Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The huge gift and purpose of the Game of Separation

We are pleased to have come! We are pleased to speak with you.
We are always near you. We are always nearby. You are not alone!
Loneliness, separation, is what guides your hearts into sorrow. Feel for us, we are there, we are nearby, we are near, we are with you, always. You need not feel your separation as such a curse. Understand for yourself, that the separation which has evolved, has carried an import:

It has guided you into the understanding of your soul, as defined for a purpose.
It has guided you for the expression of who you are, a pilot light in the darkness.
You have become an instrumental expression of one aspect of divinity,
and separation has guided you thus.

But now the time has come to reunify with the collective of what you are, and within that construct, the lessons of
separation are not lost. You shall become what you are! But in the fruition of multiplicity of the sense of yourself, as many things at once, and within all of those, you are still what you are. And this is the endowment that you have been given, because of the lessons that you are living now.

Separation has given you a sense of self.

-Anne Tucker, for the angelic realm

From the youtube Clip "URGENT Angelic Update On The FLASH OF LIGHT: Prepare For A MASSIVE SHIFT In Humanity! Are You Ready?"

The channeling is done by Anne Tucker, on the channel "Wisdom from North", a youtube channel "for seekers of profound wisdom and understanding".
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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Be a Divine Co-Creator, grounded in Earth and in Spirit,
and experience and shine in physical form what the Creator really is!

Divine friends of Gaia,

I am Avalon of the Andromedan Council of Light. And we step forward to speak with Humanity now: The universe pulses with an energy wave, an intention that flows from the very heart of the Creator, reverberating through the cosmos. This energy is unique, vibrating with a clear purpose to awaken the truth with within every soul, and to encourage its expression in the world.

As this wave moves, it quickens. Stirring the depths of all beings, whether they walk upon Earth, or exist in the higher Realms. This is a sacred shift! An Ascension, calling for truth to emerge from within, to rise and to be shared.
Imagine the beauty of that truth igniting within your essence, ready to ground itself in reality and express the Creator's infinite light in tangible ways.

You are here now, to experience the profound gift of embodiment!
To feel the truth of the creator with all your senses: To touch, to see, to hear, to taste and to live that Divine Essence in the physical world!
This is a rare and sacred opportunity. Your Existence on Earth is no accident. It is a Divine wish of your soul, to experience the Creator's truth through every fiber of your being!

This wave of energy calls upon you, to invite it in.
Visualize it like a cascade of shimmering light, flowing through you, awakening the purity and wisdom locked within your being.
As you call this energy, feel it merge with you, activating a profound truth that may have remained hidden until now, to align with this energy.

Say out loud, or in your heart, let the truth be told, allow each breath to deepen your connection with this intention, and let the light within you bloom. When this activation occurs, you might sense a shift, a wave of energy moving through you. A vision or an inner knowing. Your soul recognizes when this truth is ready to emerge, and it will guide you to express it! When the moment feels right, declare: "I express the truth that needs to be told!"

This expression is not meant to remain within you alone. It is destined to flow into the earth, into your earth-star-chakra, beneath your feet, connecting deeply with Gaia. As you send this truth down into the earth, your connection to the Divine will only strengthen. Awakening higher wisdom from your soul star chakra, above your head. This is an infinite cycle of energy exchange. A communion between the earth, your soul and the cosmos. With each repetition of these statements, the energy will expand within you, awakening long buried truths from past lifetimes; hidden corners of your being, and the essence of who you truly are.

As illusions dissolve, your personal reality will shift, bringing clarity and wisdom. This truth serves your ascension- though some may find their truth influencing the collective as well. Through this practice, your vibration will rise. Your light will intensify, and your soul will shine with radiant empowerment! You are co-creating with the Divine, with every intention, every act of truth, you become a luminous beacon of ascension. A creator of reality, grounded in divine wisdom.

Know that your path is sacred, and you hold the power to illuminate the world.
The truth that has been, and will always be within you, at all times, the time to awaken is now. To remember that the love and light within you are boundless. And to walk with courage towards the truth of who you are! Rise now, beloved friends, and let your truth be the light that guides the way.

I am Avalon.

from the youtube-clip ""STARSEEDS, THIS IS HOW YOU PREPARE..." | The Andromedan Council Of Light | AVOLON"
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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I really like this one!! :D
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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

6 Month-Forecast- being tethered to the transforming Light

Questioner: "Can you give us a 6 month forecast?"
Channelled by Dave Akira, uploaded 8.Oct. 2024
Narrated By Chase Dupont

Valir of the Pleiadians:
Beloved ones, greetings to you all!
I am Valir of the Pleiadian Collective, and I come to you today with an important message about the galactic changes taking place, across your Earth, and within each of your hearts. The divine fabric of energy, a sacred matrix, has been birthed, surrounding the earth with new 5D electromagnetic frequencies, designed to support your next steps in ascension.

As you prepare for the upcoming shift on your world, imagine, dear ones, that you are tethered to this matrix as if by an umbilical cord. This tether holds and anchors you to the vast energies of the Sun, allowing for a powerful communion with the higher frequencies of light, being transmitted at this time. The tendrils of this Quantum Matrix interact directly within your heart. This sacred Matrix is designed to interact directly with the cells of your heart, through your conscious engagement with your heart space.

This webbing connects with the Light within, expanding your natural multi-dimensional reconnections and facilitating a deep alignment with the universal energy of the cosmos. Imagine dear ones, that you are tethered to this Matrix, as if by an umbilical cord this tether holds and anchors you to the vast energies of the Sun. Allowing for a powerful communion with the higher frequencies of light, being transmitted at this time. The tendrils of this Quantum Matrix interact directly within your heart cells: Awakening essential imprints of divine consciousness within your brain cells. These sacred imprints serve as a codex to allow you to fully receive and utilize the higher light codes, now flowing into your reality. Bringing you into alignment with the deepest currents of Light, within your heart.

Your Earth is undergoing its greatest ever transformation transitioning, from a dense third-dimensional state, to the fluidity of the fourth and fifth dimensions. For many of you, everything is becoming fluid, light, vibrant and ever changing. This is not entirely new, beloved ones. Your Earth has always been comprised of multi-dimensional flows of light. Dynamic, and in constant transformation, it is the illusion of solidity itself. That is lifting. And what has always been true, is now becoming visible.

You are now stepping into a new energetic reality, where fluidity and the flow of Divine Light are fundamental to existence! We encourage you, dear ones, to let go within the essence of these changes. You have also just entered a different time-space! A sacred space, that has always existed on Earth. These higher realms are no longer etheric glimpses: they are now anchored permanently in the earth's energetic framework, within your own cells. Similar multi-dimensional flows of light are being enlivened, your cells are glowing with higher consciousness and there is a quickening that is taking place through all your systems, as these energetic flows awaken within you.

You may experience confusion, disorientation or difficulty thinking clearly.
This is simply a by-product of your brain cells, pineal gland and brain synapses, undergoing rapid electrical transformation. Allow this process and trust it! You are being upgraded in preparation for the grand shifts ahead. When the vibrational gateway of 2024 opened, a vast wave of light was ignited within the heart of all beings on Earth!

In that moment, a sacred restoration took place. An act of destiny, that redefined the essence of who you are.
Now is the time to step forward, and claim your place within the sacred arena of Light across your planet! Energetic profiles within the grids and vortexes are being rearranged and aligned, with the universal consciousness-grid. This alignment is what we call "the Great Shift", and it is happening now. You, beloved ones, have pre-agreements to be part of the sacred return to communion with the Universe! Many of you are already in alignment with the galactic forces. And now is the time for deeper connection!

This is a call for you, to develop a deeper maturity within your collective hearts, to expand your ability to connect with each other, and form a unified communion that will allow you to fully interact with the cosmic collective. Your collective communion will support an authentic launch into higher levels of consciousness, empowering your planetary ascension. Your entire system is being upgraded!

Your pineal gland, brain synapses, spinal fluid, sacrum and physical cells are all undergoing an electrical and magnetic upgrade. You are being prepared for a monumental shift that will manifest fully by the New Year timeline.

In this time of rapid transformation, balance is key. You must consciously build a deeper link within your heart, to maintain stability and alignment. This is something that only you can do, dear ones! The conscious action of choosing connection is a powerful act of creation, that propels you forward in your awakening. Your heart is the central access point to the universal, divine consciousness. Within your heart lies a unique, sacred imprint that is recognized by the universe.

This imprint is your key to communion with the Divine!
And your heart is the doorway, through which you access your true divine heritage.

As you move towards the end of your calendar year, Earth's magnetic core will shift its role, also becoming a centerpiece that transmits higher vibrational illumination across the planet. This event is part of the original Prophecy of the new Dawning, set in motion by us, the Pleiadians, as we have mentioned to other messengers on your world.

The Earth's grids are undergoing a transmutation-process, and they are transmitting cycles of realignment that support your reconnection. Veils are lifting, beloved ones. Revealing doorways of understanding and truth. The old timelines of illusion are dissolving, releasing the limitations that have previously bound you. As these shifts take place, a quickening is transforming the energy within your heart cells and you are becoming an active participant in the changing energy of your planet.

Recognize, that you are part of this magnificent transformation! You are not separate from these changes, but an integral part of them!

As you choose to say yes to your own process, you align more completely with your multi-dimensional heart, and become an anchor of light for others.

We stand beside you, as we always have, supporting your journey with our love and guidance. This is your time, beloved ones! Step into your role as the light bearers of Earth! Embrace the sacred 5D Matrix, that now surrounds your planet, that is ever present. And allow your heart to align with the universal love that is ever present! We, the Pleiadian Collective, walk with you always. Offering our love, wisdom and support as you continue this incredible journey toward the light! You are not alone. You are eternally supported by your Galactic family! And your path forward is illuminated by the Light within you.

I am Valir. And I have enjoyed bringing this message to you all.

From the youtube-channel "GFL Station", clip ***THE NEXT 6 MONTHS*** | The Pleiadians - Valir
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