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Re: Quotes on Abundance

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 7:34 pm
by spiritualcookie

Whether you are well or not does not have anything to do with others not getting enough wellness.
You are not using up the wellness and depriving them of it.

And it is the same thing with abundance:

People who have managed to find vibrational harmony with abundance -
so that it is flowing to them and through them -
are not depriving anyone else of that abundance.

You cannot get poor enough to help the impoverished people thrive.
It is only in your thriving that you have anything to offer anyone.

If you want to be of help to others,
be as tapped in, tuned in, and turned on as you can possibly be.

- AH

Re: Quotes on Abundance

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 7:57 pm
by spiritualcookie
Feel appreciation for those [who have mastered abundance] who provide examples of well-being.
How would you know that prosperity was possible if there was not some evidence of it around you?
It is all part of the contrast that helps you sharpen your desire.

- AH


Money is not the root of happiness,
but it is not the root of evil either.
Money is the result of how somebody lines up Energy.

- Abraham Hicks


Criticism of others [on any topic, including criticising those] who have money holds you in a place where things you do want, such as wellness, clarity and Well-Being cannot come to you either.

- Abraham


Instead of "Earning" Abundance
"Allow" your Abundance.

- AH

Re: Quotes on Abundance

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 9:53 pm
by spiritualcookie

Your action has nothing to do with your abundance.
Your abundance is a response to your vibration.
Of course your belief is part of your vibration,
so if you believe that action is part of what brings you abundance,
then you have to unravel that.

- Abraham


All the resources you will ever want or need are at your fingertips.
All you have to do is identify what you want to do with it,
and then practice the feeling-place of what it will be like when that happens.

There is nothing you cannot be, do or have. (...)

There is nothing holding you back other than your own contradictory thoughts.

- AH

Re: Quotes on Abundance

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 8:45 am
by spiritualcookie
When you do not have enough money, you want more.
But we want you to understand that the distance you will be travelling
is not the distance between "not enough money" to "enough money",
but instead it is the distance between
a feeling of insecurity to a feeling of security.

Once you practice the thought that makes you consistently feel more secure - the money must follow.

- AH

Re: Quotes on Abundance

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 8:52 am
by spiritualcookie
[In order to attract abundance, your feelings around the thing you want to attract have to be as resistance-free as possible - ie on a high flying disk (eg joy / relaxation)]

[Some examples of resistance that keep desires from coming]

You may say, "I want a new car" but what the Universe is hearing is;
- I am not happy with my current car.
- I feel embarrassed by my current car.
- I feel disappointed that I don't have a better car.
- I feel jealous that my neighbour has a much better car.
- I feel angry that I cannot afford a better car.

- AH

Re: Quotes on Abundance

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 4:53 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

Most of you aren't used to saying:
"I'm Source-Energy in a physical body, and I get what I want!"

If we were in your physical shoes, we would start saying that. A LOT!!

Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Abundance

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2024 4:50 pm
by spiritualcookie
Deliberate Creation is much more than just deliberately choosing a subject of attention and focusing upon it.

For while it is a good thing to deliberately choose the subject of your attention, you must also FEEL for the vibrational content of your thought, in order to really be in deliberate control of your creating.

For example, you may be focused upon the subject of financial abundance. But this subject, like all subjects has a great variety within it.
On one extreme of the subject is the thought of the presence of financial abundance, while on the other extreme of the subject is the thought of the absence of financial abundance. (...)

People will sometimes argue that they have been definitely thinking about more money, and they do not understand why (if what we say is true) more money is not coming into their experience.

But the subject of money has a varied vibrational range. The subject of money ranges from a magnificent, ever-flowing abundance all the way to the desperate absence of abundance. So, merely focusing upon the subject or idea of money is but the beginning of the necessary focusing or molding of the vibrational energy required to bring money into your experience.

Directing your thought to the subject of money is a good first step, but then it is necessary to understand where, on this wide range of vibrational possibilities relative to the subject of money, you actually are. Which end of this vibrational range are you leaning toward?

Are you a closer match tt the magnificent abundance or are you a closer match to the desperate absence of abundance?

You can easily answer this question when you understand your emotions, for it is through emotional awareness that you understand the vibrational content of your thoughts.

The way you FEEL as you are focusing thought is really what matters most.

- Abraham

Re: Quotes on Abundance

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 12:36 am
by spiritualcookie

"If you could find a way how to take the emotional journey from
worrying about not having enough money
to being hopeful or even expectant that more money would come...
you could, in five minutes or less,
join your Source and your desire
and you could begin sending one singular signal from you about money...
Ad when you do that, because now your only sending one clear signal,
Universal Forces will provide immediate circumstances and events in order to accommodate the more money that you are wanting."


Re: Quotes on Abundance

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 12:38 am
by spiritualcookie
How do you think the rich get richer?
The rich get richer because they FEEL rich.
They don't feel frustrated about money.
They don't worry about money.
You have to find the feeling first.
You have to take the emotional journey first,
and therefore queue up your vibration,
and LOA will take care of the rest.
It is our absolute promise to you.

- AH

Re: Quotes on Abundance

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 8:35 pm
by spiritualcookie

Humans squabble over the spoils,
rather than embracing the abundance that is ever-increasing.

It's as if humans think there's one pie and you just hacked the life out of it you're dividing it up and you're just squabbling over who gets the pieces of this pie.
Not even recognizing that you [can] just create another pie and another pie and another pie and another pie and another pie and another pie.
Leave those pies alone.
Let them fight over those pies.
Go create your own pie.

Because source is endless with ingredients and opportunities and paths and ideas.

And that's really why you're here.
You didn't come for "pie", or for your piece of it.
You came for the thrill of the creation of it.
You came for the way it feels when energy courses through you.
You came for the way it feels when a new idea is born within you
Or you've allowed yourself to realize the deliciousness of it
And then that's just the beginning because now it's going to fill in with all of the
details, you see, effortlessly,

- Abraham

from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Delusion - Real Thing?