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Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:11 am
by FeelGood
Your perseverance will pay off.
Cry it out. Bid farewell to the old chapters of your life and allow yourself to step into the new season with loving energy in your heart.
You're about to see miracles in abundance.
You finally have the space to breathe.
You will now know what it feels like to be loved unconditionally and to experience genuine happiness.

I am moving forward, one step at a time.
I deserve to be living the life I desire.
I am ready for a new season in my life.
I peacefully let go of my past.
I let go of the need to force outcomes.
Wonderful things are showing up in my life!

:yes: :in_love: :dance2: :tee: :five: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :auto: :flowers:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:46 pm
by FeelGood
Have faith in the infinite possibilities that life holds for you.
You are being guided towards the deep desires of your heart.
Stay consistent with your healing practice. Patience is your superpower.

I make positive changes in a sustainable way.
I can maintain emotional stability.
I am open to exploring different perspectives on my current situation.
I am harnessing my inner strength.
I am moving toward my dream with unwavering determination.
I am receiving all the help I need to get to where I want to be.

:yes: :in_love: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :tee: :five: :goodjob: :auto: :yes: :flowers:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:37 pm
by FeelGood
:in_love: :yes: :flowdownstream: :tee: :five: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :pie: :flowers: :king1: :goodjob: :chores-vacuum: :greetings-clappingyellow: :happy-partydance: :romance-heartspink: :text-thankyouyellow: :tools-hammerdrill: :text-yeahthat: :sci-fi-beamup: :romance-lovegoddess: :romance-cloud9:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:38 pm
by FeelGood
Little miracles happen every day. Take a moment to savor them!
When there seems to be darkness, these little miracles help you move toward light.
Miracles or fulfilled manifestations can come in many forms.
Be open to noticing the extraordinary in the ordinary.
When you're not preoccupied with the tricks of negative thoughts, you can begin to view the world with awe, celebrate life’s magic, and welcome change with gratitude.
You no longer take anything for granted.

I can make good habits stick.
I feel better and happier.
Nothing can break the foundation of my inner strength.
I claim my sense of safety and ease.
I have the willingness and commitment to enjoy life and have fun.

:yes: :in_love: :dance2: :tee: :five: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :flowdownstream: :goodjob: :king1: :flowers:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 10:06 pm
by FeelGood
You've moved on to the next step of your transformation journey.
Your old patterns no longer get to hold the steering wheel of your life.
That's why you've been feeling so much resistance lately.
You've come to understand your old patterns are no longer healthy for you.
Continue responding to life with a sense of abundance and belief that it's all going to work out.
The farther you move from judgments or preconceived notions, the faster you find the next right step to take.
The answers you seek will come to you soon.

The life transformation I want is here.
My desires are coming to fruition naturally.
I trust myself to make the right choice.
My old patterns have no power over me.
I find peace in the present moment.
I can achieve my long-term vision.
I let go of where I thought I would be.
I manage my emotions in healthy ways.

:yes: :in_love: :flowdownstream: :auto: :five: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :wizard: :goodjob: :flowers:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 9:23 pm
by FeelGood
You have transformed the way you think.
You will never lose out on the amazing things that are meant for you.
Use your obstacles as fuel for personal growth and trust your unwavering spirit.
A more fulfilling path is opening for you.
Invite in the light of awareness.

I give myself the gift of patience.
I am proud of how I tackled my life’s greatest challenge.
I can gain control over my chattering mind.
I am becoming more aware of my thoughts.

:yes: :in_love: :tee: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :five: :flowdownstream: :goodjob: :flowers:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 1:45 am
by FeelGood
Claim your happiness!
Do not let your past, other people, or your negative thoughts ruin the growth you’ve made in your healing journey.
Let positivity be your shield.
Practice present-moment awareness to break free from the mental prison of fear and negative thoughts.
Miracles happen every day around us, sometimes you just have to look more closely.
Open your eyes and your heart to the good things that happen in your life every day.
You can find joy, peace, and purpose no matter what happens.

I can handle the slow parts of the journey.
I have faith in the inevitability of a positive outcome.
I have the power to choose the present moment.
My beliefs serve me well.
I am learning, growing, and becoming stronger.
I am being guided towards my highest potential.
I am right where I need to be.

:yes: :in_love: :tee: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :five: :goodjob: :lovie: :flowers:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 1:17 am
by FeelGood
Certain thoughts weigh your heart down.
Remind yourself that you can observe your thoughts and feelings - without getting attached to them.
Just don't let those unpleasant thoughts consume you.
Your identity doesn't revolve around your thoughts.
You don't need to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.
The clouds of despair will fade away, revealing only what truly is - your unbreakable spirit.

I trust the divine timing of life.
I can feel the positive shift in my life.
I am inviting in what feels right to me.
I am thankful for this amazing opportunity at work.
Everything in my life unfolds at the right moment.
I am learning to trust life's greater plan.
Circumstances are aligning in my favor.

:yes: :in_love: :flowdownstream: :tee: :five: :lovie: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :flowers: :auto:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:05 am
by FeelGood
Each time you have an unpleasant flashback, acknowledge it, and then remind yourself that you've already survived that experience.
Acknowledging unpleasant thoughts makes it easier to release them.
You can find joy right where you are.
Start again every day with a positive belief in your heart.
Focus on the good things.
Bring your attention to the present, which is blooming with possibilities.
Trust that things will turn lovely in miraculous ways.

I am feeling more confident in my ability to handle life's challenges.
I give love and compassion to the vulnerable parts of myself.
I am free from the pain of the past.
I am more powerful than any triggers.
I am good at reframing unpleasant thoughts.
I choose healthier patterns every day.
I have the necessary coping skills.
I learn from all situations.
I'm thankful that my man knows how too soothe himself and find alignment without my interference.

:yes: :in_love: :flowdownstream: :tee: :five: :lovie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :dance2: :goodjob: :yay2: :flowers:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:25 pm
by FeelGood
Putting your ego in charge of your responses is akin to shooting yourself in the foot.
Ego-based thoughts elicit feelings of anger, lack, urgency, and dissatisfaction.
The guidance from your higher self is rooted in love.
It is a source of infinite wisdom.
Make decisions from this inner sacred space of knowing.

I enjoy spending time by myself.
I have a rich inner life.
I am being guided toward healing.
Things are just falling into place effortlessly for me.
I am living in a state of flow.
Life is actually on my side.
I say yes to all that life has to offer to me.
I embrace the healing power of acceptance.

:yes: :in_love: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :tee: :lovie: :five: :flowdownstream: :goodjob: :flowers: