I appreciate Every Day

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Post by FeelGood »


Unseen forces are working to bring your desires to life.
Let your intuition guide you towards the abundance of gifts that life has in store for you.
Lean into surrender.
Seek to see things from new perspectives.
If something doesn’t work out as expected, don’t lose heart.
Instead, choose to see it as an opportunity to welcome a new possibility into your life.
This new possibility can bring results that are even greater than you can imagine.
Make the most of today.
Allow yourself to embrace your reality more confidently.

I find myself noticing more things to be grateful for.
I am capable of finding gratitude in chaos.
I embrace a sense of happiness in the present moment.
I choose to focus on things I am thankful for.
Mindfulness and gratitude are a natural part of my daily routine.
I am capable of creating balance in my emotional experiences.
I am experiencing an increased sense of hope.

I have this and I have that, I choose that 🤲 🎈🎈 🧁🧁 🏵🏵 ⭐⭐ 🔼🔼 🧩🧩
I have this and I have that, I choose this 🏠🏠💝💝🎄🎄🎁🎁🎵🥰💖🎈👍
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Post by FeelGood »


Clinging to anything too tightly creates a lot of resistance.
Everything will unfold as it is meant to.
Embracing the transient nature of human experience helps you enjoy life more fully.
Each passing experience will bring unique lessons, and insights, which in turn will allow you to savor the richness of new experiences.
There is a lot of joy, wonder, and magic to be found in the fleeting moments of life

I listen to the guidance of my positive inner voice.
I give my attention to empowering thoughts.
I am connected to a source of limitless power.
Everything I want is available to me right now.
I love how quickly things are falling into place for me.
I embrace every moment with a thankful heart.
I invite a powerful force of transformation into my life.

I have this and I have that, I choose that 🤲 🎈🎈 🧁🧁 🏵🏵 ⭐⭐ 🔼🔼 🧩🧩
I have this and I have that, I choose this 🏠🏠💝💝🎄🎄🎁🎁🎵🥰💖🎈👍
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Post by FeelGood »


Give yourself permission to let go of the weight of the world.
You don’t have to be on guard all the time.
Things will unfold as they are meant to.
Overthinking or trying too hard to control every little thing is an exercise in futility.
It’s time to prioritize yourself.
Take a real break to revitalize your spirit and rediscover what actually gives you joy.

I accept who I am at every stage of my journey.
I give myself enough time every day.
I set clear boundaries.
I give myself permission to be my authentic self.
I am making space for healthy relationships in my life.
I embrace thoughts that foster deep healing.
I am mindful of how I treat my body every day.

I have this and I have that, I choose that 🤲 🎈🎈 🧁🧁 🏵🏵 ⭐⭐ 🔼🔼 🧩🧩
I have this and I have that, I choose this 🏠🏠💝💝🎄🎄🎁🎁🎵🥰💖🎈👍
We have this and we have that, we choose that 🥰🧩😍🤩🤗
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Post by FeelGood »


Challenge yourself to come up with a new way of responding to what’s happening.
Bring awareness into what you do and say so you can replace the old patterns that don’t serve you anymore.
When you feel resistance, anxiety, or fear coming up, take a moment to detach yourself from the situation.
Be fully present in each moment.
A non-judgmental awareness will allow you to tap into your inner stillness and embrace a better approach.
You are capable of navigating challenging moments with more grace and understanding.
Every deep breath, moment of pause, and stillness will bring you closer to acceptance and balance.

I trust my inner wisdom.
I step confidently into my next chapter.
I am cultivating a deep sense of compassion and understanding for myself.
I am learning to embrace my emotions.
A vibrant future awaits me.

I am on a journey of transformation.
I find moments of peace every day.
I celebrate my inherent worth.
I am committed to my personal development.

I have this and I have that, I choose that 🤲 🎈🎈 🧁🧁 🏵🏵 ⭐⭐ 🔼🔼 🧩🧩
I have this and I have that, I choose this 🏠🏠💝💝🎄🎄🎁🎁🎵🥰💖🎈👍
We have this and we have that, we choose that 🥰🧩😍🤩🤗
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Post by FeelGood »


Nothing can extinguish your inner light.
The moments of despair won’t last forever.
In those moments, you discover the depths of your strength.
Keep persevering. Your resilience will not be in vain.
The more you trust in the process, the more you fan the spark of hope in your heart.
No matter what comes your way, this sense of trust will give you the inner strength to thrive in the face of uncertainty.
Believe in the possibility of a new, better outcome.

My responses are always grounded in love and compassion.
I choose habits that foster resilience.
I appreciate the beauty in my daily life.
I consciously choose where my energy goes.
My days are filled with many joyful moments.
I embrace the possibility of new connections.
I am ready to put myself out there again.
I can find my way back to peace.

I have this and I have that, I choose that 🤲 🎈🎈 🧁🧁 🏵🏵 ⭐⭐ 🔼🔼 🧩🧩
I have this and I have that, I choose this 🏠🏠💝💝🎄🎄🎁🎁🎵🥰💖🎈👍
We have this and we have that, we choose that 🥰🧩😍🤩🤗
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Post by FeelGood »


Sometimes it may feel like you’re being attacked by an army of unpleasant thoughts.
These thoughts keep popping up one after another, causing distressful emotions in you.
You must remember that you don’t have to believe any of those assumptions.
Acknowledge them for what they are - fleeting thoughts.
They don’t define you.
Your breath is a powerful tool. It can bring you back to a calm and relaxed state.
The more you practice paying attention to your breath than your thoughts, the better you get at choosing a balanced response to an attack of unhelpful assumptions.

I am building a loving relationship with my body.
I am working through my emotional blocks.
My peace is worth protecting.
I can detach from unhelpful stories in my mind.
I embrace this new chapter with greater clarity.
I enjoy each moment to the fullest.
I embrace the impermanence of life.
I am starting to better appreciate the present moment.

I have this and I have that, I choose that 🤲 🎈🎈 🧁🧁 🏵🏵 ⭐⭐ 🔼🔼 🧩🧩
I have this and I have that, I choose this 🏠🏠💝💝🎄🎄🎁🎁🎵🥰💖🎈👍
We have this and we have that, we choose that 🥰🧩😍🤩🤗
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Post by FeelGood »


We have a tendency to equate uncertainty with unpleasant outcomes.
But what if you chose to believe the opposite?
What if you built a positive expectation of what’s to come?
You have to trust your ongoing journey of growth.
You can handle the mystery. You can navigate the darkness.
You can take constructive steps forward even if you don’t know all the answers now.
You're on your way to your biggest breakthrough ever.
Don’t let fear hold you back now.
Say yes to new opportunities coming your way.
What is coming is better than anything you have experienced.

All aspects of my life are in tune with each other.
I like to feel excited to wake up every morning.
I choose to focus on the priorities that matter most.
I am enjoying everything this new chapter of my life has to offer.
I can maintain balance in my life.
I see the beauty and the goodness in myself.
I engage in healthy coping mechanisms.

I have this and I have that, I choose that 🤲 🎈🎈 🧁🧁 🏵🏵 ⭐⭐ 🔼🔼 🧩🧩
I have this and I have that, I choose this 🏠🏠💝💝🎄🎄🎁🎁🎵🥰💖🎈👍
We have this and we have that, we choose that 🥰🧩😍🤩🤗
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Post by FeelGood »


All the pieces are falling into place.
This is your season of transition. Things are going to be different from now on.
Don’t be scared of the obstacles.
Continue to show up as the best version of yourself and face those obstacles bravely.
The gifts you are about to receive are greater than your struggles.
Use affirmations and gratitude to remain in a flow state which will enable you to take action from a place of unwavering confidence.
Focusing on the good will guide you to the connections and opportunities you truly deserve.

My life is becoming simpler.
I can effortlessly release any judgments that arise.
I embrace the opportunity to face my fears.
I am starting to see my challenges differently.
I choose to practice joy.
I trust that things will turn out for the best.
I let go of the burden of controlling everything.
I let go of my resistance to change.

I have this and I have that, I choose BLB +CLARITY 🤲 🎈🎈 🧁🧁 🏵🏵 ⭐⭐ 🔼🔼 🧩🧩
I have this and I have that, I choose this 🏠🏠💝💝🎄🎄🎁🎁🎵🥰💖🎈👍
We have this and we have that, we choose CLARITY x2🥰🧩😍🤩🤗
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Post by FeelGood »


Whether it’s obsessing over the details of how things will unfold, or analyzing other people's actions, we unknowingly spend a lot of our energy on things we can’t control.
When you feel unpleasant thoughts brewing up in your mind, make the conscious decision to direct your energy away from them.
Just a few seconds of calm awareness can stop the momentum of unpleasant thoughts and drastically change the outcome of a situation.
The difficult moments give you the opportunity to exercise your mindfulness muscle.
With practice, you can get better at re-focusing your energy and reaching a state of balance in your mind.
I am feeling more love in my life.
I see others through a lens of compassion.
I choose to savor my everyday moments.
I can freely ask for what I need.
I am unlocking the wisdom of my heart.
I choose to bring my awareness inward.
I keep choosing love, over and over again.
I embrace all outcomes with gratitude.

I have this and I have that, I choose BLB +CLARITY 🤲 🎈🎈 🧁🧁 🏵🏵 ⭐⭐ 🔼🔼 🧩🧩
I have this and I have that, I choose this 🏠🏠💝💝🎄🎄🎁🎁🎵🥰💖🎈👍
We have this and we have that, we choose CLARITY x2🥰🧩😍🤩🤗
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Post by FeelGood »


Whether it’s obsessing over the details of how things will unfold, or analyzing other people's actions, we unknowingly spend a lot of our energy on things we can’t control.
When you feel unpleasant thoughts brewing up in your mind, make the conscious decision to direct your energy away from them.
Just a few seconds of calm awareness can stop the momentum of unpleasant thoughts and drastically change the outcome of a situation.
The difficult moments give you the opportunity to exercise your mindfulness muscle.
With practice, you can get better at re-focusing your energy and reaching a state of balance in your mind.

I am feeling more love in my life.
I see others through a lens of compassion.
I choose to savor my everyday moments.
I can freely ask for what I need.
I am unlocking the wisdom of my heart.
I choose to bring my awareness inward.
I keep choosing love, over and over again.
I embrace all outcomes with gratitude.

I have this and I have that, I choose BLB +CLARITY 🤲 🎈🎈 🧁🧁 🏵🏵 ⭐⭐ 🔼🔼 🧩🧩
I have this and I have that, I choose this 🏠🏠💝💝🎄🎄🎁🎁🎵🥰💖🎈👍
We have this and we have that, we choose CLARITY x2🥰🧩😍🤩🤗
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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