It's such an inspiring, magic & miracle-filled book!Thank you for reminding me of a Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda book. I used to read it in winter times always leaving the last pages unread somehow and restarting again next year. There are so many people devoted to spirituality... it is so inspiring.
Yes, so many paths to spirituality! Today I was reading up on how people get into a state of joy during meditation and it led me to a Buddhist reddit forum where it seems there's a whole road map for the different levels of meditation you can reach. Apparently the level of joy is actually only the "First Jhana" - quite a low level on the scale which surprised me! There are 2 more Jhanas above it, an then 4 more above that! I thought joy was quite high - but from what I've read this morning it seems there's plenty further to reach after that!
I've been reading about Jhanas today and comparing what I've read about them to Esther's experience when she first started meditating, and I'm certain that what Esther Hicks experienced when she thought she first experienced Abraham was actually the First Jhana!
Esther said:
And the description of the first Jhana is:When the timer went off and I came out of the meditation, my teeth chattered like never before. Buzzed would be a better word for the experience. For nearly an hour, my teeth buzzed as I tried to relax back into my normal state of awareness. At that time, I didn’t realize what had happened, but I know now that I’d experienced my first contact with Abraham. While I didn’t know what had happened, I did know that whatever it was—it was good! And I wanted it to happen again. (Hicks Ask and it is Given)
"The first jhana is not a calm, peaceful state. Its energy is pretty intense. It can be finger-in-the-electrical-socket intense. It can be intense so that you are actually vibrating to the point where it is visible to others." And with that, it comes with a sense of joy / delight / ecstacy.