"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."
...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!
Day 28
It's day 28 of a month full of "enjoying my Tipping Point".... and this last days CERTAINLY have been a Tipping Point to me. It has been such a transformation, within a momentum that never had been, before.
The celebration with YOU kicked it over the cliff, for me... and I can't say "thank you" enough!
What awesome, wise, loving people you are. I am so blessed to be in your all company, your energy, your knowledge and care.
Again, it must be said: IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE. Nobody is an island. We are in this all together, CO-CREATING, each one from their highly unique perspective, desire and understanding, that all works together and weaves such a rich tapestry, that 1 alone could NEVER accomplish! Some -maybe endless- contributions might never surface and be "seen" by others, but maybe, they carry it all.
Some contributions may be glimmering and glistening and catch so much light, and give the whole thing glamour and luster, and that is a wonderful thing. But it's just one other contribution, in SO MANY that are not at all the same, but all the same necessary and relevant!
Everyone is SO NEEDED by the whole- or they wouldn't be there. My granny always winked her eye and said: "No one is useless to the world! At least, they can serve as bad example!"
And this is SO RELEVANT, too!
Our roles are not always the ones of princesses and shining heroes. So often, we need the "bad example", the Terrible, the "villains", THE CONTRAST, the "don't worry, it will get bigger", for us to be
able to somewhen finally see clearly enough, to be able to focus on purpose on what is better!
I needed this wake-up call of REALIZING (by getting measured results) how close to croaking I had been. How very frightening close. "IT HAD BECOME BIG ENOUGH", so that I could finally SEE. And now, I will never again take this old route! ...It explained so much, that I never could make sense of. It explained all those strange phenomena that the doctors had looked at since decades, and always just could shrug their shoulders. IT WAS THERE, out in the open to see, and nobody -including myself- made sense of, until it got "big" enough. And then- came the tipping point.
Before, I KNEW what I didn't want (all that not-getting what I desired, the not-functioning, and- even I didn't focus there on purpose at all, it became more and more (because the desires MATTERED to me!) UNTIL it tipped into CLARITY. And suddenly I saw where I was holding it back.
EVENTUALLY, the tipping point will be from not having a job, to having a job!
From having no love in your life, to having a lover in your life.
But we want you to be willing to accept that the real tipping-points that you have control over,
are those emotional-vibrational tipping points.
And when you get good at that, THEN you will begin to notice many more tipping points.
Abraham Hicks
Now I can't unsee anymore, where I was sooo resistant!
I was unwilling to drop my stubbornness.
I was SO USED to it. I saw it as humorous. I saw it as quirk of mine, and on some level even as cute.
And all of that is ok- God is surely not mad at me-
I COULD not attract what I desired so much, in this way!!
I had desired mastery of manifestation.
I had desired my "air-element" that I love so much, my thoughts, my freedom, to thunder through the skies and carry me to everything I was passionate about, but "nothing" (or said less dramatic) not "enough" for my full satisfaction, was happening. "It" didn't flow. "It" wasn't fast as the wind. "It" was NOT FREE!
While I, in the same time, squeezed off the "winds of my soul" (my breath).
I LITERALLY have "not been letting my unique power and love of life flow"!
I never draw the conclusions! I wasn't aware. While it is NOW so incredibly obvious to me.
Well, I had the tipping point, and now I am in the land of "getting it". Probably at first just a bit... emotionally, intellectually, VIBRATIONALLY. IT DOESN'T MATTER TO BE RIGHT!
It matters to be free of resistance. The quirks, the waywardness, the obstinacy, this "funny" needing-to-do-it-MY-way stubbornness, the standing "across the grain", the not being compliant- all of that DOES NOT MATTER. You can do it, but if it is not filled with "Hell YES!!", then it is filled with resistance. Which means:
I had MASSIVELY split energy: I wanted it, but.
...I am soooo full of relief, and healing, joyful, LOVING clarity!! I have no idea yet "what to do", but an inkling that there is nothing "to do", but so much to let, unhindered FLOW. Closing my eyes, trustingly sleep, relaxing (!) into all the Wellbeing that always was there for me, while I (for sure not on purpose) stubbornly stood in my own way. Ohhh my!!!
...I always did the best that I knew to do. As everybody!! We all do that.We MUST live our life, we can't cut corners. AND THAT IS OK!!! We can't get it wrong! We can't even get it done, as there is eternally MORE- which is such a good thing.
Thank you, thank you, thank you LIFE!!!!