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Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:10 am
by Tara
spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:37 am Day 44:


Where do I want to visit in my fantasy visualization today? Hmm!


Today I am in an imaginary glasshouse where the walls are all made of beautiful stained glass, and the ceiling is also a dome of colourful stained glass.

As I stand here and take it all in, I am in awe by the artistry of the people who built this. How they found the different coloured glass panels to go together, to form a beautiful mosaic of glass all around.

I enjoy the way the light streams through the coloured glass, making the whole walls and ceiling seem to glow. The whole room is lit up with a collage of different colours. It is like being inside a painting; inside a work of art.

The space is large and quiet; it feels calm and peaceful.
It is pleasantly cool here, a little like the inside of a church.
I stand and look all around; taking it all in. breathing it all in. Turning and seeing the space from every angle. I hear the soft taps of my footsteps on the smooth stone paving beneath as I walk leisurely .

Here and there a beam of light breaks through into the dimmly lit space, like a Jacob's ladder

I am enveloped by a sense of beauty; a sense of calm; a sense of wonder and awe.
I am filled with a sense of appreciation and gentle joy. :)

- ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
I was taking there too while reading 🥰 it felt so good 😊

Thank you for your fantasy and for sharing it here ❤️

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:21 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Pollyanna wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 9:08 pm Thank you for your lovely fellowship, beautiful Paradise and Cookie! I love the incredible energy you flow, and it moves me deeply! So happy to realize there is such an amazing abundance of fun processes and friendship to allow our vibration to rise naturally together... your comments are like sunshine and blue sky to me! Thank you both again for being such wonderful sources of inspiration to me!
I'm so glad to hear this! :hearts: :vortex: :dancing: :in_love: :ta:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:22 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Tara wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:10 am
I was taking there too while reading 🥰 it felt so good 😊

Thank you for your fantasy and for sharing it here ❤️
Yes, yes... I, too!! :vortex:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:51 pm
by spiritualcookie
:grouphug: :in_love: :balloons_wave:


Day 45:


- I appreciate that I managed to rein myself in today and not overdo it, and the result was that I felt much better in my body : )
I appreciate when my body feels balanced, harmonious and well.
I heard this idea from a Dolores Cannon clip today that our cells really like it when we tell them how much we love them and appreciate them! She said to the cells, our voice is like the voice of God :lol:
So - Thank you body cells for all that you do for me!
I appreciate each and every one of you! You are so clever and smart! You are so efficient! You know just what to do and how to do it and I am incredibly grateful for it all! I appreciate how well you patch things up that need patching up. How quickly you do it too! I appreciate how you keep all functioning working so smoothly and elegantly - all the components working in perfect synchrony and harmony. I appreciate your co--creative efforts. I appreciate how well you work with other cells; with other tissues; with organs and systems - how all together you are the perfect team! Thank you for working so beautifully together. All my organs and tissues are thankful to you too! I send you all love and appreciation! I send you all good wishes and an abundance of energy and good vibes. You are all wonderful! You are magnificent! You are incredible and I love each and every one of you!

- I liked the way the ideas for what to do flowed so well today : )

- I liked how I could use artwork I'd made for old projects for my new project. I liked going through my old artwork; like looking through old photo albums - remembering their beauty and appreciating it anew. It felt nice seeing all these beautiful colours and shapes again! It's funny how when I make so many things, I didn't remember some of them until I saw them again! :lol: I liked the feeling of re-discovery : )

- I liked the way that being in a state of flow and deep focus on art made me completely forget and not notice at all how I was feeling in my body, and the next time I checked in, I was feeling good! : )

- I liked having lunch with my family today : )

- I liked the sense of completion of finishing watching another short series. I appreciate the series for the laughs it gave. I liked that it was interesting to sample other kinds of relationships; other kinds of behaviours; and that it all helped with my sifting and sorting of what I prefer. It made me extra appreciative of the loving relationships and kind, gentle, aware, conscious, sensible, smart, loving people in my life!

- I like the expression on his face when he is relaxed and has love in his eyes :hearts:
I like the way his eyes exude soft, gentle loving energy in a comfortable, lovely way.
I like the way his body feels easy and relaxed.
I liked the way he allows himself fun and pleasure. And I love the way he enjoys everything so easily.
I like seeing him easy and happy :hearts:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:57 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:51 pm
I heard this idea from a Dolores Cannon clip today that our cells really like it when we tell them how much we love them and appreciate them! She said to the cells, our voice is like the voice of God :lol:
So - Thank you body cells for all that you do for me!
Thank you for mentioning this! This is big for me

- I liked the way that being in a state of flow and deep focus on art made me completely forget and not notice at all how I was feeling in my body, and the next time I checked in, I was feeling good! : )
:woohoo: :vortex: :eusa-clap: :eusa-clap: :eusa-clap:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 6:41 pm
by Tara
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:57 pm
spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:51 pm
I heard this idea from a Dolores Cannon clip today that our cells really like it when we tell them how much we love them and appreciate them! She said to the cells, our voice is like the voice of God :lol:
So - Thank you body cells for all that you do for me!
Thank you for mentioning this! This is big for me
Same here 🥰 Thank You, SpiritualCookie ❤️

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 9:18 pm
by spiritualcookie
I enjoyed hearing her message as well 🥰 I'm happy it was helpful to you too! 💕

Day 46:


I liked introducing her to David Lion today. It was fun listening to one of his clips together. I enjoyed seeing her appreciation as she resonated with his words. I like the feeling of recommending something to someone, and they enjoy my recommendation! It feels like success! It feels like joy! It feels satisfying : )

I like that I made good progress today.

I liked that he sent me healing without me even asking - that was so sweet : ) I like knowing that he wants me to feel good; that he cares; that he wants to see me happy :hearts:
I liked being able to tune into playfulnes to show him that I WAS feeling well - he looked so happy to see this - I like seeing his sparkling, smiling blue eyes, and lit up face : )

I liked tasting some new things today. I'm liking learning new words thanks to the Austrian snacks that arrived, like "Dinkel" - such a cute word! It means spelt (a kind of wheat-like grain) in German. I love discovering cute, fun words and phrases :hearts:

I liked seeing people making use of AI art to bring humour and joy to people in my work group. I liked how it sparked off inspiration for fun and play within me to join in! I love feeling inspired! I love thinking of new ideas for bringing humour and joy! I love how AI art can help us do this : )

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 11:31 pm
by spiritualcookie
Day 47:


I appreciate how I stumbled upon some fun words and phrases today thank to the Law of Attraction. I love how it puts fun interesting things on my path :hearts:

I liked the quality time with my family at lunch today : )

I liked seeing the beautiful mosaics today :vortex:

They make me feel so good just seeing them! They light up something in my heart :hearts:

I liked re-discovering David Tao's music - it's so soothing : ) It was fun listening to it now that I've learned a tiny bit of Chinese and I could understand one word here and there and I was so excited I could even recognise the symbol for the song "tian tian" ("day day" = day by day!) : )
I'm so appreciative of C for introducing me to her favourite Chinese songs all that time ago : )

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 11:28 pm
by spiritualcookie
Day 48:


Sooooo happy I get to review the new Jandy Nelson book!! :in_love: :banana-rainbow: :banana-rock: :banana-rainbow:

I love Jandy Nelson! She's so talented! Her fiction writing is like poetry! And I didn't even know until a few minutes ago she has written a new book when it just popped up on my "products that need reviewing" list and I immediately requested it! I'm so excited to read something new of hers! yay! :hearts:

I love that there are such talented writers in the world;
with such wonderful imaginations for creating stories and characters ~
People who can write in a way that is so gripping you can't put the book down!
People who write in a way that is so vivid that you FEEL so much when reading:
that you can't help but smile and grin in moments as you read
and you can't help but get butterflies in your stomach when she writes romance : )
I love the way she writes super creative similies and metaphors and humorous hyperbole like no-one else!
I love the way she's full of good humour and light even when exploring difficult topics!
Yay! This is such a lovely surprise since I believe she hasn't released a book since 2015 until now! This is such a treat! :hearts:


Day 49:

✅ PIVOTING during the day - Actively intending and soothing, replacing negative thoughts with better-feeling ones :hearts:


Day 50:

✅ APPRECIATION: Did some body cell love & appreciation in my head throughout the day : )

✅ MEDITATION: BLESS ME medi done : )


Day 51:

✅ APPRECIATION: Did some body cell love & appreciation


Day 52:

✅ APPRECIATION: Did some body cell love & appreciation

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:34 pm
by spiritualcookie
Starting point:
So, I'm experiencing some work-related contrast at the moment. In short - the graphic design company I've been working for has been bought by new people, and the new people are trying to get us designers to sign a new contract which basically would halve our income - all while presenting it as "it's better than your old contract! Don't worry if you don't see it, we will explain it to you simple-minded arty people since you simply don't understand such complicated lawyery things!" Needless to say... I could do with some soothing right now! So.... let's see....

- Even though I don't like what I'm seeing in my experience right now, maybe these people can be reasoned with. Maybe they will take my carefully worded points on board. Maybe they will change the contract after seeing that I made some good points..
- I believe that at their core, they know when things are fair. And I would like to believe that in their hearts they want to be fair.
- Perhaps when they receive communications from other designers and see us more as "people", it can change how they feel, and will appeal to their hearts to change things so they will feel better for them and for us.
- I like companies that are run by kind people with big hearts.
- I like companies that believe in fairness
- I like companies that have good, transparent communication with their workers.
- I like companies that are honest with their workers and say things as they are - straightforward, honest, simple.
- I like companies that respect their workers, and treat them kindly, with an open heart.
- I like knowing that it's possible to do good business, make lots of money and also be fair and kind while doing it. I would like to believe that this company can get there ~

- I like the thought that if I soothe myself and align with better-feeling thoughts, maybe I can manifest a better-feeling outcome with this situation.
- I'm usually a very lucky person and things do tend to work out really well for me ~ maybe this too will work out well.
- I can be patient while they read my feedback until they get back to me.
- And if I feel impatient and want to know right now what they'll say, I can just tell myself to take a deep breath, and breathe out that tension.. feeling my body relax... I can remind myself: I am intending perfect relaxation.. I am intending for everything to be well. I am intending that everything is working out for me.
- I'm doing ok. I'm handling this as well as a person can I think. And I'm proud of myself for trying to stand up for my rights and speaking up for what feels right; for what I want - pointing out the wanted end of the stick.
- I am intending to activate the wanted end of the stick. I am intending to focus on what I am wanting. I am intending to relax about this. I am intending to trust that everything will work out really well - maybe even better than I can imagine. I am intending to believe that the Universe is on my side and is helping me manifest a happy result in this matter.
- I am intending to ease this tension. I am intending to see the tension just melt away. soothed. soothed... falling away... dripping away... far away from my body and being taken up by the ground to be recycled into something more positive.

All is well..
Everything will be ok.
I am looking forward to seeing this working out.
I am eager to see a positive manifestation here.
I am eager yet easy in this present moment.
All is well.
Everything is working out for me.
It's going to be ok :)

And in the meantime, I can think of things I appreciate to raise my vibration in general ~ maybe that will help : )