I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 6

"Allow what is, and watch what happens"... what does this mean?
It means, to not push against ANYTHING.
It means to trust that ALL THINGS that come ARE HAPPENING FOR ME!
It means, to be curious and playful.
It means, to be poised to look at what is wanted, even if conditions seem to be highly unwanted.
It means to choose the stance that Source/God MAYBE knows a better route than I could figure out with my pea-brain? :lol:

It means, to be "as the children". It means to play and trust and be jolly and stable in my joy.

This feels awesome. This feels free and delightful and happy and humorous, instead of miffed, and thankful, instead of like a victim. I LIKE THAT.
I am satisfied with this, and I could ALWAYS be! And I am eager for more, more more LIFE!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 7

"My path"...
I so love my journey, when I look back!
I so love what I achieved.
I always wanted to play big. And, I always have achieved "big things"!
I achieved to turn around the paradigm within me, (at least, a BIG DEAL).
I achieved to allow and mold and heal and nurture an awesome relationship with my soulmate since 45 years.
I achieved to allow and nurture along 4 children into my life, and add to their life even after their childhood.
I achieved to become what I call a sage...
I achieved miracle healings.
I achieved "impossible" manifestations.
I achieved to allow true, big, deep, beautiful abundance into my life.
I achieved to live in extraordinary, deeply satisfying freedom and peace.
I achieved to express my beloved creativity in hundreds of extremely satisfying ways.

I am so so so SO SATISFIED with all of this!!
And, I also loved what I learned in the contrast, even I wasn't too happy in the very moment when Source led me on a different path than my Ego had expected... But, I came to trust it. (MOSTLY! :lol: :lol: :lol: )
...And I SO like now to KNOW the difference between imagined vision, and earthly mundane reality and vibrational truth!
They look so apart, while they can be totally the same, and the dirty, imperfect physicality is the full-of-contrast "REALITY", and that is the leading edge of the vibration! :lol:

One needs LOVE and HUMOR and WISDOM to be able to enjoy it!!
But WHEN YOU ENJOY IT... your life is full of love and wise humor! :hearts: :vortex:

My path lead me to embrace it all. The awesome visions and essences. The beautiful pure, virgin vibrations. And the very mundane physicality in all it's blessed sweat and blood and tears and sweetness and lust and awe and satisfaction and stunning surprise and delight!

And I am sooooo eager for more, more more... I EXPECT endlessly more! LoA may bring me so much more, so much more fulfilling, deeply satisfying, delicious delightful manifestation and visions and desires...
Exquisite, stunning, breathtaking, awesome fulfillment. Source, I so trust you. Source, THANK YOU. What a perfect, perfect co-creation! THANK YOU, THANK YOU LIFE.

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 8

"My path"...
My path led me through wonderful summer, this last days!
I so enjoyed to babysit tiny J., so that his parents could take the older siblings to the cinema, meanwhile. We kneeded German shortcrust together, and filled it with apricot jam and wonderful fresh apricots. J. Had so much fun with tactile, fragrant, mushy each step of it! (And the resulting tarte was SO delicious!!!) I am so satisfied to be with my family. I am so thankful to see my grandsons grow up, from their first day! Soon, J. will have his first day of Kindergarten, and M. his first day of school. I feel so very very very satisfied to be with them, in all of this! And I just love that J still is so small that I can carry him into his bed, and hear his breath become slower and deeper and calmer, while this small cute beloved soul falls asleep...

DH had a day off, yesterday, and we loved being lazy. And this morning, we loved having our breakfast picnic on top of a hill where we could look down over a glistening lake, while we ate the most amazing sweet strawberries, that I EVER had. And then, for lunch, we sautéd the beautiful big scallops that we found in the mall before, together with fresh chanterelles and Romano peppers, garlic, shallots, cream and Sherry, and gratinéd them with delicious cheese in the stove... I SO LOVE to cook together with my husband. I am SO satisfied. to be so close with him and make jokes all the time, and get massages from him, and be pushed in the wheelchair by him, and that he goes back into the store, and buys a second box of this amazing strawberries, without further words, after I sighed in deepest delight, having eaten some!

My life is SOOOOO magic and wonderful and good!! I am so SATISFIED!!!

My daughter visits her brother in Munich today, and he will show her the city, and together they will watch the huge summer-fireworks, tonight. J. is so eager to be on her own without the kids, for a few hours! :D I feel the relief and the joy, with her! My heart flows over for my both children that now are "grown up" and still love each other and have so much fun together!! I am eager to hear what they experienced. I am so eager for the amazing Pralinen of "Ellie Seidl" that I asked her to bring back (1 big box for her family, and 1 for us...)

I am so happy. I adore my life! I am so thankful for each moment!!
And I am endlessly eager for more! :D :hearts: :vortex:

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 9

"My path"...
My path leads me to get aware of some contrast. It's absolutely "first world issues"... and, as Abe say, when you don't catch up with whom you have become, you will never be really happy! And, I want to be happy!

There is so much to be happy about. I can't force or control how life goes, other than controlling HOW I, MYSELF, REACT. And I have the freedom to focus in a way that makes me happy, UNCONDITIONALLY.

:lol: I have been here, at this point, soooo often!
Will new generations still stand between "2 worlds", and try to overcome duality?
Will people in the "new world" still grapple with this, or will it have become their absolute normal, to be in Alignmnet?
Will they still know the awe and triumph, the wonderful emotions of going ITV after having slipped out?

I can't imagine life without contrast (and Abe say this will never be). So, how WILL it be? I can't really imagine! BUT I trust it's on my path to find out!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 10

"My path"...
My path is slow, in my perception. In the system of "The Archetypes of the Soul", my target of development is even "standing still".
Standing still, and taking the time to be clear about what life throws at me. Or standing still, because I refuse doing exactly that, and not being able to leave it, because I don't like it!! :lol: My soul refuses to allow me to rush through an unloved life. My soul INSISTS on me, LOVING.

I realize, I HAVE the power to get everything I desire! It is LOV. It is embracing what-is, NO MATTER WHAT.
I can get wherever I want- WHEN I embrace, make peace, and be who I became to be. Nothing less will ever work, FOR ME.

Your DOMINANT Mantra to the Universe is:
"I am to live happily ever after!"

I am to live happily ever after.
Not "I'm to accomplish this, and I'm to accomplish this."
Because, the goal that you are reaching for,
the eternal symbol of success is this joyful intertwining
with who-you-are!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 11

"My path"...
...was sooo much around understanding, healing, wanting, loving, enjoying, asking-for-more-of ABUNDANCE. :D I am a sun-sign Sagittarius, also Ascendent Sagittarius, and my Jupiter who sits exactly on my IC, which is "my roots, my basis", builds a direct Trigon with my Sun. An Astrologer once said, I am a triple Sag. :hearts:

I sometimes think, I came as an ambassador for the misunderstood Richness and Luxury, that are SO vilified! I grew up in a family that became multi-millionaires when I was a teen and who lost it all, again, when I was a twen. I grew up blamed and teased as a "rich girl" who probably was arrogant (I never felt that way, but it didn't help my integration, that I am highly skilled and was very introverted). I was blessed, as I could look into a huge palette of different conditions, being rich, super rich, rich and very influential, but also "normal"- and even quite poor. My grandfather had, in his childhood, pinewood spills instead of lamps in their house, and the children got bread and milk as their mere daily food. And, we lived some of that. My grandmothers family had a chauffeur and a maid- and we lived some of this, also.

I lived myself several years with my own family "below poverty-level". I needed to learn to not be a "giver" anymore, but become a taker. And, I learned to balance it all and to feel worthy, no matter what. I saw so much (and I certainly don't say "I saw it all"!!) But I saw that I really, REALLY wanted to be ABUNDANT. Financially free, and rich- inside out. Truly ABUNDANT, energetically, vibrationally.

And boy, have I done well!
I am SO thankful for my journey. By far not "complete", but- I never will. I am SATISFIED in so many many many ways... and so EAGER for more. Thankful, thankful thankful! And so CLEAR about what I prefer. So certain, and poised, and open and willing. I am in peace. I am not in need. But, I am SO expectant of what will come in- surprising delights!


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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 12

"My path"...
...I feel such wonderful, fulfilled calm. I feel SUMMER. The windows are wide open, all the time. The birds sing, all day. The neighbors do their thing, I enjoy the sounds of life and stirring...
I am happy! I am satisfied. I feel deep peace.
I am warm and thankful and have no worries. I am expecting wonderful things. I am experiencing wonderful things!
Life is EASY. Life is so SATISFYING. It all may seem "mundane", as small stuff, no huge chi chi... while I see the divine in the chi chi, and the chi chi in the everyday stuff. It all IS SO GOOD!

I trust. I wholeheartedly trust my eagerness for even more. I am so wholeheartedly satisfied with what is.
I feel so very very very thankful. If feel so very very harmonious and divinely peaceful. ALL IS WELL. Thank you, thank you life!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by spiritualcookie »

I so enjoy seeing the beautiful nature you capture in your neighbourhood! Such an abundance and variety of wild flowers!
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:11 am It all may seem "mundane", as small stuff, no huge chi chi... while I see the divine in the chi chi, and the chi chi in the everyday stuff. It all IS SO GOOD!
What is "chi chi"? :lol: :hearts:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:32 am I so enjoy seeing the beautiful nature you capture in your neighbourhood! Such an abundance and variety of wild flowers!
:hearts: :dancing: Isn't it! Don't get me started to dig out allll the pictures I make of them... I feel literally in Paradise, in this time of year!! :romance-hearteyes: :vortex:

What is "chi chi"? :lol: :hearts:
:lol: I wasn't aware that this is probably a German phrase only... it means, extra fancy or kitschy decorations and embellishments... including sticking out your pinky when drinking tea and showing off you beautiful muscles! (so, this things that are normally looked down at, but that can be SUCH fun!) :lol: :lol:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:38 am
What is "chi chi"? :lol: :hearts:
:lol: I wasn't aware that this is probably a German phrase only... it means, extra fancy or kitschy decorations and embellishments... including sticking out your pinky when drinking tea and showing off you beautiful muscles! (so, this things that are normally looked down at, but that can be SUCH fun!) :lol: :lol:
ahh I see! I love the term! It somehow suits it! It'll be fun to add it to my vocabulary and see how people respond to it! :lol: :hearts:
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