate that Saturday night my body woke me up at 3am and I could meditate and sooth my agitated mind. (P.S. Did you know that we never breath equally with both nostrils (one is always more dominant (I will not go into more things that are related here, but it is quite fascinating how many things are connected...)? Anyways, Focusing on one (active) nostril and then trying to activate breathing on another, was a good help for me to quiet my mind. Then I gentle gentle reminded me that conditions do not matter, what matters is that I just feel slightly better. Things I did not feel like attending, were easy to attend on Sunday, and the balance flipped into the positive again, as I gentle reminded myself that all what matters is that I feel good and by defocusing from conditions, I allowed myself to connect with Source... Easy Match.
- The next few mornings before getting out of bed, I asked myself simple questions:
- Do I like to feel struggle or ease? - EASE
- Do I like to feel agitated or at peace? - AT PEACE
- Do I like to feel stuck or in the flow? - IN THE FLOW
Somehow in the morning doing this even in my mind, helped me feel these emotions...plus I meditated. And today, I am feeling bliss in my heart again. I feel glimpses of happiness.

I like feeling good. I like going deep into feeling good. I like what I learnt yesterday about school of pleasure and school of pain... I like how the school of pleasure is aligned with the Abraham Teachings.

All is well.
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Post by Tara »

I so appreciate myself for playing easy existing match game often. It is helping me so very much.
This weekend an unwanted momentum in my mind started (the victimhood mode I have also practice for many years). Normally when I get there I need a nights sleep to get out. But this time somehow I was a bit going general while travelling on the tube… and somehow momentum started changing. Then literally everywhere I looked there was a heart. I also glanced on something written and it was “choose love” and I felt such a relief and bliss in my heart. And I was wow ! The energy in me shifted. Thank you easy match game 🥰
I came home, and he came (I told him not too as I was not in a good mood, but then my mood improved I was hoping he will come but I didn’t want to write and keep changing my mind). He came in response to my hopes and shifted energy. He made my table, I cooked dinner, we had such a nice time together. He stayed and we had such an amazing day today… our time, movie time, cooking time, feeling good time, loving time.

Feeling place:
- Loved. I feel loved.
- Love. I feel love.
- Happy. I feel happy.
- Ease. I feel ease.
- Bliss
- Satisfying
- Elevated
- Appreciative

Thank you ❤️
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Hi Tara! :hearts: :wave:
I saw this and thought of you!
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

awww!!! :romance-wub: :romance-romance: :romance-smileyheart: :romance-heartstiny: :romance-heartspink: :romance-heartsmiley: :romance-inlove: :romance-hearteyes: :romance-heartsfade:

:romance-heartbeating: :wave:
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