Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 5:14 am
(our winter-world...)
I feel such deep satisfaction. Our "world" is covered in snow, the whole area feels as fully white. It is beautiful! It feels calm, and like natures allowance- or call?- to RELAX. All is covered. All seems somehow equal. Nothing matters very much. Relax, relax, relax!
I see in others (aren't they perfect mirrors... ) how they are imprisoned with their fears and beliefs that hinder them to see, what ALSO is there. They can't hear the questions. They can't feel the love. They can't see the reached out hand. It feels like attack, to them. And there is not much I can do... in private, or in a global sense, other than relax myself and wait for the inspired moment to talk, or to ask, or to reach my hand, again.
Relax, relax, relax! It feels like liberation. It feels like ease. It feels like joy, really! Joy is there, in the moment we drop all that is less. No need to work for it, other than shedding the negativity. Pure. Easy. Simple. Joyful. Friendly. Light. SATISFYING.
I watch new formats on youtube of discussions, that are held to be FAIR. To be respectful. And it feels thrilling to see: They are there! They exist, and they work. I am so satisfied. I adore those with different opinions, that listen, and speak freely. Those that don't need to "win", but like to be heard, and seen, and to cocreate fascinating new paths. SO SATISFYING! So touching. I see their love on their faces and in their eyes. They are the lights in this world. I am sooo satisfied to recognize them! THANK YOU THANK YOU, LIFE!!
I am SO EAGER to realize, to experience, even more and more, how love is "the tone" on physical Earth!
I am eager to see it take over in all hours, all days, to be the norm. While still, feeeeeling fully it's awe. Feeling wholly it's magic. Beautiful!! Beautiful. Awe-some. NORMAL!!
...I am SO EAGER to see our all mutual "escrow". I so look forwards to see and touch and enjoy, what we all have created, together... mostly without even knowing it... PARADISE ON EARTH.