Practice and practice and practice and practice
the frequency of what you want!
Abraham Hicks
...I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation.
Day 9
...Back to my practice, that I had left for some time!
I embrace what comes. I expect delight. I practice appreciation....I love to feeel them all on purpose!
I embrace this situation. It is where I am. I relax into it.
IT IS WHERE I AM, and if I don't make full peace with it- I can't (really) move further. I can run around the world, and always take "what is" with me- different places, different faces, same old energy. Is'nt that fascinating!
I embrace what is, and feel WITHIN IT the incredible peace.
I embrace what is, and feel within it the awesome abundance.
I embrace what is, and feel within it that the Universe totally knows my desires!
I embrace what is, and relax into what is, and find peace and being loved and being fed and being known and being seen and adored.
HERE WHERE I AM. I don't need to go anywhere, I don't need to create anything, I don't need to show anything off and I don't need a passport!
Here I am, and source is within me, always.
Ahhhh, this feels so good!
I have it all with me. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. It is for me- in maybe a screwy way, but it is always the perfect next step for *me*.
That feels so safe. That feels so sweet. That feels so loved. That feels so good! I so love knowing this, in my bones.
Thank you, thank you life.