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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 3:59 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
:in_love: :vortex: :grouphugs:

Tara and FeelGood! :romance-heartstiny: :romance-smileyheart: Thank you!!! YOUR energy is soooo appreciated!!

:balloons_wave: :happy108:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 5:34 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 28

It's day 28 of a month full of "enjoying my Tipping Point".... and this last days CERTAINLY have been a Tipping Point to me. It has been such a transformation, within a momentum that never had been, before.
The celebration with YOU kicked it over the cliff, for me... and I can't say "thank you" enough!
What awesome, wise, loving people you are. I am so blessed to be in your all company, your energy, your knowledge and care.

Again, it must be said: IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE. Nobody is an island. We are in this all together, CO-CREATING, each one from their highly unique perspective, desire and understanding, that all works together and weaves such a rich tapestry, that 1 alone could NEVER accomplish! Some -maybe endless- contributions might never surface and be "seen" by others, but maybe, they carry it all.

Some contributions may be glimmering and glistening and catch so much light, and give the whole thing glamour and luster, and that is a wonderful thing. But it's just one other contribution, in SO MANY that are not at all the same, but all the same necessary and relevant!
Everyone is SO NEEDED by the whole- or they wouldn't be there. My granny always winked her eye and said: "No one is useless to the world! At least, they can serve as bad example!"

:lol: :hearts: :vortex: And this is SO RELEVANT, too!
Our roles are not always the ones of princesses and shining heroes. So often, we need the "bad example", the Terrible, the "villains", THE CONTRAST, the "don't worry, it will get bigger", for us to be able to somewhen finally see clearly enough, to be able to focus on purpose on what is better!

I needed this wake-up call of REALIZING (by getting measured results) how close to croaking I had been. How very frightening close. "IT HAD BECOME BIG ENOUGH", so that I could finally SEE. And now, I will never again take this old route! ...It explained so much, that I never could make sense of. It explained all those strange phenomena that the doctors had looked at since decades, and always just could shrug their shoulders. IT WAS THERE, out in the open to see, and nobody -including myself- made sense of, until it got "big" enough. And then- came the tipping point.

Before, I KNEW what I didn't want (all that not-getting what I desired, the not-functioning, and- even I didn't focus there on purpose at all, it became more and more (because the desires MATTERED to me!) UNTIL it tipped into CLARITY. And suddenly I saw where I was holding it back.

EVENTUALLY, the tipping point will be from not having a job, to having a job!
From having no love in your life, to having a lover in your life.

But we want you to be willing to accept that the real tipping-points that you have control over,
are those emotional-vibrational tipping points.

And when you get good at that, THEN you will begin to notice many more tipping points.

Abraham Hicks

Now I can't unsee anymore, where I was sooo resistant!
I was unwilling to drop my stubbornness.
I was SO USED to it. I saw it as humorous. I saw it as quirk of mine, and on some level even as cute.
And all of that is ok- God is surely not mad at me- :D BUT-

I COULD not attract what I desired so much, in this way!!

I had desired mastery of manifestation.
I had desired my "air-element" that I love so much, my thoughts, my freedom, to thunder through the skies and carry me to everything I was passionate about, but "nothing" (or said less dramatic) not "enough" for my full satisfaction, was happening. "It" didn't flow. "It" wasn't fast as the wind. "It" was NOT FREE!
While I, in the same time, squeezed off the "winds of my soul" (my breath).

I LITERALLY have "not been letting my unique power and love of life flow"!
I never draw the conclusions! I wasn't aware. While it is NOW so incredibly obvious to me.

:lol: Well, I had the tipping point, and now I am in the land of "getting it". Probably at first just a bit... emotionally, intellectually, VIBRATIONALLY. IT DOESN'T MATTER TO BE RIGHT! :lol: :lol: It matters to be free of resistance. The quirks, the waywardness, the obstinacy, this "funny" needing-to-do-it-MY-way stubbornness, the standing "across the grain", the not being compliant- all of that DOES NOT MATTER. You can do it, but if it is not filled with "Hell YES!!", then it is filled with resistance. Which means:

I had MASSIVELY split energy: I wanted it, but.

...I am soooo full of relief, and healing, joyful, LOVING clarity!! I have no idea yet "what to do", but an inkling that there is nothing "to do", but so much to let, unhindered FLOW. Closing my eyes, trustingly sleep, relaxing (!) into all the Wellbeing that always was there for me, while I (for sure not on purpose) stubbornly stood in my own way. Ohhh my!!! :lol: :lol: 8-) :D :hearts:

:lol: :lol: :lol: I AM SO HAPPY!
...I always did the best that I knew to do. As everybody!! We all do that.We MUST live our life, we can't cut corners. AND THAT IS OK!!! We can't get it wrong! We can't even get it done, as there is eternally MORE- which is such a good thing. :lol: :lol: Thank you, thank you, thank you LIFE!!!!


Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:25 pm
by FloatingBoat
Hello PoE, :balloons_wave: :dancing: :dancing: :jumphug:

I don't know the details, but it's wonderful how you can make such a big leap from this strong contrast experience and now relax into this lightness and simplicity so effortlessly. Just reading that is simply great for me, and it's wonderful to have you back here. :hearts:

Your positivity truly moves mountains, and I like how empathetic you are without diluting Abraham's teachings, but rather living them in such a clear and human way.

I really appreciate that you are so exuberant and emotional because I often am too, and that you also express your feelings. I love that you are so appreciative and loving. The way you interact with everyone here is simply fantastic, and I notice that it comes from your heart and that you look at people with love like the source. I also really like that you are such a family person, at least from what I gather in the forum, and how positively you speak about your family and how much joy you take in each one of them. I just really like that about you. And I love your smile and your beautiful eyes and hair; you are simply so beautiful. You are a wonderful being, and I am very happy that you are here in the forum. :hearts: :hearts:

:in_love: :in_love: :in_love: :hugs: :vortex-small:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:10 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 29

Oh wow, Lukas!! :hearts: Thank you so much!!
I feel the desire and inspiration to use your so loving appreciation as bouncing-off-point for my own! :vortex:
FloatingBoat wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:25 pm Hello PoE, :balloons_wave: :dancing: :dancing: :jumphug:

I don't know the details, but it's wonderful how you can make such a big leap from this strong contrast experience and now relax into this lightness and simplicity so effortlessly. Just reading that is simply great for me, and it's wonderful to have you back here. :hearts:
Oh, this feels so wonderful, to read you! It feels seen, and understood, and appreciated! :hearts:
It also feels magic to see what I focused to do, MANIFESTED and acknowledged and confirmed physically! And I am SO glad that it serves not only me, but you as well. What a wonderful win-win!
Your positivity truly moves mountains, and I like how empathetic you are without diluting Abraham's teachings, but rather living them in such a clear and human way.
Hmmmmmm :happygaze: I enjoy your words so deeply!! :in_love:
I can only be human- with all potential to permanently miss something or diluting something :lol: ...and I have made peace with this. Obviously, Source created me exactly this way, so I guess, we are MEANT this way. And it is so beautiful, and soothing, and free, and friendly, and it feels so SAFE, to not fight it!
I really appreciate that you are so exuberant and emotional because I often am too, and that you also express your feelings. I love that you are so appreciative and loving. The way you interact with everyone here is simply fantastic, and I notice that it comes from your heart and that you look at people with love like the source.

Again :hearts: I feel so seen and understood!! YES YES YES, I DO love the people, and it is so much fun and AWE (!!) to see their innate goodness, and their trained genius and their pure good intentions- and to even understand why they are sometimes mean or "unloving". From a soul-perspective, it is all FOR US.For those that "slip" as also those that are co-creating with them.

We all are heroes with immense courage and incredibly awesome goals. We all have carried so much, and suffered so much, and -like being milled by life, become softer, and milder. We became wise and unconditionally understanding- the one already more, others are more on the beginning of their journey- but, all true, true heroes!!! We came here seeingly and willingly, and I think that is something so great and big, that it sometimes takes my breath away!
I also really like that you are such a family person, at least from what I gather in the forum, and how positively you speak about your family and how much joy you take in each one of them. I just really like that about you. And I love your smile and your beautiful eyes and hair; you are simply so beautiful. You are a wonderful being, and I am very happy that you are here in the forum. :hearts: :hearts:
:in_love: :in_love: :in_love: :hugs: :vortex: Thank you! I like to think that we all are mirrors for each others, and ourselves! What we intend is mirrored in our eyes, and words, and energy. What we have done, and seen and suffered, is mirrored in our body. How we focus is mirrored in how we live... and only one who is open for the Good, will be able to find the Good and recognice it as such!

Be blessed yourself with so much love and being seen and -appreciated and -recogniced, as you give to others! (you will, it is law) :) THANK YOU, once more! :romance-inlove: :romance-heartsfade:

...DH and I will be all on our own (="Sturmfrei"), this weekend. It is the last one before we will fly to Africa- and it feels a bit as if our world holds it's breath. It feels magic. It feels awesome! It feels wild. It feels eager. It feels promising. It feels as, everything is possible. It feels wonderful!

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 9:20 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 30
Last day of this challenge.
I might take a small pause, after today!

I experience a problem in my sons life, where I realllly care, while I can't do a thing. It came to a peak again and I thought to myself,
I can't help here. I just torture myself. So, I will drop the problem and just and only look at the solution.
I drop that this IS a problem. How do I know? Maybe it is a pure blessing for him.
And maybe it will teach ME an incredibly precious lesson of becoming free.

I see him sooo happy! I see him so proud. I see him absolutely relaxed and in all his magical, awesome, full power- being a pointer and knowing it. Being totally clear about his adventures. Being in absolute deliberate charge of his life, embracing who he is fully, and getting to see and know and enjoy who he really is. I CARE for that! I so care for him being fully deeply wholly awesomely HAPPY!!

And if the unwanted comes back, so I can turn my cheek, as well. I KNOW what I want! And I lovingly trustingly, joyfully hold that wonderful happy vision! Good night, beloveds!! God night! :hearts: Sleep well, and cozy, and in complete, deep, sweet, delightful, unconditional joy.



Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:10 pm
by spiritualcookie
:in_love: :sleeping-sleep: :sleeping-sleep: :sleeping-sleep: :hearts:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:11 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:10 pm :in_love: :sleeping-sleep: :sleeping-sleep: :sleeping-sleep: :hearts:
:lol: :romance-hearteyes: :romance-heartstiny: how cute!!!

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:18 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

Practice and practice and practice and practice
the frequency of what you want!

Abraham Hicks

...I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation.

Day 1

Eager and fresh back, for a new challenge! :vortex:

:o Some things seemed to not go "right" since a few days, and I tried to bang them into place yesterday, in the early Monday morning. Well :lol: can imagine it... it all did not work.
The biggest one even brought me the information, that I would need to "fight" with several years of going to court, for the prolonging of my disability-badge, with which I may park at special places, which made my life sooooo much easier in the last month.

I finally let it go and said this words:
"I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation." Again, and again and again. It's a really nice Grid!
I think, I will make this my by-default-mantra for this month...

And suddenly, somewhen answered the phone. Some things cleared up. Some platforms got reachable. someone wrote back, with an ANSWER! Halleluja!! :lol: :lol: And my husband said: "Well, when they don't give you what you should get in your sickness, how about getting healthy, instead?"

:shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yah, that's a good question!
...I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation. I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation. I do!!
-I will embrace what comes. Not push against it!
-I expect delight. IT IS IN THERE, somewhere!!
-I'll practice appreciation, for the clarity that I got. For the expansion I got. For all the fascinating new solutions that I birthed- for myself and for others!!

When I realized that I will not get my long term badge, I could watch how, within me, became the desire for really easy parking, FOR EVERYONE!!! Not just for me! And then I was laughing out loud as I realized what that would mean for people in places where traffic REALLY is a problem, as Indian huge cities, etc! I remembered how easy parking was, in my youth, in the small rural towns.You could just go where you wanted and park! It felt as no big deal.It felt so incredibly FREE! It felt light and sooo easy. It feels now as huge relief. It feels delicious! It feels as "of course". It feels as certain. CERTAIN. Certain and wonderfully light and easy. Natural. Natural and clear and certain and assured. ohhhhh yes!!! I want that, for EVERYBODY. It must be possible!

And suddenly, I was in joyful eagerness and loving passion. Because (that was what it comes down to) -I hadn't gotten my badge renewed! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am expecting delight!
I expect every need to met, and every answer to be given. I epxpect JOY and ease and lightness and wonderful loving, delicious interactions. I expect everything to go SO EASY! Everything to fall into it's place with such ease. I expect everything to be without question, but so clear and easy and light and certain! EASY and delightful. EASY and wonderful. Totally clear and certain and wonderful. Loving, deeply filled with respect and interest and wonder and love!
I expect delight, in wonderful ease. Delight, flowing, Delightful wonderful flow of ease and sweet fascinating surprise!

Meanwhile, I embrace whatever comes: It will all be the perfect steps to what I desire.
And I am in such, such deep appreciation for all this awesome, beautiful, precious parts of the whole game!
spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:34 am :hearts:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:05 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

Practice and practice and practice and practice
the frequency of what you want!

Abraham Hicks

...I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation.

Day 2
It is an awesome light, today.
I so enjoy our always changing weather! I took the large picture this morning out of my window, where I sleep. I so love the changing of the light, and of nature. I feel so blessed!

I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation.
I embrace what interests me. I embrace following what my inner guidance calls me to. I enjoy the unfolding of it! I enjoy that now, I almost have all information and confirmations that I need for our awesome journey to Africa, that starts next week! :hearts:

I sooo expect even more delight than I already feel. I expect things to keep giving and giving. I expect people to be as nice as I already rendezvous with. I expect the weather to be wonderful, and the "matrix" of it all happening to be so friendly and helpful! I expect surprising DELIGHT. I expect EASE! And I get that, all day, every day.

Which I appreciate SO MUCH!!!
I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation
I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation.

Sigh, this feels so good. This is so easy. This is so pure.I love it so much!


Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:24 pm
by FloatingBoat
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:10 am

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."

...I enjoy my tipping point!
I react joyfully from ITV now, and so, it all turns out wonderful!

Day 29

Oh wow, Lukas!! :hearts: Thank you so much!!
I feel the desire and inspiration to use your so loving appreciation as bouncing-off-point for my own! :vortex:
FloatingBoat wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:25 pm Hello PoE, :balloons_wave: :dancing: :dancing: :jumphug:

I don't know the details, but it's wonderful how you can make such a big leap from this strong contrast experience and now relax into this lightness and simplicity so effortlessly. Just reading that is simply great for me, and it's wonderful to have you back here. :hearts:
Oh, this feels so wonderful, to read you! It feels seen, and understood, and appreciated! :hearts:
It also feels magic to see what I focused to do, MANIFESTED and acknowledged and confirmed physically! And I am SO glad that it serves not only me, but you as well. What a wonderful win-win!
Your positivity truly moves mountains, and I like how empathetic you are without diluting Abraham's teachings, but rather living them in such a clear and human way.
Hmmmmmm :happygaze: I enjoy your words so deeply!! :in_love:
I can only be human- with all potential to permanently miss something or diluting something :lol: ...and I have made peace with this. Obviously, Source created me exactly this way, so I guess, we are MEANT this way. And it is so beautiful, and soothing, and free, and friendly, and it feels so SAFE, to not fight it!
I really appreciate that you are so exuberant and emotional because I often am too, and that you also express your feelings. I love that you are so appreciative and loving. The way you interact with everyone here is simply fantastic, and I notice that it comes from your heart and that you look at people with love like the source.

Again :hearts: I feel so seen and understood!! YES YES YES, I DO love the people, and it is so much fun and AWE (!!) to see their innate goodness, and their trained genius and their pure good intentions- and to even understand why they are sometimes mean or "unloving". From a soul-perspective, it is all FOR US.For those that "slip" as also those that are co-creating with them.

We all are heroes with immense courage and incredibly awesome goals. We all have carried so much, and suffered so much, and -like being milled by life, become softer, and milder. We became wise and unconditionally understanding- the one already more, others are more on the beginning of their journey- but, all true, true heroes!!! We came here seeingly and willingly, and I think that is something so great and big, that it sometimes takes my breath away!
I also really like that you are such a family person, at least from what I gather in the forum, and how positively you speak about your family and how much joy you take in each one of them. I just really like that about you. And I love your smile and your beautiful eyes and hair; you are simply so beautiful. You are a wonderful being, and I am very happy that you are here in the forum. :hearts: :hearts:
:in_love: :in_love: :in_love: :hugs: :vortex: Thank you! I like to think that we all are mirrors for each others, and ourselves! What we intend is mirrored in our eyes, and words, and energy. What we have done, and seen and suffered, is mirrored in our body. How we focus is mirrored in how we live... and only one who is open for the Good, will be able to find the Good and recognice it as such!

Be blessed yourself with so much love and being seen and -appreciated and -recogniced, as you give to others! (you will, it is law) :) THANK YOU, once more! :romance-inlove: :romance-heartsfade:

...DH and I will be all on our own (="Sturmfrei"), this weekend. It is the last one before we will fly to Africa- and it feels a bit as if our world holds it's breath. It feels magic. It feels awesome! It feels wild. It feels eager. It feels promising. It feels as, everything is possible. It feels wonderful!

Hello Poe, :balloons_wave: :jumphug: :dancing: :dancing:

I am always delighted to hear from you, and it is a joy to be on this planet at the same time as you and to be able to connect with you here in the Abraham Forum. I truly appreciate that. I love our exchanges here. It's really a win-win situation, and that's great. I am constantly amazed at the wonderful life you are creating for yourself and how swiftly you move into the vortex. I especially find your new mantra of acceptance, appreciation, and joy wonderful, and I can apply it well in my life too. :hearts: :in_love: :in_love: :happygaze:

I also find it beautiful how you have developed such great visions from this contrasting experience with the disabled ID card and have elevated yourself from a feeling of disappointment to a feeling of enthusiasm. It has awakened so many new desires in you that I find beautiful.
:rocket-of-desire: :rocket-of-desire: :vortex-small:

Because you are the way you are, and I am the way I am, we bring out the best we can. This best will continue to expand. Not only will our lives become more beautiful, but life overall will become more beautiful and richer. It's nice to see how your new ideas are already contributing to this, as well as all our ideas contributing to making this world more beautiful day by day.
:happy117: :happy117: :happy117:

We don't have to fight against anything, we don't have to work on problems. We can simply start dreaming and relax. I think you are taking such a gentle and mild path and growing day by day. You don't have to prove anything, you can simply live your truth, and you do so in a wonderful way.

Oh Poe, your speech about us all being heroes is simply beautiful. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Thank you for expressing it so passionately. I share your enthusiasm for this great life here at the Leading Edge, which we have all chosen for ourselves. It is also wonderful for me to know that every person, no matter what situation they are in, is guided by their inner being and is so wonderfully protected and sheltered by this and other spiritual guides in the universe. It is great that this message is reaching more and more people.
:grouphug: :in_love: :in_love: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl:

Thank you, Poe, for your wonderful blessings. I want to open myself more and more to the good every day and focus more and more on the good. This evening I already notice how much I am filled with the good again and see good things everywhere, and that makes me so happy and cheerful.
:angelic-flying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying:

I wish you from the bottom of my heart that your life becomes more beautiful day by day and that you enjoy the beauty more and more. May you continue your path in joy, and I am quite sure that you will.
:hearts: :hearts: :hugs: :dancing: :dancing: