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Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:35 am
by FeelGood
You are sharing space with sea waves, stunning foliage, the sun, the moon, and trillions of stars.
Whenever you feel powerless in life, remind yourself that you are connected to the source that supports life, and evolution.
You have the chance to savor every magical moment here on this floating rock.
When you allow yourself to flow with the energy of the universe, it becomes a bit easier to let go of those heavy feelings and find a sense of oneness and calm.

I am always loved.
I am beginning to connect the dots.
I am experiencing ease in my life.
My awareness is expanding.
I rest my faith in the divine timing of life.
I embrace the power of surrendering.
I am loosening my grip.
I am experiencing a massive positive change in my life.

:goodjob: :yes: :in_love: :flowdownstream: :five: :flowers: :dance2: :tee: :yes: :in_love: :beating-the-drum:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 3:07 am
by FeelGood
Find happiness in the little things.
These small moments of joy give you the opportunity to let go of everything that weighs you down.
Open your world to new liberating and joyful experiences.
You deserve every beautiful blessing that is about to arrive in your life.

I am becoming more centered.
I allow healing energy to flow through me.
I am filled with gratitude.
I embrace the magic of flow.
The answers show up just when I need them.
I allow events to happen naturally.
I am on the path of least resistance.
I have all the guidance I will ever need.

:text-thankyoublue: :romance-heartstiny: :romance-lovegoddess: :romance-kisslips: :romance-romance: :sleeping-sleep: :sleeping-sleeping: :sleeping-yellow: :happy-wavemulticolor: :happy-smileyflower: :greetings-clappingorange: :greetings-clappingyellow: :handgestures-thumbsup: :banana-dreads: :dancing: :yes: :in_love: :king1: :five: :flowdownstream: :tee: :hugs: :flowers: :beating-the-drum: :pie:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 6:18 am
by FeelGood

:flowdownstream: :in_love: :yes: :auto: :king1: :beating-the-drum: :flowers:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 10:22 pm
by FeelGood
Your efforts are accumulating and eventually, that big obstacle blocking your path will no longer exist in your life.
You are not alone.
You are supported by the universe's healing energy.
Let hope carry you through this period of uncertainty and chaos.

I am feeling a sense of fulfillment.
I am excited about what is transpiring in my life.
I retain my optimism in every situation.
I am loved and cared for.

:tee: :yes: :smile2: :auto: :in_love: :flowdownstream: :five: :beating-the-drum: :flowers: :king1: :happy-bouncymagenta: :happy-smileyflower: :happy-partydance: :music-rockout: :romance-lovegoddess: :romance-heartstiny: :text-thankyoublue:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 10:42 pm
by FeelGood

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:52 pm
by FeelGood
I see the good everywhere I go.
I am moving forward as a wiser version of myself.
I allow healing to happen.
I am filled with joy and peace.
I embrace the possibility of something better.
I trust that I am being guided toward something better.
I feel more empowered.
I am open to greater possibilities.
I love watching my work pay off.

:in_love: :beating-the-drum: :flowdownstream: :king1: :flowers: :five:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:16 am
by FeelGood

Appointments and bathroom remodel. :in_love: :yes: :flowers: :flowdownstream:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 11:33 pm
by FeelGood
Your fears try to engulf you.
"How will I survive if my desires don't get fulfilled?" "How will I go on?"
The future will unfold in its own time. You only need to survive this current moment.
Don't drive yourself crazy by obsessing over an unknown future.
By engaging with fearful thoughts, you're only maintaining the illusion of control.
None of us can predict the future.
We falsely assume that by worrying we are preparing ourselves for future outcomes.
But in reality, worrying erodes your capacity to stay calm and make wise decisions.
Breathe and release your fears.
The present moment is where you can find your power.

I practice awareness, alignment, and intention.
I am in complete balance.
I say yes to better experiences.
The universe has my back.
Everything is unfolding as it's meant to.
I can find the courage to trust again.
I am choosing the best path forward.
I allow myself to explore new perspectives.
It’s easy to stay present.
I love to live in the now.

:dance2: :yes: :goodjob: :beating-the-drum: :in_love: :yes: :flowdownstream: :auto: :tee: :hugs: :five: :king1: :flowers:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 5:04 am
by FeelGood
Keep your heart pure.
No matter how impossible life may seem, do not let hopelessness or bitterness take root in your heart.
Never regret the good things you've done for others.
You can always choose to mindfully connect to the goodness of life.
Focus on your blessings. Strengthen your faith.
Allow love, positive energy, and hope to rule your life.
Make decisions from a place of love.

I am living my life consciously.
My life is getting better.
I acknowledge my progress every day.
My habits bring me deep satisfaction.
I am expanding my horizons.
I avoid making quick judgments.
I choose to pause and take slow deep breaths.
I align my thoughts and energy with my greatest desires.
I calmly let my emotions pass through me.

:dance2: :in_love: :five: :hoppy: :beating-the-drum: :goodjob: :yes: :yes: :yes: :flowdownstream:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 3:40 am
by FeelGood
Don't overwhelm yourself by trying to fix everything.
Focus all your energy on finding your center - this is a part of you that is full of peace and strength, unaffected by the events happening in your outer world.
Let this part nourish you, and help you heal.

I am incredibly grateful for the blessings that have arrived in my life.
I take time to meditate and pray every day.
I make important life decisions with ease and clarity.
I nurture my curiosity.
I gently release the need for constant validation
:techie-eatcursor: :romance-lovegoddess: :romance-heartstiny: :romance-kisslips: :yes: :goodjob: :hugs: :in_love: :dance2: :auto: :tee: :five: :flowdownstream: :flowers: :beating-the-drum: