Quotes on the Emotional Guidance Scale & On the Emotional Guidance System
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3194
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
A rather effective way of balancing your Energy is to continually reach for feelings of relief.
A feeling of relief always indicates an improvement in your vibration and it always means a releasing of resistance or an increasing of allowing. And if we were standing in your physical shoes we would make the relief factor the most important part of our personal awareness.
- AH
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3194
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
When you continually look for a way of looking at everything that feels slightly better than what you are currently feeling, you are getting closer and closer to seeing your world as your Inner Being sees it.
And in the process you will be leaving resistance behind.
- AH
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3194
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Everything that you've lived has caused you to expand,
and it's we really want to get you oriented to realize that
your emotions are about how well you're keeping up with that expansion - more than they are something lingering from the past.
- Abraham
from the youtube clip: A Simple Mantra to Break Negative Cycles & Let Go
Abraham Hicks 2025
and it's we really want to get you oriented to realize that
your emotions are about how well you're keeping up with that expansion - more than they are something lingering from the past.
- Abraham
from the youtube clip: A Simple Mantra to Break Negative Cycles & Let Go
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3194
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
It's a good idea to go gradually up the EGS because if you shoot too far up, you just don't have access to authentically aligning that far up so fast
We were in Amsterdam a few weeks ago and there was a woman wanting a relationship and living in the middle of one that was not good.
And so we asked her to describe to us this relationship she's seeking and
she was really tongue tied -
She couldn't find the words - [she was] sort of stuttering, using words-
And we kept saying: "Well that's too vague-"
She would say, "happiness" and "feeling good" she was using words but they were scanty [she wasn't in the feeling place of them - they were just words].
The audience became very restless with her because she just couldn't spit it out.
But we weren't restless with her because we know you can't spit something out that's nowhere near where you are vibrationally.
- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks 2025 new - How to find the feeling place
Law of attraction
We were in Amsterdam a few weeks ago and there was a woman wanting a relationship and living in the middle of one that was not good.
And so we asked her to describe to us this relationship she's seeking and
she was really tongue tied -
She couldn't find the words - [she was] sort of stuttering, using words-
And we kept saying: "Well that's too vague-"
She would say, "happiness" and "feeling good" she was using words but they were scanty [she wasn't in the feeling place of them - they were just words].
The audience became very restless with her because she just couldn't spit it out.
But we weren't restless with her because we know you can't spit something out that's nowhere near where you are vibrationally.
- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks 2025 new - How to find the feeling place
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