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Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 5:59 pm
by Blue__Butterflies
Q: Thanks for calling me. Could you speak as to the validity and reliability of kinesiology?
A: No, because it isn’t any of our business. If it’s working for you, it’s reliable and valid; end of story. You don’t need our opinion. We’ll tell you what it is, though. When you believe something it’s a form of alignment.
Q: Right. And to me, it’s almost an externalization. If something comes to me, if I walk into the health food store and say “OK, what’s going to help my cold?” it’s going to come from an intuitive thing, and then I’ll go test it out. I’m not going to go around the store testing everything. So to me, it’s only as good as my intuition. It’s my Guidance.
A: We’ve sort of been on this subject all day here today in one way or another, haven’t we? And the basis of this question is “Abraham, I basically don’t trust myself to know, so what contraptions or methods do you have which will help me know that I’m on the right track?” And then we scream “Have you heard nothing from us?! You have Guidance within you that is letting you know!” And it really does not matter what form it takes. In other words, when you say “I want to know what’s best for me, please help me to know,” you can identify any signal that you want, and your Inner Being will play that game with you.
We’ve been waking Jerry up at 5:55 every morning for about 217 days now - he woke up once, saw this 555 and liked it, so we wake him up every morning at 555. Very simple. And every morning when he wakes up at 555, he lies there and feels satisfied that he has been awakened at 555. In other words, he knows that something is going on, and if he wakes up at 554, he just assumes that the clock is wrong.
Q: OK. So, there have been double blind studies with kinesiology that don’t typically work well.
A: Excuse us, blah, blah, blah, blah - oh, you were speaking? We are borderline mocking you. And there is no real reason for that except that you don’t believe in the questions that you’re asking, and so what’s the point of this conversation? In other words, have you decided that this thing is invalid and you’re wanting us to substantiate the invalidity of it?
Q: I think that I listen to you when you say that individually, if you believe in it, it works.
A: So, do you want it to work? In other words, the reason that we are approaching this in this way is because we really do not want to validate anything that needs validating. In other words, we want you to say “Abraham, I found this thing that works for me and I don’t give a rip what you think about it.” That’s really what we want to hear from you.
But what we hear from so many of you is “Well I’ve found this way, and I think it’s the right way. And I see these people over there doing something different, and I don’t really approve of the way they are doing it.” And we say do you realize that your disapproval of what they’re doing just messes up your Energy, and then you blame your messed up Energy on them doing something different, when your messed up Energy doesn’t have anything to do with them, you’re just using them as your excuse for your messed up Energy?
And so, then we want to say to you, just decide what you want and line up with it, and use whatever way the Universe will yield to you through the crack of your least resistance the best path for you right here and now. But then don’t get on your high horse and exclaim to the world that you have found the one and only path, because there is not one and only one path, there’s just the best path for you right now.
It’s really not different than Esther driving down the road, and us knowing there’s something in the road and steering her around it. And then she could write a book - How to Steer Around This Thing in the Road’ - “I was driving down Interstate 95 on my way to Boca Raton when there appeared a terrible thing in the road, and this is the way I steered around it. And you’ll find it at mile marker 116 if you will look for it. And so, always be on alert when you’re at mile marker 116 and then you will have the advantage that I had of steering around this terrible thing in the road.” And people reading that would say “Well, that’s sort of dumb because I really don’t think that thing in the road is still going to be there in the road a year from now. So this book is sort of not very important to me.” “No,” Esther would say, “this was an important thing. It was given to me by God. I know that you must know about this thing in the road at mile marker 116.”
And we say just give it a rest! Everybody has their own Guidance System. We really do not need to indoctrinate everybody with everything that we think is important. We don’t know how you keep from just going out of your mind with all of the things that all of the people are wanting you to know and follow and eat and not eat and do and not do. How do you even stand to stay in your lives? “It’s this way, it’s this way, it’s this way, it’s this way, it’s this way.”
And we say just find something that you want and sort of point toward it, and just sort of start moseying down the road. And if it brings you joy, move faster toward it, and if it’s not so fun, choose something else. But don’t make a big deal out of everything that everybody’s thought. Esther walked into a bookstore and said “This place is nuts - so many philosophies and everyone’s sure that they have the one right thing.” And all along, you have Guidance within you saying “This is the best way from where you are right now, but it’s not the best way for you forevermore and it’s not the best way for everybody on the planet, this is the best way for you right here, right now.”
When you get in sync with your Guidance, there’s a tendency to say “Oh, this works so well for me, I need to tell the world.” And we say, or not - let their Guidance tell them; let their Guidance guide them. So, what we have going here is we’re just guiding you to Guidance. We’re not the guidance to guide you, we’re just guiding you to Guidance.
Here is the sentiment that we would like to become rampant across your planet: No matter who you’re interacting with, we would like you to find some way of conveying to them your appreciation of who they are and where they are right now. We would like you to be able to express to them, whether you use words or just a glance of the eye, “I love you where you are right now.” And if you really want to follow it up and be a powerful beneficial influencer, you might follow up with a glance or a vibration or words that go something like “You will always find your path, and it will be different from almost anybody you know.” And if you really want to follow it up, you could say “And I know that you have Guidance within you that will always keep you going toward that which your life is revealing to you.” And if you really want to follow it up, you would say “And there is no one on the planet that you could adequately or accurately follow, because you are carving out your own magnificent unique life.” And if you really want to follow it up, you could say “And you have Guidance within you that lets you know in every moment your relationship with your life as it is unfolding.” And then you could go on to say “You are Source Energy in a physical body who has come to let the contrast inspire you to becoming more. And a large part of you instantaneously became that more, and that part of you is now calling you forward.” And “You could use whatever method you want - call it gut instinct, call it Emotional Guidance, call it kinesiology - it doesn’t matter what you call it, you are being beckoned by that larger part of you toward that which you have become.”
And if you can get that across to yourself or to anyone, then you or the one you got it across to is destined to live happily ever after; to live the fulfillment of what you came forth to live. And anything else, anything other than that, anything that says there are rules that you should follow, and when you follow them, you’ll feel better, or you are supposed to be something that you’re not, or you are disappointing someone somewhere, or you’re not fulfilling your reason for being here - anything of that nature just separates you from the truth of who you are. Yes?
Q: Thank you.
A: Yes, indeed.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boca Raton, FL 11/5/2005