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Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:35 am
by FeelGood
Always be open to abundance. Something powerful is unfolding for you!
Abundance and goodness can appear in many different forms.
Embrace the little moments that spark joy.
When you're in harmony and alignment with the energy of abundance, obstacles melt away and wonderful opportunities flow more easily into your life.
Fully cherishing the abundance of gifts in one area of your life can help you tune into the energy of abundance in general.
As a result, you will begin to experience it in other areas of your life as well.

I am on the best path for my dreams.
My heart's desires flow to me with ease.
I know I am supported.
I am in a good place mentally and emotionally.
I surrender to the natural flow of life.
I allow for better things to happen to me.
The unfolding I seek will come at the perfect time.

:yes: :in_love: :auto: :tee: :five: :lovie: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :goodjob: :flowers: :yay2: :wizard: :angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying: :dancing: :happy117: :party: :banana-linedance: :banana-rainbow: :auto-driving: :happy-cheerleadersmileyguy: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-partydance: :romance-adore: :romance-heartsthree: :music-rockon: :romance-kisslips: :text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyouyellow:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2024 10:45 pm
by FeelGood
You want to let go of the need to control every aspect of your life.
We don't always know everything.
Obsessing over achieving certainty or controlling everything about a situation is an exercise in futility.
In this journey of life, you have to continually let go of the things that don't serve your highest good.
There are countless ideas and outcomes you haven't even considered yet!
Moving forward with an open heart and mind will allow you to take advantage of life-changing opportunities that come your way. Invite ease and lightness into your life.

I often find amazing opportunities in unexpected ways.
I can find a different way of looking at things.
My life is full of positive surprises.
I embrace life's surprises.
I am ready for the adventures that await me.
I find comfort in affirmations.
I embrace the each chapter of my life with a welcoming attitude.

:yes: :in_love: :tee: :lovie: :five: :goodjob: :flowdownstream: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :yay2: :flowers: :dancing: :angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying: :banana-jumprope: :banana-dance: :auto-driving: :gay-rainbow: :handgestures-thumbupright: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileyguy: :music-rockon: :romance-adore: :romance-kisslips: :text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyouyellow: :romance-heartstiny: :romance-heartsthree: :romance-hearteyes: :party:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 11:23 pm
by FeelGood
Chance encounters, epiphanies, opportunities; all the missing pieces of the puzzle come together for you.
At every moment, all the elements in the universe are in constant motion, facilitating transformations in different forms.
Don't forget you are a part of this beautiful cosmic dance, you will experience a euphoric moment that will inspire awe in your heart.

I am capable of making wise and sustainable decisions.
I am good at managing emotional situations.
My experiences bring so much joy to my heart.
I am so thrilled to receive such amazing opportunities.
Everything is falling into place in a better way than I ever thought possible.

:yes: :in_love: :tee: :five: :lovie: :flowers: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :yay2: :goodjob: :dancing: :angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying: :banana-jumprope: :auto-driving: :happy-partydance: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileyguy: :music-rockon: :romance-adore: :romance-heartsthree: :romance-kisslips: :text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyouyellow: :handgestures-thumbup: :party:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 1:28 am
by FeelGood
Tune into the energy of peace, love, and gratitude!
Set mindful intentions every day. Go at own your pace.
Positive, helpful beliefs are taking root in your mind.
Keep giving your energy and attention to these beliefs.
The unhelpful beliefs will get smaller and weaker when you starve them of your attention.
Start living from the place of infinite love.

I trust my soul’s guidance.
I am taking time to press pause.
There is always something to be grateful for.
I receive encouragement and support when I need it.
There are positive things all around me.
I believe that I am where I want to be.
I choose practices that are good for my mental health and well-being.

:yes: :in_love: :tee: :lovie: :five: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :flowdownstream: :yay2: :flowers: :goodjob:
:happy117: :dancing: :angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying: :party: :party:
:banana-jumprope: :auto-driving: :handgestures-thumbsup: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileyguy: :happy-partydance: :music-rockon: :romance-adore: :romance-heartsthree: :romance-cloud9: :romance-kisslips: :text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyouyellow: :party:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:39 pm
by FeelGood
Stay grounded in your true self.
Give yourself time every day to sit in silence and go deep within yourself.
Tune into the voice of wisdom within you.
Make room for healing practices that will shift your energy and open your heart to a world filled with infinite possibilities.
When you're deeply rooted in the core of your being, which is pure awareness, you find balance and peace, even in times of uncertainty.

I am good at recognizing positive moments in my day.
I feel inspired by life.
I feel a strong connection with the goodness of life.
I have everything in life that I need for my dreams.
I am on track to attracting more positive experiences into my life.
I am connected to the creative force of the universe.

:yes: :in_love: :tee: :five: :lovie: :flowers: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :flowdownstream: :party: :dancing: :dancing: :happy117: :angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying: :party: :banana-jumprope: :auto-driving: :banana-rock: :handgestures-thumbsup: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileyguy: :romance-heartsthree: :romance-kisslips: :romance-heartstiny: :text-thankyouyellow: :text-thankyoublue:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2024 12:24 am
by FeelGood
Imagine yourself shedding everything that doesn't serve you.
Float to the surface so you can catch your breath and feel free again.
You've spent a lot of time being a slave to unhelpful ideas and expectations.
It's time you start living your life with a new understanding and awareness.
You will see how wonderful life is when you are not attached to your circumstances.

My beliefs help me bring my desires to fruition.
I am in a perpetual state of abundance.
I am feeling positive emotions on a consistent basis.
I have all the tools I need.
I face every situation with gratitude and acceptance.
I know that all things have a way of working themselves out.
I feel so good in this moment.

:yes: :in_love: :tee: :lovie: :five: :flowdownstream: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :yay2: :goodjob: :flowers: :dancing: :angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying: :hi5: :party: :banana-jumprope: :auto-driving: :chores-utensils: :handgestures-thumbsup: :romance-adore: :romance-heartbeating: :romance-hearteyes: :text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyouyellow:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2024 11:02 pm
by FeelGood
Sometimes it may feel like you have a volcano within you that's going to erupt at any time.
We can't choose when an emotion arises. We can only choose our response to it.
Accept your feelings as they are instead of resisting them or judging yourself.
Don't confuse accepting your emotions with perpetuating or dwelling on them.
When you feel an emotion beginning to rise within you, pause to increase the space between that initial reaction and your response.
Make decisions from this place of awareness. Remember these emotions are temporary.
They always pass no matter how strong they may feel at the moment.

I let my thoughts flow without judgment.
I am cultivating acceptance of what is.
I am experiencing stronger feelings of optimism.
I have balance and harmony in all areas of my life.
I free myself of the burden of my past.
I am creating space for new experiences and opportunities.
I choose forgiveness.

:tee: :five: :lovie: :yes: :in_love: :pie: :pie: :beating-the-drum: :auto: :dance2: :yay2: :goodjob: :flowers: :angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :hi5: :jumphug: :dancing: :party: :party: :party: :banana-linedance: :auto-driving: :auto-driving: :auto-layrubber: :chores-utensils: :chores-utensils: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileyguy: :handgestures-thumbupright: :laughing-rollingyellow: :romance-hearteyes: :romance-hearteyes: :romance-heartsthree: :music-rockon: :romance-adore: :romance-kisslips: :romance-heartstiny: :text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyouyellow: :text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyouyellow: :text-thankyouyellow:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2024 11:31 pm
by FeelGood
You can't live your future experiences or the rest of your life in this moment.
You can only experience life from moment to moment.
You have to fully embrace your experiences in the present.
Stay here in this moment. Take it all in.
There are so many things in your current reality that you didn't even consider a possibility in the past.
Let these gifts remind you of the inherent abundant nature of the universe that you're a part of.

I am receiving all the things I want.
I mindfully focus on the present moment.
I have faith that what is best for me will come.
Things are unfolding for my highest good.
It is in my power to rise above my limiting beliefs.

:yes: :in_love: :yes: :tee: :five: :lovie: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :yay2: :flowers: :goodjob:

:dancing: :angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying:

:auto-driving: :banana-linedance: :auto-driving: :chores-utensils: :chores-utensils: :handgestures-thumbsup: :romance-adore: :music-rockon: :romance-heartsthree: :romance-heartstiny: :text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyouyellow: :happy117: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileyguy: :party: :laughing-rollingyellow:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:19 pm
by FeelGood
You're in the middle of a transition from your old self to your new self.
Following this transformational experience, you've been building the foundation of new beliefs.
You feel like a completely different person, but you still might be experiencing some pushback from the old, deep-seated beliefs.
Repeat the thoughts that will grow your new beliefs.
Embrace the warm feelings that come with those thoughts to bring yourself in perfect alignment with the reality of your soul.

I lovingly accept the wounded parts of myself.
I savor each day.
I practice compassion in my heart.
I am moving forward.
I am attracting a positive transformative experience.
I am on the path that is meant for me.
I love this positive momentum.
I am heading in the right direction.
I can fulfill my deepest desire.
I give myself permission to take things slow.

:pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :tee: :five: :lovie: :in_love: :in_love: :flowdownstream: :goodjob: :dance2: :yay2: :flowers: :happygaze: :dancing: :angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying: :youbetcha: :happy117: :party: :party: :party: :banana-angel: :auto-driving: :chores-mop: :chores-laundry: :chores-vacuum: :happy-jumpeveryone: :handgestures-salute: :handgestures-thumbupleft: :handgestures-thumbupright: :handgestures-thumbupright: :happy-partydance: :laughing-rollingyellow: :romance-heartsthree: :romance-adore: :music-rockon: :romance-heartstiny: :text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyouyellow: :text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyouyellow: :goodjob:

Re: I appreciate Every Day

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 11:35 pm
by FeelGood
When you take time to sit with your grief and unleash your tears, a sense of lightness fills you.
This sense of lightness will help you to create space for the ongoing healing process.
The healing process may include celebrating what once was, acknowledging the resilience of your spirit, and becoming open to new possibilities.
This process can teach you to find beauty in unexpected places.

I love to simplify my life.
I am open to seeing other possibilities.
Everything is going well.
I choose to move in the direction of healing.
I have a non-judgmental space to express what’s on my mind.
I find peace in the present moment.
I am aware of the pattern of my thoughts.
I embrace healthier ways of thinking.
I am thankful.

:lovie: :tee: :five: :yes: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :in_love: :yes: :dance2: :rofl: :yay2: :flowers: :goodjob:
:angelic-flying: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying: :happy117: :dancing: :party: :auto-driving: :banana-linedance: :chores-utensils: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileyguy: :handgestures-thumbsup: :happy-partydance: :romance-heartsthree: :music-rockon: :romance-cloud9: :romance-adore: :text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyouyellow: