Day 59: 3 x 15 min meditations a day. - achieved!
a) At least one 15 minute sound of silence meditation a day:
b) Up at 5.50am every day (no matter when I go to bed the night before. Sunday lie in) , sit up in bed 10 mins then cold shower.
c) one focus wheel a day , and at least one list of positive aspects a day.
d) One session of random internet stuff in the evening (no random internet outside of this)
So! As always:
- average mood creeping up
- ups and downs
- on the ups it feels like 'not felt this good in months, maybe well over a year'
- Getting less and less afraid of negative emotion + less and less frustrated with myself
- Increasing faith that taking care of myself is the. best thing, and faith in 'action' decreasing
On the downs, 'bored to irritated' is as low as Im going. It's nice to look at 'overwhelm' on the emotional scale and think 'I sure as hell know what overwhelm feels like and I'm just not going there anymore'
On Saturday I had a wonderful reflection of my improving vibe - I was in a a supermarket with my partner and a framing customer from a year ago stopped me to thank me again for the wonderful work I'd done for him and his wife.
I'm noticing that I'm also getting way way less frustrated and mad at myself with mistakes at work.
Meditation 30 day challenge
- Posts: 316
- Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:14 am
Day 59: 3 x 15 min meditations a day. - achieved!
Day5, each day at least:
a) 15 minute sound of silence meditation
b) Cold shower
c) a focus wheel
d) a page positive aspects
So! Average mood still improving! Having a lot more fun, feeling clear alot more.
Finances are improving!
Again, loving the focus wheel. Getting that first thought on the wheel that does feel like relief is amazing.
Right now I'm enjoying doing the wheel each day on losing weight - and I am definitely shifting towards feeling easier about it and I'm noticing that I just naturally want to do less of the things that cause me to gain weight.
Day5, each day at least:
a) 15 minute sound of silence meditation
b) Cold shower
c) a focus wheel
d) a page positive aspects
So! Average mood still improving! Having a lot more fun, feeling clear alot more.
Finances are improving!
Again, loving the focus wheel. Getting that first thought on the wheel that does feel like relief is amazing.
Right now I'm enjoying doing the wheel each day on losing weight - and I am definitely shifting towards feeling easier about it and I'm noticing that I just naturally want to do less of the things that cause me to gain weight.
- Posts: 316
- Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:14 am
Day 59: 3 x 15 min meditations a day. - achieved!
Day 7, each day at least:
a) 15 minute sound of silence meditation
b) Cold shower
c) a focus wheel
d) a page positive aspects
Reminder: best subject to regularly focus wheel on - I love my girlfriend
Average mood still creeping up! Funny story on how you get what you expect:
I bought a better quality set of body scales a few months ago as my old ones just seemed useless at measuring body fat in a meaningful way.
I was hoping the new ones would be better but also a little afraid they wouldn't be and I'd just wasted money. Initially the body fat % seemed a lot more sensible , but the way it's gone up and down over the last few months has just seemed odd e.g. I know that I've put on a noticeable amount of muscle at the gym the last 2 months but this isn't reflected at all... - so I just accepted that the scales still aren't that good.
This morning I found out by accidence that it's been me messing it up! Every morning I've been showering, mediating then weight myself. But my feet are still damp which messes everything up! This morning I just got the impulse to weigh myself before the shower and the body fat score was completely different - and does reflect that I've gotten leaner over the last two months.
Day 7, each day at least:
a) 15 minute sound of silence meditation
b) Cold shower
c) a focus wheel
d) a page positive aspects
Reminder: best subject to regularly focus wheel on - I love my girlfriend
Average mood still creeping up! Funny story on how you get what you expect:
I bought a better quality set of body scales a few months ago as my old ones just seemed useless at measuring body fat in a meaningful way.
I was hoping the new ones would be better but also a little afraid they wouldn't be and I'd just wasted money. Initially the body fat % seemed a lot more sensible , but the way it's gone up and down over the last few months has just seemed odd e.g. I know that I've put on a noticeable amount of muscle at the gym the last 2 months but this isn't reflected at all... - so I just accepted that the scales still aren't that good.
This morning I found out by accidence that it's been me messing it up! Every morning I've been showering, mediating then weight myself. But my feet are still damp which messes everything up! This morning I just got the impulse to weigh myself before the shower and the body fat score was completely different - and does reflect that I've gotten leaner over the last two months.
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