I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Appreciation is the highest form of vibration. This is the place to express your appreciation and amp up your vibration.
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Practice and practice and practice and practice
the frequency of what you want!

Abraham Hicks

...I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation.

Day 3

I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation....I love to feeel them!

I love the feeling of embracing, in trust, in openness, decided to be receptive and non-resistant. It feels a pure peace. It feels as freedom.It feels like, invincible. It feels FREE. Embracing what comes, UNCONDITIONALLY, means to be free no matter what. :lol: And how can we not! What is coming is coming. Our resistance is not changing that. OF COURSE, I choose how to "embrace", physically. But in energy-terms, I never need to be resistant,as resistance is never a solution! Energetically embracing is, as it is the openness, the willingness to deal with WHAT IS THERE under the influence of source! ...Embracing what comes is the only wise thing to do :lol: and, knowing this, I so enjoy to train to KNOW IT DEEPER every day!

I love to expect good things. Expectation of Goodness is so clear and pure. It is sheer Alignment with who-I-rally-am! Good expectation is free of all resistances. It is attraction in itself, of all things wanted. It is a stable position of Alignment, of KNOWING the existance of my Vortex. Invincibly. Clearly.Intensely. CERTAIN. Ahhh, it feels so stable and bold and strong! And, expecting DELIGHT... that moves me into bliss, so fast! DELIGHT. What a wonderful vibration. It shudders in extasy! It feels filled with light to the brim, and further! IT IS LIGHT! It is pure, delicious, awesome, wonderful fulfillment!

I practice appreciation... YES, I practice the "service" to God in my life as often as I realize I'm aware! My "veils" disappear more and more, and I SEE. I experience so much clarity, in which I can't (or don't want) judge, as I see so much already with Gods loving, understanding eyes. I understand why shit hits the fan! :lol: I SO get it why "mistakes" and misunderstandings and all the OOTVnes becomes and prolongs. It is SO understandable. And all we really need, to get out there, is a little love and a whole lot understanding. We also might need clarity in the outside, that doesn't clash at all with love and understanding- or being appreciated. Appreciation is embracing what is, and seeing as as source does... it is ALIGNMENT with who I really am.

FloatingBoat wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:24 pm
Hello Poe, :balloons_wave: :jumphug: :dancing: :dancing:

I am always delighted to hear from you, and it is a joy to be on this planet at the same time as you and to be able to connect with you here in the Abraham Forum. I truly appreciate that. I love our exchanges here. It's really a win-win situation, and that's great. I am constantly amazed at the wonderful life you are creating for yourself and how swiftly you move into the vortex.
What wonderful words of you! :vortex: :ta:
...The ease with which I go ITV is about TRAINING! :lol: :hearts: 16 years of deliberate Abe-training, and all my life -well, on purpose it might have been at least 55years- training, to focus on fulfilling my dreams. That SHOULD show, a bit! ;) :hearts:
I also find it beautiful how you have developed such great visions from this contrasting experience with the disabled ID card and have elevated yourself from a feeling of disappointment to a feeling of enthusiasm. It has awakened so many new desires in you that I find beautiful.
:rocket-of-desire: :rocket-of-desire: :vortex-small:
Thanks again! But this clarity is just "happening" when you are ITV. It'sno work, it's no effort. It comes. And we can witness and pluck it... it's the difference between looking for something, and finding something. In my youth it was a big thing to define yourself as a "searcher of purpose", a Sinnsucher. Until I realized, you CAN NOT FIND, until you stop searching. One excludes the other.
Because you are the way you are, and I am the way I am, we bring out the best we can. This best will continue to expand. Not only will our lives become more beautiful, but life overall will become more beautiful and richer. It's nice to see how your new ideas are already contributing to this, as well as all our ideas contributing to making this world more beautiful day by day.
:happy117: :happy117: :happy117:

We don't have to fight against anything, we don't have to work on problems. We can simply start dreaming and relax. I think you are taking such a gentle and mild path and growing day by day. You don't have to prove anything, you can simply live your truth, and you do so in a wonderful way.
It is such a joy to feel you "besides" me on Earth, so young and already so wise. The world is in good hands with people like you! Thank you, for being YOU, and for shining YOUR precious light, and saying your words in the wonderful uplifting loving ways you do!
Oh Poe, your speech about us all being heroes is simply beautiful. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Thank you for expressing it so passionately. I share your enthusiasm for this great life here at the Leading Edge, which we have all chosen for ourselves. It is also wonderful for me to know that every person, no matter what situation they are in, is guided by their inner being and is so wonderfully protected and sheltered by this and other spiritual guides in the universe. It is great that this message is reaching more and more people.
:grouphug: :in_love: :in_love: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl:

Thank you, Poe, for your wonderful blessings. I want to open myself more and more to the good every day and focus more and more on the good. This evening I already notice how much I am filled with the good again and see good things everywhere, and that makes me so happy and cheerful.
:angelic-flying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying:
So, SO SO good!!! :woohoo:
I wish you from the bottom of my heart that your life becomes more beautiful day by day and that you enjoy the beauty more and more. May you continue your path in joy, and I am quite sure that you will.
:hearts: :hearts: :hugs: :dancing: :dancing:
Thank you SO.Much.
And wholly vice versa! :in_love: :wave: :wave:

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Practice and practice and practice and practice
the frequency of what you want!

Abraham Hicks

...I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation.

Day 4

I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation....I love to feeel them!

I embrace who I am, in this moment, in this day!
I embrace how funny it feels to have the financial situation I have. It feels unreal. It feels comfortable and nice and secure and certain, and also totally unreal. THERE IS SO MUCH MORE!!! I embrace that I begin feeling "what REALLY is true. What REALLY is my current present!"

Think about the feeling of finding that vibrational place, and allowing, in a sort of effortless way, that delicious ease of all things to be realized by you.

Not demanding it. Not insisting it! Not forcing it. Not effort in it. Just allowing it- moment by moment by moment by moment by moment. Every moment of your experience is a manifestational moment! Every moment, what you're perceiving here, the theatre that you are in, the vessel that you're upon, the ocean that you're moving through... everything that you are perceiving is manifestation.

Because you are translating vibration in to all of this, you see! So, as you have soothed yourself into the fullness of who you are, so that all-of-you is having this manifestational moment... feel the richness! The fullness, the wholeness! The depth, the breadth, the satisfaction of these manifested moments! So many people are standing in this place, dissatisfied in this way, in this way, in this way. Hopeful, they think, their on their way to something that will be an improvement!

"I will get there. I really eventually will get there!" -you're not ever going to get there!! You're there! There's no place else "to get"!

THIS is, where it's all happening!
THIS is the manifested moment!
THIS is the moment!!

Every single moment of your life can be that climatic moment, that you're reaching for, at the end of something that most of you make way hard work out of. Way hard work!

Abraham Hicks

I expect to move more and more and more and inevitably more into this vibration of clarity and perception!
I EXPECT myself to "see", to realize, to perfectly match with who-I really-am , very very soon, filly! I am already so "there". So comfortably there. So abundantly there. So beautifully there! And I get there in babysteps (or really really fast) inevitably, MORE. I realize it even more. I realize it deeper and fuller. It will make me laugh! It will be this amazing orgasmic moment of HEUREKA!!! :lol: :lol:

It will be HELL YES; of course!! It will be so wonderful. It will behealing me. Mending me. Deliciously. In such JOY!!
And I sooo appreciate knowing this: Yes, I KNOW it. It resonates through my whole beingness. And that feels sooo good!! I appreciate this knowing. I appreciate that BEINGNESS! I appreciate to be here and THERE within all this reality,all this TRUTH that source knows to be. I trust source within me! I trust my Vortex. I trust my good feeling guidance. Oh, and does this feel good! IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY.

Thank you, thank you, thank you life!!

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Practice and practice and practice and practice
the frequency of what you want!

Abraham Hicks

...I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation.

Day 5

I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation....I love to feeel them!

I embrace the channeling I heard this morning. It felt so GOOD!! It is all THERE. I may finally let it in, allow, expecting the very very very best to not only "come", but BE THERE. It is DONE.It is done, it is done, it is done, it is done!

I did that. I created that. I held the visions, I molded them in love. IT IS DONE.
And now, it is the time of allowing it in.
I expect the harvest! I expect it to rain down on me, all by itself. I am open to take it and enjoy it and be blessed and satisfied beyond all measure!
I expect myself to ALLOW IT! I expect myself to trust it. I expect myself to open up wholly and fully: I can. I trained that, all my life, I KNOW that I can do it! I expect myself to be open in whole trust. I expect myself to LET IT BE. I let it be. I let it be. I let it be. I let it be!

I SO appreciate this time! I so appreciate all that are in it, and with me and for me. I appreciate the unfolding, in whole deep loving trust: This is the time of awakening for all of us. We are all in this together, and it is such an awesome, wonderful ride in this transition! I appreciate every tiny bit of it! I appreciate the magic.I appreciate the wonder. I appreciate the JOY! I appreciate the generosity! I appreciate the fun and the eagerness and the adventure and the awe. I appreciate this path! I so appreciate this!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, life!!
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Practice and practice and practice and practice
the frequency of what you want!

Abraham Hicks

...I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation.

Day 6

I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation....I love to feeel them!

Well, it's not THAT bad :crazy: but in the last days, I get each day an "attack" of negativity. It feels so strange. It is so not used to me, anymore! I ride it out. I let it be. In the weekend I teased with DH, he shall come and give me a shake, when it got too bad. He just embraced me, and that worked even better! :in_love:

I embrace that things are not going smooth always! I embrace that I "have no idea why". I embrace that it is as it is! I embrace my condition!
I embrace that DH got sick, 2 days before our "big adventure". I embrace it all. I embrace it with love and trust in God and in our bodies, and our minds. I embrace it with deep believe in all things turning out, for us, for all. I EMBRACE IT and that feels so good!

I expect it to vanish. I expect it to just fall by the wayside. I expect to come out even stronger, with even more love and selflove. With even more power and certainty. I expect this to be a good thing. A wonderful thing, really! I expect life to be good and wonderful: Even more than I can fathom!

I appreciate my clarity! I so appreciate my deep inner love. It feels so sweet to love and embrace and to trust. What a wonderful game. What a wonderful setup. What a wonderful life! THANK YOU, all who are involved!
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2025 10:38 amIn the weekend I teased with DH, he shall come and give me a shake, when it got too bad. He just embraced me, and that worked even better! :in_love:
aw how sweet! :in_love:
I embrace my condition!
I embrace that DH got sick, 2 days before our "big adventure". I embrace it all.
ohh I'm sorry to hear this. I hope your DH feels better soon! Is the big adventure still going ahead? :hearts:
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2025 1:02 pm
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2025 10:38 amIn the weekend I teased with DH, he shall come and give me a shake, when it got too bad. He just embraced me, and that worked even better! :in_love:
aw how sweet! :in_love:
I embrace my condition!
I embrace that DH got sick, 2 days before our "big adventure". I embrace it all.
ohh I'm sorry to hear this. I hope your DH feels better soon! Is the big adventure still going ahead? :hearts:
Thank you for asking and sharing! :in_love:
He is better already, and I haven't really caught it yet (and I don't plan to) 8-) :lol: We stillhave a full day and a half before we will fly, and I am SO glad that the Covid-crisis is over. We really plan to pull this through, and get well on the way!
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Post by spiritualcookie »

oh that's good news! May all the last minute preparations occur with ease and smoothness 😊

I'm already looking forward to hearing the highlights from your trip when you get back! :D :hearts:
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2025 3:47 pm oh that's good news! May all the last minute preparations occur with ease and smoothness 😊
Thank you!! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
I'm already looking forward to hearing the highlights from your trip when you get back! :D :hearts:
Aww, so nice to hear that! :in_love:
I hope so very much that I will have some chance to use internet from our accomodations, to torture you along the trip with updates ... ;)
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Practice and practice and practice and practice
the frequency of what you want!

Abraham Hicks

...I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation.

Day 7

I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation....I love to feeel them!
I so embrace the ABUNDANCE of life!! Just now, I just LOVE to hear my son snore besides me in our living room... he is curing his sickness in awesome, abundant sleep. So good! I feel literally how it helps his body heal up and regain it's balance!
I embrace how the fire crackles in our stoves, giving us blessed warmth. So cozy. So sweet. So nurturing!
I embrace the internet that never fails amazing me. It feels so awesome to be connected around the world, in al topics that interest me. Per example, with my family that is spread around the country! What a freedom! What a joy! What wonderful ways to love and embrace! What magic, that we HAVE it!! I embrace our time, where such things not only exist, but become more and more. I feel so blessed with it!!
I embrace our wonderful food that we got in the morning. Wonderful bread and fresh amazing fruit. Awesome meat, to fry up whenever we get hungry. I feel so blessed. I feel so rich. I feel so held and helped and uplifted and soothed... I feel SO ABUNDANT!
I embrace that DH is getting weller again.
I sooo embrace that we have this awesome journey ahead!

I expect more and more and more of this good stuff!!
I expect it to go smooth and well and so easy and nice! I expect this to be awesome. I expect me to feel so high on life, most all of the time! I expect "the fairies of the Universe to clear our path"...lovingly, knowing exactly what we prefer, and what we enjoy and what we will feast on!

I expect to see wonderful animals, close up and personal, in wonderfully joyful and secure settings! I expect me to feel rock steady and SAFE.I expect me to have wonderful timing! I expect us to step from surprising delight into the next surprising delight! I expect this to feel as blessings raining down on us. I expect us both to be so open and tuned in, that we just float in joy and ease and happiness!
I expect our bodies to feel wonderful.
I expect all cooperative components to fill in in the most wonderful ways!

I feel SUCH deep appreciation about what was, what is and what will be!! I feel so thankful for all the myriads of wanted pieces that already filled in, and all this uncountable blessings that I am probably not even aware of. I feel SO THANKFUL.I feel such joy, such love,such curiousity, and I can't thank life enough to have brought me HERE. Thank you, thank you, life!!

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Practice and practice and practice and practice
the frequency of what you want!

Abraham Hicks

...I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation.

Day 8

I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation....I love to feeel them!

I embrace this situation. It is where I am. I know, it is for me! It helped me already :lol: I dropped my fear. I'm not nervous anymore. This too will pass, and somehow I trust the whole Universe to guide me and lead me and make miracles for me. I have no idea "how", and I don't need to!
I embrace my dream of this flowing in ease and joy and laughter!

I expect delight. I expect a wonderful travel. I expect to feel great. I expect to feel absolutely sure and safe and happy. I expect it all to unfold in wonderful, comfortable, easy, delicious ways!

I appreciate so much that I am here! :lol: AND going there!! I appreciate this wonderful stance! I apprciate my awesome body that makes it all possible. I so appreciate my mate, who all makes it possible, and I love him so much anyway! I appreciate the flight company and all the people who all cocreate to make things as this possible! I appreciate the flying school who had the idea and the boldness to make it happen. I so appreciate ALL of them!! I so appreciate all that came before us, who lived life in the way that now, we have this LIFE!

Thank you, thank you, thank you all of you. SO MUCH LOVE into the whole Universe: Be all blessed! Have fun, have joy, feel LOVED!

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