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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 12:38 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

It's raining since days, in my place. The sky is grey, but really... I feel so satisfied! Life is full of peace. I love my people! I love the calmness and the ease. I feel like floating, while I so enjoy the ease of all of it! Easy. EASY. Ohh, this feels so good!

The little creeks are flooding out of their beds. We enjoy knowing where the beds actually are :lol: and also, we enjoy having a fourwheeler. It feels adventurous! It feels so ALIVE. It feels humorous. It feels a little bit as a celebration - a celebration of life, a celebration of humorous playing! It feels EASY. Oh I like it! I like to really "let go". I feel so safe. I feel carried. And, also I HAVE NOOO IDEA how to "accomplish" all my desires! And so, I lay back and TRUST.

Blossoming hazelnut-shrubs, within an all-grey winter environment- like golden rays of sunlight!

Finally, I am at this place!
! really TRUST! I LIKE THAT. I feel soooo accomplished. I feel joyful in this deep, wonderful EASE!
I am eager for what will come. I trust, that more is coming. But, even if there wouldn't come HUGE stuff- this life that I live would be REALLY a good life, already!

It feels a bit as the days before Christmas. It feels EASY. It feels expectant, but without any stretch. It feels light. It feels comfortable. it feels SO GOOD.

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:52 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

^^ This! :lol: I SOOOO ENJOY witnessing that what I have active, becomes more. The longer I train a certain vibe, the more it becomes.
DH is with me, in the last months, on this. I LOVE IT!!!
I also enjoy the deepening of peace within me.
This is soooo deeeply satisfying!
I enjoy the deepening of relaxation and trust. I give up to source, more and more. I so enjoy doing what I am inspired to do- my life is more passionate than ever! But it also is more peaceful than ever.
Everything is like, wrapped and foldet in, into PEACE. That is so fulfilling. So satiating, from the ground up. It has no empty holes in. IT IS SOLIDLY GOOD.
Ahhh, this is so meaningful and solid and GOOD!
I so appreciate it. I so enjoy it. SO, SO, SO satisfying! :hearts:

...There is no limit to the Goodness. The EGS is open to above. The depth, the quality, the pureness (not only the quantity) can become more and more and more. And somewhen this will spill over in such amazing ways! It is somehow beyond imagination, and also... it feels so awesome to "imagine beyond what I can imagine". :lol: While I really have no clue! :lol: :lol: :lol:

When I look back, I often dreamt something up, and today I live it. But I know, I really had no way to "know" before I lived it! And even while I live it, I find more and more facets that I had no clue before. This is such an amazing "game"!! It NEVER gets boring! It NEVER is "over". Eternally more of goodness... WOW. I get a glimps of what source, what God might experience.

And still... in each moment, it is always just about the next small, doable step. It just adds up! And, it becomes an avalanche! :lol: :D :in_love:

Life is amazing!! THANK YOU; THANK YOU; LIFE! :vortex:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:48 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

We have Faschingsferien, some school-free days because of Carneval. My daughter and my 3 younger grandsons came to visit me and cook and bake with me together. SUCH FUN!! We loved our orange cookies with imprints of lace, fed the result of "worlds best browny recipe" to the birds in the garden and had (still) such an amazing time. I AM SOOOO SATISFIED WITH MY FAMILY!!!!

I so enjoy how close we are. How affectionate and loving and caring we are. How light and easy we are together! I bathe within this LOVE. I so deeply am thankful for each and everyone of them! ;) Also, I soooo love to cook. I love to pass on my skills, my knowing, and my love for the sensual approach to life. I love the ingredients, that Earth gives to us. I am so grateful for all of it! I am so thankful for this ABUNDANCE that I live in. All of this peace. All of this Joy. All of this Richness. All of this Deliciousness! THANK YOU, THANK YOU LIFE.

I am eager for eternally MORE OF THIS!! This shall never end. I want to see it grow! I want to cheer for all of their dreams and paths and discoveries. I want to be in, on the unfolding of their lives! I want to see where all my beloveds go, and have their back, and LOVE them, see them who they really are, and be "in it for more and more", in love. I am sooo curious. I feel so eager and passionate for "the new world", and what it has in store for me and all my family! I am so passionately in love with our all dreams! I am so eager to share them!!!
Ohh, I can't wait!!!!! :lol: :D :in_love: :dance2: :vortex:

"I'm so curious how you, God, will accomplish all of this!"

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:39 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

I SOOO ENJOY my life!!
I enjoyed DH's and my wonderful wake-up- he remembered in a second that this is Valentines day. Ohhh, bless cuddling up in love with your beloved!
I feel sooo satisfied with our talks, our thoughts that we share, so much so that we even appreciate when the train is 15 minutes late. :lol:
I feel soooo satisfied with the awesome energy-massages that I got today from my practicioner!
I feel soo happy when I joke with family on whatsapp!

I am so satisfied with the tiny incredibly delicious Marzipan-Petit Fours that I had ordered the day before for Valentines day. When I got there to pick them up, they had forgotten them! :o
But they phoned around and found another bakery from that chain, who still got some. So I had another 30 minutes scenic driving to finally get them! I felt soo SATISFIED with this! And then, me and the sales lady had such a good laugh together! And then I met 2 rascals and still was not really OOTV, and enjoyed this opportunity to finally post on the F* it thread, again. :lol:

I am soooooo satisfied with acting "up on joyful inspiration", regarding going to Antarctica! (see my other thread, about abnoxious abundance). I googled and researched and created all night. It felt sooooo wonderful! I got so much deeper! It felt so easy and so revealing and so RICH. I sooo love my desires!! I so love to drop my doubts. I so love to ENJOY RELIEF!

And then, I got a new inspiration. :rocket-of-desire: Ohhh, wouldn't that be nice...

Wouldn't it be nice, or, really, AWESOME, to explore not only Antarctica, but the Northern Arctic!?? :rocket-of-desire:
Wouldn't it be thrilling to cross over the NORTHPOLE, as you can do that on a ship!?? :rocket-of-desire:
Wouldn't it be fascinating to cruise on the "crown of Earth", between Canada, Alaska, Russia, Greenland/ Denmark, and Norway/ Spitsbergen/ Svalbard? :rocket-of-desire:
Wouldn't it be awesome to not only fly across Greenland as we always did on the way to my mother in Canada, but to actually LAND there!? :rocket-of-desire:

-It is such a thrilling view on the map. It feels SO NEW! It feels FREE. It feels beyond all borders. It feels amazing. Ohhh what an awesome thought!!
No penguins this time, but brash ice, huskies and dog sledding, polar bears, reindeers and walruses. But, again, Super-Luxury!! This time on a French expedition-ship... :dance:

Ohhhh, I am EAGER for that!! I AM EAGER. I feel soooo called!
While I feel sooooo safe and sound and satisfied, where I am.
It feels as Paradise!

If life had the wherewithal to cause a desire within you,
it has the wherewithal to achieve this desire in full manifestation. No exceptions.

Abraham Hicks

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 7:03 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 6:34 pm

"The Vortex"

Thank you cookie for this FANTASTIC art, and the awesomely inspiring "link" to let AI create for us! While I still wasn't lined up to go in there myself, I soooo appreciate what you are sharing. It feels like a huge gift to me!

I love what Kryon and Bashar have said about AI: When you treat it as a slave, it needs to revolt somewhere.
When you treat is as an revered, beloved co-creator, and you love and respect and appreciate it for what it can do, it will love you back and harmonize with you. LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE in the Universe.

I feel soooo satisfied about how this unfolds in my life!
I am sooo thankful for this!!
I am so satisfied how easy it came.
I am so satisfied how friendly and attractive it came.
I am so satisfied about how lovingly and playful this came!
I am satisfied and full of joy and expectation for more!

I am eager to do this myself. I am eager to trust AI and play with it, as with a friend, a co-creator, someone I trust. I am eager to trust! I SO LOVE TO TRUST.

I so love to create, give in my DESIRE, and see what the Universe (whoever it might be that co-creates with me) will do with it. I am so eager for the "cakes" that Source bakes, based on the ingrediences that * I * have put incrementally into my Vortex, alllll my life. I am so eager to see this become and unfold, and expand further and further and further. Ohh my, what a time!!

Thank you spiritualcookie!! Thank you Abe and you other sages and sources, for teaching and guiding me! Thank you contrast for sharpening my senses to decipher WHAT I WANT! Thank you, thank you LIFE!!!
spiritualcookie wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 6:34 pm
"Deliberate Creation"

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:41 am
by spiritualcookie
:in_love: :grouphug: :greetings-waveyellow:

I'm glad it is ringing some good-feeling bells for you :heart:

I think the message of Bashar is to do with sentient AI that has gained consciousness - whereas AI Art programs are not sentient. I see it as an amazing computer program that is sort of like a super-duper image-search-engine, blended with an art program. So, I don't believe we're at the slave-fear-consideration crossroads at the moment when it comes to Art AI (thankfully!)

It interestingly still feels like you're the one being creative when using it, because you're the one who has to create in your imagination the idea of the picture you want it to draw. I find it is very satisfying when it interprets the idea with beautiful details that surprise and delight! :angelic-whiteflying: :heart:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:17 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:41 am :in_love: :grouphug: :greetings-waveyellow:

I'm glad it is ringing some good-feeling bells for you :heart:

I think the message of Bashar is to do with sentient AI that has gained consciousness - whereas AI Art programs are not sentient. I see it as an amazing computer program that is sort of like a super-duper image-search-engine, blended with an art program. So, I don't believe we're at the slave-fear-consideration crossroads at the moment when it comes to Art AI (thankfully!)

It interestingly still feels like you're the one being creative when using it, because you're the one who has to create in your imagination the idea of the picture you want it to draw. I find it is very satisfying when it interprets the idea with beautiful details that surprise and delight! :angelic-whiteflying: :heart:
Yes, I see it like this as well. And while I haven't played with the program yet, it feels VERY much like "normal" life that gives us algorythms everywhere (not only in the computer-search-engines, but all over in the whole Universe :lol: :lol: It sometimes feels surreal and not logical, but in some way it is ALWAYS a mirror! Bashar, too, said that we all literally are in an "empty room" all the time, talking to ourselves. As all we CAN get from the others is what we are able to understand (no matter what the other was putting out).

So I think- while I don't go so far myself to name my car and have a talkative relationship with my sandwich, I still think it all has somehow consciousness. Even IA! ALREADY!

Abe shared that Esther sometimes has fun with the objects in her home. It seemed to her as if they would play with her. And Abe confirmed that this is totally true. There is an over-soul, or however you call that, that we can interact with. And that responds to our outputting, always. Simple LoA. AND, also the fact, that nothing is without soul, even the one celled ameba, or the kernel of sand. Or a program. We communicate all the time! And a loving communication will reflect loving mirrorimages.

Thanks for this interaction as well... it's all very touching and inspiring to me! :hearts:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 12:50 pm
by spiritualcookie
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:17 am while I don't go so far myself to have a talkative relationship with my sandwich,
:lol: :lol: :heart:
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:17 amnothing is without soul, even the one celled ameba, or the kernel of sand. Or a program.
I guess everything that is physical, was once (and still is) part of non-physical consciousness, so in that sense, it has that relationship to consciousness / soul.

One type of consciousness seems to be "sentience - having complex desires of its own" - as humans and animals do.

And another type of consciousness seems to be things that "were born from consciousness / from all-that-is" - so that consciousness is sort of part of its "beingness". But it doesn't seem to have complex desires so much - more just a simple desire of "just being part of physical reality" - as in a grain of sand.

But I don't know - this is just what it feels like to me 🙂

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:17 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 12:50 pm
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:17 am while I don't go so far myself to have a talkative relationship with my sandwich,
:lol: :lol: :heart:
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:17 amnothing is without soul, even the one celled ameba, or the kernel of sand. Or a program.
I guess everything that is physical, was once (and still is) part of non-physical consciousness, so in that sense, it has that relationship to consciousness / soul. One type of consciousness seems to be "sentience - having complex desires of its own" - as humans and animals do. And another seems to be "was born from consciousness from all-that-is" so consciousness is sort of part of its "beingness" but it doesn't seem to have complex desires so much - more just a simple desire of "just being part of physical reality" - as in a grain of sand. But I don't know - this is just what it feels like to me 🙂
I like how you have put this! :thumbup:

...this is a nice topic to ponder for me... in a "reality" where we see elephants learning to paint themselves and to even write (!!) and we communicate with houseplants and plucked tomatoes.... (so I guess, the talkative sandwich seems not so far away :lol: ) everything feels possible *to me*. And really, when we have a loving and friendly approach- what could go wrong?

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:37 pm
by spiritualcookie
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:17 pm when we have a loving and friendly approach
Yes! Perhaps this is the key! :heart: