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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 4:22 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
:hearts: :vortex: :wave:
FloatingBoat wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2025 12:42 pm Hello Poe, :balloons_wave: :jumphug:
thank you so much for your loving response.
:ta: :ta:
It has awakened many things within me and fits so well with my current situation. I feel a strong resonance with your words, and what you write radiates so much love, experience, and wisdom. Your words make me happy.
:dancing: :dancing: :lovie: :lovie:
Thank you, thank you, thank you. :hearts:

Yes, i feel also a big resonance with your words. :hearts:
There is a lot of positivity that can be gained from religion, and I see it in my mother as well, that her relationship with God can give her a sense of unconditional love and hope, and that is a very good path. I am happy for everyone who finds a way that helps them come into a positive vibration and feel a sense of love, gratitude, appreciation, or hope. :beating-the-drum: :beating-the-drum: :beating-the-drum:

Yes, it is so helpful when one is connected with their inner being, and it inspires others so much. This positive aura also inspires others who are nearby. Additionally, one can positively influence the people they love by seeing them as they would like to become, casting a good light into this world. I experienced this myself again last Wednesday when we were with our friend Johannes. We talked to him, and he was probably in a psychosis. I was again on a negative track with my friend Eric. We tried to get him to seek help, but of course, that didn't work. Both Eric and I then slipped into a low, and now I have started to realize that it doesn't do me any good, and I am letting go of this matter with Johannes and imagining him as he would like to be. This contrast experience has shown me even more what I wish for in contact with others, and in the meantime, many desire rockets have been shot into my vortex, so I can also validly look at this situation. Additionally, I am learning more and more to be a lighthouse for others, simply by focusing on joy. Abraham says, "When you get your eye on the joy, everything else will fall into place."
:vortex-small: :rocket-of-desire:

This is a so significant moment, right?
We DO care, so much.
We WANT to help, in great love.
But- the frequencies have to match up! You CAN NOT help somebody where their frequency- and even more, their momentum, their trajectory- don't reach the vibe where you feel happy.

Sometimes we can make miracles, but it's always a co-creation, and your "mate" must be in vicinity to where you are. They CAN jump a few rungs of the EGS up, you CAN in this way "uplift them", but it might not last (which still can be worth it). And it might be a rough ride for them (still, it can be so worth it). But if YOU don't feel happy ON THE WAY, it is not worth it. Don't betray yourself! :hearts: (I guess you know all of this, but I feel inspired to write it anyway!)

:D I loved this quote about Esther, who was so loyal to a person until she realized: "This person yanks my chain. Too hard! Too hard. But worth it!" -She still was somehow enjoying the ride. And after a while, she said to herself: "Too hard, too hard! NOT worth it." We get to feel it out. We get to decide that. We are no better people, and NOT of more value, when we endure the "not woth it", anymore.

For me, this was a hard nut to crack, as I felt responsible for their joy. I felt bad when I left. And bot is just not true! You might have missed the interaction about this quote in the last days, I want to bring it to you as I SO love it and find it so clarifying:

To care, or not to care?

Abraham Hicks:
Do you have the clarity, the willingness, do you have the gumption, do you have the momentum ...that's even a better word, do you have the momentum to not care what somebody else thinks about what you're doing? Oh, if you could get there! If you could just get there! Practice these words with us! (the audience repeats with Abraham)

I don't care. It's just how I am!
I like it this way. Life is so fun for me! I don't care!
I'm sorry you're upset, but I don't care. [Applause]
I don't care. I would like everything to go well for you! But I can't fix it and so: I don't care.
-"Well, I want a divorce then, if you don't care!" -"I don't care!" [Applause] -"What do you mean: you don't care??"

-"Well, I don't mean I don't care about anything! Because there are a lot of things I do care about.
I care about feeling good, and I care about clarity.
I care about being in the receptive mode.
I care about being an uplifter.
I care about presenting all of myself in any moment in time.
I care about being of value.
I care about feeling good.
I care about this magnificent environment.
I care about what's in my Vortex.
I care about what's in your Vortex!
I care about everything that you desire.
I care about all good things coming to me and to you.

I care about us all, living happily ever after.
But what I don't care about, are conditions I cannot control.
What I don't care about, are things that take me out of my alignment.

What I don't care about- meaning I have no momentum about it anymore- I don't care, it's not a hook for me. It's not a knee-jerk response to me.

I've trained myself to care about what infuses me, not what diffuses me.
I care about what lifts me, not what lowers me.
I care about what feels good, not about what doesn't feel good.
I care about alignment.
I care about being an extension of source!
I care about fulfilling my reason for being here!
I care about being in this world, and not necessarily only of this world.
I care about the whole of me, being present in this moment.
I care about all who have gone before me, and all that they've come to know, and all that they do now know,
and all that they are now presenting to me.

I care about the revelation that's constantly coming to me.
And I care about being in the receptive mode of that I care about being on the Leading Edge!
I care about contributing in positive ways.
I care about feeling good, and I care about others, feeling good.

But what I don't care about is that that I can't control.
And what I can't control is everything that is conditional!
And what I can control is everything that is unconditional.

I can control the way I feel: I've practiced it. I can hold a steady vibration!
I can stay in vibrational sync with who I am.
I can present the whole of myself, in this time-space reality in any situation.
I can walk into a situation that is raging in discomfort, and because I haven't cared about it-
I'm not hooked into it- and because I'm not hooked into it, I am in vibrational alignment with the solution,
that they are all seeking.

They are all bound up in the problem, but I don't care about the problem!
I'm in alignment with the solution!
So, I can walk into any environment, no matter what's going on: Guns going off, people jumping off cliffs, it doesn't matter what sort of things are going on; because I don't care about that, -I'm not vibrationally aligned with that, and because I'm not vibrationally aligned with that, I'm not part of that point of Attraction.

I'm part of the solution, not part of the problem!
I care about that!

So, I can walk into any environment, steady in the vibrational alignment, with all that I've lived, steady with what's in my vortex.
In alignment with what's in my Vortex!
Walking Above The Fray, in complete alignment and alliance with all that is good.
Knowing what to do, and what to say, and where to go, and when to be!

In other words, Tuned in, Tapped in, Turned on- embracing life. That's what I care about!
I care about what feels good, and I do not allow myself to care about what feels bad!
Because in the unconscious sifting of the environment what doesn't feel good, causes me to launch something that does.
And that's what I care about.

I don't care about the problems. I care about the solutions. That's what I align with.
I don't care about the struggles, I care about the flow, and that's what I'm in alignment with.
I care about feeling good, I don't care about feeling bad.

I care about feeling good.
I care about fulfilling my reason for being,
and my reason for being is simple and singular care about feeling good!
Because, you see, Source within you feels so good!
And you know how you can tell how good source feels, by how bad you feel!
Because if Source wasn't feeling really really good about the exact thing you're focused upon, you couldn't feel bad!

If Source felt just like you feel, you'd feel wonderful. So when you feel bad, no matter what the subject.
It always means you have diverged from the way Source feels, about that subject.
You can love this guy, without living with him, (HS: we do!)
And you gotta, because source does.
And if you don't, then you're using him as your excuse to cut yourself off from Source.

Yeah, when you're in that situation- so for example, sometimes in the morning- (Abe: What situation?) A situation where you're off...

Oh, we don't care about that.

Okay. [Laughter] So just be okay with where you're at!

We don't care! (pausing).
You see, the reason you feel a struggle is, because you get into a vibration where you can't hear what source feels.

Can I just say that, like- even if I'm feeling mad or something, can I just say- "you know what- I don't care!" ?

"I give up! I give up, I give up the struggle!" Okay? I give up. It's pointless. It's like someone handing you a 500 ton Boulder and saying: "Take it over there, please!" You say: "I don't really care about that."

And you better not care about it!!
Because you're not going to carry it over there! But if you really need it to be over there, and you focus upon what you want, and why you want it, a way to get it over there will be revealed to you. But right now, it better not matter so much, that you've got to pick it up, and carry it over there, you see! You get what we're getting at...?

Yeah yeah! I just lastly wanted to say: I adore Esther. I think she's one of my superheroes. And I love you Abraham! So, thank you very very much!

We are all in this together, aren't we? Yeah. We are all in this together. Really good conversation!

from the youtube-clip "The Rampage of "I Don't Care" - Abraham Hicks"


Yes, I often notice that i can help other people better when i take care of myself rather than putting myself last and then trying to be there for others. That doesn't work for me, but I've slipped back into it again. However, there are also these positive requests at the moment that make me feel that more people are interested. For example, I often talk to my father about inspiration and motivation and also the topic of positive influence. Recently, he spoke with his neighbor Diana about this topic and told her what I have said about these subjects. Diana would like a detailed written explanation because she has a daughter with anorexia, and I am happy to write this text for her because I think the teachings of Abraham and my experiences on these topics could be very helpful for her.
:in_love: :in_love: :in_love:
How wonderful!! :thumbup:
Yah, I notice the same thing. People are much more open than even a few months ago, right?
Since I've been involved with Abraham and also in the forum, I can let go of negative phases much more easily because I notice how good it feels to realign myself positively. The books, the forum, the exercises, all of this has triggered a chain reaction of positivity in me again, and I am so glad that you recommended back then to approach things without pressure but to do what makes me happy right now. And that gives so much ease and so many possibilities. And these loving reminders from you, that's what I love about you because this reminder has brought so much good into my life, and I just want to say thank you for that. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :lovie: :lovie: :lovie:
That is SO my pleasure! I'm sure you know how it feels when you CAN add to another ones experience- we both are uplifters from the core of our being. And those enjoy flowing their love, so, thank YOU for the opportunity! :D :hearts: :dancing:
Thank you to you, thank you to me and my inner being, thank you to Abraham, and thank you to the whole universe and the forum because I am happy that I have found and can live my truth, which I have felt inside for a long time, through Abraham.
:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
:woohoo: :thumbup: :thumbup: :in_love: :wave:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 6:53 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 17

We had an AMAZING day, DH and I!!! :vortex:
Our son is in vacation over the holidays at his girlfriend, and so we can slam doors (I LOVE doing that!!!) all day and night. :lol: We don't need to care (!) about the food he likes or the things he might want to do or not. :D I LIKE it, while I also so love to live with him! But now it feels so FREE. We decided to do more non-care and drop ALL worries (about WHAT EVER) and just let the wind (or the inspirations) blow us wherever they may.
We went for our beloved breakfast picnic... and enjoyed the awesome landscape, ending up at a creek in the middle of nowhere, the whole world covered in glistening, magic, fairytale frost!

After our charmed breakfast, we decided- BEING sooooo FREEEE- to go windowshopping in a huge store. We only needed lighting-cubes for the wood-stove, but we wanted to take our time and stroll through all the delicacies! We SO enjoyed taking our time! We filled up with so much fascination about all this awesome food, more and more... And then, of course, we couldn't resist anymore to really shop (not just look!) So we packed up with awesome lamb-cutlets, a perfectly marbled Chuck-eye-Steak, huge Gamba Prawns, mixed salads, multicolored tomatoes and fresh spinach, oriental ready made bulgur-salad with raisins, several packages of cheese as creamy blue cheese from the Austrian Alps and fantastic, perfectly ripe Brie-cheese from the Normandy, golden honey from Turkey, and a stunningly fragrant Bruscetta with truffle-oil.

When we went out, we felt the urge to visit the Turkish fruit merchant on the other roadside! Ohh, he offered perfectly ripe Avocado, Mangos and huge, super sweet Grapes! We smelled all this wonderful aromas and didn't want the experience to end! So, DH continued driving, until we were on yet unknown roads (a rarity for us) and saw a tiny house besides a creek- and a sign that they would sell fresh smoked Trouts, Carp, an incredibly tasty spread made from smoked fish, and fresh caught Chars (sweetwater Salmon)! OOOOOhhhh what delicacies!!

We had lunch and dinner from all of this. We drank fantastic Sicilian Lemon Tea and French Sauvignon Blanc wine, and for dessert we had gotten us some of my favourite pastries- you call them probably Bismarcks, but in our place we call them Krapfen, and they come with a special jam-filling, made out of rose-hips. OMG! They are so good!

...We just forgot the lighting-cubes. :lol: :lol: We posted about our huge shopping spree on whatsapp, sharing with beloved family, and my son F, in his typical dry humor, reminded us that we just need to survive the next 2 days (Next Monday is free in Germany, too). I answered: "Surviving is no option for us anymore, since a really long time!" :lol: :lol: :vortex: :thumbup:

This momentum of Abundance and freedom, and surprising delights became more and more, all day! We feel sooo... HAPPY! So thankful. SOOO care-free. So lighthearted. As, in Paradise on Earth: IN LOVE. With each other, ourselves, and with life itself! So blessed, with goodness and joy and inspiration and guidance in CLARITY... and EASE! Life is sooo incredibly good, when you only look at what you want. More and more and more and more.

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 11:27 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 18

After this absolutely AMAZING day yesterday, It seems that "the Vortex has expanded" and what was amazing yesterday is just normal today, and DH and I need to reach higher, now! :lol: :lol: AND WE CAN!

A very beloved family member sits since some months in victimhood and blame, and denies all ownership over the situation... and, it is ok. It is still a very young one. AND, we all want healing! We all want clarity and re-uniting and joy, ease and love! Many people are involved in not helpful ways, in this. Our egos bang on the doors of our hearts, because they want to be seen and understood- while no one out there will have the true insights, wisdom, power or unconditional love to do that for us- BUT SOURCE.

I decide to stop looking for love, help and being understood in all the wrong places!
I decide to drop the worry. I GIVE UP.
I have done in love what I was inspired to. AND THAT IS ENOUGH, and that is ALL I CAN DO, right now.
I will hold this whole thing in the light.
I will see the solutions.
I see them embracing each other, and I feel the hearts relaxing and HEALING.
I see the light embracing and en-lightening them.
They feel clarity!
They feel incredible relief.
They feel love, holding each cell of them warm and cozy and safe.
They UNDERSTAND their love.
They FEEL their love. In this moments, the TRUST their love.

They understand that every person that exists does their very best- be it much or be it few.
All give what they have, and some don't have a lot. But it is given from the best stance that they can manage, here and now. And that must be enough!

We all are where we are.
And we all want to heal and be happy, no matter how many "less crappy" stances we will need until we are ITV. That is all we have- and it is all we can do, and I pray that it will be enough. For me, it is!
I see him, being clear.
I see him, finding fun in being honest.
I see him, enjoying the journey of being authentic.
I see him being incredibly proud!
I see him as wise.
I see him as beautifully mature, having learned SO MUCH in all of this pain.

I see them, becoming so much more clear, as well! I see them, coming out of victimhood. I see them, being thankful for sources light. I see them, trusting love, and trusting loving. I see them, maturing in great speed. I see them, feeling clear and loved, and worthy.
I see them. I see who they really are. I see them awaken- as from a bad dream. I see them, in great love. All of them.

I embrace all of them. I hold them all in loving light, unconditionally!!! And I decide to let go of everything else. :vortex:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 12:07 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 19

It is the Twelfth Day, Epiphany, today. A Holiday in Germany.
DH is turning wood in our workshop-livingroom, the sun is shining brightly into the windows, the christmas tree is still standing. And we listen to Jimmy Summervilles awesome falsetto, singing the epic, beautiful hymns from the Communards. I feel sooo high on life!

My soul soars.
I feel light, enlightened inside out, and the often sad lyrics of Jimmy sound incredibly hopeful, even KNOWING, powerful to me. Maybe, he had mastered step 5 then already? :hearts: :D

"Epiphany", what a fitting word. I feel SO LIGHT!
Nothing matters to me, than feeling good. It is sooo simple.
I am so very very thankful to be here!
I am so very very curious for what will come. So much is out there, becoming in incredible ways. So much going on. So much, on the brink to completely changing around.

A world, letting go of all hate, fear and confusion!
A world, trusting love. A world, feeling free to think and say and do what their heart is calling for!
A world where no one lives in lack!!
A world where no "religions" or belief-systems, no political structures or sciences base upon fear or suppression!
The sages of this world predict this to become true more and more,being in place already NOW in many places, becoming readily installed everywhere on Planet Earth by 2030. 2025 is said to be the year where we begin to SEE the Shift, inevidably.

I feel so blessed to live this time.
I feel so thankful to KNOW what is going on.
I am so blessed to see the upside of the pancake! :lol: ...If you don't know the name of the game it surely is confusing "as hell"...
But when nothing matters more than following the guidance of joy, and when you let go of trouble and let god, while you engage in all that is fun and fascinatingly beautiful and good... you will never go astray.

I feel the light becoming lighter each day!
I feel the love being more, more beautiful, more powerful, more clear and non-shadowed...
I AM SO HAPPY. I am so very very very HAPPY! Thank you, life!!

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 12:12 am
by FloatingBoat
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2025 4:22 pm :hearts: :vortex: :wave:
FloatingBoat wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2025 12:42 pm Hello Poe, :balloons_wave: :jumphug:
thank you so much for your loving response.
:ta: :ta:
It has awakened many things within me and fits so well with my current situation. I feel a strong resonance with your words, and what you write radiates so much love, experience, and wisdom. Your words make me happy.
:dancing: :dancing: :lovie: :lovie:
Thank you, thank you, thank you. :hearts:

Yes, i feel also a big resonance with your words. :hearts:
There is a lot of positivity that can be gained from religion, and I see it in my mother as well, that her relationship with God can give her a sense of unconditional love and hope, and that is a very good path. I am happy for everyone who finds a way that helps them come into a positive vibration and feel a sense of love, gratitude, appreciation, or hope. :beating-the-drum: :beating-the-drum: :beating-the-drum:

Yes, it is so helpful when one is connected with their inner being, and it inspires others so much. This positive aura also inspires others who are nearby. Additionally, one can positively influence the people they love by seeing them as they would like to become, casting a good light into this world. I experienced this myself again last Wednesday when we were with our friend Johannes. We talked to him, and he was probably in a psychosis. I was again on a negative track with my friend Eric. We tried to get him to seek help, but of course, that didn't work. Both Eric and I then slipped into a low, and now I have started to realize that it doesn't do me any good, and I am letting go of this matter with Johannes and imagining him as he would like to be. This contrast experience has shown me even more what I wish for in contact with others, and in the meantime, many desire rockets have been shot into my vortex, so I can also validly look at this situation. Additionally, I am learning more and more to be a lighthouse for others, simply by focusing on joy. Abraham says, "When you get your eye on the joy, everything else will fall into place."
:vortex-small: :rocket-of-desire:

This is a so significant moment, right?
We DO care, so much.
We WANT to help, in great love.
But- the frequencies have to match up! You CAN NOT help somebody where their frequency- and even more, their momentum, their trajectory- don't reach the vibe where you feel happy.

Sometimes we can make miracles, but it's always a co-creation, and your "mate" must be in vicinity to where you are. They CAN jump a few rungs of the EGS up, you CAN in this way "uplift them", but it might not last (which still can be worth it). And it might be a rough ride for them (still, it can be so worth it). But if YOU don't feel happy ON THE WAY, it is not worth it. Don't betray yourself! :hearts: (I guess you know all of this, but I feel inspired to write it anyway!)

:D I loved this quote about Esther, who was so loyal to a person until she realized: "This person yanks my chain. Too hard! Too hard. But worth it!" -She still was somehow enjoying the ride. And after a while, she said to herself: "Too hard, too hard! NOT worth it." We get to feel it out. We get to decide that. We are no better people, and NOT of more value, when we endure the "not woth it", anymore.

For me, this was a hard nut to crack, as I felt responsible for their joy. I felt bad when I left. And bot is just not true! You might have missed the interaction about this quote in the last days, I want to bring it to you as I SO love it and find it so clarifying:

To care, or not to care?

Abraham Hicks:
Do you have the clarity, the willingness, do you have the gumption, do you have the momentum ...that's even a better word, do you have the momentum to not care what somebody else thinks about what you're doing? Oh, if you could get there! If you could just get there! Practice these words with us! (the audience repeats with Abraham)

I don't care. It's just how I am!
I like it this way. Life is so fun for me! I don't care!
I'm sorry you're upset, but I don't care. [Applause]
I don't care. I would like everything to go well for you! But I can't fix it and so: I don't care.
-"Well, I want a divorce then, if you don't care!" -"I don't care!" [Applause] -"What do you mean: you don't care??"

-"Well, I don't mean I don't care about anything! Because there are a lot of things I do care about.
I care about feeling good, and I care about clarity.
I care about being in the receptive mode.
I care about being an uplifter.
I care about presenting all of myself in any moment in time.
I care about being of value.
I care about feeling good.
I care about this magnificent environment.
I care about what's in my Vortex.
I care about what's in your Vortex!
I care about everything that you desire.
I care about all good things coming to me and to you.

I care about us all, living happily ever after.
But what I don't care about, are conditions I cannot control.
What I don't care about, are things that take me out of my alignment.

What I don't care about- meaning I have no momentum about it anymore- I don't care, it's not a hook for me. It's not a knee-jerk response to me.

I've trained myself to care about what infuses me, not what diffuses me.
I care about what lifts me, not what lowers me.
I care about what feels good, not about what doesn't feel good.
I care about alignment.
I care about being an extension of source!
I care about fulfilling my reason for being here!
I care about being in this world, and not necessarily only of this world.
I care about the whole of me, being present in this moment.
I care about all who have gone before me, and all that they've come to know, and all that they do now know,
and all that they are now presenting to me.

I care about the revelation that's constantly coming to me.
And I care about being in the receptive mode of that I care about being on the Leading Edge!
I care about contributing in positive ways.
I care about feeling good, and I care about others, feeling good.

But what I don't care about is that that I can't control.
And what I can't control is everything that is conditional!
And what I can control is everything that is unconditional.

I can control the way I feel: I've practiced it. I can hold a steady vibration!
I can stay in vibrational sync with who I am.
I can present the whole of myself, in this time-space reality in any situation.
I can walk into a situation that is raging in discomfort, and because I haven't cared about it-
I'm not hooked into it- and because I'm not hooked into it, I am in vibrational alignment with the solution,
that they are all seeking.

They are all bound up in the problem, but I don't care about the problem!
I'm in alignment with the solution!
So, I can walk into any environment, no matter what's going on: Guns going off, people jumping off cliffs, it doesn't matter what sort of things are going on; because I don't care about that, -I'm not vibrationally aligned with that, and because I'm not vibrationally aligned with that, I'm not part of that point of Attraction.

I'm part of the solution, not part of the problem!
I care about that!

So, I can walk into any environment, steady in the vibrational alignment, with all that I've lived, steady with what's in my vortex.
In alignment with what's in my Vortex!
Walking Above The Fray, in complete alignment and alliance with all that is good.
Knowing what to do, and what to say, and where to go, and when to be!

In other words, Tuned in, Tapped in, Turned on- embracing life. That's what I care about!
I care about what feels good, and I do not allow myself to care about what feels bad!
Because in the unconscious sifting of the environment what doesn't feel good, causes me to launch something that does.
And that's what I care about.

I don't care about the problems. I care about the solutions. That's what I align with.
I don't care about the struggles, I care about the flow, and that's what I'm in alignment with.
I care about feeling good, I don't care about feeling bad.

I care about feeling good.
I care about fulfilling my reason for being,
and my reason for being is simple and singular care about feeling good!
Because, you see, Source within you feels so good!
And you know how you can tell how good source feels, by how bad you feel!
Because if Source wasn't feeling really really good about the exact thing you're focused upon, you couldn't feel bad!

If Source felt just like you feel, you'd feel wonderful. So when you feel bad, no matter what the subject.
It always means you have diverged from the way Source feels, about that subject.
You can love this guy, without living with him, (HS: we do!)
And you gotta, because source does.
And if you don't, then you're using him as your excuse to cut yourself off from Source.

Yeah, when you're in that situation- so for example, sometimes in the morning- (Abe: What situation?) A situation where you're off...

Oh, we don't care about that.

Okay. [Laughter] So just be okay with where you're at!

We don't care! (pausing).
You see, the reason you feel a struggle is, because you get into a vibration where you can't hear what source feels.

Can I just say that, like- even if I'm feeling mad or something, can I just say- "you know what- I don't care!" ?

"I give up! I give up, I give up the struggle!" Okay? I give up. It's pointless. It's like someone handing you a 500 ton Boulder and saying: "Take it over there, please!" You say: "I don't really care about that."

And you better not care about it!!
Because you're not going to carry it over there! But if you really need it to be over there, and you focus upon what you want, and why you want it, a way to get it over there will be revealed to you. But right now, it better not matter so much, that you've got to pick it up, and carry it over there, you see! You get what we're getting at...?

Yeah yeah! I just lastly wanted to say: I adore Esther. I think she's one of my superheroes. And I love you Abraham! So, thank you very very much!

We are all in this together, aren't we? Yeah. We are all in this together. Really good conversation!

from the youtube-clip "The Rampage of "I Don't Care" - Abraham Hicks"
Yes, I often notice that i can help other people better when i take care of myself rather than putting myself last and then trying to be there for others. That doesn't work for me, but I've slipped back into it again. However, there are also these positive requests at the moment that make me feel that more people are interested. For example, I often talk to my father about inspiration and motivation and also the topic of positive influence. Recently, he spoke with his neighbor Diana about this topic and told her what I have said about these subjects. Diana would like a detailed written explanation because she has a daughter with anorexia, and I am happy to write this text for her because I think the teachings of Abraham and my experiences on these topics could be very helpful for her.
:in_love: :in_love: :in_love:
How wonderful!! :thumbup:
Yah, I notice the same thing. People are much more open than even a few months ago, right?
Since I've been involved with Abraham and also in the forum, I can let go of negative phases much more easily because I notice how good it feels to realign myself positively. The books, the forum, the exercises, all of this has triggered a chain reaction of positivity in me again, and I am so glad that you recommended back then to approach things without pressure but to do what makes me happy right now. And that gives so much ease and so many possibilities. And these loving reminders from you, that's what I love about you because this reminder has brought so much good into my life, and I just want to say thank you for that. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :lovie: :lovie: :lovie:
That is SO my pleasure! I'm sure you know how it feels when you CAN add to another ones experience- we both are uplifters from the core of our being. And those enjoy flowing their love, so, thank YOU for the opportunity! :D :hearts: :dancing:
Thank you to you, thank you to me and my inner being, thank you to Abraham, and thank you to the whole universe and the forum because I am happy that I have found and can live my truth, which I have felt inside for a long time, through Abraham.
:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
:woohoo: :thumbup: :thumbup: :in_love: :wave:

Hello PoE, :balloons_wave: :jumphug:

Yes, tomorrow is Johannes' birthday and he invited me. I'm looking forward to it, especially because I know it's a good opportunity for me to be full of love without paying attention to the circumstances, and because there will be cake. :rofl: :happygaze: :happygaze:

I also listened to an audiobook today about unconditional love and felt that I can increasingly see the core of Johannes, not the circumstances and problems he currently sees for himself. Therefore, I think that you and I are already part of the solution, simply because we want to be part of the solution and have decided to be. :in_love: :in_love: :five:

I really don't need to deny myself, but live life in a way that I stand by my own truth and am more connected with my full power and inner being than with any problems, and I will always radiate the love I have. :hearts:

I choose the happiness that is in my life, and the rest doesn't matter to me. The workshop excerpt was really unknown to me before, but it's really great. Beautiful, thank you for the reminder and for sharing your joy about it. I love it. :hearts: :ta: :happy117:

Lately, I notice how relieving it is to give up the inner struggle because I sometimes clung to certain things. Then I suddenly release the grip and tell myself: "Oh, I don't care," because I've experienced it so often and also heard from Abraham that problems cannot be solved on the action level. Problems are actually the precursors of the solution and enable it in the first place. :flowdownstream: :hoppy: :hoppy: :vortex-small:

For me, it's the most beautiful feeling when I can't be specific yet, but believe in the solution and know that the solution is coming. To feel into the solution and to know that the solution will be even better than one could ever imagine, that's simply fabulous. There are so many things in our vortex that we no longer know we've already put in there. :vortex-small: :happygaze: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying:

Yes, a lot is currently in upheaval, old beliefs are breaking down, and people are starting to ask questions and seek answers. Many are tired of believing in willpower, psychology, dogmas, or diets; many finally want to discover their old knowledge of their own greatness. :superhero:

Thank you for your loving presence and inspired action here in the forum. I see that the path is fun for you, and that fills me with joy. :romance-heartbeating: :romance-hearteyes: :romance-hearteyes: :lovie:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:28 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
FloatingBoat wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2025 12:12 am
Hello PoE, :balloons_wave: :jumphug:

Yes, tomorrow is Johannes' birthday and he invited me. I'm looking forward to it, especially because I know it's a good opportunity for me to be full of love without paying attention to the circumstances, and because there will be cake. :rofl: :happygaze: :happygaze:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Adorable!! You seem to be solidly settled into the Goodness-side of all of this!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :hearts: I wish you (and Johannes!) a wonderful day!
I also listened to an audiobook today about unconditional love and felt that I can increasingly see the core of Johannes, not the circumstances and problems he currently sees for himself. Therefore, I think that you and I are already part of the solution, simply because we want to be part of the solution and have decided to be. :in_love: :in_love: :five:

I really don't need to deny myself, but live life in a way that I stand by my own truth and am more connected with my full power and inner being than with any problems, and I will always radiate the love I have. :hearts:
Exactly! Once we have tasted this ability to look for the WANTED side, instead- and it's awesome relief, and it's magic power- nothing less will do, right? :vortex:
I choose the happiness that is in my life, and the rest doesn't matter to me. The workshop excerpt was really unknown to me before, but it's really great. Beautiful, thank you for the reminder and for sharing your joy about it. I love it. :hearts: :ta: :happy117:
It is SO my pleasure! I'm glad that it serves you! :in_love:
Lately, I notice how relieving it is to give up the inner struggle because I sometimes clung to certain things. Then I suddenly release the grip and tell myself: "Oh, I don't care," because I've experienced it so often and also heard from Abraham that problems cannot be solved on the action level. Problems are actually the precursors of the solution and enable it in the first place. :flowdownstream: :hoppy: :hoppy: :vortex-small:

Exactly!! :lol:

I enjoyed yesterday night to "own" this stance even more, in combining a picture of mine with another Abe-quote (I so love to do that, it really stirs me even more than neutral quotes... it merges much "realer" and deeper with myself, this way!)

For me, it's the most beautiful feeling when I can't be specific yet, but believe in the solution and know that the solution is coming. To feel into the solution and to know that the solution will be even better than one could ever imagine, that's simply fabulous.

I so agree!
But I enjoy even more the even faster energies. This PASSION and FASCINATION of detailed planning, and see how things move to become new... Abe had a phase where they described the creative stances with sexual stances. The first interest, the first arousal, the becoming more and more "turned on" (YES, their phrase being TiTiTo -Tapped in, tuned in, turned on", the "turned on" IS about this erotic emotion!)- until the undescribably delicious plateau where you are almost in an orgasm, and then, the point of "no return"- and the orgasm itself, where people often yell "Oh my God", for good reason. And then, this moments of total fulfillment with no desires left! And then... chilling out, floating, and slowly looking for something else to focus upon.

...They ALL are incredibly fabulous! :lol: Each at their perfect time! :vortex: :dance:
There are so many things in our vortex that we no longer know we've already put in there. :vortex-small: :happygaze: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying:

Yes, a lot is currently in upheaval, old beliefs are breaking down, and people are starting to ask questions and seek answers. Many are tired of believing in willpower, psychology, dogmas, or diets; many finally want to discover their old knowledge of their own greatness. :superhero:
Yes!! And I bask in the knowledge that we all had the results that will come due to it, in our Vortexes! WE did that!! Isn't that awesome!?
The sages explain that we all have lived and worked for THIS, this huge shift, and the result of "Paradise on Earth" that is coming- since eons. We all desired it. And we get to witness it unfold, and even more, help "to love it into Being"! It is sooo exciting and wonderful!!
Thank you for your loving presence and inspired action here in the forum. I see that the path is fun for you, and that fills me with joy. :romance-heartbeating: :romance-hearteyes: :romance-hearteyes: :lovie:
Woohoo!!! And, vice versa! :kiss: :dance: :superhero: :five: :hoppy: :wave:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:13 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 20

I feel such relief in "letting it go".
In the challenge about my family-member, I felt yesterday night inspired to write a very honest letter. I was inspired to speak VERY clear, and share my emotions, and my desires. It felt intense and right, like something that was needed to be done and said, and now, I let go again.

I remind myself that I have done what I was called to do (and it was very easy to do, and I felt my unconditional love, and nothing else would have felt better). And now, my job is done again, in this. It feels so light and easy! When I am called in this clearway and it feels as relief- I do my job.
And when it feels off, I rest, and "give in and give up". I so enjoy and appreciate this crystal-clear guidance!
When we are in a challenging, contrast-rich situation, we DON'T need to be OOTV! We do better to be very aware and very awake, and feel our way in millimeter-steps... but, while this is earnest and serious, it still can feel so very good!

I feel the unconditionality of my love! This person might leave in trouble, for a very long time, and I can't control it at all. BUT I can focus in love on his success, no matter when it will happen.I can focus on the joy and love and happiness of the whole family and those who are even closer. I can see them all in love, and in light clarity. I see them all clear and shining their light, bold, intense, friendly, sure of their stance in respect and true love. It is a bold challenge for all of us, and it is GOOD! It serves all of us. It is FOR all of us!

We can be light and lighthearted and funny and easy. At least, eventually. True love says:

Unconditional love says:
"I see conditions that I prefer. And conditions that I don't prefer.
And my feeling of love, my feeling of alignment, my alignment itself,
is dependent only upon the direction of my thoughts.

I do not need to control conditions, in order to come into alignment!"

Abraham Hicks

I let go of my neediness.
I let go of needing you to jump through my hoops.
I let go of me, needing you (or you or you or you) to be happy, so that I can be easily happy, as well!
You absolutely may worry, grieve, suffer, and fight, and lie and do horribly dumb stuff!
Your soul seems to want this experience, to get on and understand, in the end.
It is YOUR life, and I don't need to understand or to agree or to be fine with it, but I need to love you. And you, and you, and you!

I let go of my worry. I trust the process and the unfolding, and the Goodness of each detail!
I let go of all that I can't control,
but I do care for all that is lifting us.
No matter if you do understand (or you and you and you!) :hearts:

I care for trusting Source. I care for trusting our Vortexes! I care for our all freedom and joyful expansion, eventually!
I care for the love. I care for our all power. I care for our all joy.
ALL IS WELL- I KNOW THAT, deeply, down to my bones! ALL IS WELL.
I trust you, dearest one!
I trust you, dear growing one.
I trust you, beloved wonderful girl!
I trust you, you youngsters that simply don't know!
It will be so good FOR ALLOF US, in the end, and on our way!


I so love winter, in my area!