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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:34 am
by Awa
Wow, so many hints, tips, suggestions, information and inspiration. I am touched :romance-heartstiny: :romance-lovegoddess: .

AlleyCat, my boss (female), does her job well and is really cool. It's not my job to help with lunch, so I can't and shouldn't do that. But I understand what you mean. From the outside, every job looks easier than if you do it yourself. I thought this job would be good for me. But now I realize that's not necessarily the case.

PoE, I feel relief when I'm on the way home, at home and in my free time. I don't think about Monday.

You might get relief from simply stating "where you are" and EMBRACING it. As: "I am where I am, and it's ok." When you are able to let go, so that it really is "ok", you achieved a big deal as well!
But don't just observe and than even write about it!

My salary is really good. I am happy. And that's why I can say that it's okay where I am. Do you think that's enough for now?
Am I understanding the last sentence correctly: I shouldn't observe my work and then write about it? Or should I only write something down when I've calmed down a bit? I often write in a similar way. I sit at my MacBook, listen to music and wonder how I would live if I had a lot of money.

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2024 4:37 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Awa wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:34 am
My salary is really good. I am happy. And that's why I can say that it's okay where I am. Do you think that's enough for now?
Am I understanding the last sentence correctly: I shouldn't observe my work and then write about it? Or should I only write something down when I've calmed down a bit? I often write in a similar way. I sit at my MacBook, listen to music and wonder how I would live if I had a lot of money.
What I wanted to say is: When you observe something that matters to you, do yourself the favour of SHIFTING it- even if it is just a tiny bit.
That could be as simple as to say "I am where I am, and that is ok."
Or state: "Now I know even better what I don't want- and so, I know much more clearly what I do want! Isn't that good."

If you could add more (honest!) momentum, the better, as per example, writing down what you now know more clearly that you do want. You could even go into rampaging about the wanted, from there! But do NOT torture yourself in "working" on stuff. The "work" MUST always be something that comes easy, gives a bit RELIEF- or even something that brings JOY. Honor each small steps in that! But also, don't squander the opportunities, in paving more on your unwanted path. If it doesn't bring relief (or even some good emotion) you'r doing it wrong.

When you just observe something (and even drag it here to write about it!), you add momentum to what you observe.
This "activation" should be worth something! It should be about adding WANTED momentum (instead of leaving it where it is, and activating in this way the unwanted place- aka giving it more UNWANTED momentum).

You can NEVER be "neutral"!

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:29 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
I found a quote for you... :D :hearts:

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2024 5:08 pm
by Awa
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:29 pm I found a quote for you... :D :hearts:

Dear PoE, you chose this quote very wisely for me and it fits perfectly. Thank you very much. That sounds so simple. So light-footed. So exciting. So wonderful. So exemplary. So sensible. So fitting. If I can stick to it, I won't need any more. Just that and it goes on and on.

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:04 pm
by Awa
What I wanted to say is: When you observe something that matters to you, do yourself the favour of SHIFTING it- even if it is just a tiny bit.
That could be as simple as to say "I am where I am, and that is ok."
Or state: "Now I know even better what I don't want- and so, I know much more clearly what I do want! Isn't that good."

You're a sweetheart. Both sentences are good for me. The last statement is tough. What would Abe say to me now? I know what I don't want (anymore), but I just don't know what I (really) want. Somehow I already know. Perhaps. I want to live into the day. Have fun. Listen to music. Dance. Read. Maybe travel. Write. Go for a stroll. All things you can do in your free time. But otherwise?

No, I'm not ashamed if I don't feel like working. I believe I have done my duty. I want to live.

I could also go to the employment agency and ask what is on the market.

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:05 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
:woohoo: :vortex:

exactly!! (to both of your posts!!) Hey, someone is getting momentum on what feels better, right? :hearts:

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:19 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Awa wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:04 pm Somehow I already know. Perhaps. I want to live into the day. Have fun. Listen to music. Dance. Read. Maybe travel. Write. Go for a stroll. All things you can do in your free time.
I had pondered what you say here. Of course you already know... and I just mention it because it feels so good to do so:
Wouldn't that be an awesome "job", to never feel like working? (Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to work when it is in the right mood! Than, it feels like play, awe, beauty, joy! It feels creative and eager and thankful and loving and blessed with being able to do what I do! Even when I'm tired after it, it still feels incredibly good.)

Wouldn't that be beautiful when you uplift people by doing exactly what almost everyone wants to do: Feel free in their choice of when to do what- and enjoying each single one?
Wouldn't it be awesome if you could be a rolemodel who lives a Paradise-life, without any guilt, and money just flows to you anyway?

Wouldn't that be an amazing paradigm-shift, if people all over the place would realize, that the premises of the old paradigm "work hard, or you are not worthy" was a hoax?
Wouldn't it be beautiful that each time you get an indicator of feeling less than good, you always KNOW that this means, source/God doesn't agree with this conclusions that bring you the fear/doubt/guilt...?

What if you got where you are to realize all of this, in a really deep and life-changing way, and in you doing that, you are a beacon of light for so many around you?
:hearts: :vortex:

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:27 pm
by Awa
Wouldn't that be an awesome "job", to never feel like working? (Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to work when it is in the right mood! Than, it feels like play, awe, beauty, joy! It feels creative and eager and thankful and loving and blessed with being able to do what I do! Even when I'm tired after it, it still feels incredibly good.)
I agree with them. That would be a dream. Like in paradise. Heaven on earth. There are certainly people who see their work as a kind of fulfillment and not just as a job that earns them their daily bread. Of course, these jobs can be fun, but they are never well paid. But this work also needs to be done.

Wouldn't that be beautiful when you uplift people by doing exactly what almost everyone wants to do: Feel free in their choice of when to do what- and enjoying each single one?
Wouldn't it be awesome if you could be a rolemodel who lives a Paradise-life, without any guilt, and money just flows to you anyway?

That would be just perfect. In my opinion, everyone could work whatever they want - with exceptionally good pay, of course. And if someone doesn’t want to work – fine – then don’t. But the money rain would have to come from somewhere :vortex:

I think there is also a workshop by Abe about doctors and nurses. How are they, who deal with sick people every day, supposed to stay healthy (in body, mind and soul)?

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 5:04 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Awa wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:27 pm There are certainly people who see their work as a kind of fulfillment and not just as a job that earns them their daily bread. Of course, these jobs can be fun, but they are never well paid.
This is a thoroughly flawed premise! :hearts: I'd even say, it is the other way around. Normally (while there are certainly those that make money because they expect to do so in a really bold way even they are NOT happy), when you make a lot of money, that is the indicator of you, being quite a lot ITV!

This -especially German- society is (for whatever screwy reasons) SO trained in condemning money, and condemning rich people, and abundance as the "root of all evil". This is indeed different in other countries, per example in the USA, being a rich entrepreneur is usually seen as something VERY sublime and adorable. I was raised by (in the time of my teens and twens) Multimillionaires. So I saw their rise and later, their complete fall, and all inbetween. It is astounding how much hate, envy, prejudices and simply lack of understanding there is about the whole field of people, who make lots of money!

-People really think that leading a business would be "no work", because the work would be done by the workers...! They think, the "rich boss" only would sit in their chair, puff cigars and ponder how to torture their employees... Well, it is not like that at all. It is a TON of work. Basically, those people are ALL about "their" work, it became (normally quite some time ago) their fascination, their brain-child, their whole life-style, THEIR THING, a bit as for parents. You are always "in love and in business".

-People have no idea how much fascination and passion leads to you, wanting (!!) to do "your" work.
If you are a famous artist (singer, author, actor), an extraordinary athlete, a genius inventor, any kind of successful expert, visionary or leader- this does NEVER come by default! And it's not really only about "being gifted". It comes because you allowed joyful momentum. And of course, then you WANT to unfold within this, carry it further, think about it more, get your hands into the clay, and 8 hrs a day are never enough to do so!

When you focus specifically like this, for an amount of time (as it was said, you do this because you are interested (in the beginning), and then fascinated... and then become passionate. Which all is highly ITV, aka, it brings you really goodfeeling emotions. Which are the indicators that you are in the "receiving mode"- which then allows ALL the contents of your Vortex to flow into your life, including big money.

This is the key to genius:
All “genius” is, is attention to a subject.
You are a genius, and by your focus you can be genius on any subject!

Abraham Hicks

So, this highly successful people get "there" because they involve themselves fully. Nobody can do that SUCCESSFULLY and over a long time, without being, in some ways, really ITV about it, and that brings money. Except, you have a bold blockage going on about it! Maybe, also, they otherwise have a miserable life, but where they are successful, and the money flows, there they MUST be ITV and vice versa.
That would be just perfect. In my opinion, everyone could work whatever they want - with exceptionally good pay, of course. And if someone doesn’t want to work – fine – then don’t. But the money rain would have to come from somewhere :vortex:
You really do not have to tie money and work together! It is only a (deeply ingrained) belief that you would need to work for money.
In fact, you can attract money maybe even better and bolder in other ways, because work is tied to time, and your time is somewhat limited.

So, it might be a better word to say "generate" or "activate" the money-flow! You can achieve that by playing in the stockmarket, marrying rich, get inheritances or gifts, "finding" money or other treasures (aka, being a treasurehunter). Or you can dabble in what you love most- a sport, your physical beauty, your fascination in something- and "be found" (by someone who nets you connection with money). You can simply express your beloved art- or fascination, and become an extraordinary successful youtuber/influencer/artist/Computer-expert. Or you are such a breath of fresh air that an old rich lady would just love to have your company, and pay you exceptionally well to be around her, in her household and her travels. Just because you are how you are!
I think there is also a workshop by Abe about doctors and nurses. How are they, who deal with sick people every day, supposed to stay healthy (in body, mind and soul)?
EVERY TOPIC can be seen from ITV- with all it's amazing, fascinating, awesome upsides- and also
from OOTV, with all it's terrible, treacherous downsides.

YOU DECIDE, in each moment, where you focus.
I guess that almost nobody starts out to unfold in this field by looking at the downsides. I guess the most of them are uplifters and healers, and they have -at least in the beginning- their eyes powerfully on the opportunities to lighten up the people and the world.

When you get sloppy in this focus, while you come across more and more challenging contrast, the more you will find yourself in observing the downsides, all the misery. BUT IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THAT WAY!

I was fascinated to learn, that even within terrible pests, often the doctors and nurses are the last ones standing. They don't get infected themselves, and they are able to work astonishing shifts, because their focus is NOT on the Unwanted! But of course, those that are so close to misery are the easiest to burn. And the burn-out-rate is very high, in this fields. Again, this is just about FOCUS. Those that focus within high contrast on the WANTED sides, live an especially passionate and fulfilling life.

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:03 pm
by Awa
I've thought about your post for a long time and please believe me, I don't want to contradict you at all.

I have no idea why the word “but” keeps coming to mind. All these counterarguments don't get me anywhere. When I look at the EGS I spend too long at the lowest levels. True anger or revenge never really comes to the fore.

There are many things we have been taught over generations and much of it is wrong, especially regarding money, wealth, work, companies, etc. I can't say I don't begrudge anyone, "but" I wonder , why (world) wealth is not distributed differently and better? Ultimately it's about finding joy in my life.

You write that rich people have to be ITV when it comes to money, even if other areas are ailing. Every now and then I read an astrology forum and horoscopes of rich people, artists, actors, singers and the average consumer are discussed. According to his horoscope, Bill Gates could not have ignored his success. He is a visionary, a pioneer and the many constellations that have contributed to what he is today were born into him. I don't know anything about astrology, "but" I think that you have to bring certain requirements into this world in order to become rich and/or famous and/or successful. I don't know if Gates has read any books about positive thinking. In any case, he followed his inner fire and passion. And they mentioned that in their post. Bill Gates came to earth with a larger frame than me and he fills it completely. Mine is smaller, “but” instead of completely filling that small, delicate frame, I sit in a single corner and hide, waiting for what isn’t there yet.

Thanks for your time :romance-wub: :romance-smileyheart: :romance-inlove: :romance-heartstiny: