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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2024 6:33 pm
by FloatingBoat
spiritualcookie wrote: Wed Dec 25, 2024 12:29 am
FloatingBoat wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2024 10:54 pm I join your beautiful wishes and wish you and everyone here in the forum wonderful and magical Christmas holidays. Enjoy this time!!! I love your loving presence and I feel that you, spiritualcookie, are so connected to your source. You have no idea how much you have inspired me lately, and I love your interactions with your inner being before your meditations. You are so wonderful, thank you for being here. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
:grouphug: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
aw thank you so much for your beautiful words Lukas! 🥰 🥰 🥰
I feel you are very connected to your source too - it comes through so magnificently poetically in you! You have a real talent with writing in a way that really touches the heart and feels so pure, full of appreciation and loving energy! I feel your big, warm heart so strongly - and I so enjoy our interactions! I'm so happy you're here on the forum! :in_love: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Wow, that really touches me. It's amazing. You describe me as I see myself and as I truly am. And that means a lot to me. I also love our exchange very much and am glad that I have met such a wonderful being like you here. :hearts: :hearts: 🥰 🥰 🥰 :hugs: :hugs:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2024 6:56 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
FloatingBoat wrote: Wed Dec 25, 2024 6:14 pm (...) Yes, my day was just wonderful. I enjoyed feeling all the vitality within me and seeing it around me, and absorbing this peaceful, funny, and beautiful Christmas atmosphere. It was also great because I talked to many relatives from my father's and mother's hometown, and I had a constant feeling of connection with everyone and a feeling that my inner being was sitting directly at the table and flowing through me. It was one of the best Christmas celebrations I have ever experienced, and there were always things I could appreciate, and I was just in the flow. :hoppy: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Thank you for your wonderful, kind words. Now I am shining even more than I have been all day. :happygaze: :happygaze: :hugs: :angelic-whiteflying: :angelic-whiteflying: :angelic-whiteflying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying:

Yes. Love, ease, magic, and joy, that's what I love. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :happy117:
And I wish you these fulfillments as well. Celebrate yourself, celebrate life and every wish you have, and everything you have already let flow into your life. And you never need to apologize because you do everything so wonderfully, that only beautiful things come from it. And if you think you've made a mistake, then only to better recognize what you prefer, and so your wonderful path always continues. Abraham said, "The Source does not look at our mistakes," and that is very beautiful.
:in_love: :in_love:

You are beautiful, inside and out, and you are also a very special person to me. :hearts:
I loved your whole post, but then I wanted to quote an especially beautiful line, and couldn't stop quoting, because it was ALL so beautiful! :lol:
YES, yes yes yes!!!

I loved hearing about your special connection to your parents. My grandparents who raised me where deliberately atheistic (while of course, the same big questions and fears moved them, that all more grown up souls encounter). My mother became a fanatic catholic, that- imo- was so much more afraid of the devil (and God!) than in love and trust for God! I studied religions as a child, and love and always loved Jesus- what I read about him, and what I feel about him. And I KNEW I wanted to "follow him" and become able to master earthly life, including "miracles" and unconditional love. But religion was no option for me, ever....

I always was a very spiritual person, and I loved to find out, what really worked for me. When I met Abe in 2009, I had made it up "myself" (haha, we are never creating on our own!!) for myself, about what they teach- BESIDES the EGS. I was sooo happy to finally feel "complete"! It was triumph, and being soo eager for more. I was in awe how Abe treaded each hotseater different, some more teasing, some incredibly tender, some like one who needs severity. I FELT how it worked. I sooo wanted to be able to do that, too!

The first Abe-Forum was an incredibly helpful bootcamp- and training ground for me, after having been a hermit (together with my man and children) for decades. Now I feel, I am finally ready to step into my WHOLE life and be who I really am! :hearts:

I looked up the clip of Kryon. Maybe you like to listen to it! I think it is a bold, important message for all lightworkers and "old souls" ... LeeCarroll

Thank you, FloatingBoat for your openness and generousity to share, and your strong, beautiful love! :kiss: :wave:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 10:30 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 9
I had a wonderful "last" Christmas-day (the second official Christmas-day in Germany) with my two sons. A day filled with great food, fascinating talks and laughter, love and friendliness, and when my daughter with her family arrived, it got even more lively and happy and joyful!

We finally had a mutual, awesome Christmas-feast with classik dinner: red cabbage, Brussel-sprouts, bread-dumplings and potato-dumplings, and a really good duck-à l'Orange- gravy, 2 stuffed-with-liver, bread-and-apple ducks, that I had roasted in low temperature (80°C) for 8 hours, and that where soooooo incredibly soft and delicious!! I also brought out my plum-pudding that I had prepared 2 months ago (and thankfully, my daughter had prepared a wonderful lemon-creme for dessert, as well :hearts: )

My man decorated our plum-pudding with holly-twigs, stolen from our neighbors tree ;), and I dramatically flambéd it in the dark with rum, and even the children where silent and in awe. And then we tried it- and it tasted absolutely terrible! :lol: not even the delicious vanilla-custard creme that was supposed to go with it could save it. And we all had a good laugh about it, dug into the lemon-cream instead, and celebrated on!

Life can be so EASY! Life can be picture perfect and ruined in the very same moment. And nothing of it must be bad! I am so thankful that I can fullheartedly laugh about a "failure" that took me quite some money and time. ALL IS WELL, no matter what! I now know that I will NOT use this "perfect" recipe again. I now know even better that my family is not made of drama-queens or -kings! :lol: I now know that we are extra nice with each other, if something goes "wrong". I knew it before, but I SO enjoyed the extreme relaxed attitude of all of us! Thank you, thank you, beloveds! Thank you for traveling with me, in this life.Thank you for all your ease, all your friendship, your mercy, your humor, your LOVE!

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 8:25 am
by spiritualcookie
At least the plum pudding provided some interest, a spectacular show, a good laugh, and the opportunity to demonstrate everyone's supportiveness and kindness. It's beautiful and inspiring for me how you were able to find the good, and still feel relaxed and good in this situation! You put into practice Bashar's power of "So what!" :D :hearts:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:26 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2024 8:25 am At least the plum pudding provided some interest, a spectacular show, a good laugh, and the opportunity to demonstrate everyone's supportiveness and kindness. It's beautiful and inspiring for me how you were able to find the good, and still feel relaxed and good in this situation! You put into practice Bashar's power of "So what!" :D :hearts:
:D EXACTLY!! :thumbup: :dancing:
I love your dance with me, once more! :lovie: :in_love: :vortex: :kiss: :wave:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:56 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 10

Today, we have the most beautiful frost, again! I SOO love when the whole world is tinted white... each tiny leaf, each twig, each gras. I feel so blessed with a nature as my surrounding, that makes this possible! It is so... special. So extraordinary. So incredibly, awesomely beautiful!

From this stance of feeling incredibly blessed and thankful, I pondered a status on whatsapp of my son in law, who was so disappointed by his father, and I felt immensely inspired to phone him. It became a wonderful call with him and my daughter. I wanted to soothe him in a way of speaking about that people who are on different vibrational wavelength just can not "get" each other. They simply don't hear each other, understand each other, and there is nobody to blame- as each single one gives their best, in the moment.

It is not about being bad, or about probably having inherited a bad personality or not having explained enough, cared enough, having been "good" enough... it is about maturity and therefor the ability to understand whats going on of the soul, and the ABILITY that we have to be in Alignment, due to what choices we have trained. I felt his relief and I was SO thankful for where I am, and what *I* have trained!!!

We all have the right to choose distance to people who don't feel good.
We all have the right to stop interaction, when it doesn't call us.
AND we all can "forgive" (IF we have judged), because we understand, and we choose love, in the very same time.

We can have it all, and there must never be shame.
In some days (or lives?) it is "too hard" to be close to certain loved ones. And that is ok. Which also means, we- ourselves- are never held to any "perfection"! Freedom is the basis of our lives. We MAY choose bondage- or pain, and those that chose to come with us, have agreed willingly and are our soulmates "behind the curtains", as well. This feels soooo soothing! This feels so true and as real unconditional love. AND WE MAY PART WAYS!

It doesn't serve anybody to stay physically close together, when there is no joyful match!

I so like this insight of this morning! Of course :lol: I knew before. But now, where I soothe my beloved daughter and SIL about the topic that has tortured myself for all my life, I GET IT so much deeper!! I am so thankful to KNOW- for myself, and for those whom I can soothe now...


Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 8:57 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 11

I'll be out with family the next 2 days, and have no idea when I will have time to rampage. So, I do the rampage that is in my heart, NOW! :hearts:

My step-grandson shared with me that he felt true envy about my and DH's upcoming trip to Africa! When my daughter was sorry about that he explained: "No no... I think it is something SO wonderful. All the trips that Omi and Opi are taking- with or without us, are always awesome!!" But, so he continued, other people from the family think we would be overbearing and it would be very bad education to give false hope and ideas to them. He was mixed up and didn't know what he would be allowed to wish... ohh my!!

Now, what *my* dream of life, really my calling, is, is to bring the light of hope, and to be a living example for those in vicinity of hope.
Abe once have talked a LOT about what hope really is. -Mostly for those who work in medical care, that are not allowed to "bring false hope" ! :o -It is what allows the tipping point, from the absence of desires, to the fulfillment of desire!

There is nothing as "false hope". BUT, I don't want to bring children into the situation of being torn between two paradigms! On the other hand, I don't want to let -especially children- starve without hope. I simply can't do it.

And so, I decided and chose to let go of all that feels bad, and less than good, once more.
I focus on our mutual dreams that feel so good! I focus on MY dreams that feel so good! There is nothing that feels better than walking towards desires- IN HOPE. Or in even better stances!

I don't care....

What do you mean, "you don’t care"?
-Well, I don’t mean I don’t care about anything, because there are a lot of things I do care about. I care about feeling good. And I care about clarity.
I care about being in the receptive mode.
I care about being an uplifter. I care about presenting all of myself in any moment in time. I care about being of value. I care about feeling good. I care about this magnificent environment.
I care about what’s in my vortex. I care about what’s in your vortex. I care about everything that you desire. I care about all good things coming to me, and to you. I care about us all living happily ever after.
But what I don’t care about are conditions that I cannot control. What I don’t care about are things that take me out of my alignment. What I don’t care about, meaning I don’t have momentum about it anymore.
I don’t care, it’s not a hook for me. It’s not a knee jerk response to me. I’ve trained myself to care about what infuses me, not what diffuses me. I care about what lifts me, not about lowers me.
I care about what feels good, not about what doesn’t feel good. I care about alignment. I care about being an extension of Source. I care about fulfilling my reason for being here. I care about being in this world, and not necessarily only of this world.
I care about the whole of me being present in this moment. I care about all who have gone before me, and all they have come to know, and all they do now know and all that they are now presenting to me.
I care about the revelation that’s constantly coming to me, and I care about being in the receptive mode of that. I care about being on the leading edge. I care about contributing in positive ways. I care about feeling good, and I care about others feeling good.
But what I don’t care about is that which I cannot control. And what I can’t control is everything that is conditional, and what I can control is everything that is unconditional.
I can control the way I feel, I’ve practiced it. I can hold a steady vibration. I can stay in vibrational sync with who I am. I can present the whole of myself, in this time space reality, in any situation.


I dream of flying with my family into Africa- and experience with all of them who are interested, a fantastic Safari. Seeing the Big 5, and all the other wondrous animals and plants! Feeling, seeing, taking in the desert, and it's vastness. Seeing, hearing, smelling the jungle and how bold it is. Seeing, wandering, tasting the cities and villages. FEELING and learning to adore the people, and their hopes and dreams, their wisdom and their questions, their happiness and their uniqueness. Hearing and sensing the thunder of the Victoria-falls, the dryness of the air in the Kalahari, and the joy of rain when it has been dry for too long...

I want to feel their awe. I want to see their fascination. I want to explore at their side. I want to see them learn to TRUST, that all things are possible for them, and for everybody! And I WILL experience all of it!

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 12:50 pm
by FloatingBoat
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed Dec 25, 2024 6:56 pm
FloatingBoat wrote: Wed Dec 25, 2024 6:14 pm (...) Yes, my day was just wonderful. I enjoyed feeling all the vitality within me and seeing it around me, and absorbing this peaceful, funny, and beautiful Christmas atmosphere. It was also great because I talked to many relatives from my father's and mother's hometown, and I had a constant feeling of connection with everyone and a feeling that my inner being was sitting directly at the table and flowing through me. It was one of the best Christmas celebrations I have ever experienced, and there were always things I could appreciate, and I was just in the flow. :hoppy: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Thank you for your wonderful, kind words. Now I am shining even more than I have been all day. :happygaze: :happygaze: :hugs: :angelic-whiteflying: :angelic-whiteflying: :angelic-whiteflying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying:

Yes. Love, ease, magic, and joy, that's what I love. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :happy117:
And I wish you these fulfillments as well. Celebrate yourself, celebrate life and every wish you have, and everything you have already let flow into your life. And you never need to apologize because you do everything so wonderfully, that only beautiful things come from it. And if you think you've made a mistake, then only to better recognize what you prefer, and so your wonderful path always continues. Abraham said, "The Source does not look at our mistakes," and that is very beautiful.
:in_love: :in_love:

You are beautiful, inside and out, and you are also a very special person to me. :hearts:
I loved your whole post, but then I wanted to quote an especially beautiful line, and couldn't stop quoting, because it was ALL so beautiful! :lol:
YES, yes yes yes!!!

I loved hearing about your special connection to your parents. My grandparents who raised me where deliberately atheistic (while of course, the same big questions and fears moved them, that all more grown up souls encounter). My mother became a fanatic catholic, that- imo- was so much more afraid of the devil (and God!) than in love and trust for God! I studied religions as a child, and love and always loved Jesus- what I read about him, and what I feel about him. And I KNEW I wanted to "follow him" and become able to master earthly life, including "miracles" and unconditional love. But religion was no option for me, ever....

I always was a very spiritual person, and I loved to find out, what really worked for me. When I met Abe in 2009, I had made it up "myself" (haha, we are never creating on our own!!) for myself, about what they teach- BESIDES the EGS. I was sooo happy to finally feel "complete"! It was triumph, and being soo eager for more. I was in awe how Abe treaded each hotseater different, some more teasing, some incredibly tender, some like one who needs severity. I FELT how it worked. I sooo wanted to be able to do that, too!

The first Abe-Forum was an incredibly helpful bootcamp- and training ground for me, after having been a hermit (together with my man and children) for decades. Now I feel, I am finally ready to step into my WHOLE life and be who I really am! :hearts:

I looked up the clip of Kryon. Maybe you like to listen to it! I think it is a bold, important message for all lightworkers and "old souls" ... LeeCarroll

Thank you, FloatingBoat for your openness and generousity to share, and your strong, beautiful love! :kiss: :wave:
Hello Poe, :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Thank you for your wonderful words. :hearts:

I find some very strong parallels; in my childhood, especially through my grandfather, I experienced unconditional love. My grandfather was Christian, but in such a natural way, not fanatical, but extremely loving. He loved me with all his heart, accepted me as I am, and I remember being the best version of myself in his presence because I believe he was so connected to his source. I remember when I came to him, I had so much fun doing things for him, like working in the garden. He would rush out, even though he was already old, and we would work in the garden together. That was a wonderful time. :vortex-small:

I believe this harmony and love that I experienced with him, combined with the beautiful nature I experienced there, strongly awakened in me this desire for paradise, or rather, it reminded me of the broader perspective. But, of course, as with many people, attempts were made to talk me out of it at school or at home, and so began a long journey of searching, exploring philosophy and various forms of spirituality, even turning to Christianity. But only through Abraham do I feel whole again because they have reawakened my memory of what has always been within me. :happygaze: :happygaze:

I remember very strongly in 2015 when my grandpa died, that shortly before he passed, he took my hand and radiated such hope; his eyes were really shining. But only through this year's experience with the blue orb and the dream where he told me that his love always flows to me, that the love from my inner being always flows to me, and that my love always flows from my heart, could I truly understand everything.
:angelic-whiteflying: :angelic-whiteflying: :angelic-whiteflying:

I find it so beautiful how you describe your relationship with Jesus because much is distorted by religion. I think of the miracles and the unconditional love, which is also what brought me to Abraham, where I felt this energy most purely and what absolutely attracted me. Of course, I don't know you personally, but from what I've gathered here, I can say that you live these miracles and unconditional love every day and carry them in your heart. :hearts:

This path suits you as you describe it, and it absolutely suits me too. I once had this thought, as Kyron describes, that we are a kind of paradise children who still carry the longing for paradise within us because this experience is still so real for us. And paradise is, of course, the non-physical level where only love and positive energy exist. Therefore, I am very grateful to you for sending me that from Kyron. I listened to it again, and particularly one part fits very well with my current situation.

„Did you ever stop to think that you you are the answer to problems other people have that don’t have any solutions that they can think of where they cannot get into peaceful places where they don’t know what to do next and there you are the lighthouse that is not afraid of the truth“

At the moment, I've noticed that many people come to me with their problems, and sometimes I manage to be that lighthouse for them. But often, I let myself be dragged down into a negative spiral, which helps neither me nor them. However, it's a good reminder for me to stand up more for my truth and be the lighthouse that is so needed right now. :angelic-yellow:

Now I feel, I am finally ready to step into my WHOLE life and be who I really am!

This is my absolute favorite sentence. :hearts: It reminds me of a topic you recently touched on, which I actually wanted to say something about. You mentioned 2009, and that's when I had my first panic attack. Just before it happened, my heart was pounding, and I felt an incredible love. Then this feeling tipped over because I think I was afraid of this extreme love and greatness that I actually am, and because I couldn't allow it, I panicked. But I believe that today I can join you in saying that I am also ready for the wholeness of who I am and my full greatness. :in_love: :in_love: :in_love:

Danke :hearts:

Thank you, thank you for being so wonderful and standing up for it, for being a lighthouse for me and others. Thank you for continually inspiring me. :lovie:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:35 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Wow, what an amazing "welcome home" for me!! :vortex:
FloatingBoat wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 12:50 pm Hello Poe, :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Thank you for your wonderful words. :hearts:

I find some very strong parallels; in my childhood, especially through my grandfather, I experienced unconditional love. My grandfather was Christian, but in such a natural way, not fanatical, but extremely loving. He loved me with all his heart, accepted me as I am, and I remember being the best version of myself in his presence because I believe he was so connected to his source. I remember when I came to him, I had so much fun doing things for him, like working in the garden. He would rush out, even though he was already old, and we would work in the garden together. That was a wonderful time. :vortex-small:
This is incredibly beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!!
I believe this harmony and love that I experienced with him, combined with the beautiful nature I experienced there, strongly awakened in me this desire for paradise, or rather, it reminded me of the broader perspective. But, of course, as with many people, attempts were made to talk me out of it at school or at home, and so began a long journey of searching, exploring philosophy and various forms of spirituality, even turning to Christianity. But only through Abraham do I feel whole again because they have reawakened my memory of what has always been within me. :happygaze: :happygaze:
yes, right? ...Abe have always called this "resonating". We resonate in our bones, so to speak. With our whole beingness. With the whole of us... and then we KNOW. It is a gift, and nobody can talk us out of THAT!
I remember very strongly in 2015 when my grandpa died, that shortly before he passed, he took my hand and radiated such hope; his eyes were really shining. But only through this year's experience with the blue orb and the dream where he told me that his love always flows to me, that the love from my inner being always flows to me, and that my love always flows from my heart, could I truly understand everything.
:angelic-whiteflying: :angelic-whiteflying: :angelic-whiteflying:
:romance-wub: :romance-heartstiny: :romance-wub:
I find it so beautiful how you describe your relationship with Jesus because much is distorted by religion.
...and I even understand, why. That is such a gift to me, from Abe, also: We are not all on the same wavelengths, and some CAN NOT hear what others know to be true. But religion fills the gap and helps those that don't have the capacity for "the whole thing". And,isn't that good! :hearts:
I think of the miracles and the unconditional love, which is also what brought me to Abraham, where I felt this energy most purely and what absolutely attracted me. Of course, I don't know you personally, but from what I've gathered here, I can say that you live these miracles and unconditional love every day and carry them in your heart. :hearts:
This words of you are SO BIG for me! They deeply resonate (!! :D ) with me and I know in my whole Self: You are right. And I can not, and want not, stay in the old closet about that, anymore!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!
This path suits you as you describe it, and it absolutely suits me too.

:woohoo: :clap: :dancing: YES, YES, YES!!! :happy-jumpeveryone: :lol: :romance-heartstiny:
I once had this thought, as Kyron describes, that we are a kind of paradise children who still carry the longing for paradise within us because this experience is still so real for us. And paradise is, of course, the non-physical level where only love and positive energy exist. Therefore, I am very grateful to you for sending me that from Kyron. I listened to it again, and particularly one part fits very well with my current situation.
YES!!! And it fits me, as well (of course it does!!) :lol:
We are those that are now needed: Those, that remember, that hold the light of this vision, so that others can see and remember, as well. We ALL are "Children of God", we ALL carry the vision. Some just walk a few steps ahead- so that others can find their path, also!
„Did you ever stop to think that you you are the answer to problems other people have that don’t have any solutions that they can think of where they cannot get into peaceful places where they don’t know what to do next and there you are the lighthouse that is not afraid of the truth“
Abe say, sometimes we get sent as "step 2" for others. And in this moment, that is the most joyful that we sooo WANT to do. It is never a burden or a chore! I experienced that in my 2 days with family just now, also... Being step 2 for someone else is BLISS. It is fulfillment. It means to be who we really are and to do, what we came to do, as OUR HIGHEST JOY!
At the moment, I've noticed that many people come to me with their problems, and sometimes I manage to be that lighthouse for them. But often, I let myself be dragged down into a negative spiral, which helps neither me nor them. However, it's a good reminder for me to stand up more for my truth and be the lighthouse that is so needed right now. :angelic-yellow:
exactly!! You are not alone in this, either... (of course you know that). We all must train to "get there"- Jesus needed to do that, as well! (This thought always soothes me) :D He also was OOTV, from time to time. You don't throw a giant fit and whip people, when you are ITV! And, "they don't nail you up when you are in the Vortex!" (Abe). We ALL slip, and it is totally ok. :hugs:
Now I feel, I am finally ready to step into my WHOLE life and be who I really am!

This is my absolute favorite sentence. :hearts: It reminds me of a topic you recently touched on, which I actually wanted to say something about. You mentioned 2009, and that's when I had my first panic attack. Just before it happened, my heart was pounding, and I felt an incredible love. Then this feeling tipped over because I think I was afraid of this extreme love and greatness that I actually am, and because I couldn't allow it, I panicked. But I believe that today I can join you in saying that I am also ready for the wholeness of who I am and my full greatness. :in_love: :in_love: :in_love:
exactly!! THAT is the classic "panic attack". And (as you know) it is nothing bad. While it is a sign of HOW GREAT we are, and that it is time to stop micromanaging, supressing ourselves and fearing our own power- just as Marianne Williamson said in her famous poem:


thank you for reminding me about that! It helps me so much, in this moment, too!! :jumphug: :angelic-cyan:
Danke :hearts:

Thank you, thank you for being so wonderful and standing up for it, for being a lighthouse for me and others. Thank you for continually inspiring me. :lovie:
It's just what happens when we resonate! :hearts: And it is SO my pleasure. We are in this together, right? :vortex: :in_love:
...SO von Herzen gerne!!

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:36 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 12

I'm back!! :lol:
I can't describe how wonderful and happy, and rich and yummie and loving and hilarious and wonderful it has been!!!

Details of my wonderful family-meeting

...I CELEBRATE, because- this is what I always had wanted!
A HUGE family where we all love each other! A tribe where all try to uplift each other... WHILE they are allowed to be rascals from time to time :lol: It is a balanced, peaceful, trusting-in-each-other-family with "good fences" so everyone has their freedom and time, AND wants to be close. It was sometimes not easy at all to hold the vision, and then, it was the only way forwards, given my dreams. I DID THAT!!! :D And, WE ALL DID THAT. With huge help of source and a myriad of heavenly helpers!

There had been times where I was prognosed to not be able to get children at all. Where had been times where we stood under the curse of being terminally ill. I dug several holes on my path and was so proud when I finally had managed to climb out again! :eusa-clap: :lol: AND: YES, that was my path. And we all are FAR from perfect. And it feels sooo perfect, so "eternally imperfect" and awesome and wonderful. I AM SO THANKFUL! I feast on my life and what it had taught me, and showered me with... SO MUCH JOY!!! Thank you for each moment of my life. Thank you, thank you life!! Thank you, beloved people! Thank you, desires, that always have "drawn me through life, and life through me! THANK YOU HOPE, you were always there for me! THANK YOU!!!

Hope means: Wanting, AND doubting.

There is a little doubting in that wanting,
and a little doubting is enough to keep that wanting
from ever being.

And so, what you are wanting to do is to change
that hoping into KNOWING, so that you are:

Wanting AND expecting.
-That's what equals HAVING.

Abraham Hicks
