Wow, what an amazing "welcome home" for me!!
FloatingBoat wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 12:50 pm
Hello Poe,
Thank you for your wonderful words.
I find some very strong parallels; in my childhood, especially through my grandfather, I experienced unconditional love. My grandfather was Christian, but in such a natural way, not fanatical, but extremely loving. He loved me with all his heart, accepted me as I am, and I remember being the best version of myself in his presence because I believe he was so connected to his source. I remember when I came to him, I had so much fun doing things for him, like working in the garden. He would rush out, even though he was already old, and we would work in the garden together. That was a wonderful time.
This is incredibly beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!!
I believe this harmony and love that I experienced with him, combined with the beautiful nature I experienced there, strongly awakened in me this desire for paradise, or rather, it reminded me of the broader perspective. But, of course, as with many people, attempts were made to talk me out of it at school or at home, and so began a long journey of searching, exploring philosophy and various forms of spirituality, even turning to Christianity. But only through Abraham do I feel whole again because they have reawakened my memory of what has always been within me.
yes, right? ...Abe have always called this "resonating". We resonate in our bones, so to speak. With our whole beingness. With the whole of us... and then we KNOW. It is a gift, and nobody can talk us out of THAT!
I find it so beautiful how you describe your relationship with Jesus because much is distorted by religion.
...and I even understand, why. That is such a gift to me, from Abe, also: We are not all on the same wavelengths, and some CAN NOT hear what others know to be true. But religion fills the gap and helps those that don't have the capacity for "the whole thing". And,isn't that good!
I think of the miracles and the unconditional love, which is also what brought me to Abraham, where I felt this energy most purely and what absolutely attracted me. Of course, I don't know you personally, but from what I've gathered here, I can say that you live these miracles and unconditional love every day and carry them in your heart.

This words of you are SO BIG for me! They deeply resonate (!!

) with me and I know in my whole Self: You are right. And I can not, and want not, stay in the old closet about that, anymore!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!
This path suits you as you describe it, and it absolutely suits me too.

I once had this thought, as Kyron describes, that we are a kind of paradise children who still carry the longing for paradise within us because this experience is still so real for us. And paradise is, of course, the non-physical level where only love and positive energy exist. Therefore, I am very grateful to you for sending me that from Kyron. I listened to it again, and particularly one part fits very well with my current situation.
YES!!! And it fits me, as well (of course it does!!)
We are those that are now needed: Those, that remember, that hold the light of this vision, so that others can see and remember, as well. We ALL are "Children of God", we ALL carry the vision. Some just walk a few steps ahead- so that others can find their path, also!
„Did you ever stop to think that you you are the answer to problems other people have that don’t have any solutions that they can think of where they cannot get into peaceful places where they don’t know what to do next and there you are the lighthouse that is not afraid of the truth“
Abe say, sometimes we get sent as "step 2" for others. And in this moment, that is the most joyful that we sooo WANT to do. It is never a burden or a chore! I experienced that in my 2 days with family just now, also... Being step 2 for someone else is BLISS. It is fulfillment. It means to be who we really are and to do, what we came to do, as OUR HIGHEST JOY!
At the moment, I've noticed that many people come to me with their problems, and sometimes I manage to be that lighthouse for them. But often, I let myself be dragged down into a negative spiral, which helps neither me nor them. However, it's a good reminder for me to stand up more for my truth and be the lighthouse that is so needed right now.
exactly!! You are not alone in this, either... (of course you know that). We all must train to "get there"- Jesus needed to do that, as well! (This thought always soothes me)

He also was OOTV, from time to time. You don't throw a giant fit and whip people, when you are ITV! And, "they don't nail you up when you are in the Vortex!" (Abe). We ALL slip, and it is totally ok.
exactly!! THAT is the classic "panic attack". And (as you know) it is nothing bad. While it is a sign of HOW GREAT we are, and that it is time to stop micromanaging, supressing ourselves and fearing our own power- just as Marianne Williamson said in her famous poem:
thank you for reminding me about that! It helps me so much, in this moment, too!!
Thank you, thank you for being so wonderful and standing up for it, for being a lighthouse for me and others. Thank you for continually inspiring me.

It's just what happens when we resonate!

And it is SO my pleasure. We are in this together, right?

...SO von Herzen gerne!!