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Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:01 am
by spiritualcookie
(See also: Non-Abe Quotes on this topic: here)

Your thoughts attract beauty (or lack of it) from others

Q. What do you mean when you say you "draw things" from other people?

You attract from one that which you see.
If you see a being as unwilling, they will be unwilling just to please you.
If you see them as beautiful, they will be beautiful just to please you;
if you see them as fat, they will be fat just to please you.
If you see them as smart, they are smart,
if you see them as dumb, they are dumb;
if you see them as dead, they are dead.

Q. Then you are creating it. Right?

Abraham: You are not.
You are using your power of influence.
They have choice, you see. (...)
They make the conscious decision.

Have you not seen it in yourself,
that there are beings that when you are around them, you are at your very best,
and there are beings that when you are around them, you are always at your very worst,
and when it's over you say:
"I don't know what is wrong with me!"

You are being swept up by the strong power of influence.

And so, as you are wanting someone to be a certain way,
see them in that way,
and by your power of influence they MAY be that way for you.

Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:23 pm
by Tara

Thank you 🥰

Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 11:36 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

You've come here to manifest the vibration of Source!


Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 7:31 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

You are brilliant and beautiful and perfect.


Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 7:40 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

The Universe has BIG plans for you!


Allow yourself an extraordinary life!


Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 5:25 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

You can reverse anything.
As long as you are consciously releasing resistance,
and not allowing it to mount,
you can remain joyously physically focused!

Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:06 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

Your thoughts make you fat or thin. NOT your food!

Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2024 8:42 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Allow the cells of your body to do miracles!

What about parts of my body that are not... you think they're getting older I mean,
can't I use this method that you're teaching us, about being in the feeling state,
create regeneration of parts of my body, yeah... it says gray, graying hair,
wrinkles... I've had a hysterectomy. I've a bad knee or shoulder. Can I...

You can, but not from that vibrational feeling place. And, in other words what we're
getting at, is this: Jerry and Esther were in New England last fall. And as they walked
and drove through the extraordinary color of these aging leaves, we did not hear them,
or any other standing under the trees, demanding that they'll be spring green again:
Everyone seemed to accept the natural cycling of the leaves!

Now, as you understand that you are more like the tree than you think- in other words,
as the tree drops its leaves and they come new again, Esther said she would like to be
a chicken. Because she can't tell her little spring chickens from the old chickens.
Because every year, they all get new feathers! Esther said, "ladies should have feathers
every year. We would get new feathers." Well, what we are getting at, here, is that:

The cells of your body are continually re-generating.
And if you could find yourself appreciating the spring and the summer and the fall and
the winter of your experience, then in that appreciation, you would re-generate the
cells. And that which you are wanting- as youth, would be maintained eternally. In
other words, you can't tell the old wolf from the middle-aged wolf. They are as agile
and as clear minded, you see.

So, the answer there is, continued appreciation to keep the valve open?

Abe: Yes.

And create whatever it is I want in my body, whether it's a healing of a joint, or
coloring of my hair.

Yes! As you acknowledge the beauty of your hair even, if it is a gray- In that vibration,
your valve is open. And then, your truer wanting is satisfied. As you want your hair to
be different than it is, and in that lackfull mode you look, then vibrationally you close
the valve that could allow it to be different.

So the key is:
"How do I look at a wrinkled face and feel appreciation?
How do I feel prosperous, when my checks are bouncing?
How do I feel well when they tell me I have cancer?"
and we say, you must not put so much credence upon the
current condition. And you should let your vision be dominant.

And when you're able to look, and see what you are
wanting to see, rather than what everybody else sees-
then you have the true vision of energy flow.
And that's when you begin to create miracles.
And we're not kidding you about it!

In other words, that's when the physical manifestation that defies all
of the properties of your physical laws begin to take place, it's because
your knowing has superseded the vibrational habit of thought, that is
physical perspective. And has entered into the realm of the broader
awareness, and that's where the pain from the knee-joint disappears.

When you feel pain, what we would encourage you to do, is say:
"Oh, this is good!
The cells know what they're doing.
The non-physical energy knows what it's doing!
And this thing that I have once called pain, I'm now going to call
"help on the way".

And in the same way that I would relax and allow my mother to take
a sliver out of my hand, even though I didn't really like it, I'm going
to relax and allow these little psychic surgeons to deal with my body
on a cellular level!"

If you will allow the psychic surgeons to do it, there will be no scars.
The resiliency of your body will be near-perfect.
If you go to a physician, it's like turning a chainsaw loose!
In other words, thats the comparison of allowing the cellular surgery
and the physical surgery... its a big difference!!

from the youtube clip
Abraham Hicks - Reverse Aging - Grey Hair Wrinkles


The key is:
"How do I look at a wrinkled face and feel appreciation?
How do I feel prosperous, when my checks are bouncing?
How do I feel well when they tell me I have cancer?"
and we say, you must not put so much credence upon the
current condition. And you should let your vision be dominant.

And when you're able to look, and see what you are
wanting to see, rather than what everybody else sees-
then you have the true vision of energy flow.
And that's when you begin to create miracles.
And we're not kidding you about it!

from the youtube clip
Abraham Hicks - Reverse Aging - Grey Hair Wrinkles

Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:43 pm
by spiritualcookie

Example of aligning with Beauty:

A woman wants to have a healthy, beautiful body.
As she looks at herself in the mirror, she admits that her body is not beautiful, but very much overweight.
But instead of turning her attention to the extra pounds, she turns her attention toward her physical attributes.

She acknowledges how strong she is.
She acknowledges her smooth, pretty skin.
She acknowledges how readily her body responds to her decisions in terms of Energy.

By giving attention to the things about her body that please her - instead of giving attention to the parts that displease her - she begins to feel more beautiful.
And from her position of feeling more beautiful, she becomes her own image of beauty.

- AH

Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:40 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

We'r not wanting to upset any teachers, that are wanting you take specific action. But we really want you to understand, that

YOUR BODY IS A CHEMICAL FACTORY, that is able to extract from your diet WHAT IT NEEDS, and wants.

Physicians and scientists have not even begun to explore the chemistry, that goes on in the digestive system! That chemistry is so much more by your vibration: Your mood or attitude, than it is by what you are eating, that it makes what you are eating IRRELEVANT!

Abraham Hicks, 2009