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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:25 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Awa wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:39 am I used Google Translate.

"Aber dieser Umkehrvorgang zeichnet sich noch durch etwas Machtvolleres aus: Wenn das Leben dich scheinbar negativ auf die Abwesenheit von etwas Erwünschtem ausgerichtet hat und du dann die Aussage triffst: "Ich weiß ganz bestimmt, was ich nicht will, aber was will ich?", wird die Antwort auf diese Frage aus deinem Inneren aufsteigen, und in eben diesem Moment bahnt sich eine Schwingungsveränderung an. Die Umkehr ist ein mächtiges Werkzeug, das dein Leben sofort verbessert." (Abraham Hicks)
Oh, that makes sense! Thank you so much! Yah, google translate, sometimes, creates pretty cryptic stuff... :?
And, Abe call the "Umkehrvorgang" pivot. It became part of their lingo. ...NOW I GET it!! :lol: I will try to re-translate it and use it in the quotes, if you are ok with it! :kiss: :ta:
The last sentence particularly spoke to me, that life can be improved immediately.
So true! :hearts: That is SO impressive and uplifting!

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:38 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Pivoting was an early process that Abe adviced, they actively did teach it before I found them.
I have worked with it, and it felt like a magical spell. But then I bumped into long-trained resistances of mine, and there it was much easier to go general instead, or to even change the topic.

Abe have stated that source learn as much from us humans, as vice versa. There was, imo, never before such a wide training of spiritual seekers, as it had happened with Abe and their students, on such a high level. And Abe say, they have learned a lot in it, about how humanity works and what we CAN use, and what wouldn't work.

So, pivoting can be a magic wand WHEN you are able to drop your hindering beliefs quite easily.
If you are a maverick as I (and many with me) have been -heels digged in deeply in thinking we would be right and know it all, already... :lol: it might take a lot longer to receive the benefit of this teachings... :shifty:

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:40 am
by Awa
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:25 am I will try to re-translate it and use it in the quotes, if you are ok with it! :kiss: :ta:
Of course :in_love: . I am happy :dance2:

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:49 am
by Awa
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:38 am Pivoting was an early process that Abe adviced, they actively did teach it before I found them.
I have worked with it, and it felt like a magical spell. But then I bumped into long-trained resistances of mine, and there it was much easier to go general instead, or to even change the topic.
I also think it's easier and perhaps even more effective to focus attention on other topics that are more fun.
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:38 am So, pivoting can be a magic wand WHEN you are able to drop your hindering beliefs quite easily.
If you are a maverick as I (and many with me) have been -heels digged in deeply in thinking we would be right and know it all, already... :lol: it might take a lot longer to receive the benefit of this teachings... :shifty:
Yes. I regret it a little, but unfortunately I can't really talk to anyone about it. The two friends I have are a little older than me and say, "It happens as it happens, why should you worry about it?" They live more relaxed lives and don't think as much as I do.

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:23 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Awa wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:49 am I also think it's easier and perhaps even more effective to focus attention on other topics that are more fun.
Yah :lol: absolutely agreed!! But then, there is this stubbornness within me, that wants to GET AT IT and get done with! :lol: (As Abe say: "Trying to wrestle it to the ground, and kill it"...) Which is, mostly, just wanting to be right, instead of happy. BUT... :whistle:
Well, at least I get better at "relaxing into it". :D
Yes. I regret it a little, but unfortunately I can't really talk to anyone about it. The two friends I have are a little older than me and say, "It happens as it happens, why should you worry about it?" They live more relaxed lives and don't think as much as I do.
;) I know those people. They are sooo peaceful!! :( :lol: :hearts:
Never let yourself be talked out prefering what you really like! :hearts: Thinking is such a wonderful tool. And it really is perfect for being a CREATOR!

But as soon thinking feels uncomfortable- or even painful, it's too much. Then it's better to back off, just a bit. ...Quite easy, isn't it? :hearts: :lol:

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:42 pm
by Awa
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:23 pm Yah :lol: absolutely agreed!! But then, there is this stubbornness within me, that wants to GET AT IT and get done with! :lol: (As Abe say: "Trying to wrestle it to the ground, and kill it"...) Which is, mostly, just wanting to be right, instead of happy. BUT... :whistle:
Well, at least I get better at "relaxing into it". :D
Oh, I can understand you very well. Let's relax. Do you like music? It's always good. We go for a walk and when nothing else works, we take a nap. Or eat something delicious, that also lifts your mood.
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:23 pm But as soon thinking feels uncomfortable- or even painful, it's too much. Then it's better to back off, just a bit. ...Quite easy, isn't it? :hearts: :lol:
Very easy :hearts: :lol: when the stuff comes along :hoppy: .

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:28 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
:D :D :dance:

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 7:42 pm
by Awa
I know, that there is no point in constantly focusing on unwanted topics :shh: , even if there are things that annoy me. Of course, I know, how to find relief and do, but this feeling doesn't last long :animals-dogrun: . If I move in circles like this, no change can take place :pray: .

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 8:59 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Awa wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 7:42 pm I know, that there is no point in constantly focusing on unwanted topics
Don't make yourself crazy with this. You wouldn't be human if you wouldn't -at least- recognice "where you are". There is nothing wrong with that. It keeps you from running into things.

AND, as Abe often have pointed out, when your knowing of what you don't want becomes bigger, so does "the other side of this wave" become bigger, too. So, the more misery you live, the bigger and more beautiful your Vortex-version becomes. Doesn't that sound better? Really, there is no "squandering" of even a second. Because it all creates your beautiful Paradise within the Vortex!

And the bigger, and more specific this Vortex becomes, the more it calls you. The bigger is it's pulling power. And the faster you go, IF you allow yourself some relaxation and joy.
Of course, I know, how to find relief and do, but this feeling doesn't last long
So what? Enjoy it the seconds it lasts! :thumbup:
If I move in circles like this, no change can take place :pray: .
As I had written above, this is not true. :kiss: RELAX and enjoy the tiny Babystep that you CAN do, right here and now, and stop insisting to jump the whole house in one big leap! :hearts:

Find something to smile about, for just a second. Eat something nice. Just now. Take a walk. WHAT EVER WORKS FOR YOU- for a small moment! And then the next. The very next second is always do-able! Or: Take a nap. :vortex-small:

:D :wave:

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 10:47 am
by Awa
As always, it is a real pleasure to read from you :romance-heartstiny: I really try to follow her recommendations, be kind to myself, don't make a big deal about the unwanted and relax. Today I went for a walk in the cemetery. A splendor of flowers, a concert of birds, a huge, wonderful stand of trees that is second to none. As often as you enter this area, you can often discover something new. I am absolutely willing to consciously focus my attention on the good.

I wonder how I can counteract this with a positive focus of just 68 seconds, which I often exceed, with a not always good working time of 7 - 8 hours.

Happy, sunny May 1st :vortex-small: :in_love: :balloons_wave: