I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Appreciation is the highest form of vibration. This is the place to express your appreciation and amp up your vibration.
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I Imagine my life as I want it to be!

Day 30

It is the last day of this challenge, and I feel funny (in more than one way) :lol: I realllly feel FUNNY!! :lol: :lol: :dance:
But I also feel that something very new begins.
I want to be the CREATOR that I truly am, again.

I am so very very thankful for all this days, where I dropped what wasn't fun, without even waving good bye!
I AM THANKFUL for allthe contrast, don't get me wrong!! It is what brought me here.It is what made me clear.It is what made me humble in a very good, wanted way- to understand, it isn't about being first, or fast, or even perfect!!!
It is about FEELING GOOD.
:lol: duh!!!

...never heard THAT one before, right?? :lol:
Of course, I knew!!! BUT NOW I KNOW!! :lol:
Words do NOT teach!! Only life experience really doe. While, the words are helpful!! I LOVE words! But in the end, you must rest your sword, and even let it fully go- and dare peace!

This journey was soo fun. And I expect the next one even funner. Even sweeter. Even more powerful. Even more blissful!!
Thank you, thank you life!!!

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 1

I felt the rocket of desire this morning, when I sang "Jingle bells" and suddenly, there was this beautiful "movie" within me of having a winter- or even better, Christmas-holiday with all my family in a beautiful snowy area, and driving with them in several jungle-sleighs through the night! 3 or 4 sleighs, with hissing skids, side by side. The horses enjoying a full gallop, the manes waving, the hooves pounding...

I can see the eyes of my beloveds glisten while they snuggle into the fur-blankets. The kids squeal in delight, and more and more of us grown ups chime in into jolly cheering! Snow is whirling from the ground!

I do NOT want to desire less- because I believe and trust less in what only vibration can "buy"! I can HAVE IT ALL!!!

What an amazing, wonderful desire! At first I almost "killed it with my doubt" (Abe) and then I remembered my new theme, and I turned DELIBERATELY around and said "YES!!!" to it! That was SUCH a joy! I embrace my dream! I hold it close to my heart. YES, I will experience this! And it will be even MORE beautiful and whole and keep giving and giving and giving than I can imagine, now!

It will be garnished with details that I forgot are in my Vortex. It will be such a gift, to all of us! I DID THAT!! And I so love it, I got goosebumps by describing, and I can't stop smiling. I TRUST MY DREAM! I trust source. I trust my Vortex. I so ENJOY all of this: THANK YOU LIFE!!

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 2

I witnessed another rocket of desire within me, when I thought about our family meeting in 10 days :rocket:
-Wouldn't that be nice to play a game then, and everybody would write down 2 wishes that you could buy with money, and 1 that only vibrational currency can buy?
-I then would read the material wishes, and people would guess who's wish it is.
-We would feel fun and interest and maybe surprise in it... and
-I would save the wishes and later glue them into a booklet, and see how they go, over the years (including the immaterial wish), kind of like a vision-board!
-And when I get the money, I would feel for, if it would be feeling good to fulfill some wishes.

That felt so sweet!
When the doubt came up, I caught it almost immediately. :muscle-flex:
Noooo, I refuse to doubt! I refuse to follow that old, long used thought-highways: Instead, now I turn things around and enjoy the vision of what I DO LIKE!!! :woohoo:

It feels so much more energetic! It feels eager! It feels magic, and I so love how I fully believe it's possible. I trust this! I know this is sooo possible- no, much more. It is certain. YES, I believe this!! I reallly do!

...And when I was angry about a certain loved one (for "good reason" :lol: ) I CAUGHT it and fell asleep instead :lol: And this morning, beloved DH said the most perfect words about it. I will JUST CARE TO FEEL GOOD! And my anger is gone! I could have spoilt and wasted so much more time about the crap! ITV, the anger just vanishes. It just dissolves.

Which brings me to think about the fog-desert that I will visit soo soon... which is such an awesome thought! I am so eager to see the desert!! I am so pointing to us, seeing the BLOOMING desert, maybe!? Ohh, wouldn't that be awesome and wonderful and magic!! :woohoo: Life is so good. Thank you, thank you, thank you life!!!

I just now realize- each of this moments IS a "tipping-point"!! Each time I turn around to the solely wanted, I do it. Have it. AM it! Ohhhhh!!! :vortex:

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 3

I found another rocket of desire (I SO LOVE when I deliberately feel them taking off! What a magic moment!). And as I know what that means- me being ITV enough to realize the taking off, I'm now also being "ready" to GET it in fully fleshed out form! I sooo LOVE KNOWING that! I love knowing that this is a purpose I came for: Sifting through the contrast and finding what I LIKE within it. And then evolving in a way, that I get ALIGNED with who I became, in the very moment the rocket took off!

I see it while I write it:
The rocket of desire creates a bigger, more evolved, more rich ME. As source within me immediately embraces the "more" and the "better" and becomes it, and now, my small me MUST catch up, if I want to feel good.

THAT is evolution and creation!! :woohoo:

And now to the new rocket :lol: spiritualcookie :wave: :hearts: seems to read my texts in great awareness :hugs: :ta: ...and she made a thread, inspired by what I wrote yesterday. https://abeforum.net/viewtopic.php?p=9866#p9866
And I, too :D read joyfully what she is posting- and got inspired by her, and looked at an old thread of mine... and got re-inspired to have an awesome foodie-trip through Belgium soon, me and DH! As, Belgium is foodie-heaven. Maybe even more than France!! Ohh, the chocolates!! The AWESOME savory dishes, as fantastic patés and delightful high cuisine! And... just the "french" fries on their own, who got invented in BELGIUM and taste the best here, on the whole world!! And... the waffles, loaden with all sorts of extras!

Ohh, don't make me start with the cakes- works of art, and the Viennoiserie: Pain au Chocolate and Croissonts, to just name a few. I MUST GO THERE!!!! :drool2: :hi: :lol: :lol:
Oh, and wouldn't it be nice to have the means to REALLY make that a luxury-trip? Sleep in 5-star GrandHotels, and dine in 3-Michein-star restaurants and do IT ALL in awesome style!!? YEAAAH, lets make that about luxury!! I am ready to fully wholly indulge myself in LUXURY. I WANT THAT (see, the rocket gives birth to new rockets!! :lol: )
Wouldn't that be AWESOME to let my travel-agent put together a true luxury trip with booking the most beautiful stays and the most awesome restaurants, and maybe some fascinating extras out in nature- or around the famous awesome Belgium draft-horses, that I love so much!? :lol: (and on and on I go! Maybe going lat April, early May, and adding my long dreamed-of- road-trip to South-England?? Ohhhh, there is MORE, MORE, MORE!! And then MORE!!)

And I soooo love to not wobble any more than just parts of seconds, before I turn back to looking stable and expectant at the WANTED. I realize even at day 3 already, that this trains my stability of REALLY doing my work and looking at the wanted, while dropping the unwanted on purpose. Ohh, I so like that!! I celebrate THAT!!! Thank you, thank you, life!!

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Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:09 amI, too :D read joyfully what she is posting- and got inspired by her, and looked at an old thread of mine... and got re-inspired to have an awesome foodie-trip through Belgium soon, me and DH!
Your rampage for Belgium felt soooo good to read! I could feel the eagerness, the joyful anticipation, the enthusiasm, the excitement! the deliciousness! Such feel-good vibes to feel! Thank you for sharing these beautiful vibes! :D :hearts:

:in_love: :woohoo: :in_love: :hoppy: :vortex:
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 8:17 am
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:09 amI, too :D read joyfully what she is posting- and got inspired by her, and looked at an old thread of mine... and got re-inspired to have an awesome foodie-trip through Belgium soon, me and DH!
Your rampage for Belgium felt soooo good to read! I could feel the eagerness, the joyful anticipation, the enthusiasm, the excitement! the deliciousness! Such feel-good vibes to feel! Thank you for sharing these beautiful vibes! :D :hearts:

:in_love: :woohoo: :in_love: :hoppy: :vortex:
Thank YOU for being such a big part in my evolvement, by sharing YOU! :hearts::hearts: :hoppy: :kiss: :woohoo: :wave: :in_love:

spiritualcookie wrote: Sun Dec 15, 2024 9:04 am Co-creation with Source AND a partner: a little rampage

I like reasoning together,
I like thinking together,
I like hatching new ideas together and not being on the same wavelength, and then each relaxing until we find a common goal in there and we realize that singularly we were this, but together we are so much more.
I like the exponential power of two or more coming together and the thrill of aligning with our Inner Beings.
I like the power of alignment.
I like co-creating better than I like creating and I like a specific partner to co-create with who knows my mind and is in harmony with me.

~from youtube clip: Abraham Hicks 2024 new - This is HOW to meet ROMANTIC Partner Law of attraction.
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 4

I am so in awe about what I now feel and KNOW.
I GET it all deeper. I embrace my desires so fast now and so deep as never before. It all goes together! Desires and Alignment and the Vortex and our purpose of Life. It is ALL divine. We are divine ourselves. :D I think a lot lately about what Abe had said about their phrase that we ought to be "TiTiTo"- Tuned in, tapped in, TURNED ON.

-And they would have wondered, when we would get the "turned on"! As, sexual energy and divine energy are THE VERY SAME. Energy is always divine energy, no matter which topics it flows to. When the energy flows- we feel good, and when the energy can't flow unhindered, we don't feel good. When we are TURNED ON, we feel this eager arousal,this passion, this delightful clarity of what we REALLLLLY WANT!!!!!! And, I KNEW that, and now I KNOW it!!

Still, I was hung up a bit, in not feeling allowed to literally "being turned on" about loving myself UNCONDITIONALLY, and basking in "being turned on" by my awe for others, but feeling shy and a bit held back about all things "erotic". WHILE I am such a passionate, energetic person! ...This morning I was inspired to create, for my daily Advent-status on whatsapp, this collage from a picture that I "found per accident" (this was NO accident!! I KNOW!) about beloved DH. (He was changing clothes after having worked out on the hill, and paragliding). The snow makes it a perfect match to the Advent-theme...

"Dear Santa, I was very very good in being naughty... Does that count?"

...And in the making of the collage, I felt a new rocket of desire (well, not really "new", but so much clearer, purer, free from shame and holding back, more bold, more tempting...) to feel MYSELF so enticing and alluring! :rocket:
I want to have pictures like that of my own body, that are stunning! I want to feel so capable, sexy, healthy, lively, strong, as I see my beloved husband to be. YES!!!

I want to enjoy the lines of my own body, again. I want to feel soo powerful and strong. I want to be extremely flexible again. I want to run and skip and dance and feel wide awake and ALIVE! I want to feel on top of the world: Incredibly CAPABLE. Ready to rock 'n roll!!!
It feels filled to the brim with divine energy. It feels TURNED ON.
It feels TUNED IN! It feels sooo good. It feels sexy!! It feels unstoppable. It feels incredibly MAGNETIC. It feels aware and alive, and deliberately Creative. It feels in love with the world. It feels fresh and free and wonderful. YESS!!! I know what I'm talking about. And I want to be there, again, FULLY, and live it even more and more fully! HELL; YES!!!!!

How do Desires and Enlightenment go together?

My first question is about enlightenment. I've been studying a lot of different teachers, and a lot of them talk about enlightenment. And some of them talk about how all the desires we have on the physical level- you know some of them say, it's fine to have them... but...

Good!! Because you can't help it! The entire universe is established, to provide them!! You are on the leading edge of thought! You better get in the flow of that!

Right. Some of them say, behind every physical desire is this deep longing for... they have different names for, but what many call enlightenment. And I want to understand this more, but...

Oh, we can tell you here!

but, the other part about it... some of them say, when you... when you get into this state, then you no longer need to incarnate. And wonder about that and I also wonder, IS enlightenment just alignment- what you speak of?

First of all, let us tell you, we have to say to you that
there is nothing that could be less accurate than the statement, that incarnation is for the less enlightened. Because: Incarnation is the leading edge!

Where do they get this stuff??

Well, these are these are other channeled... a lot of others channel themes, too, and I wonder!

There is not a shred of evidence, anywhere in your universe, to support that! -Let's talk about what enlightenment is.

Enlightenment is the allowing of the LIGHT.
Enlightenment is the allowing of the energy, that is source!
Enlightenment is the raising of vibration!

Enlightenment is what we've been talking about here: It's moving up this vibrational meter, you see, and so- one day, we were visiting with someone who proposed a similar situation. And they were talking about someone who had counseled them to release their desires, because their desires were heavy and bulky, by by the perspective of this counselor. And they were encouraged to release their desires for these "worldly" things, and we said:

"And what what is the reason for you to do that? Why are they encouraging you, to do that?" and they said: Because then, I will be more enlightened." and we said: "And then what?", and they said: "and then, I will feel more joy!" and we said: "Is not joy a desire?"

-Is not joy the ultimate desire, you see?

And so, you can't have it both ways. You can't say, well... it's, well we acknowledge that there are a lot of physical humans that are trying to make it, uh, both ways, by making the list of "appropriate" desires here. And the list of "inappropriate" desires here! But desires are either appropriate or they are not.

And we have to say to you, desire is the first summoning of that which is source!

It is inherent in the eternalness that we all are. In fact, it is so significant that all of you said: "I want to go forth into this contrasting time-space reality, so that the desire can be inspired within me. And when it is born, whether I speak about it or not, there will be summoning power on my behalf, that occurs. In other words, the Universe is established this way, and the greatest grief that we see anywhere in the Universe is right here, in this leading edge, human-dom-physical experience, where people are trying to resist the desires that are naturally born!

from the youtube clip: True Enlightenment- Abraham Hicks
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Happy winter-solstice, everybody, by the way! :vortex: :in_love:

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:in_love: ❄️ Happy Winter Solstice! ❄️ :hearts: :wave:
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:tee: :ta: :hearts: :wave:
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