Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Clarification on the Placemat Process

We've been teaching this [Place mat] process to you:
Sometimes you think that we are encouraging you to just boss the universe around.

"Take care of that and take care of that
and take care of that
you know what to do
Take care of that!"

But that's not the feeling of this [that we are encouraging]

It's the taking it off your list.
[It's the feeling of RELIEF this brings
which is the feeling we're encouraging]. (...)

[When] Esther began transferring from her notebook this long [To Do] list
- and this is the part we really want you to hear -
with each note that she moved - that she delegated to the Universe
she felt relief.
She felt Freer about it.
[That's the "feeling place" that's intended for the Place mat process].

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks 2025 new - You path will light up like never before🙏Law of attraction
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Post by spiritualcookie »

How The Process of Distraction Works

You vibrate here in this pure positive energy place
like the cork bobbing on the water.
You can hold the cork under the water -
which is false and not who you are -
But when you let go of the cork it's going to bob right back up.
It's natural for you to be up here.

So when you distract yourself from whatever is holding you down here
you naturally bob back up there.

And so we teach meditation because when you quiet your mind
[it distracts you from thoughts that hold your cork underwater so]
your cork floats.

[But there are other methods to distract yourself from thoughts that keep your cork underwater, like appreciation.]
When you appreciate your cork floats.
[Focusing on your breath distracts you too]
When you breathe on purpose it takes concentration to breathe that air in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Your breath is NOT air! 🌬️🪄 Abraham Hicks 2025
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Post by spiritualcookie »

The Inactive Box Process

We've been talking a lot recently on the AbrahamNow broadcasts and spattered a bit here about a process that we are applying emphasis to called The Inactive Box.

And its genesis is:

There is a process for some time that we've called Clearing Clutter for Clarity.
And the idea of it is get a box, get several boxes, and look around your cluttered space
and decide what's important to you to have up close, and what you haven't really been enjoying or wanting or needing.
And the things that are not really adding or enhancing your life experience - just drop them in one of the boxes.
(But pay attention to the number on the box - number one, number two number three, number four - and make a record of it some way so that if you do want to get out the red bikini that you haven't worn since 1984 you'll know where it is. It's in box number 47. (laughter) )

[Just as you can declutter your physical space from physical clutter, you can also declutter your mental space from mental clutter like beliefs that you haven't really been enjoying or wanting or needing.]

So then we began talking about all of these beliefs that you've been picking up along your physical trail.
And a lot of and that's what's cluttering the pathway so that it's a path of more resistance because it's got these cluttering beliefs on it.

And so when you feel negative emotion - that's your indicator that you're in that space, looking right at something that's not helpful.
So that's a good time to pick it up and put it in a box.
Not a box that says "out with you forever" because your beliefs are precious to you just like your red bikini that you're probably never going to wear again.

So you put that [belief] in a box where you're not condemning it, and you're not getting rid of it all together, you're just de-emphasizing it, diffusing it, deactivating it, and making it a little less cluttery than it was before. (...)

And so Esther's been having so much fun and soothing with the box.
We've been playing with it for a few months now.

And so as a negative emotion comes.
She (not always, because life moves fast, but often) she feels it, and then she asks herself the question:
"Oh what was that? What was that i just tripped over?"
And once she identifies it, then she considers it:
"Is this a hindering belief?
It must be because it didn't feel good when I when I came across it.
Which means what? It means my inner being has a different perspective about this.
Doesn't mean my perspective is wrong, but it means my perspective is different from my inner being's and therefore it's not the path of least resistance. Because my inner being has smoothed out my path.
When i perceive as my inner being perceives it's a comfortable pleasant and can be exhilarating ride.

And so Esther will sit for a minute, see if she can identify what the subject is or what the issue is. And then she will say to herself in her mind:

"I'm going to deactivate -
I'm going to render inactive my impulse to make more of something that it needs - in the box"
or "I'm going to render inactive my impulse to make assumptions when I don't have all the facts".
or "I'm going to render inactive my my propensity to think i know what somebody else is thinking." - in the box.

And little by little by little by little by little -
- sometimes that issue will show up in 10 different subjects over a few day period.-
And each time it shows up if she will take the time to de-emphasize it -
without even realizing it because it doesn't happen all at once- it happens gradually
- it just dissipates - and it's no longer a hindering factor.
And that's good work


[You don't HAVE to use the Inactive Box Process. You could use other old Abraham Processes. There is more than one way to feel better and work on an issue. For example:]

Now you could focus so completely on your desire that you never have a negative thought.

You could meditate and you could go from meditation to appreciation and nothing else in between -
but [there are so many things that can give you wobbles in this world that this a hard way to go about it. To really live a life of complete focus on just the wanted end of the stick, just focus on your desires, a life of meditation to appreciation and nothing else in between] you'd have to live alone.
You couldn't be out in the world,
you couldn't watch television,
you couldn't read a book,
couldn't watch a movie,
couldn't couldn't call a friend,
you would have to really isolate yourself which is not the idea of life.

The idea of life is to move around , let something happen, let you and your inner being each come to your conclusion of what you think about it,
and then feel the harmony or the discord of that conclusion and then do something about achieving harmony with your inner being. (...)

And when you put things in your inactive box, don't take the lid off and paw through it! (...)
Looking through your inactive box will stir up old trouble.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Convo: 'the inactive box', clearing clutter for clarity ~ Abraham Hicks Daily
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Post by spiritualcookie »

17 seconds of positive focus process

If you hold a thought for as little (...) as 16-17 seconds - if
you're holding the thought for that long - another thought like it will join it.
And if you now hold that thought another thought like it will join it.
Until once you get over a little over a minute of that kind of momentum now - now there's enough momentum in law of attraction to affect something that you will notice with your physical senses .

It doesn't take much

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: How To Deactivate Something Unwanted, Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

What happens when you apply the Processes

Reaching for relief, moment by moment, thought by thought and subject by subject, will bring you increasingly closer to your Source of Well-Being.

When you care about how you feel, and you deliberately try to look at things in ways that feel better and better to you (making the best of things instead of the worst of things), you will allow more and resist less.

And the circumstances and events of your life will begin to reflect those changes immediately.

- AH
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