Sometimes your Inner Being leads you into trouble

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Sometimes your Inner Being leads you into trouble

Post by Blue__Butterflies »

You have little idea how often you get into alignment and your Inner Being leads you right into trouble for more clarification. "Well, thanks a lot, Inner Being." But how are you going to get clarification? Words don't teach. Your Inner Being can't tell you "We have deciphered your Vortex and we know everything you want and the perfect path to it." It takes a lot of experience before you really know that. Meanwhile you just have to accept that things are always working out for you no matter how it looks - no matter how it looks, things are working out for you.
Q: And I believe that. I say it constantly all day.
A: But that sort of flies in the face of what you just said, doesn't it? So which do you believe more, things are always working out for me, or when I slip back into contrast I'm doing something wrong? Which do you believe more?
Q: Things are always working out for me.
A: Things are always working out for you. So next time you slip back into contrast, just remind yourself "Things are always working out for me, and somehow this contrast is part of things working out for me. So what's this contrast doing? How's it stirring up the question? How's it stirring up the problem? Because if it's stirring up a problem or a question, it's stirring up a solution, too.”
And now that you're meditating and in the Receptive Mode, the more problems you stir up, the more solutions you're going to receive. So when your Inner Being sees that you have that thing going, that you've primed that pump, then you're going to have lots of experiences for clarification, because if there's anything we've heard you say more than all other things (perhaps) put together is that you want to understand this - you want to live it, you want to be an example of it, you want to teach it - you want to teach through the clarity of your example.
Q: Yes.
A: And that's why nothing makes you madder than when you don't think you're in that role. But you always are. If we were standing in your shoes (any of your shoes) and we were in a bad mood because something had happened and we're focused upon it, and you just can't feel good looking at that, and you don't have the self-discipline yet to look away (and that's alright, it surprised you and now you're looking at it), and someone you care about - maybe those you consider your students, maybe your own children - somebody you care about observes you in this negative frame of mind, we'd like you to look right at them and say "I'm in a really bad mood because I'm not allowing myself to be who I really am, and this is because I'm looking at something in a way that my larger self is not seeing."
Now, you don't need to say all of those words to them, but you want to mean it when you look at them - I'm in a bad mood. And then say "If you'll excuse me for a little bit, I'm going to go off, get myself back in alignment, and when I do, I'll be back." And then go get in alignment and come back, because it is our promise that if you try to get back into alignment while you're standing in front of people who have already evaluated you and decided that you're not in alignment, that's the hardest possible place to be in. Don't do it in front of them, but tell them what you're doing. "I'm out of whack and I'm going to go get back into whack. I'll be back. I'll be back when I'm back in whack." That's Rap. (Fun)
Philadelphia, PA 10/14/2017
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