I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Appreciation is the highest form of vibration. This is the place to express your appreciation and amp up your vibration.
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Post by FloatingBoat »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 6:30 am

Practice and practice and practice and practice
the frequency of what you want!

Abraham Hicks

...I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation.

Day 3

I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation....I love to feeel them!

I love the feeling of embracing, in trust, in openness, decided to be receptive and non-resistant. It feels a pure peace. It feels as freedom.It feels like, invincible. It feels FREE. Embracing what comes, UNCONDITIONALLY, means to be free no matter what. :lol: And how can we not! What is coming is coming. Our resistance is not changing that. OF COURSE, I choose how to "embrace", physically. But in energy-terms, I never need to be resistant,as resistance is never a solution! Energetically embracing is, as it is the openness, the willingness to deal with WHAT IS THERE under the influence of source! ...Embracing what comes is the only wise thing to do :lol: and, knowing this, I so enjoy to train to KNOW IT DEEPER every day!

I love to expect good things. Expectation of Goodness is so clear and pure. It is sheer Alignment with who-I-rally-am! Good expectation is free of all resistances. It is attraction in itself, of all things wanted. It is a stable position of Alignment, of KNOWING the existance of my Vortex. Invincibly. Clearly.Intensely. CERTAIN. Ahhh, it feels so stable and bold and strong! And, expecting DELIGHT... that moves me into bliss, so fast! DELIGHT. What a wonderful vibration. It shudders in extasy! It feels filled with light to the brim, and further! IT IS LIGHT! It is pure, delicious, awesome, wonderful fulfillment!

I practice appreciation... YES, I practice the "service" to God in my life as often as I realize I'm aware! My "veils" disappear more and more, and I SEE. I experience so much clarity, in which I can't (or don't want) judge, as I see so much already with Gods loving, understanding eyes. I understand why shit hits the fan! :lol: I SO get it why "mistakes" and misunderstandings and all the OOTVnes becomes and prolongs. It is SO understandable. And all we really need, to get out there, is a little love and a whole lot understanding. We also might need clarity in the outside, that doesn't clash at all with love and understanding- or being appreciated. Appreciation is embracing what is, and seeing as as source does... it is ALIGNMENT with who I really am.

FloatingBoat wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:24 pm
Hello Poe, :balloons_wave: :jumphug: :dancing: :dancing:

I am always delighted to hear from you, and it is a joy to be on this planet at the same time as you and to be able to connect with you here in the Abraham Forum. I truly appreciate that. I love our exchanges here. It's really a win-win situation, and that's great. I am constantly amazed at the wonderful life you are creating for yourself and how swiftly you move into the vortex.
What wonderful words of you! :vortex: :ta:
...The ease with which I go ITV is about TRAINING! :lol: :hearts: 16 years of deliberate Abe-training, and all my life -well, on purpose it might have been at least 55years- training, to focus on fulfilling my dreams. That SHOULD show, a bit! ;) :hearts:
I also find it beautiful how you have developed such great visions from this contrasting experience with the disabled ID card and have elevated yourself from a feeling of disappointment to a feeling of enthusiasm. It has awakened so many new desires in you that I find beautiful.
:rocket-of-desire: :rocket-of-desire: :vortex-small:
Thanks again! But this clarity is just "happening" when you are ITV. It'sno work, it's no effort. It comes. And we can witness and pluck it... it's the difference between looking for something, and finding something. In my youth it was a big thing to define yourself as a "searcher of purpose", a Sinnsucher. Until I realized, you CAN NOT FIND, until you stop searching. One excludes the other.
Because you are the way you are, and I am the way I am, we bring out the best we can. This best will continue to expand. Not only will our lives become more beautiful, but life overall will become more beautiful and richer. It's nice to see how your new ideas are already contributing to this, as well as all our ideas contributing to making this world more beautiful day by day.
:happy117: :happy117: :happy117:

We don't have to fight against anything, we don't have to work on problems. We can simply start dreaming and relax. I think you are taking such a gentle and mild path and growing day by day. You don't have to prove anything, you can simply live your truth, and you do so in a wonderful way.
It is such a joy to feel you "besides" me on Earth, so young and already so wise. The world is in good hands with people like you! Thank you, for being YOU, and for shining YOUR precious light, and saying your words in the wonderful uplifting loving ways you do!
Oh Poe, your speech about us all being heroes is simply beautiful. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Thank you for expressing it so passionately. I share your enthusiasm for this great life here at the Leading Edge, which we have all chosen for ourselves. It is also wonderful for me to know that every person, no matter what situation they are in, is guided by their inner being and is so wonderfully protected and sheltered by this and other spiritual guides in the universe. It is great that this message is reaching more and more people.
:grouphug: :in_love: :in_love: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl:

Thank you, Poe, for your wonderful blessings. I want to open myself more and more to the good every day and focus more and more on the good. This evening I already notice how much I am filled with the good again and see good things everywhere, and that makes me so happy and cheerful.
:angelic-flying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying:
So, SO SO good!!! :woohoo:
I wish you from the bottom of my heart that your life becomes more beautiful day by day and that you enjoy the beauty more and more. May you continue your path in joy, and I am quite sure that you will.
:hearts: :hearts: :hugs: :dancing: :dancing:
Thank you SO.Much.
And wholly vice versa! :in_love: :wave: :wave:

Hello PoE, :balloons_wave: :jumphug: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying:
I wish you a wonderful Thursday. :hearts: :hearts:

It is beautiful how you describe lightness again and the state in the vortex as a state in which you find everything and are in absolute clarity, experiencing absolute certainty, security, joy, appreciation, and simply being in a process where you feel playful and light. For me, this training isn't really an effort but simply a decision to say, "No, this thought is not for me; I will prefer this one," and then gradually immerse myself in positive feelings. I also notice that the closer I am to the vortex, the faster I get hints from my inner being, and then I entry, and the inspiration just flows. I used to always be in this search, always in the state of searching for truth, searching for insight, searching for happiness until I realized that everything I wish for already exists and the path to it is a joy, and the feeling of it is a joy, and everything on the path is simply wonderful, and the fulfillment is also wonderful, so every moment is a moment of happiness, and on the basis of this happiness, I can create everything I want and simply be in a state where you can let all the beautiful things flow to you.

Thank you, PoE, for your loving wonderful words. :hugs: :hugs: :in_love:
We all complement each other; we are not here to heal this world but to contribute something, to drive the world to new heights and have an incredible amount of fun ourselves. Each of us is absolutely important and in exactly the place where he should be and from where he can wonderfully develop the world. It is no longer the state of having to replace something bad with something positive but to further develop something beautiful into something even more beautiful. On this basis, it is simply wonderful to experience how so many wonderful things happen at every corner, and here in the forum, you can notice it all bundled and intensely, and it is great that there is such an exchange here. It is so great that people, due to their spirituality, create their own lives wonderfully and also contribute to the world and everything that is joyfully evolving. :happy117: :happy117: :happy117:

This co-creative aspect is a wonderful addition, and we all complement each other wonderfully, and everyone is needed, and everyone is incredibly valuable. I feel that more and more people are standing by their valuable selves and expressing it outwardly and living their truth. :hearts: :vortex-small:
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

:wave: Hello FloatingBoat! :hearts: I so appreciate your appreciation, it's such a good thing that you are so joyful! :vortex:
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Post by spiritualcookie »

you found internet in Namibia! :hearts:
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2025 2:13 pm you found internet in Namibia! :hearts:
:lol: :lol: :lol: I did!!

To be honest, it was there from the very beginning. But after an 11 hr flight, tucked into a plane, that gave literally NO wiggleroom (never experienced THAT before, and I got a new rocket of desire... Economy classes that are human-friendly!) ...Wolf and I "where creeping on our teeth-ridges" as we Germans say. We were SO on our last leg!

But still, we could enjoy the beauty of the drive between the international airport and the town of Windhoek. The air was filled with butterflies, and I asked the driver (SUCH a funny, happy, lovely guy!!) where the wonderful sweet fragrance came from. He explained that the area had a good rainfall (the country belongs to the most dry lands on Earth), and in this case, all leaves come out immediately, and all flowers bloom. The land blossoms within a day- and we got to see that!! :hearts:

As we had a night-flight, we could use the whole next day to sleep, put ourselves back together and relax. And, our hotel has an awesome rooftop-bar in the 15. floor, so we didn't need to go anywhere to grab a delicious bite to eat, and as you see me here, an awesome mocktail!

The next day we had booked a "cooking-class" in the township of Katutura, the place where all black people had been forcefully put away from Windhoek in the time of the rule of South Africa and the Apartheid.

Again, we had an amazing driver who told us so much about the history of the country and his people, he is a singer who also toured Germany with his band. Such an amazing, intelligent, super-nice and WISE guy! I am always stunned to meet such wise, peaceful young people! Life is good!
Our cooking class took place in this tiny shack, right by the street. It had no windows, just 2 wide open doors, and so the air (32°C at that time) flowed through and it felt so wonderful!

It had not REALLY been a cooking-class.Wolf and me chopped a few onions, bell peppers and tomatoes and helped our teacher to stir the millet-pap, that -allegedly- most Namibian people eat every day. The "side-dishes" to the Pap were black Mangopane-worms (not disgusting, but I really don't need the experience again), dried beef cooked in tomato-sauce, a vegetable that they called spinach and fried fish (all cooked for an hour, I guess it's right to do that when you don't have a refrigerator, but our teacher thankfully had a spotfree- clean kitchen with running water, a fridge, a freezer and an electric stove!)
I loved that we got to eat only with our hands. That was so very, beautifully sensual! And I was amazed that our teacher ate the fish COMPLETELY; bones and all. She said it was crispy and delicious! I couldn't make myself do THAT! :D

Than our same driver picked us up and gave us an extra turn around the Christchurch and the Freedom-Museum and -Memorial. And we had another awesome, fascinating talk!

Right now Wolf and me both lay spread out, everyone on their own queen-bed (I never before experienced a double room with TWO double beds! In this heat it is such a great thing!!), -it's still 30°C-, the window got screwed open due to our request, and we listen to the African music from the street. There had been an amazing sunset, the sky was filled with seemingly hundreds of hawk-swallows, hunting insects around the houses. It all feels a bit as a fairy-tale! Good night, to whomever reads this. Be happy! May there -allover- be equality, freedom, joy, love and PEACE ON EARTH!

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Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2025 9:15 pm The air was filled with butterflies, and I asked the driver (SUCH a funny, happy, lovely guy!!) where the wonderful sweet fragrance came from. He explained that the area had a good rainfall (the country belongs to the most dry lands on Earth), and in this case, all leaves come out immediately, and all flowers bloom. The land blossoms within a day- and we got to see that!! :hearts:
wow how lucky! A good example of "everything is working out for me" :vortex:
The next day we had booked a "cooking-class"
It had not REALLY been a cooking-class.Wolf and me chopped a few onions, bell peppers and tomatoes and helped our teacher to stir the millet-pap, that -allegedly- most Namibian people eat every day. The "side-dishes" to the Pap were black Mangopane-worms, dried beef cooked in tomato-sauce, a vegetable that they called spinach and fried fish
Sounds like a culinary adventure! You are so brave to have tried the worms!!
Was the millet pap tasty? I've heard so much about pap from family members who lived in Africa for some time, but have never tasted it myself. Has the food been tasty in general? I can't imagine the flavours of Namibian cuisine. I wonder if it feels very different from flavours in European countries or if it's quite similar.
Right now Wolf and me both lay spread out, everyone on their own queen-bed (I never before experienced a double room with TWO double beds! In this heat it is such a great thing!!)
Two queen beds! It sounds so luxurious! :D :hearts:
There had been an amazing sunset, the sky was filled with seemingly hundreds of hawk-swallows, hunting insects around the houses. It all feels a bit as a fairy-tale!
oo sounds beautiful! I loved the picture you shared with the vibrant sky!
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! It's so interesting to get a peek into what Namibia is like through your eyes :in_love:

May the adventure continue to bring you lots of fun, interest and delight! Enjoy enjoy! :hearts:
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 12:31 am wow how lucky! A good example of "everything is working out for me" :vortex:
I so agree! I'm ordering at the Universe a chance to see the flowers from more close up and hopefully take pictures. I would love to sit in such a meadow, and have time to take it all in, energetically
Sounds like a culinary adventure! You are so brave to have tried the worms!!
Was the millet pap tasty? I've heard so much about pap from family members who lived in Africa for some time, but have never tasted it myself. Has the food been tasty in general? I can't imagine the flavours of Namibian cuisine. I wonder if it feels very different from flavours in European countries or if it's quite similar.
It WAS an adventure! Including not being scared by the quite bossy teacher :lol:
The millet pap only contains to 50% of millet (she told us millet is an ideal vegetable for the desert. It needs only 1 rainfall to grow tall stems and a "millet", a cob filled with seeds that her family still today then breaks off, threshes and stomps it, until it is flour. The other 50% is store-bought maize meal that needs to be cooked for half an hour or so. The millet is then just added for a short cook. It is not seasoned at all, and she nodded enthusiastically when I tried to describe that "it brings peace to the stomach". It is a bit as bread: It doesn't taste like much, but is such a good, friendly basis.

All the other food was tasting almost the same, as she added lots of the same spice on all of it and then cooked it for an hour. It is a generally used all-spice, it tasted good, -not really something "unknown", quite umami and a bit hot, called "Kapana". Which, as I am googling right now, is (when you want to stir up your own to avoid all the unwanted chemicals) set together from:

1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
1 tablespoon smoked paprika
1 tablespoon sweet paprika
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground mustard
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon ginger powder
1 teaspoon black pepper

This "cooking class" really was basic, and that was the exact idea in which we booked it.
I was interested how the people of origin live, and she said, this meal we cooked is still quite a festive meal. When asked for what they eat normally for breakfast, she said it would be left over pap, and what else is left over. "We don't have a breakfast culture" she said. I wonder if it isn't like this in many countries from Africa, SouthAmerica or Asia?

...The food we got on the rooftop-terrace was VERY tasty, and beautifully arranged. While still not really in the high class I love knowing from Europe: It feels more as 1 singular (very nice, balanced) taste, nothing extremely exotic. It's not a symphony of more tastes, playing off of each other, if that makes sense!

We also shopped meanwhile in a mall right besides our hotel, where I thought they might have the best offers, where you can get all sorts of nice foods, even from a fancy chocolate-store. Again, the cupcakes and Pralines where very nice, but -imo- not top-exquisite. (I cringe a bit, as I don't want to mock at all, just stating the facts to my understanding)

And: I REALLY want to say, I so enjoy what is here! I love discovering the differences. I also love being proud of my home-country! :hearts: And I must say, eating an African peach and having a super-sweet chocolate-cupcake (with hints of coconut) while hearing the hustle outside on the street is such an amazing experience!! :hearts: And the grapes are the best I had, since a very long time :cute:

Two queen beds! It sounds so luxurious! :D :hearts:
It IS, right? :lol: I guess I shot a new rocket :rocket-of-desire:

oo sounds beautiful! I loved the picture you shared with the vibrant sky!
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! It's so interesting to get a peek into what Namibia is like through your eyes :in_love:

May the adventure continue to bring you lots of fun, interest and delight! Enjoy enjoy! :hearts:
Thank you SO very much! I take this with me as a blessing. :hearts: :vortex:
I love answering your questions, it helps me digest the whole experience even deeper. It is SO nice to share! :hugs:
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Post by Tara »

Thank You POE for sharing your joys! Especially loved the scents of the flowers part that you got to experience 🥰

I felt as if I could almost smell them myself.

Recently I came across a flower (without a scent), my friend is a bit allergic to the scent, so it was an easy match to come across this flower.

It’s called cabbage flower ☺️

Mind you my other friend said they will smell like cabbage after 7 days…. Oooopppsss 🙈😅☺️😅
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Post by FeelGood »

Thankyou poe for sharing your adventure with us :D . I'm so glad you are enjoying your trip to Africa :yes: :yes: 🎈😎👍
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:52 am The millet pap only contains to 50% of millet (she told us millet is an ideal vegetable for the desert. It needs only 1 rainfall to grow tall stems and a "millet", a cob filled with seeds that her family still today then breaks off, threshes and stomps it, until it is flour. The other 50% is store-bought maize meal that needs to be cooked for half an hour or so. The millet is then just added for a short cook. It is not seasoned at all, and she nodded enthusiastically when I tried to describe that "it brings peace to the stomach". It is a bit as bread: It doesn't taste like much, but is such a good, friendly basis.

All the other food was tasting almost the same, as she added lots of the same spice on all of it and then cooked it for an hour. It is a generally used all-spice, it tasted good, -not really something "unknown", quite umami and a bit hot, called "Kapana". Which, as I am googling right now, is (when you want to stir up your own to avoid all the unwanted chemicals) set together from:

1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
1 tablespoon smoked paprika
1 tablespoon sweet paprika
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground mustard
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon ginger powder
1 teaspoon black pepper
Thank you so much for all your wonderful descriptions that bring your experiences to life so much! I love learning all this :hearts:
The spice mix ingredients list really helps me imagine the taste even better!
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I'm back! :hearts: nobody got eaten, on the way!
I'm back... in Germany, back in reach of internet, back on my beloved Forum! :woohoo: :in_love: :dance2: :grouphug:
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