Quotes on Parenting
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:05 pm
See also Quotes on Schooling & Education
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I learned that a lot from my two and a half year-old daughter who is the most aligned person I know. I'm learning to be more patient and I'm learning to see her as an individual with her own everything, and I try my best to be in the Vortex before I have that relationship or whatever situation that is, but sometimes you're stuck in a situation where you don't have time to get into the Vortex and they need you now, now, now, now, now. And I'm not talking about dangerous situation, I'm just talking like, you know, "Mommy I need you right now," but you're not completely where...
A: There's never a time where you don't have time to get into the Vortex;
there's never a time that you don't have time.
There are times that it is unlikely that you will.
It just has to be a higher priority.
you say sometimes you are experiencing difficulty with patience - like what?
Q: If I've had a bad day, which now I'm a lot more aware...
A: Well, then just give it up.
Say to your child "I've had a bad day. It's not going to be fun to be around me, so I'd go find other things to do and other people to be with because anything you do with me is not going to go well,
and you're probably going to get blamed for a whole bunch of stuff that's not your fault." (Fun)
Q: That's a good one.
A: So make yourself scarce.
Q: Thank God I don't have as many bad days as I used to.
And I've learned recently to love where I am even when I'm not feeling good, because I know that it's just part of the process.
A: Well, that's crazy talk.
Q: But not beating myself over, just...
A: But you can't love where you are when you're out of the Vortex - those two things do not go together.
We agree not to beat up on yourself about it, certainly,
but to say "I love myself in this foul mood that I am in," will only exacerbate it more
because you're not in love with your disconnection.
You might be aware of it,
you might be feeling compassion for yourself as your Inner Being does,
because your Inner Being is certainly not blaming you or pushing against you -
your Inner Being is understanding.
Sometimes people use words that defy how they really feel.
Esther's friend says the words don't match the music, so to speak.
So to say "I love where I am," when you clearly know that you're out of the Vortex,
that you're not in the receiving mode, that you're not tuned-in, tapped-in, turned-on, is not accurate.
Maybe a better thing to say is
"I appreciate my guidance system that lets me know where I am, and while I may not be able to do that much about it right now because of whatever momentum has been taking place,
I certainly can do something about it while I sleep and wake up looking for something more."
Do you see what we're getting at?
Q: So, would you say meditation or napping? It doesn't really matter, right? I guess it depends on what feels right for you in the moment?
A: Well, both will stop the cycle; both will slow the momentum.
Meditation is more productive because when you meditate and your vibration rises, you actually have the experience of moving with your vibration as it rises, where if you take a nap there's been no conscious movement of energy.
But when you say "I'm going to meditate into a higher vibration," usually while you sit there for that 15 or 20 or 30 minutes, or however long you're giving yourself, you're just arguing with yourself, usually; you're not quieting your mind. So in that case, the nap is better.
Do whatever it takes to stop the momentum.
You know from your experience with children that sometimes you can just distract them by holding something shiny up over here, and so it's the same process that you do with your two year old. Do it with yourself -
just hold something shiny up over there that distracts you from whatever it is that's bothering you.
And if the shiny thing doesn't work, then meditate.
And if the meditation doesn't work, then take a nap.
This process of really making the strong point to yourself that you mean to be in alignment with who you are just makes it so that more often you are.
But we agree wholeheartedly with you, don't beat up on yourself when you're not.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boston 5/21/2016
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I learned that a lot from my two and a half year-old daughter who is the most aligned person I know. I'm learning to be more patient and I'm learning to see her as an individual with her own everything, and I try my best to be in the Vortex before I have that relationship or whatever situation that is, but sometimes you're stuck in a situation where you don't have time to get into the Vortex and they need you now, now, now, now, now. And I'm not talking about dangerous situation, I'm just talking like, you know, "Mommy I need you right now," but you're not completely where...
A: There's never a time where you don't have time to get into the Vortex;
there's never a time that you don't have time.
There are times that it is unlikely that you will.
It just has to be a higher priority.
you say sometimes you are experiencing difficulty with patience - like what?
Q: If I've had a bad day, which now I'm a lot more aware...
A: Well, then just give it up.
Say to your child "I've had a bad day. It's not going to be fun to be around me, so I'd go find other things to do and other people to be with because anything you do with me is not going to go well,
and you're probably going to get blamed for a whole bunch of stuff that's not your fault." (Fun)
Q: That's a good one.
A: So make yourself scarce.
Q: Thank God I don't have as many bad days as I used to.
And I've learned recently to love where I am even when I'm not feeling good, because I know that it's just part of the process.
A: Well, that's crazy talk.
Q: But not beating myself over, just...
A: But you can't love where you are when you're out of the Vortex - those two things do not go together.
We agree not to beat up on yourself about it, certainly,
but to say "I love myself in this foul mood that I am in," will only exacerbate it more
because you're not in love with your disconnection.
You might be aware of it,
you might be feeling compassion for yourself as your Inner Being does,
because your Inner Being is certainly not blaming you or pushing against you -
your Inner Being is understanding.
Sometimes people use words that defy how they really feel.
Esther's friend says the words don't match the music, so to speak.
So to say "I love where I am," when you clearly know that you're out of the Vortex,
that you're not in the receiving mode, that you're not tuned-in, tapped-in, turned-on, is not accurate.
Maybe a better thing to say is
"I appreciate my guidance system that lets me know where I am, and while I may not be able to do that much about it right now because of whatever momentum has been taking place,
I certainly can do something about it while I sleep and wake up looking for something more."
Do you see what we're getting at?
Q: So, would you say meditation or napping? It doesn't really matter, right? I guess it depends on what feels right for you in the moment?
A: Well, both will stop the cycle; both will slow the momentum.
Meditation is more productive because when you meditate and your vibration rises, you actually have the experience of moving with your vibration as it rises, where if you take a nap there's been no conscious movement of energy.
But when you say "I'm going to meditate into a higher vibration," usually while you sit there for that 15 or 20 or 30 minutes, or however long you're giving yourself, you're just arguing with yourself, usually; you're not quieting your mind. So in that case, the nap is better.
Do whatever it takes to stop the momentum.
You know from your experience with children that sometimes you can just distract them by holding something shiny up over here, and so it's the same process that you do with your two year old. Do it with yourself -
just hold something shiny up over there that distracts you from whatever it is that's bothering you.
And if the shiny thing doesn't work, then meditate.
And if the meditation doesn't work, then take a nap.
This process of really making the strong point to yourself that you mean to be in alignment with who you are just makes it so that more often you are.
But we agree wholeheartedly with you, don't beat up on yourself when you're not.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boston 5/21/2016