I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I Imagine my life as I want it to be!

Day 19

I experience so much loving, friendly, wonderful help!
I have so much fun with my beloved daughter, who helps me decorate the house for Christmas. I enjoy her understanding so much. She gets it so easy, what I want! And it is such fun to work with her. It gets so much easier for me.

I have so much joy, in that Creativity! I enjoy this bringing together of unusual materials... this nativity scene consists of a a piece of wood that was around a branch in the tree, and it splintered in a way that SO looks as this tiny hut that we picture for Jesus, Mary and Joseph... It was such fun to help it in a way it would set the scene for the tiny figurines that I own. All the materials seemed to jump into my hands all by themselves. It was so easy,so logical and natural, like wonderful co-creation. Not only with source ;) but with my daughter, as well!

I feel so thankful. I feel so very very thankful!
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