Easy Matches

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Post by FloatingBoat »

spiritualcookie wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 12:50 am
Tara wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 12:16 am Maybe I post it (how do you normally transcribe the video content? Do you type every word?)
If it's a youtube video then there is an automatic transcriber that you don't have to type every word. Let me know if it's on youtube - I can walk you through how to transcribe :) If it's not a youtube video but some kind of special player Abraham Now uses, then I don't know how to transcribe it I'm afraid. I wonder if maybe they provide a transcript for their deaf Abraham Now subscribers? If that's the case, maybe it could be somewhere on the Abraham Now website?
Hello spiritualcookie, I don't have access to Abraham Now because I don't have a credit card, but I bought the "Getting in the Vortex" audiobook as an audio download. I always play the video on my own smartphone and then use the Word app on another smartphone, activating the speech recognition feature. This way, everything that is said is automatically transcribed, which works relatively well, and I've noticed that there are hardly any errors. Theoretically, you could also do this with Abraham Now, but you would need two smartphones or a laptop and a smartphone.
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Post by spiritualcookie »

FloatingBoat wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 1:34 pm I always play the video on my own smartphone and then use the Word app on another smartphone, activating the speech recognition feature. This way, everything that is said is automatically transcribed, which works relatively well, and I've noticed that there are hardly any errors. Theoretically, you could also do this with Abraham Now, but you would need two smartphones or a laptop and a smartphone.
oh that is so smart! Thank you for this idea Lukas! :hearts:
Yes! Tara - you can do this as Lukas suggests if your audio file is not on youtube!
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Post by Tara »

Hey both 🤗

I will check this out this weekend.

P.s. re credit cards in the past I was confused and I opened an actual credit card, but this is just American wording for cards and it accepts simple cards. I doubt you have the same confusion I did. P.s. It was in the vortex confusion as that interest free credit card was exactly what I needed as time showed.
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Post by Tara »

Easy Matches:
- We met briefly today, and I felt so at home. So good. In love. Easy match. I love loving him. I love being in relationship with him. He is such a WONDERFUL partner ❤️
- This painting that he gave me. A couple kissing. I love it. The artist is spiritual, tantric. She depicted the connection and love. So nice to see this painting when I lay in bed. It uplifts my soul. Easy match.
- My yoga teacher, these people who come to yoga, this people who work with angels group.
- This place I live, this room, the warmness in it.
- The fact that all flatmates are away and I’m on my own.
- My mum is coming to visit me tomorrow.
- Things are working out for me.
- I love my new now.
- All is really well… and getting better
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Post by Tara »

Easy Matches:
- What a productive day! Feels like I lived two days in a row.
- It was nice that my timing was good.
- In the morning I felt inspired to clean the house. I cleaned the house just in time before my friend came. Every time I needed a bus or a train it was just there when I came.
- It was nice that to see my friend A. We had a lovely lunch (in one of the cozy restaurants near me - did I say that I love where I live ? ❤️ I love where I live 🥰) and then we went for a walk in the park. She is having a hard time right now, but spending time outside and walking made her feel better.
- I invited my other friend to celebrate her birthday. I made a very nice surprise and it all went well. The timing.. was super! We went to Bunga Bunga - it’s dinner with an entertainment (she did not know where she was going so was pleasantly surprised). The actors made us laugh a lot, the public was so down to earth. It was a good fun ! 🤩 At the end they had karaoke. One woman had such an amazing voice 🥰
- my neighbours are playing music now… but I am a very good sleeper, so this does not bother me. My ability to sleep well is an easy match. You can have music or whatever but if I want sleep, I switch off :) easy existing match ❤️
- It’s also nice to be in my pyjamas, warm room and drink camomile tea ☕️ this is what I really love. The coziness of my room, of me being with me… sometimes I need this ☺️
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Post by Tara »

Easy Existing Matches:
- I had good timing…
- This morning I did what I longed to do for some time now… I was just lazy laying in bed and reading some positive stuff.
- I then did a very good and long practice.
- As I finished my friend arrived and we went for a long walk.
- I brought her to the same park like I brought others but this time I received an impulse to go the other direction and there was a mini zoo 🥰 and I saw a parrot 🦜 (I wanted to see a parrot for a specific reason as she symbolises a certain energy and I thought when I be consistent enough I’ll see a parrot 🥰). Easy existing match.
- The sunset was beautiful. Easy existing match.
- Our chill time with fresh mint tea in that little cafe was so cozy. Easy match.
- Then I walked my friend to a bus stop just near my home and myself went to do some food shopping. I saw this bouquet of flowers in Tesco and received an impulse to buy them. So I took … part of me why I am buying myself flowers that cost £8/10… but part of me stopped this chatter and I was I clearly received an impulse and more abundance is coming in and this is to celebrate my life… then I went to counter and I had to scan a price tag and I noticed written “reduced” from £10 to £3.80. And these are a beautiful bequest of flowers. I guess the universe wanted me to have them 🥰 I like flowers and was appreciating some when I was buying for my friend. Easy existing match.
- I cooked myself a nice dinner and lunch for tomorrow
- Had a call with him, and I’m feeling fulfilled.

All is really well ❤️
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Post by Tara »

Easy Matches:
- good timing ❤️
- today we are studying Tara. And this girl shared her experience. She was confused, no job and little money. She asked Tara for guidance to get clarity etc and when she returned home she found one weeks of groceries that someone accidentally delivered to her door. She tried to find for whom it really was addressed but she couldn’t find and thus kept food for herself.
- Love how source energy answers us. Love hearing success stories. Easy match.
- once I was working in a restaurant and a woman came asking me for food. I gave her food from a salad bar. She was not homeless as such (she had a luggage, etc) looked like she was just not in the right place. I thought maybe I should give her £5 for tea or sth to buy. I ran towards her and from my apron instead of £5 I took £10 (it was big money for me back then, but I thought she needs them more so since I took by accident £10, I gave her £10). Then I came back to finish closing the restaurant and found on the ground £5 😅😅😅😅😅😅
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Post by Tara »

Easy matches:
- My brother was so kind to call me and to offer to buy for me those vitamins which in Egypt (where he now is are cheaper). It was kind of him to think of me. I appreciate :)
- I like that Stratford from my new place is just 30 min away. How I like this convenience ! :) went to TK Max to buy some bedding sheets…🥰 I appreciate TK Max and their business idea. What an incredible easy match.
- oh and I came across the idea and product what I want for my bed :). My bed has metal frame, and I found these cushions for headboard… still looking for the most easily affordable price but I’m glad to have the clarity on what I want. I do appreciate the creativity people have, the opened markets (as most of the products I that I liked are made in China, haven’t found other countries making this exact thing).
- I also appreciate getting clarity on one thing. And that I’ll not be required to do this administrative task which I had 0 interest in doing :) easy easy existing match :)
- Oh! And sometime ago I wanted to find a particular paragraph on the autobiography organ a yogi and share with my partner… it was hard to find that page and I let go (it was not a big deal), it was maybe a few months ago. Yesterday when I came home I felt inspired to take that book and I opened exact that page! Thank you my inner being for always keeping focused on my desires no matter how small or big they are.
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Post by Tara »

Ahhh… while I was talking with my colleague a butterfly flew by my window…
I have focused on the butterflies just very recently
Agh.. what an easy match 🦋
Love that it is sunny
Love that my window faces communal garden and the room is peaceful
Love the squirrels that come to visit me (for their selfish reasons to get some nuts but still..how cutely they make sure that I see them 🥰)
Love even the two foxes living downstairs in the garden, there is room for everyone.
Love love how central this place is and what an easy commute to everything it has.
Love the park near by
Love the relaxing vibe there and those guys selling take away coffee
Love the sun
Love the peace
Love my synchronicity with a butterfly 🦋 my perfect timing to look through the window.
Love the impulses I am receiving from my inner being
Love those moments when I clearly feel them and follow like buying these flower which are flourishing so beautifully and where at a reduced price
More of this please !
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Post by Tara »

I have to “milk” this easy match ❤️
So my Godson’s birthday is coming up. I am a bit busy and would not be present which is not ideal.. he is 5. Big birthday 🎊🎉🎊

Then I also lacked idea gifts. My uncle, his grandfather has passed away before he was born and I always felt he could inspire me through impulse what to gift. This time I was uninspired. Felt a bit bad.. but oh well I felt I cannot force it…

So yesterday I wrote my cousin (we are both godparents) whether he had any idea and if I could contribute and he said he was happy I texted as he actually himself was planning to text me as he has an idea for a first bicycle and we could share the cost 🥰

What a wonderful easy match 🥰
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