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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:12 am
by Tara
OMG! 😅😅😅 I have never been explained what honey is in such a detailed way 😅 funny! I guess this analogy does not work for you that well then 😅

Re Honey, my boss always says: you know that God exist because bees make more honey than they need for themselves. Generosity.

Another interesting fact I learnt recently is that if there are no any added stuff in the honey, it never expires! How cool is that 🥰🥰🥰

I think bees 🐝 are following their pleasure when they fly from one flower to another, they are in their bliss in their vortex. I also think they may not have the stomach like we do so maybe “vomiting” is sth different what they do, they like magicians, alchemist changing the one form to another. Like a caterpillar becomes a butterfly… we cannot relate them to us :)

Funny how we are used not liking ourselves 10 out of 10. We did not have any objection re Bashar’s comment that 90% of the time feeling good is not enough… and when it comes to us…don’t get me wrong ( my honey jar is of “poo” 🙈😅)

Imagine a little kid saying to you that THEY 😅 like themselves but it’s just one thing they don’t like about themselves, wouldn’t you want to soothe that one thing? Wouldn’t you want that kid to be in love with themselves and full of themselves? And love themselves?

By the way way, the book is written by Norbekov “The experience of the fool who had an epiphany on how to get rid of the glasses” …

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:29 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Tara wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:12 am OMG! 😅😅😅 I have never been explained what honey is in such a detailed way 😅 funny! I guess this analogy does not work for you that well then 😅

Re Honey, my boss always says: you know that God exist because bees make more honey than they need for themselves. Generosity.

Another interesting fact I learnt recently is that if there are no any added stuff in the honey, it never expires! How cool is that 🥰🥰🥰

I think bees 🐝 are following their pleasure when they fly from one flower to another, they are in their bliss in their vortex. I also think they may not have the stomach like we do so maybe “vomiting” is sth different what they do, they like magicians, alchemist changing the one form to another. Like a caterpillar becomes a butterfly… we cannot relate them to us :)

Funny how we are used not liking ourselves 10 out of 10. We did not have any objection re Bashar’s comment that 90% of the time feeling good is not enough… and when it comes to us…don’t get me wrong ( my honey jar is of “poo” 🙈😅)

Imagine a little kid saying to you that THEY 😅 like themselves but it’s just one thing they don’t like about themselves, wouldn’t you want to soothe that one thing? Wouldn’t you want that kid to be in love with themselves and full of themselves? And love themselves?

By the way way, the book is written by Norbekov “The experience of the fool who had an epiphany on how to get rid of the glasses” …
Oh, I so enjoy our interaction! :hearts: :hearts:

:lol: :lol: :hearts: You are right, about my relationship to honey and poo... (I can't hold a straight face in that regard!) And I agree, it might really be different. To see the bees (just as the cows who give us milk, right?) as magicians, sounds certainly more nice and poetic!

But then there is the husband of my best friends, he sells compost-toilets and never gets tired of talking about the awesomeness of poo, as the basis of good soil, and therefore the basis of our all life. And while I understand my friend who has threatened to leave the room kicking and screaming should he raise the topic at the next dinner with friends again- I understand the poetry, preciousness and awe of poo very much, as well! :hearts:

I agree with your boss that nature is SO abundant. It's not only the bees that are so exuberantly generous. The trees are as well (less than 5% of all nuts and seeds are needed to re-populate the species. The rest is food for everyone who comes by! And some master even said somewhen, the greatest generosity is at the mice (and I would say, at the flies and mosquitos as well). They get eaten to almost 100% (and still mightily thrive as a species).

AND I agree that "90% is not enough" !!! But, in my opinion, in the same time... self love doesn't start at 100%, that would be a slap into the face of love, itself. We must be willing to honor even the 0,0001 %, when we are on to LOVE... don't you think? Finding and appreciating even the smallest piece!

(...looks blissful, to me!) :dance:

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:36 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
I came here with this quote on my copy-key...

Bashar, why are humans so EXTREME?

Because your world is a world of extremes. And how are you having mastery, if you are not willing to experience the extremes?
You could only get mediocrity. NOT mastery!

from the clip Bashar | Extreme Difficulties on Earth | Q&A

(reminds me of our discussion about the buffer of time, also)

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:03 pm
by Tara
Agreed! Poo is also worth of some appreciation 😅 Dogs get a lot of info from the poo😅

Of course, we are where we are with self love. And making peace with this is also part of self love.

Yet it’s good to be reminded not to settle in self criticism… and the “poo” thoughts of the self ( work in progress)

A quote from Seth:

“A feeling of self-approval is absolutely necessary for any true sense of well-being; it is not (underlined) virtuous in any way to put yourself down, or to punish yourself, because you do not feel you have lived up to your best behavior at any given time.”

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:29 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Tara wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:03 pm Agreed! Poo is also worth of some appreciation 😅 Dogs get a lot of info from the poo😅

Of course, we are where we are with self love. And making peace with this is also part of self love.

Yet it’s good to be reminded not to settle in self criticism… and the “poo” thoughts of the self ( work in progress)

A quote from Seth:

“A feeling of self-approval is absolutely necessary for any true sense of well-being; it is not (underlined) virtuous in any way to put yourself down, or to punish yourself, because you do not feel you have lived up to your best behavior at any given time.”
I love it all!! :in_love:

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 8:25 pm
by spiritualcookie
I thought this was an interesting quote about the state of the world at the moment, with regards to the political state of the USA for example:
We're kind of in the "adolescence" of humanity right now. We're moved from "all about me" [a younger stage of humanity] to "it's all about my group" [like teenagers are with their group of friends]. And so you see Nations fighting each other, you see political parties... it's all about my group. [...]

We're reaching a Tipping Point where there are enough people now at the global conscious level which is more of adulthood than adolescence, who get this idea that we're all connected, [not in "groups"]. [...] 60% [of the world] are still in this [adolescent] "my group" mentality. [...]

Those who are at the more advanced stages of development who understand the need for a global-Oneness-kind-of-view, also need to understand that you can't get angry at somebody for being at the stage they're at. We have to nurture each other along when we come to that kind of awareness.
- Suzanne Giesemann, From the youtube clip: Do we DISSOLVE? GMOs! Autism? Soul Families? Suzanne & Sanaya Answer THESE and MORE! Q&A

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 8:48 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 8:25 pm I thought this was an interesting quote about the state of the world at the moment, with regards to the political state of the USA for example:
We're kind of in the "adolescence" of humanity right now. We're moved from "all about me" [a younger stage of humanity] to "it's all about my group" [like teenagers are with their group of friends]. And so you see Nations fighting each other, you see political parties... it's all about my group. [...]

We're reaching a Tipping Point where there are enough people now at the global conscious level which is more of adulthood than adolescence, who get this idea that we're all connected, [not in "groups"]. [...] 60% [of the world] are still in this [adolescent] "my group" mentality. [...]

Those who are at the more advanced stages of development who understand the need for a global-Oneness-kind-of-view, also need to understand that you can't get angry at somebody for being at the stage they're at. We have to nurture each other along when we come to that kind of awareness.
- Suzanne Giesemann, From the youtube clip: Do we DISSOLVE? GMOs! Autism? Soul Families? Suzanne & Sanaya Answer THESE and MORE! Q&A
Ohh, this makes SO much sense. Awesome, thank you for bringing it here! :hearts:
It fits wonderfully/sounds much alike with the conclusions of Spiral Dynamics... I can't teach it at all, but I resonate deeply with what I know of it. According to this system, we are just now, as humanity, passing the threshhold to the 7. and even 8. stage, which is a completely new roam of awareness and consciousness, that never before had been (well, as far as we know) ;)

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:14 pm
by spiritualcookie
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 8:48 pm It fits wonderfully/sounds much alike with the conclusions of Spiral Dynamics... I can't teach it at all, but I resonate deeply with what I know of it. According to this system, we are just now, as humanity, passing the threshhold to the 7. and even 8. stage, which is a completely new roam of awareness and consciousness, that never before had been (well, as far as we know) ;)
I'm not familiar with Spiral Dynamics. It sounds interesting! I'll have a read :) :heart:
(btw I'm also really enjoying all your youtube recommendations - I've almost finished watching a sample from every item on the list. Thanks to your list I'm discovering new favourites and am enjoying "meeting" new faces in the spiritual community of the world! It's such fun having stimulating things to explore :in_love: )

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:36 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:14 pm
I'm not familiar with Spiral Dynamics. It sounds interesting! I'll have a read :) :heart:
(btw I'm also really enjoying all your youtube recommendations - I've almost finished watching a sample from every item on the list. Thanks to your list I'm discovering new favourites and am enjoying "meeting" new faces in the spiritual community of the world! It's such fun having stimulating things to explore :in_love: )
SOOOO good!! :in_love: :dancing: And so agreed!

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:58 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Spiral Dynamics- what I understand of it:


The bit that I "know" (and that thrills me already): The Spiral Dynamics is a system or philosophy where the unfolding of human consciousness is seen in phases. Each person, but also each society and also humanity itself evolves from Baby-stance (beige) to Child-stance (violett) where you have a mystic understanding of the world, not really an awake consciousness on your own- as we think it was in the ancient nature tribes. into Teenager/Adolescence of action orientation and power (red) as it was in the ancient cultures as Greek and Roman, with not much of mercy for those that where less powerful than ourselves. Than young Grownup (blue) where a basically "loving" God seems to reign but still in very condemning and ignorant ways, but first time there is an effort to rule society in more "humane" ways. Next step is the "Reasonable" Age, aka Enlightenment- orange. Where we shed religion and only go for the intellectual knowing. Not much mercy for those that are not of our own group, exploitation of people, animals and Earth is happening (many people on Earth are still in that stance). Next is a change into looking for the wisdom of heart and love. While it sounds so lovely to begin with, there is not yet mastery: In this stance people don't balance their emotion which becomes quite unreasonable, it overbears in losing itself in pity, "wokeness" and victim-mentality (green, also very many people are today in this stance). And then, a new ROAM begins- where we INTEGRATE all what was and master them all aka, hold it's wanted sides (yellow).

Before yellow, the transition into each new period meant to look down at what was before, with sort of hate- and pushing against the old. Now, first time, we get to thoroughly understand why it also had been GOOD- and take this goodnesses WITH US, while we leave what wasn't so helpful in this periods, behind. We integrate truly lovingly and without judgement, and in that, become whole, seeing and appreciating it ALL.

"The Shift", the "New Earth" is exactly about that. They estimate that about 4-8% of worlds popolation are dabbling in yellow, in loving, understanding, powerful INTEGRATION of all there is. Which, indeed, is a very new ability.
And Abe -around 2012- had given that about 5% of world populatity live in the 51% group, aka those, that are more ITV (where we are ABLE to integrate and truly love) than not.