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Re: Daily appreciations

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 3:16 pm
by FloatingBoat
Hello PoE, it is so nice that you can feel this appreciation so strongly. I look forward to every new appreciation from you and everyone else. :hearts: :hugs:

Oh, sorry, spiritualcookie, I always thought you were a man. I will, of course, change that immediately, oops. :blush: :blush: :in_love:

Re: Daily appreciations

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 3:45 pm
by FloatingBoat
Inspired by the new great topic from spiritualcookie, I did a bit of soothing today as well, and it felt wonderful. :auto:

Everything is going well.
I am doing things very well.
Only good things happen to me.
I look forward to every day and am grateful to be alive.
I look forward to creating beautiful things in my life and enjoying life.

:dancing: :dancing: :dancing:

Friday, December 27

• It was great that I discovered the Hay House site yesterday. There are many audio and video downloads of seminar recordings. I bought the audiobook "Getting in the Vortex" and listened to most of it. It was totally interesting and enlightening for me. It was also nice to realize that I actually understand it so well. Then I decided to buy the audiobook "Spiritual Revolution and the Law of Attraction" soon. That put me in a totally positive mood, and I was very happy with it.

• This morning, Claudia and I walked to the Prinzenberg in Eberstadt. It was so beautiful: the weather was sunny, the sky was great, and the air was clear. It was so much fun because from the Prinzenberg you have a wonderful view of the mountains of the Bergstraße. We also saw the Melibokus. It was so much fun and so easy and pleasant that I immediately had a positive mood for the whole day.

• Today our janitor came. We made a lot of jokes together, and he hung our mirror in the guest toilet. That was really nice because now our shared apartment is getting more beautiful and better step by step. I'm already looking forward to enjoying and experiencing every single step of it. :hearts:


Re: Daily appreciations

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 5:43 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
:wave: :in_love: :vortex: :balloons_wave:

Re: Daily appreciations

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:57 pm
by FloatingBoat
@PoE :balloons_wave: :balloons_wave: :dancing: :dancing: :hugs: :vortex-small: :vortex-small:

Today, I also wrote down the process "testing the universe." I have been familiar with the method for a while from the video, but I had always done it only with these sentences and only spoken them. The great execution by spiritualcookie inspired me to do this process in more detail, and it brought me great joy and filled me with happiness. :hearts:

Testing the Universe

Universe, if I'm so good, show me. If I'm so worthy, show me. If I'm so good, show me. If I am a blessed being, then let the blessings start pouring into my experience. If I'm wise, let me be smart. If I'm blessed, then I want to be happy.

Universe, if I'm so good, show me in a way that touches my heart and enlightens my soul. If I'm so worthy, show me in every second of my life. Let all the wonderful experiences flow into my life like a gentle river and envelop me with their beauty. For if I am a blessed being, then let all these blessings enrich my life and fill me with joy.

Universe, if I'm so worthy, show it to me in the shining eyes of the people I meet. If I'm blessed, I want to swim in the sea of bliss. If I am a blessed being, then let all the wonderful gifts rain down from the heavens and make my days even brighter.

Universe, if I'm so worthy, show me in the melodies of the wind and the colors of the sky. Show me all that is good and beautiful about me, and let me feel it in all its fullness, as if it were a gentle, warming cloak. Let me experience the abundance of all the blessings meant for me, and let me enjoy the path of this joyful journey in every moment.

If I'm so worthy, then show me all the forces and beings that love and support me, and accompany me on my path. If I'm so good, then let me be a lighthouse for myself and for everyone else. If I'm so worthy, let me walk the path of my dreams and receive more feelings of happiness and gifts every day. Let me experience more and more the beauty and simplicity of conscious focus.

Dear Universe, if I'm so worthy, show it to me in the deep, silent moments of the night, as well as in the loud and exhilarating moments of the day. Let me dive deeper and deeper into the vibrational reality, into my vortex, and connect ever more deeply with all my desires and preferences, as if it were a dance of the stars.

Show me the powers that lie within me and to which I have absolute access at every moment, like an inexhaustible well of forces that create worlds. If I'm so worthy, let me go through the day full of inspiration, with a feeling of absolute clarity, security, and ease.

If I'm so worthy, let me feel the love deep in my heart, so that it radiates like a bright beam into the entire universe.

Dear Universe, thank you for showing me all this and reminding me of how worthy I am. :hearts:

:angelic-flying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying: :in_love: :in_love: :in_love:

Re: Daily appreciations

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:23 pm
by spiritualcookie
oh how beautiful! That felt so good to read! :hearts:
You are SO skilled with words!
I love the way you find such a poetic and artistic way to put things! :in_love: :happy117:

PS I already feel you are a lighthouse for others, radiating a bright beam of light and love into the Universe :angelic-whiteflying:

Re: Daily appreciations

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 2:27 am
by FloatingBoat

I can take things easy and at my own pace. This way, things are beautiful and complete. With this slowness, I can especially see, appreciate, and deeply feel the beauty of small gestures and special things in my heart. I am on a really good path and am beginning to hear the sounds of my inner being better and better, and to tune into who i really am.

I look forward to all the positive thoughts that lie ahead and that I will still discover. I look forward to the journey to my source and to my fulfilled desires. It is a beautiful path that I can walk joyfully, full of hope, knowledge, and love, entirely at my own pace.

I love to bask in appreciation and feel a strong love in my heart for everything that surrounds me and everything that is coming my way, because I know that what is coming will be very beautiful. Everything is becoming more beautiful, better, and more loving, and I will experience more and more abundance, love, and beauty.

I love seeing how I thrive and how the people I love around me thrive. Everyone is on their path, growing in joy, and every positive experience and everything that is told to me, I see in the light of this beauty.

Saturday, December 28:

• I enjoyed letting myself drift today and arranging everything so that I had no stress and could simply rest well.

• I had fun doing the "Testing the Universe" process today and feeling how it slowly raised my vibration. I felt lighter and more relaxed, with a sense of connection and positive alignment. I could face contrasting situations with calmness and a smile, allowing me to maintain my good mood. I found this really beautiful and uplifting. It makes me feel hopeful and positive and gives me the sense that I truly have a strong connection with my inner being at the moment.

• Today was a strong synchronicity experience for me, as I read the second chapter of "Ask and it is given" in the German version with my girlfriend, the book I gave her for Christmas. She wanted us to read it together because she has trouble understanding the things Abraham says. But afterward, she felt a strong connection to her inner being and to Abraham. We went through the individual points, which benefited both of us. Every time she understood something correctly, she was delighted. We did it with examples from her life, very slowly, which also did me good, and I learned a lot in the process. Then i saw spiritualcookies comment about being a lighthouse for others, which fit this situation very well, and I had to smile. :happygaze: :happygaze: :happygaze:


Re: Daily appreciations

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 2:32 am
by FeelGood
floatingboat posted
so good, thankyou :wave: :eusa-clap:

Re: Daily appreciations

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 3:13 am
by FloatingBoat
spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:23 pm oh how beautiful! That felt so good to read! :hearts:
You are SO skilled with words!
I love the way you find such a poetic and artistic way to put things! :in_love: :happy117:

PS I already feel you are a lighthouse for others, radiating a bright beam of light and love into the Universe :angelic-whiteflying:
Hello spiritualcookie, :balloons_wave:
thank you for your lovely compliment. :ta: :ta: :jumphug: i am glad that you like it and can use it in parts for your own processes.

I hadn't even thought about expanding this process until I read your beautiful interpretation of it, which I really liked. :hearts: Therefore, I can only say that you are also a lighthouse for me. :angelic-sunshine:

I love these mutual inspirations that happen here in the forum, and I notice them in everyday life as well, where high-vibrational inspirations occur constantly. This could be a sign that my inner being is actively involved. :tee:

It was a remarkable synchronicity when I read the "ask and its given" book with my girlfriend today, and her eyes lit up, she had so much fun, constantly laughed, and was delighted. We were so happy afterwards, and when I read your comment about the lighthouse, I was really pleased because it fit perfectly. :hearts:

But on the other hand, she was my lighthouse because she inspired me to think through things so precisely, explain them, and find images for them, thereby gaining so much depth that I wouldn't achieve just by reading. That's co-creating at its best. :lovie:

I thought of something else regarding the lyrics because I like to use a language that is somewhat fantastic or romantic/lyrical, as it touches my heart the most and quickly brings me into the vortex. What I love the most are the poets of the Romantic era, and my favorite is Eichendorff, who wrote truly wonderful poems. Reading such works elevates my vibration greatly. I photographed this during a hike:

A song sleeps in all things around
Which dream on and on unheard,
And the world begins to resound,
If you hit the magic word.
(Joseph von Eichendorff)

Re: Daily appreciations

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 8:28 am
by spiritualcookie
FloatingBoat wrote: Sun Dec 29, 2024 3:13 amI love these mutual inspirations that happen
Me too! Feeling inspired is one of my most favourite feelings! It's so fun when someting you or someone else posts here, gets the flow flowing, sets off light bulbs and fireworks! I love the happy eagerness, the joyful excitement and enthusiasm of it! :in_love: :in_love: :five:
A song sleeps in all things around
Which dream on and on unheard,
And the world begins to resound,
If you hit the magic word.
(Joseph von Eichendorff)
I have no idea if this is what Eichendorff meant but the poem made me think:

The song that sleeps in all things around - I wonder if he was talking about Consciousness / Source Energy (=pure love, light) that is in all things. Source Energy too is a beautiful "dream unheard" by most humans. But the world is full of Source Energy vibrating - resounding - if you hit the magic word (=alignment) and tune in. :hearts:

Re: Daily appreciations

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 11:00 pm
by FloatingBoat
@FeelGood I'm glad you like it. It's a really beautiful quote. :happygaze: :happygaze:

Hello spiritualcookie, :balloons_wave:

It's great to see you so happy here. :in_love: :in_love: :in_love:

Yes, I am also delighted by the inspirations. For me, inspiration is the state where I have more energy after the inspired activity than before, and that is no wonder because during inspiration, one taps into the forces that create worlds. It truly is one of the most wonderful states, you are right. :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying:

Thank you for your wonderful interpretation:hearts:,
and also for expressing my inner thoughts and desires so well, as I have been pondering this topic for a long time. In general, I think about how many writings, such as the Bible, in poems, music, and spiritual books, repeatedly express the same truths that Abraham conveys to us very directly.

I watched a very beautiful video about Jesus from Abraham Hicks yesterday because I recently talked about it with PoE, where Abraham explains Jesus' messages very clearly, and you realize there is no big difference between Jesus' true message and what Abraham says.

I don't know if Eichendorff directly has this intention, but you can sense that he taps into something of this universal truth/source. I can't really add much to it, but I would like to ask my inner being about the poem.

Inner being, what do you say about the poem by Eichendorff?

The magic word is the key to all things; the world begins to shine and reflect itself, and vibrational harmony is restored. That is the moment when you find alignment; singing is the deeper understanding of all things, and it expresses the truth; it is source energy in its purest form, and Eichendorff knew about these things.

Everything that sleeps and dreams is not yet awakened, not yet in the state of perfect alignment. Singing is portrayed here as the highest form of vibration, the highest frequency that means immediate access to the spiritual world of the non-physical level, and the world then becomes the gateway to this non-physical level because it is now synchronized in the same sound.

The magic word itself is sung, so the source energy flows through you, and you become the channel that hits the magic word in this vibration, meaning the alignment is found again, and thus initiates harmony and restoration. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Sunday, December 29:

• Last night, after visiting the forum and doing the "Testing the Universe" process, I fell asleep very positively, with a very high vibration, and felt really well-rested this morning. I woke up with the same positive vibration and immediately read "The Astonishing Power of Emotions" by Abraham, which further boosted my mood. It goes deep into the substance and essence, and I had several "aha" (awakening) moments that made me really happy. While reading, I felt so in tune with my inner being. I kept saying, "Look, inner being, this is about you again," :yes: :D and I had to smile a lot.

• The whole world around us is currently immersed in a beautiful frost. When I was just on the terrace, I looked at the beautiful, frost-covered forests and mountains. They look wonderful and have this imaginative, mystical appearance that both calms and excites me. It reminded me of my screenplay story set in Hinterzarten, and I immediately sent a wish to the universe to vacation there. After feeling such strong appreciation, I began to dive back into my story and relive those wonderful experiences in the snow, with the cabin, the snow-adorned forests, and the adventure awaiting us there. It put me in a euphoric, enthusiastic state.
:beating-the-drum: :beating-the-drum:

• I was very pleased when I read spiritualcookie's interpretation of Eichendorff's poem today. I already had some inklings that this poem illustrates a very deep truth, which is expressed very clearly by Abraham. But the accuracy of spiritualcookie's interpretation delighted me, and I am very grateful to her for it. Moreover, it confirms my knowledge, which Abraham also expressed, that throughout religious history, literature, music, and art, these truths have been repeatedly testified, which we also find with Abraham, and that this is universal knowledge that has been channeled throughout history. :wizard: :wizard: :hat:

• This knowledge and these thoughts also show, of course, that we are all connected: all of us with the source, all of us with each other, and all of us with all our ancestors and those who are still to come on Earth. We might even be reincarnations of certain people from the past who particularly attract us. Who knows, maybe I was once reincarnated as Eichendorff. :dance: :) In any case, this gives me a feeling of deep connection with everything, and it is an absolutely beautiful, intoxicating, and loving feeling. :grouphug:

• After all the wonderful vibrations I had throughout the day, it was no longer a surprise, but still a nice one, that my girlfriend told me that when I come to her tonight, we won’t have to cook because Johannes wants to invite us to dinner. He wants to order something for us, and I'm really looking forward to that. It's a relief and something I look forward to.
:happy117: :happy117:

• When I was at my girlfriends's apartement, I also called my sister because my niece has her birthday today. But my niece was already on vacation with her aunt, so I chatted a bit with my sister. It was a very nice conversation, and I expressed my wish to have more contact with my niece and nephew. My sister suggested that we could meet at the ice cream café in the spring. It was a very nice conversation, and I'm also happy because my sister and I plan to go out for sushi soon. I feel like our contact is getting better and better.

• The shared meal with Johannes and my girlfriend was really nice. We ordered Lahmacun and Döner and then listened to music. It was a pleasant gathering, and I'm very grateful to Johannes for inviting us all. While listening to music, I played my favorite remix by Abraham, "it's easy to feel good," which always touches and uplifts me. When Abraham says "that the sun came up this morning and it wasn't on your to-do list and nobody that you know could ever keep that from happening" ,and that the planet spins in perfect harmony, I suddenly felt that connection with my inner being and everything that is, and the source. I felt that many forces are at work, making everything function so wonderfully and perfectly here on this world. It was such a beautiful, connected feeling that lasted the entire evening and truly fulfilled me. It's really very nice to be alive in this present time. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: