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Quotes on Ageing

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:16 am
by spiritualcookie
Must ageing happen? Can it be avoided?

Q: Does there have to be a natural aging process?

Aging, yes, because you’re moving through time.
Declining, no — that’s a mental state.


Q: So I can still have my 20-year-old body when I’m 44, or…?

No, your body will still be 44 because you are moving through time.

But what we would do if we were standing in your physical shoes is
-we would disassociate age with activity or age
with the way that you feel
because your body is a cellular mass
that is monitored and created through electrical charges,
and the cellular mass has the capability of regenerating itself endlessly.
And each new cell has the ability to be as much,
if not more, than the original cell.

In other words, that’s the nature of this physical structure.
And so the only other factor is
how the energy is being allowed to FLOW through.
[presence of resistant thoughts introduces energetic resistance which disrupts the flow]
And so decline is about electrical circuitry being disallowed,
not about cellular degeneration.

Your doctors are beginning to discover it, they are beginning
to make the factual leap between attitude and wellness, you see.

— Abe — Boulder, CO, 6/7/03

Re: Quotes on Ageing

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:21 am
by spiritualcookie
Causes of decline seen in Ageing:
Expectation of decline

Abe: Most everybody you know is looking at manifestations
and then coming to conclusions based on manifestations
rather than looking at energy and coming to
conclusions based on energy.

Because you make no association between what they’re thinking
and feeling and what’s happening to them,
then you assume this is just what happens.

And we want to say to you:
"This is not just what happens!
This is just what happens when people believe,
that there is decline with age."

Mm-hm. Like, a specific example, I used to run a lot,
and now when I run my left hip hurts. And I would like
to be able to run, but it’s just, it’s uncomfortable to run.

What you are saying to us is you think that your left hip
began to hurt and then you noticed it
and had a vibrational response to it.

And what we’re saying to you is, you had a vibrational response
to the society that believes in decline and therefore are living
the self-fulfilled prophecy of what you expected.

And so the question that really is before us is:
How can I expect differently than everybody else?

And we say,
Try to think more singularly.
And try not to base your conclusions on the manifestations that you’re watching.

Instead, base your conclusions on the energy that you are watching.

We think it would be helpful,
when you see a person who has strong evidence of decline,
to acknowledge what their day-to-day mental state has been like.
In other words, what have they been pushing against?

And sometimes people will say, “Well, that’s just the fact.
The fact of it is that this many people get such and such.”
And we say, well, what does that have to do with you?

And they say, “Well, one in five has it and I might be the one.”
And we say, but why are you letting the way somebody else
flowed energy, which created what they are living,
why are you now using that as the club to beat yourself over the head?

Would you choose something that is true,
or something that feels good?
Many people would choose what is true.

“I’m choosing this true thought.”
And we say, but it’s only a true thought
because somebody manifested it.
And somebody only manifested it,
because they gave their attention to it.

So what you’re saying is, “I’m now going to give my attention
to this thing I do not want because somebody else gave their attention to this thing they [did] not want and got it.”

And we say, we know there’s reasoning in there somewhere,
but it feels quite unreasonable to us.

— Abe — Boulder, CO, 6/7/03

Re: Quotes on Ageing

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:22 am
by spiritualcookie
if you could see a declining person
and you could understand the conflicts that have been going on in them all of their life,
then you would understand the decline of their body.
And then you would be able to make the association
and you would not necessarily attach the same thing to yourself.

But because you make no association between what they’re thinking
and feeling and what’s happening to them,
then you assume this is just what happens.
And we want to say to you, this is not just what happens.
This is just what happens when people believe,
that there is decline with age.

— Abe — Boulder, CO, 6/7/03

Re: Quotes on Ageing

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:25 am
by spiritualcookie
While we know you would count yourself among — and so would we — the more positive people on the planet - It is clear to us, we can feel it in your energy.

We also know,
that you take life very seriously.
You want to get things right.
You care very much about parenting.
You care very much about your work,
you care very much about making the world a better place.

In other words, you have issues you’ve picked up along your physical trail,
you’re taking life rather seriously, you see.
We like it when you take life seriously because it’s a wonderful thing to focus,

but we would also like you to lighten up a little bit and relax,
and have more fun in more moments
and realize that all is well,
because that is the only thing that is taking the toll on your body.

— Abe — Boulder, CO, 6/7/03

Re: Quotes on Ageing

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:26 am
by spiritualcookie
The majority have been programmed from their past experience
to expect physical decline.
And while it is something they don't want,
they are programmed to expect it.
And so, they're going to get what they expect.

It's not that what they expect is the reality that everyone lives,
but that everyone lives the reality of what they expect.

Re: Quotes on Ageing

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:27 am
by spiritualcookie
Rather than wanting to hold to the past longer
and slow things down and stop the aging process —
just revel in the power of now.

You can't stop time,
and you won't stop the recycling process that is taking place upon this planet,
nor would you want to —
but you do not have to suffer the moving through time.

Every moment can be more wonderful than the moment before.

Re: Quotes on Ageing

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:29 am
by spiritualcookie
It's not about years.
It's not about age.
It's not about youth.
It's about decline [in vibration]
And decline is about alignment or not.

Decline is about:
in this moment, which way am I forking?
- (towards more positive or negative feeling?)
In this moment, which way am I forking?
- (upstream or downstream?)
In this moment, which way am I forking?
- (towards wanted or towards unwanted?)
That's all it's about.

Excerpted from: San Diego, CA on August 13, 2005

Re: Quotes on Ageing

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:30 am
by spiritualcookie
We hear Jerry and Esther say quite often,
Esther, especially, is saying it lately —
“I feel more stamina today than I did when I was a teenager.”

And we say, it is because she has very little resistance moving through her today.
And when she was a teenager, like most teenagers, there was a
tremendous amount of trying to fit in and trying to please too many people.

In other words, she can tell a physical difference.

Now, if you were to say,
“Does she have the same physical capabilities today as she did
when she was a teenager?”,
we would say there would be no reason for them to be less.

She’s hardier, she’s stronger, she’s surer, she’s more balanced,
she’s more connected, she’s allowing more of us
to flow through her, you see.

— Abe — Boulder, CO, 6/7/03

Re: Quotes on Ageing

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:31 am
by spiritualcookie
"What we would do if we were standing in your physical shoes, is
we would disassociate age with activity
or age with the way that you feel,

because your body is a cellular mass
that is monitored and created through electrical charges,
and the cellular mass has the capability of regenerating itself.

Re: Quotes on Ageing

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:34 am
by spiritualcookie
GUEST mentions that he turned 50 and feels like he has "turned a corner"

Abe: It’s like you’ve been pre-programming yourselves (...)
we think it is interesting, fascinating, and logical that you would begin this discussion by tell us where you are sequentially in the evolution and devolution of life experience (me: ie how old you are - turning 50).
And we just don’t want it to be missed by you that (the you're talking about a belief that before 50 you're)healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy… turn the corner… not healthy.
You see what we’re getting at?
So, just don’t turn that corner… because it has nothing to do with your age. The statistics that are out there have NOTHING to do with you.

But what you observe, and what you practice thinking about, and therefore what you believe – a belief is just a thought you keep thinking –have everything to do with your point of attraction. You see what we’re getting at?


Esther argued with us in the beginning about that: “But Abraham, it’s true!” And we would say to her again and again and again, “There are many things that are true that you don’t want. Don’t focus on those. Why activate, why take something that someone else made true from their attention to it, and now make it true for you because of your attention to it?”

If you could put the first thought as the premise of your experience, “I create my own reality.
I create my own reality. The thoughts that I think attract evidence of the thoughts that I think. Period! The thoughts that I think attract evidence of the thoughts that I think. Period! It’s not an indictment of my morality. It’s not an indictment of my ability. It’s not an indictment of my worthiness. It’s just an indication, an indication of a vibrational pattern that I have full ability to change.”

And then you come to a gathering like this and we say, “But don’t worry about it. You’re not going to change it all at once. There is Momentum that is underway that is playing itself out to some extent. Just water the Momentum down a little every day. Just slow that Momentum by being mindful of what you say, and being mindful of why you say it.”