Meditation 30 day challenge

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 48: 3 x 15 min meditations a day. - achieved!
Day 1/30 New 30 day challenge. Leave a/b/c unchanged
a) 3 x 15 minutes meditations each day.
b) Morning: 6am alarm, sit up for 10mins; Cold shower , 15 mins meditation, 15 mins Ab Hicks meditation, go outside for 30 minutes,
positive aspects 3-5 subjects, prosperity game. No internet of any kind other than writing here until 10.30am
c) Before sleep; positive aspects of the day.
Reminder: Any sense of hurry or urgency to improve things turns you upstream.

Day 1 going well so far! I feel like saying again, the subtle benefit that builds up from doing positive aspects 3-5 subjects every morning is wonderful.
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Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 48: 3 x 15 min meditations a day. - achieved!
Day 3/30 New 30 day challenge. Leave a/b/c unchanged
a) 3 x 15 minutes meditations each day.
b) Morning: 6am alarm, sit up for 10mins; Cold shower , 15 mins meditation, 15 mins Ab Hicks meditation, go outside for 30 minutes,
positive aspects 3-5 subjects, prosperity game. No internet of any kind other than writing here until 10.30am
c) Before sleep; positive aspects of the day.
Reminder: Any sense of hurry or urgency to improve things turns you upstream.
Remidner: If you are not loving, if you don't feel worthy, you're practicing the art of allowing

just posting to add an extra reminder
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Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 48: 3 x 15 min meditations a day. - achieved!
Day 4/30 New 30 day challenge. Leave a/b/c unchanged
a) 3 x 15 minutes meditations each day.
b) Morning: 6am alarm, sit up for 10mins; Cold shower , 15 mins meditation, 15 mins Ab Hicks meditation, go outside for 30 minutes,
positive aspects 3-5 subjects, prosperity game. No internet of any kind other than writing here until 10.30am
c) Before sleep; positive aspects of the day.
Reminder: Any sense of hurry or urgency to improve things turns you upstream.
Reminder: If you are not loving, if you don't feel worthy, you're not practicing the art of allowing

So! My average mood is still creeping up, when I feel good it feels like I've not felt this good for a long time, perhaps well over a year.
As my average mood creeps up I can see clearly that my faith in action is getting lower and lower and my faith in feeling well is getting higher.
I'm shifting more and more into emotional guidance rather than mental. I'm reading a little bit of 'Money and the Law of Attraction' every morning and it's resonating more and more as I gradually feel better. Particularly about the consequences of giving thought to 'lack'.
I have done plenty plenty plenty of that!
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Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 48: 3 x 15 min meditations a day. - achieved!
Day 5/30 New 30 day challenge. Leave a/b/c unchanged
a) 3 x 15 minutes meditations each day.
b) Morning: 6am alarm, sit up for 10mins; Cold shower , 15 mins meditation, 15 mins Ab Hicks meditation, go outside for 30 minutes,
positive aspects 3-5 subjects, prosperity game. No internet of any kind other than writing here until 10.30am
c) Before sleep; positive aspects of the day.
Reminder: Any sense of hurry or urgency to improve things turns you upstream as it disbelieves in the power of the stream of well-being

Progress continuing! Still the same pattern of ups and downs, but when I'm up it feels like 'ooh, not felt this good in a long long time'
And again, as I gradually feel better (on average) my belief in the Hicks process is increasing and is being reinforced by experience.
For some reason it feels better just to keep these statements really general rather than going into any specific examples. So! keeping it very general.
I'm really liking being less afraid of negative emotion. That's improving a lot.
Ooooh, on the 'ups' I'm experiencing a genuine physical relaxation in the body. Very good sign!
There is a sense that this 'gradual rediscovery of my natural state of ease and well-being - (getting into the vortex book)' needs to be gradual, because my mind is trained to believe in action not ease - and it's like it can only get used to it gradually. Like 'ok maybe a little bit of ease wouldn't be too dangerous, but lots of ease? no that would be deadly lol'.
Oooh also improving :). Is that sense that I really don't need to make anything happen, that I just need to stop thinking thoughts of lack and trouble etc.
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Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 48: 3 x 15 min meditations a day. - achieved!
Day 6/30 New 30 day challenge. Leave a/b/c unchanged
a) 3 x 15 minutes meditations each day.
b) Morning: 6am alarm, sit up for 10mins; Cold shower , 15 mins meditation, 15 mins Ab Hicks meditation, go outside for 30 minutes,
positive aspects 3-5 subjects, prosperity game. No internet of any kind other than writing here until 10.30am
c) Before sleep; positive aspects of the day.
Reminder: Any sense of hurry or urgency to improve things turns you upstream as it disbelieves in the power of the stream of well-being

Not much to report today. Oooh, I had a return framing customer yesterday from over two years ago who is a very successful entrepreneur type person and we had a great chat. Good signs my point of attraction is improving.
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Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 48: 3 x 15 min meditations a day. - achieved!
Day 7/30 New 30 day challenge. Leave a/b/c unchanged
a) 3 x 15 minutes meditations each day.
b) Morning: 6am alarm, sit up for 10mins; Cold shower , 15 mins meditation, 15 mins Ab Hicks meditation, go outside for 30 minutes,
positive aspects 3-5 subjects, prosperity game. No internet of any kind other than writing here until 10.30am
c) Before sleep; positive aspects of the day.
Day 2: One Focus Wheel a day
Reminder: Any sense of hurry or urgency to improve things turns you upstream as it disbelieves in the power of the stream of well-being

So! Yesterday I got to work and saw a utility bill that was about £100 more than I was expecting and had a negative emotion reaction... but for the first time in many many months, I then did a focus wheel! I made sure to re-read the instructions in 'ask and it is given' really carefully and the big things for me were to make the statements really general and that gave a feeling of relief. It's such a powerful process and every time I do it I'm a little surprised by which thoughts are the ones that elicit a feeling of relief. Anyways, I felt way better after the focus wheel and had a really great day's takings at the business. I've added a separate challenge now - one focus wheel a day. This feels significant as focus wheels are something I'm usually afraid of doing because it's so tempting to hide from issues and the focus wheel - makes you focus on it.
This morning I did a focus wheel on my girlfriend and it was really beneficial. Took a long time to get that first general statement that felt like relief but once I got that it sped up a lot.
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Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 48: 3 x 15 min meditations a day. - achieved!
Day 11/30 New 30 day challenge. Leave a/b/c unchanged
a) 3 x 15 minutes meditations each day.
b) Morning: 6am alarm, sit up for 10mins; Cold shower , 15 mins meditation, 15 mins Ab Hicks meditation, go outside for 30 minutes,
positive aspects 3-5 subjects, prosperity game. No internet of any kind other than writing here until 10.30am
c) Before sleep; positive aspects of the day.
Day 6: One Focus Wheel a day
Reminder: Any sense of hurry or urgency to improve things turns you upstream as it disbelieves in the power of the stream of well-being

So! Average mood still creeping up, and I'm still up and down. On the downs, I think the lowest I'm going is irritation / impatience. I'm very familiar with what overwhelm feels like and I'm not dropping there anymore which is great! On the ups, dipping into hopefulness occasionally :)
Doing a focus wheel every morning is amazing. It's helping me find a lot more relief than the positive aspects exercise - which perfectly reflects what it says in 'ask and it is given' that the Focus Wheel is more effective at a lower emotional range than the positive aspects exercise.
Ohhh just found the book! let's see - focus wheel best for 'boredom to anger' and positive aspects best for 'Joy to frustration/impatience'.
When I do the focus wheel each morning it's fun to scan for whatever is negative in my vibe and do a wheel on it, confident I can find some relief. As my vibe continues to improve I'm notice a big increase in return customers for my framing and printing business which is great.

My habit of getting mad at myself for resistance is still decreasing too. Daring to get a little excited that a tipping point is close where I'm mostly hanging out in hopeful or better. That'd be nice :)

Oooh as always - as my average mood improves, it feels more and more like common sense that taking care of how I feel is the most important thing for my business and financial well-being. To take that further - that having FUN is important

Another interesting thing is I can tell that there's a habit in me to overestimate how I'm feeling - i.e. I'll be lower on the emotional scale than I am pretending I am. As I feel more confident in my ability to release some resistance every day - it gets easier to be honest with where I'm actually at. Right now, I'm probably still in irritation - and the customer service I'm receiving this morning has reflected that a bit :)
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Post by spiritualcookie »

abrahammer117 wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2025 10:19 am Another interesting thing is I can tell that there's a habit in me to overestimate how I'm feeling - i.e. I'll be lower on the emotional scale than I am pretending I am. As I feel more confident in my ability to release some resistance every day - it gets easier to be honest with where I'm actually at.
That's so powerful when you are noticing such things! When you know where you *really* are, it becomes even more evident and feels more "real" when you move up the EGS! :dance:
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Post by abrahammer117 »

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2025 3:48 pm
abrahammer117 wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2025 10:19 am Another interesting thing is I can tell that there's a habit in me to overestimate how I'm feeling - i.e. I'll be lower on the emotional scale than I am pretending I am. As I feel more confident in my ability to release some resistance every day - it gets easier to be honest with where I'm actually at.
That's so powerful when you are noticing such things! When you know where you *really* are, it becomes even more evident and feels more "real" when you move up the EGS! :dance:
indeed! it's going well :)
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Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 59: 3 x 15 min meditations a day. - achieved!

So! I feel like I'm going through a shift right now where it's really time to review my 'daily's' , particularly that yesterday morning I moved to do my focus wheel and positive aspects but could tell I just really wanted to let my brain rest and loved just chilling with a coffee in silence for an hour.
Let's review - concentrating it down to what feels most important.

a) At least one 15 minute sound of silence meditation a day:
b) Up at 5.50am every day (no matter when I go to bed the night before. Sunday lie in) , sit up in bed 10 mins then cold shower.
c) one focus wheel a day , and at least one list of positive aspects a day.
d) One session of random internet stuff in the evening (no random internet outside of this)

I'm putting in getting up at 5.50am every day (no matter what time I got to bed) because my morning periods to myself are great and the more time I have the better. I've been getting up later in the morning if I think I might not be getting enough sleep and I always regret losing that morning time, If I start getting tired it's better to go to bed earlier than get up later. Sorry girlfriend :)
Cold shower first thing is still amazing, absolutely guaranteed mood boost.
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