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Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:41 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Klarheit (Clarity)

I just took some minutes to read and deeply enjoy your wonderful words here! :hearts:
I so enjoy your appreciation and respect and clarity- KLARHEIT.
I love how words feeeeel a little bit different in my mother-tongue. It seems even a bit clearer! While I so adore the clarity that we find in speaking a second language. How much the world opens up, due to it!

Spiritualcookie, I so LOVE the clarity that you bring to the quotes of this Forum, in being so aware to "what is needed", and bringing it in order.
I adore how you think up new categories for new topics, as in the Lounge. It feels as CLARITY. In order. Clear. Fresh and clean! And I like it so much! :kiss:

Next letter: T

:hearts: :wave:

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 8:06 am
by spiritualcookie
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:41 am I so enjoy your appreciation and respect and clarity
aww thank you for your loving observation! :hugs: :romance-cloud9: :romance-heartsfade: :romance-heartstiny:

For me, sometimes hearing a different person describe something - even in the same language - can suddenly bring new clarity. I think it's the fresh new energy they bring to the topic - a tiny shift in perspective - a use of slightly different wording to describe an old concept - and the clarity increases! I've been experiencing this a lot lately through listening to new people that teach Abe's teachings in a slightly different way.

Clarity, and also having everything in its easy-to-find place feels very satisfying to me too! :D :hearts: :wave:

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 8:12 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 8:06 am
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:41 am I so enjoy your appreciation and respect and clarity
aww thank you for your loving observation! :hugs: :romance-cloud9: :romance-heartsfade: :romance-heartstiny:

For me, sometimes hearing a different person describe something - even in the same language - can suddenly bring new clarity. I think it's the fresh new energy they bring to the topic - a tiny shift in perspective - a use of slightly different wording to describe an old concept - and the clarity increases! I've been experiencing this a lot lately through listening to new people that teach Abe's teachings in a slightly different way.

Clarity, and also having everything in its easy-to-find place feels very satisfying to me too! :D :hearts: :wave:
You SOOO deserve this!! :hugs: :yay2:
And: Oh yes, absolutely! I feel it like this as well! :hearts:
And that is, imo, the reason that Abe never seize to find new words, new ways of explaining the teaching. New stories that serve as analogies. Whenever I was fascinated about a new WS, and my friends asked "what is new?" I had to say "nothing really- just the way to describe it." Which opens new worlds, new "cracks of least resistance" :lol: and that makes SUCH a difference! :vortex-small:

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 3:43 pm
by spiritualcookie
it's so true! :hearts:


T: Tulips

I love this time of year when the tulips are up,
bringing brightness, colour and upliftment where-ever they sprout.
We have some in our garden ~ I love how the garden is transformed from shades of brown and green to suddenly having pops of orange, red, pink and yellow!

Colour is so feel-good.
It feels like joy.
Just looking and taking in this natural beauty ~
it feels like bliss.
It feel peaceful and calm
It feels soft and pretty.
I also love feeling the petals ~ enjoying their gentle softness.
My favourites are the tulips that are unusual ~
like the variegated varieties,

or the ones with ruffles like the Parrot tulips,

or the ones with frills / fringes!

I love the unusual - the things that surprise and delight,
the things that are unexpected ~ they offer another layer of joy in the expansion they bring.
This inspires me to search for varieties that are new to me ~
How cool are these "double flaming bird" tulips!

or these "Bulls eye tulips"!

As I search for different kind of tulips, it occurs to me that when you start getting into a topic, you realise how the more you look at something, the more you start appreciating the subtlties.
At first glance, a tulip is just a standard tulip shaped flower in different hues.
But as you get into it, you realise the shapes differ in subtle ways; slightly more pointy; slightly more rounded; slightly more open or closed; slightly more petals here or a few stiff carefully placed petals there. So much diversity. So many levels we can go to appreciate something simple more.

I also appreciate the genius artist gardeners who design beautiful displays to delight themselves & others. I so appreciate how they spread the joy!

Next letter: P or S

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 5:09 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 3:43 pm
My favourites are the tulips that are unusual ~
like the variegated varieties,
or the ones with ruffles like the Parrot tulips,

I love the unusual - the things that surprise and delight,
the things that are unexpected ~ they offer another layer of joy in the expansion they bring.
This inspires me to search for varieties that are new to me ~
How cool are these "double flaming bird" tulips!

Next letter: P or S
ohh wow, what a feast! :romance-heartstiny:
And I agree, I love these "baroque special" beauties so much, as well!!

As I search for different kind of tulips, it occurs to me that when you start getting into a topic, you realise how the more you look at something, the more you start appreciating the subtlties.
At first glance, a tulip is just a standard tulip shaped flower in different hues.
But as you get into it, you realise the shapes differ in subtle ways; slightly more pointy; slightly more rounded; slightly more open or closed; slightly more petals here or a few stiff carefully placed petals there. So much diversity. So many levels we can go to appreciate something simple more.
Exactly!! :hearts: :hearts:

Your post inspired me to dig Specifics! :vortex:

Abe adviced us to "dive deep" and become "energy-connoisseurs" :lol: and I soooo love that. A passionate care for something that is beloved and specific, that lets you go deeper and deeper on knowing-about, and caring-for, and enjoying more and more and more... awwww, this feels soooo good!! It gets momentum, and in being up to speed with it we become ABLE to get the specifics in more and more delicious details. Be it meaning-wise, or taste-wise, or as with tulips.

Here do the nerds and geniuses and LOVERS reside! :lol: :happy117: :rose:
The depth of joy becomes unspeakable. As Abe said, the satisfaction in this becomes orgasmic...

Our galaxy, the Milky Way...

Our planet Earth, photographed from space...

Continent Africa, photographed from space

Desert Sahara in Africa photographed by a satellite

Sandstorm seen probably from an airplane

Sandstorm, seen from the ground on Earth

Sand, seen from close up

Sand, photographed by a macro-objective

Sand, probably through a microscope

Sand, photographed through a microscope

Sandkernel, photographed through an electron-microscope

You can become more general, like the animals are,
and that’s better than being all twirled up in conditions that have got you all full of resistance.
But that is not what you came for. You didn’t come to withdraw from the specifics of life.


Abraham Hicks, Portland, OR 06/28/2014

Next letter: C (or S)

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 5:27 pm
by spiritualcookie
What a creative & fun deep dive from general into specific! :hearts:
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 5:09 pm
Sand, photographed by a macro-objective
wow!! I never stopped to consider what sand might look like under a microscope. How beautiful!! 😍

Thank you for bringing this to my awareness! :in_love:

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 5:33 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
SOOO my pleasure! :kiss: :lol: :lol: that was fun!! And YOU inspired it! :hearts: :hearts:

...I'm not so sure that looking at the galaxy or the Earth would really be so general... :lol: we could think so. But I find it incredibly specific as well!

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:59 pm
by spiritualcookie
Perhaps most subjects potentially have both general and specific aspects to them : )


S: Soothing things

I thought it would be feel-good appreciating some soothing things... What are some soothing things?

Soothing music:
I love finding relaxing piano music that feels soft and gentle. It feels like calm. It feels easy. It feels soothing on my ears and on my soul. I feel the soothing in my head and heart.
(One of my fave soothing tunes at the moment is Daru Hana's song "Predictable" ^_^)

Gentle appreciations:
Appreciating in an easy, relaxed way, like I'm doing right now, feels soothing to me : )
It helps me tune in to the vibrations as I try to describe them.

Breathing in essential oils:
"Stress Away" is my fave essential oil combo for soothing recently. I love how it smells of vanilla ~ sweet and warm and delicious. Its aroma feels relaxing. I can feel my shoulders gently relaxing downwards of their own accord when I smell it. I can feel any clenching easing. It feels like all is well. And I love that it helps me do some deep breathing which is also soothing : )

There are probably more soothing things - but let's change direction a bit to get into the feeling place more...

When I feel soothed..

it feels like peace
it feels like calm
it feels like relaxation
it feels like ease
it feels like wellness
it feels like wellbeing
it feels soft and light
it feels smooth and silky
it feels even and steady
it feels slow and stable
it feels like a gentle glow
it feels like watching melted-chocolate swirling

it feels like water smoothly, effortlessly flowing over curved surfaces

it feels like the warmth of a loving hug

it feels like the gentle carress of your head

it feels warm and loving
it feels quiet
it feels quite neutral with a gentle positiveness to it
it feels like pleasant contentment
it feels good
it feels good : )

Next letter: G

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:30 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Cookie :hearts: :wave: OMG, reading you, I feel not only soothed but UPLIFTED :vortex: :ta:(and I can't get the aromatic fragrance of melted chocolate out of my brain, and the joy of being warmly embraced!) :cute:

I'll run with G... Gedanken! :hearts: The German word for "thought".

I fell in love with the word and meaning "Gedanken" when I was a very small child. My Granny who raised me, used to visit, with me, her sister every summer in the former GDR (East Germany) that was devided from where we lived (BRD, West Germany) by the almost impassable Iron Curtain. Only people with very special allowance (that was given to most seniors or small children) could visit "the other side". For me, it was a fascinating different world, like from a childrens book from the old times. Horse-carriages in the rural roads, getting milk in an enameled can, incredibly long summers out in nature on my Grand-aunts isolated farm, where nobody could see or hear us. In the night, the former collegues of her (all have been intellectuals as teachers and artists) came to visit. We sat under the stars in the old farmers court, on cobblestones still warm from the days sunlight. My Aunt played accordion, and the old ladies sung old German folk-songs as "The Gedanken sind frei" (Thoughts are free).

I was hooked on the wonderful atmosphere, the fragrances of evening primroses and phlox surrounding us, the music and the beautiful, deeply touching meaning of the lyrics. I felt liberated by it, even as a 4 year old! I sooo resonated. I found an english translation, and while it is not absolutely accurate to the German one, that dates back before the 18. century, you get the idea...

Thoughts are free, who can guess them?
They fly by like nocturnal shadows.
No person can know them, no hunter can shoot them
and so it'll always be: Thoughts are free!

I think what I want, and what delights me,
still always reticent, and as it is suitable.
My wish and desire, no one can deny me
and so it'll always be: Thoughts are free!

I love wine, and my girl even more,
Only her I like best of all.
I'm not alone with my glass of wine,
my girl is with me: Thoughts are free!

And if I am thrown into the darkest dungeon,
all these are futile works,
because my thoughts tear all gates
and walls apart: Thoughts are free!

So I will renounce my sorrows forever,
and never again will torture myself with whimsies.
In one's heart, one can always laugh and joke
and think at the same time: Thoughts are free!


I had no idea that it was indeed a revolutionary song, that was forbidden in several time periods- so, as well, in the times of the GDR! Omi and Aunt Flo had to ask me to NOT sing it in public, please.
This was my first encounter with the ideas that thoughts are freedom and really powerful- and that some people try to suppress them in big ways. I became a philosopher, and thinking always had been one of my most favourite things to do- long before I was even a teenager.

When I finally found Abe (with about 50), my collected knowledge and thoughts suddenly ALL fell into perfect place. That's why I love Abe SO much! They gave me the final key to understand and GUIDE my thoughts- and due to them, my emotions...!

No longer THIS kind of thinking!! :lol: At least, only when I slip... :roll: :lol:

I adore my thoughts! I adore my tool to dig my power, my freedom, my joy, my love. I SO LOVE TO THINK!!
I adore our all thoughts. Imagine... each and every invention... "Brainchild"... is due to someone, thinking. And that is a reason why I never could hate step 1!!! Even we can overthink! :lol: Creators MUST think, and cross the "borders" so to speak, and use the contrast- allll the hues and colors of opportunity. F* the pain when we go over board in it, for some moments... and bless the awe and triumph, when we allow our thoughts that went "out there" and created extra-big in this "dramatic hero's fall", and then to finally reel in, in step 3, what we have created!

I NEVER wish I would lack critical thinking. But I LOVE to steer from being critical (=questions) thoughts into deepening my joy- and happiness- and fulfillment-thoughts!

I SO LOVE to think deliberately, on purpose, about "freedom and shit" and other wonderful things! I love to be hilarious- this is only possible due to THOUGHTS. I so, so, so love to think! :hearts: And... sometimes, I get "beyond words". In BEINGNESS, without thoughts for just a while, and rise to higher hights... where thoughts WILL beginn, again. What fun! What delightful game!!

next letter: N

Re: The Appreciation Game

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:45 am
by spiritualcookie
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:30 am I adore my thoughts! I adore my tool to dig my power, my freedom, my joy, my love. I SO LOVE TO THINK!!
yes exactly! :happy117: :dancing:

How beautiful that there exists such a philosophical folk song teaching freeing, empowering spiritual truths! The verse about thoughts tearing gates and walls of dungeons apart gave me goosebumps :hearts: