What is true doesn't matter - only how you feel matters
It is easy to get lost in the discussion of right or wrong,
or whether something is true or not.
Many will argue: "But this IS what is happening and I cannot deny that this is what is happening."
They will argue that there are many others who agree with them about this injustice or that inappropriate situation.
But we want you to realize that your attention to those things - which activate within you opposing vibrations to your own desires - will prevent you from ever finding the improvement you are seeking.
You cannot continue to encourage a vibrational activation within yourself that opposes your own intentions and ever hope to realize those intentions.
You must first bring the vibration of your Being into alignment.
- Abraham
Quotes on Truth - What is True
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3189
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
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