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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 12:28 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
:in_love: :hoppy: :in_love:

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 7:15 am
by spiritualcookie
Paraphrased from inputs from a Bashar facebook group:

Instead of resisting and shouting "No!" at what you don't want, what should you do?
- Accept it without judgement (make peace with it)
- Let it be
- Trust that it will change
- Give air-time to the visualization of your preferred reality (if it won't set off negative feelings within you of the opposite end of the stick)

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:37 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
I needed that JUST NOW!!! :lol: :lol: :hearts: :ta:

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 11:38 pm
by spiritualcookie
On Feeling Empty vs Feeling Fullness

"An empty container is transformed by a change of state into fullness.
A full container, when emptied has simply been transformed to what is part of its natural state of being.
A full container and an empty contaienr are not separate but are interdependent entiies.
Emptiness and fullness cannot exist without the other.
What unites and reconciles the two is unchanging and ever-present... it is Wholeness.

In the process of awakening to your true nature, you realize tha the emptiness you once fled from, has been transformed by shining the light of Awareness onto it.

[Feeling emptiness is] a temporary condition that serves the purpose of nudging you back to Wholeness."

- Suzanne GIesemann, from the book, The Awakened Way

So if you feel empty, it is only because you are disconnected from the true Wholeness.
Once you connect to the Wholeness, you will feel the fullness.


"All [things in the world, good and bad] arise from [Source, from] one indivisible field, one Wholeness. Nothing is left out. [...]

When you flow with what life puts in your path [and resist nothing], you take in every bit of [life, and of Source], bumps and all. In allowing the entirety of what presents itself, fullness replaces the emptiness. Disappointments, failure, rejections - all are part of a tapestry that no longer has holes in it. [...]

When you [make peace with and accept life in its fullness, good and bad], you find what you've unwittingly been looking for all along: wholeness.”

― Suzanne Giesemann, The Awakened Way: Making the Shift to a Divinely Guided Life


You must learn that the physical mind and the higher mind need to work together in order to be the WHOLE person,
because if you are only using your physical personality,
your physical mind in an attempt to figure out how everything is support to work,
you are literally walking through life half witted.
You are only using half of your full mind.
You really don't have a whole mind until you form a re-connection and a relationship
and a communication style with the higher mind
that allows you free-flowing trust,
free-flowing communication in that relationship of functioning like a whole being.

- Bashar

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 7:53 pm
by spiritualcookie
On Sifting & Sorting to Gain Clarity

The idea of discovering something that doesn't excite you...
that's part of your excitement!
It's not a block in your excitement: it's a part of your passion:
To find out what beliefs are not part of your passion.
Because then, you are clarifying, clarifying, clarifying;
excelling yourself in that way,
by stripping away all the things that don't belong to you.

- Bashar

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:54 am
by spiritualcookie

Paradoxically, needing something to happen [expectation]
fills the space...
not letting in the thing you want to fill the space... with the need for it to happen.
- Bashar

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 5:07 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:54 am

Paradoxically, needing something to happen [expectation]
fills the space...
not letting in the thing you want to fill the space... with the need for it to happen.
- Bashar
:? ...From an Abe-perspective, I'd simply say, the resistance of needing something is a far cry -vibrationally- from allowing this thing. And THAT is the reason it can't come...
Abe say, positive expectation is one of the most joyful and manifestative stances that exist!

As much as I like Bashar, I feel that he makes it too complicated here...

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 5:10 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

Do not chase love, chose love.
Do not need love, share love.
Do not fear love, embrace love.
Do not seek love, become love.

Creig Crippen

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:49 pm
by FloatingBoat
I am overwhelmed by your knowing of all these teachers. The only other teacher/channeler i know is daryl anka/bashar. And there is one quote from him i really love

Miracles are not the exception to the rule.. They are the natural, true order of the things.” bashar

:in_love: :in_love: :in_love:

Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 11:58 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
FloatingBoat wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:49 pm I am overwhelmed by your knowing of all these teachers. The only other teacher/channeler i know is daryl anka/bashar. And there is one quote from him i really love

Miracles are not the exception to the rule.. They are the natural, true order of the things.” bashar

:in_love: :in_love: :in_love:
That's such a powerful quote! EXACTLY! :ta: for sharing!
To the amount of teachers... they sum up when you are open! :hearts: And there is SO much wisdom even in what deems to be not even "spiritual". As, life is all about divine spirit, through and through. And that leaks through, all over the place!