No need to suffer before death

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No need to suffer before death

Post by Blue__Butterflies »

Q: You’re talking about vibrations and raising vibrations, and it occurred to me that at the moment of death or transition that many people go through illness, they go through trauma, they go through heart attacks in order to go to that next level. And I’m wondering if it’s possible for us to just raise our vibration to that level that we can just step over into the other…?
A: Of course, of course. What you’re talking about is about when you accept that in that Source Energy place there is no resistance. The reason that so many people suffer so greatly before they make their transition is because they don’t let go of resistance until they have no other choice, and you can let go of resistance any time you want.
The best story we have about this is when a friend of Jerry and Esther’s (at the time that Esther was not traveling so much and was doing telephone consultations) called with two conversations, and there was going to be a 15-minute break in between. And during the first segment she spoke with us about her father who had been lingering on his death bed for a long time. He was suffering, he was not happy, and nobody in the family was. It was causing a financial burden, and it was not pleasant for anyone.
And her question to us was this: “Abraham, what am I doing wrong?” And we said to her nothing has gone wrong here, everything is unfolding just right. And when she felt that, a huge relief washed through her that caused a sort of ripple in the Universe, the relief was so great. And then they took their segment of refreshment. And when she called back in 15 minutes to resume, she told Esther that the hospital had called and in that precise moment her father had made his transition.
Now, why? Why was her attention to that an influence to his release? Because her attention to the opposite had been an influence to his holding on. In other words, when you think there’s something wrong with death or when you’re worried about it or when you’re struggling, you just keep a vibration active. And resistance is always the same thing - resistance always keeps you from going where you want to go.
Esther says for her point of view she wants to be happy, healthy, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, dead. In other words, with no gap in between - happy, healthy, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, dead. It’s like one day they were sitting on the porch where they had a house with big glass windows, and a bird tried to fly through, hit a window and there it lay, not breathing. And since Esther and Jerry had been sitting there when it happened and it was a sort of shocking thing to see, Esther scooped the little bird up and felt bad about her responsibility, thinking she’d provided the window that it had killed itself on.
And Esther just sort of stroked the little bird. She held it tight in her hands for a minute and then she felt it beginning to squirm, and she opened her hands and it flew away. And she said “Abraham, I thought that bird was dead.” And we said no, it was just getting ready to be dead. In other words, it was happy either way because it is life or life for the bird - the bird really doesn’t care if it’s life here or life there. It’s life or it’s life or it’s life or it’s life. And by holding it, what Esther accomplished was she made either case feel the same. In other words, the comfort she provided made reemerging into the physical feel as normal or as good as reemerging into the Nonphysical.
And that’s really the way we would like all of you to regard the subject of death: As long as there’s still something here that’s interesting, that’s calling you, that’s giving you reason to want to wake up in the morning - as long as you’re feeling frisky, as long as you’re feeling joyful, as long as the day is making your heart sing, then why not live your life here on this platform that you have provided?
But if you’ve sorted through all the contrast that you’ve allowed, and if you’ve given birth to all the rockets of desire that you think you’re going to give birth to, or if you’ve let there be too big of a gap between who you’ve become and what you’ve allowed, then there’s nothing wrong with releasing and reemerging into Nonphysical. In either case, it’s the same result - in either case, you become instantaneously who you really are.
It’s just that when you do it the way that you are proposing it, it’s not such a bouncing-off-the-wall enthusiasm experience. Esther recognizes what the feeling of this full-blown life is what people call death because she tastes the feeling of that Broader Perspective as she is allowing the merging of the you and the You here.
So you don’t have to get sick to take your transition. And sometimes people worry “Well, if I get too happy, will I croak? I don’t want to get too happy. I better keep a little resistance going - not too much and not too little, just enough resistance to remain physical.” And we say your intentions are known. In other words, as you live life, you’re building your Vibrational Escrow. You can’t fake it. And every time it happens, it happens exactly right - no exceptions, no exceptions. Nothing ever goes wrong about that, ever. Nothing ever goes wrong.
Q: I’ve got a little dog that is blind and really losing energy every day, every day he’s getting worse.
A: Let it go. Let it go.
Q: And I tell it, it can go, but…
A: But you don’t mean it.
Q: I don’t want to put it to sleep, you know. I want it to go…
A: You don’t need to. You don’t need to. But if you really mean go to who You are, if you really mean that, if you get into that Vibrational Escrow and you feel the frisky fullness of that and you really mean it, your dog will make its transition immediately because it’s not having fun. But it will hang around for you if you make a big enough deal of it.
Q: Yeah, thank you.
~ Abraham-Hicks
San Francisco, CA 2/17/2008
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