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Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 5:52 pm
by spiritualcookie
:heart: POE - Yes you are so right! Thoughts on their own of course have the ultimate power :)


P: Passionflower

When I first discovered that the flower for the passion-fruit plant is this one:
I was amazed!

It's so beautiful! And intricate! So much detail! The petals, the frills, the layers! The colours!

I so appreciate discovering and seeing beautiful things like this flower!
I love the feeling of amazement it gives me.
I love the feeling of appreciation it fills me with.
I love the joy colourful things like this give.
How vibrant it is! Those intense purples and the intense contrast of the purples and the yellow and white - I love it!
I love how jolly and bright it looks
I love how exotic and tropical it feels
I love how it seems like something from a fantastical flowers fantasy book! It's amazing it's real!
I love how it fills me with a sense of awe in nature.

I loved learning that like with most fruits and vegetables, there are lots of varieties that I never knew existed, and I loved discovering their beauty too. Each similar, but also different enough to bring renewed awe and appreciation,

Like this dark pink version with its beautiful curling tendrils, making it look so graceful, like a ribbon placed upon a present.

It lights up the feminine energies within me, bringing to mind twirling satin skirts - a snapshot of a dancer, mid-spin.
I so love the intensity of the deep pink colour against the green leaves - how pretty!

And then there were these delicate passionflowers that look like a craft made of thread!

Again, the vibrant colours are so gorgeous ~ I so enjoy them!
And the feel of these is so different from the others; feeling softer and frilly.
They almost remind me of deep sea creatures of some kind!

Passionflowers are so special!

And how interesting that in herbal medicine they are used to help soothe anxiety and hyperactivity ~ interesting that such a dramatic, loud-looking flower - "like attracts like" - helps dramatic "loud" conditions of the mind... and somehow when you put 2 dramatic things together, the result is quietening and soothing - a vibration closer to alignment. How interesting :)


Next Letter: R

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 6:48 pm
by spiritualcookie
R: Receiving

I so love the idea of being in the receptive mode.
I love the idea of being in a state of complete allowing,
where everything I want flows to me with ease
and I receive it without any resistance - just pure, easy receiving.

I am intending to receive all that I am wanting ~
I am intending perfect allowing
I am intending easy easy receiving
I am intending to relax into the receptive mode

What would the receptive mode of perfect allowing feel like?
I imagine it feels like complete relaxation
It feels light
It feels like nothing is so serious
It feels like all is well
It feels like trusting in the goodness of the Universe
It feels like complete knowing that good things are coming
It feels like confident, relaxed, secure knowing
It feels sure
It feels like faith
It feels certain
It feels relaxed about the timing of it all
It feels inevitable
It feels quietly, softly powerful
It feels like an inner strength
It feels like easy breathing ~ a lightness in the chest
It feels peaceful and calm
It feels sweet and good
It feels easy


I'll have a play in creating some AI images that feel like the receiving mode to help get into the feeling-place:


This one is from pinterest (not AI) but also feels to me ilike the receiving mode:


Next letter: G

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:16 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
I love your images, I love IA, I love your musings and the poetry in which you write, and I love your thoughts about the Passion Flowers from a medical standpoint! :hearts: It feels so GOOD to me!

gut (German for good)
God and (in German "Gott")

What an energy. Good. God. it goes so deep. Can it get better? Is everything else just a variation of THIS?

Ganz (wholly)
Ganz, gut, Gott... I float. I want to keep it this simple, for now. :vortex:

Next letter T

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:52 am
by spiritualcookie
Good -- God
How interesting they seem so closely linked!
I love your observation! :heart: :heart:

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 11:35 pm
by spiritualcookie
T: Talking

I so enjoy talking :D
I especially love when a talk leads to new perspectives.
New ideas.
New ways of thinking.
New ways of looking at things.
It feels fresh.
It feels bright.
It feels exciting - that fresh, new energy.
It feels like movement of thought & ideas.
It feels so dynamic! I love this sense of movement forward - this sense of progress.
It feels like expansion and I love it!

I love it when a talk feels cosy and warm.
When a talk feels like it brings your hearts together.
I like the way it feels when you feel a sense of togetherness.
A sense of shared moments - shared in pleasant comfort together.

I love how talks are opportunities for bonding.
For proclaiming your closeness and love for one another through your body language too.
It's in the eyes;
It's in the energy of your being so relaxed and comfortable in each others' presence.
It's in the welcoming energy of total acceptance and gentle affection in the air.

I love it when talks contains jokes & humour ~
Some of my favourite conversations are those where the other one makes an unexpected funny statement with a playful twinkle in their eye.
I so appreciate the genius of humour ~ of finding the fun in a moment
Of bringing the fun out to play with everyone listening!
Bringing a smile or a laugh ~ it's such a feel-good gift : )
It really does feel like great cleverness to me when someone adds humour to a talk!
I love it!

I love feeling that I have something of value to give when I talk to another.
I love feeling that thanks to our interaction, they are a little better off.
It feels like satisfaction ~

How honoured and appreciative I feel when someone makes the effort to reach out to me for a talk ~
to share some interesting, useful or exciting thing,
to ask for advice or an opinion,
to better understand one another ~ it feels flattering when someone cares & wants to know and understand you better ~ to tune into everything that is "you" more and more ~ to increase your closeness
to just enjoy being in each others' presence.

It's good to talk :D

Next letter: G

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:25 pm
by spiritualcookie
G: Green

In recent years, I've come to appreciate more and more the colour green.

I've always appreciated it in plants ~
How greenery adds a lively feeling of freshness and life to any place.
It feels like a little piece of the magic of nature.
I like its aliveness; its aura of life force; a little piece of Source energy.
I appreciate it in the fresh vegetables we buy ~
In winter it can feel like a little piece of spring or summer ~ a little piece of brightness.

When I learned that green was the colour of the heart chakra, it added a new dimension of appreciation for the colour.
Now I appreciated visualizing it in meditations, utilizing the colour to tune into filling up with the loving energy of the heart;
Utilizing the colour to release any resistance by visualizing how an initially dull colour in the heart chakra starts brightening when the heart releases whatever was inhibiting it, and becomes brighter and more vibrant; shining at its full, uninhibited glory; a green spinning glowing disc of light, shining a strong, healthy, beautiful green beam outwards into the world.
I enjoyed how this visualization, together with balancing all the other colours of all the chakras, aided me in feeling like I'm coming back to balance.

Some colours just feel comfortable and easy on the eye, and green is one of those for me.
Wearing a turquoisey tealy green is one of my favourite colour-energies to wear. It just feels soothing and comfortable and good to me. It's funny how something as simple as a colour can feel good!

When I learned that green was the colour of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Liver, and of the Wood element, again, it added a new dimension of appreciation.
And it made me understand why I felt so comfortable wearing it, since I identify with a lot of the nature of the Wood element. I loved reading about it in the book on the five elements by Dondi Dahlin. It helped me understand myself and others so much better!
It is so enjoyable for me to find ever-more insights and discover new depths to things - even to something as simple as a colour.

I had some fun creating some green (and turquoise and blue) themed abstract art pieces in AI:

I love how the vibrant colours fit so beautifully together!

Next letter: N

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:47 pm
by spiritualcookie
N: Nectar of the Gods

I like the phrase Nectar of the Gods ~
I thought it could be vortexy to imagine what this might look like so I made some AI art:

Wouldn't it be fun if there was a magical drink you could sip and it had the power to magically make your dreams come true? :lol:

Drinking the Nectar of the Gods, and suddenly instant healings occur!
Suddenly wishes comes true!
Suddenly you gain a superpower!
Every time you take a sip you get more and more aligned!
Or even better, one sip and you're straight in the vortex! :lol:
haha that would be great! :dance:

Perhaps I can play with this idea when sipping my everyday drinks and imagine that with every sip and every gulp something wonderful happens! :D

It makes me think of real life experiences when I tasted something super delicious and it kind of felt like going straight into the vortex! The delicious sensation registered on my tongue - instantaneously lighting up my eyes with a happy spark - sending zings of deliciousness in my brain and spreading a huge uncontrollable smile of delight on my face! Have you ever tasted something so delicious, it made you start laughing in amazement coz it's just sooo good? haha :D It's a wonderful feeling :happy117:

Next letter: S

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 12:07 am
by spiritualcookie
S: Satisfaction

I love feeling satisfaction.
It feels like a gentle contentment or joy.
It feels calm and peaceful.
It feels a little more dynamic than complete calm.
It feels light and easy.
It feels warm.
It feels relaxed.
It feels good.

When I think of times that I've felt satisfied...

I think of the moment after a delicious meal, when you've eaten just the right amount to feel satisfied, full of goodness & deliciousness. Still glowing from the recent joyous sensations of the meal. Still basking in the feel-good recent memories of delicious tastes, smells, and mouth-feel experiences.

I think of the moment when you read the final words of a really good book ~ where the final words are just the perfect ending, and you close the book with a smile of satisfaction. It feels so satisfying to complete something good - to get to the end of the journey - and for it to have a feel-good conclusion right up to the last word.

I think of a satisfying conclusion to a movie - where everything falls into place. All the loose ends are settled satisfyingly. The most satisfying stories are those where you couldn't see the ending coming, but when it arrives, it makes perfect sense and everything fits so well together.
Having said that, even predictable endings can be satisfying: getting to any conclusion has some sense of satisfaction in it for me, even if I see it coming. It strikes me that there are different levels and kinds of satisfaction!

I think of that satisfying feeling after you've just explored an interesting topic with a loved one, and really covered it well so that your curiosity was satisfied - and you feel like you've gained new perspectives. You expanded. Expansion is so satisfying! That moment when you're just sitting together in satisfied, happy togetherness after having shared a deep discussion; and you sit in comfortable quiet - absorbing the satisfaction that's still in the air - It's a satisfying feeling : )

I think of the feeling when it's a warm spring day, and the breeze caresses your skin. The gentle sun warms your face, there's a delicious smell of flowers, and there's a feeling of freshness, freedom and "vacation" in the air. For that moment, a delicious sense of satisfaction washes over you. In that moment, all is well and feels good in a gentle, easy, content kind of way.

I think of the sensation when you're by a beach, hearing the soft ocean waves lapping on the shore. Basking in the ocean wave sounds; Watching the soothing repetitive movement of the surf climb up and down the sand - water, sand and pebbles twinkling in the sunlight, the waves foaming pleasantly here and there. Just being in that moment, enjoying it, feels satisfying. A state of no-thought - just a sense of satisfying appreciation for the sights and sounds around you.

I think of the moment when you smell a delicious-smelling soap for the first time and it brings a smile to your face because it smells so so good. That feeling is satisfying too : )

I think of the feeling when you try on a new piece of clothing, and discover that it fits you like it was made for you! The fabric is just perfect - beautifully soft against your skin. It feels comfortable and looks amazing, gently hugging all the right places and loose in all the right places too. It feels so satisfying experiencing such a perfect, flattering fit, and happily appreciating your reflection in the mirror.

I think of the feeling when you're floating on your back in a pool on a lovely day. The water surrounds you comfortably and you float effortlessly. You feel supported. You close your eyes and feel the warm glow of the sun on your skin and on your closed eyelids. It feels like all is well in that moment. It feels like a moment of satisfaction.

Even now as I write, and feel the momentum bringing more and more ideas of satisfaction - that feeling of momentum in the direction of a feel-good thing; that feeling of a stream of ideas coming my way - that's so satisfying too! I love the feeling of flow - super satisfying!

I love you satisfaction! I love you for your gentle, feel-good vibes :heart:


Next letter: N

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 10:01 am
by spiritualcookie
N: Nice patterns of washi tape!

Yesterday I received the most beautiful set of washi tapes. It's an "artist's collection" with patterns inspired by Van Gogh and Monet, in pastel shades with gold foil accents, and the patterns are soo so pretty!

I so appreciate beautiful things. Just looking at them is uplifting!

I love the soft pastel colours. Looking at these soft shades is so soothing to my soul. It feels calming, peaceful, comfortable.. good :vortex-small:

I love the soft shapes - the Monet florals, the organic branches or the Van Gogh almond blossom trees, the abstract joyous laying of pastel brush strokes. It feels so pleasant - like a walk in nature.

And the little gold flecks, stars and sparkles add to the feel-good vibes, adding a festive feel. A feeling of richness and abundance. A feeling of high-end luxury. A feeling of accentuated beauty.

Inspired by the beauty of the tapes, I took an old plain white pen-holder that I had, and wrapped it with a delicious selection of the tapes. Talk about an upcycling upgrade! :D It's the prettiest pen holder I ever did see now! I love it so much! It adds such a feel-good vibe to my desk! 😊 I accentuated the top of the holder with little pearl gemstone stickers and tiny sparkly jewel stickers that match the colours of the washi tapes. I'm so happy with how it came out. :hearts:

It felt so satisfying seeing it unfold into such a beautiful item - from plainness to beauty! It felt so satisfying feeling out every step of the way - feeling out what tapes go best together, in what order - what colours work well together, figuring it out felt so satisfying and easy and light. And how fun I now get to enjoy it every day on my desk! It brings a feel-good vibe and lightness in my heart every time my gaze falls upon it. I love it! ^_^

SpiritualCookies Washi Tape Pen Holder.jpg
Next letter: E

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 11:23 pm
by spiritualcookie
E: Everything is ok

I appreciate that everything is ok.
All is well.
Everyone I love is safe and well.
My neighbourhood is safe, calm and peaceful.

I appreciate the calm, quiet of the night.
I appreciate the pleasant stillness.

I appreciate that everything can be done at my own pace.
There is no rush. It's all good.

I appreciate knowing that no matter where I am on the EGS, bit by bit, I can shift my vibration ever upwards.
So every step on the EGS is ok to be at.
They're all just stepping stones to feeling a little better.
So even if I'm not where I want to be yet, that's ok too.
Just by reaching for a little relief, I move up a little bit towards feeling more and more ok, until the positive vibrations start taking hold more.

I appreciate knowing that just a few deep breaths can offer some relief.. some release of tension.
It is so satisfying breathing out all the unwanted stuff in a big exhalation. I like the feeling of relaxation in my muscles with that outbreath. It feels soothing.

I appreciate how loosening my shoulders and neck offer some more relief and release.

All is well.
Everything is ok.

I appreciate the thought that "nothing serious is going on here". This feels soothing.

I appreciate the thought that "things tend to work out".

I love seeing everyone relaxed and smiling and full of love.

I love feeling the light-hearted vibes.
I love the sense of fun and lightness in the air.
I love seeing the ease in those around me.
I love seeing how accomplished they are.
I love seeing how smart and wise they are.
I love seeing how kind, sweet and loving they are.
I love seeing how sensible they are - it is part of their cleverness : )
I love seeing how they do exactly what needs to be done - and they do it so well!
I love feeling and sensing their gentleness.
I love feeling their sureness and their certainty.
I love feeling their learnedness and experience.
I love feeling confident in them.
I love feeling secure in my trust in them.
I love feeling my trust that they know how to look after themselves beautifully.
I love the idea of trusting and knowing that they are grounded, fully conscious and aware of the important things around them.
I love the idea of trusting and knowing that they are very safe, and all is always very well with them.

I love the idea of trust in wellness and wellbeing of myself and everyone around me.

When I trust that everyone is strong and able and well,
it feels safe. It feels secure. It feels like love. It feels like unobstructed love. It feels like confidence. It feels like certainty. It feels strong. It feels stable. It feels sturdy. It feels firm. It feels powerful. It feels like a big strong, old rooted oak tree - where nothing can rock it. It is sure and steady and its wellbeing is steadfast.

I like the idea of picturing him like a big strong oak tree, rooted, strong, slow and steady; ever stable, reliable, and capable of looking after itself beautifully. It's in the nature of the oak tree to know how to look after itself. It knows the way. I love the idea of him taking the space to slow down to be aware. And in this sure, steady pace, there is time to take good care.

Next letter: K